Where is the img location? - asp.net-mvc

All , Say you have a code in a View like this.
<img src='#Url.Action("GetCaptchaImg")' alt='' />
and of course there is an Action named GetCaptchaImg in the controller which return a FileContentResult to View.
After open this view in FireFox. I found the Html code is
<img alt="" src="/Controllername/GetCaptchaImg" />
the src is not the real physical path . So My question is what is the real physical path of this img, How can I change the image by Ajax call to an Action? Hope you can help me . thanks.

You can make an ajax call to the actionresult and from that return the name of the image and onsuccess of your ajax call change the image
Alternatively you can do this thing, which i've implemented in my project
Make your HTML form like this
#using (Html.BeginForm("ActionResult", "Controller", FormMethod.Post, new { #id = "ImgForm", #enctype = "multipart/form-data", name = "ImgForm", target = "UploadTarget" }))
Make an iframe as target of your form
<iframe id="UploadTarget" name="UploadTarget" onload="UploadImage_Complete();" style="position: absolute;
left: -999em; top: -999em;"></iframe>
Your upload control
Then upload the Image and Show it on your form
function UploadImage() {
$("#ImgForm").submit(); //form id
function UploadImage_Complete() {
try {
//Check to see if this is the first load of the iFrame
if (isFirstLoad == true) {
isFirstLoad = false;
//Reset the image form so the file won't get uploaded again
//Grab the content of the textarea we named jsonResult . This shold be loaded into
//the hidden iFrame.
var newImg = $.parseJSON($("#UploadTarget").contents().find("#jsonResult")[0].innerHTML);
if (newImg.IsValid) {
document.getElementById("dp").src = newImg.ImagePath;
document.getElementById('profile-pic').src = newImg.ThumbnailPath;
document.getElementById("change").style.display = "block";
// If there was an error, display it to the user
if (newImg.IsValid == false) {
catch (e) {
Your Action will look like this
public WrappedJsonResult ChangeImage(HttpPostedFileBase file)
and your WrappedJsonResult class will look likes
public class WrappedJsonResult : JsonResult
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
context.HttpContext.Response.Write("<html><body><textarea id=\"jsonResult\" name=\"jsonResult\">");
context.HttpContext.Response.ContentType = "text/html";


How to bind posted data named "file[]" to an MVC model?

I am using Redactor as an HTML editor, which has a component for uploading images and files.
Redactor takes care of the client side bit, and I need to provide the server side upload functionality.
I have no problem getting the uploads to work if I use Request.Files in the controller.
But I would like to bind the posted files to a Model, and I seem unable to do this, because the parameter they are sent with is files[] - with square brackets in the name.
My question:
Is it possible to bind the posted "file[]" to an MVC model? It's an invalid property name, and using file alone doesn't work.
This file input looks like this. I can specify a name other than file, but Redactor adds [] to the end, regardless of the name.
<input type="file" name="file" multiple="multiple" style="display: none;">
I am trying to bind to a property like this:
public HttpPostedFileBase[] File { get; set; }
When I watch the upload take place, I see this in the request (I presume that redactor may be adding the square brackets behind the scenes):
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file[]"; filename="my-image.jpg"
Also relevant:
Redactor always sends the uploading request with content-type as multipart/form-data. So you don't need to add this enctype anywhere
You should create a custom model binder to bind uploaded files to one property.
First create a model with a HttpPostedFileBase[] property
public class RactorModel
public HttpPostedFileBase[] Files { get; set; }
then implement DefaultModelBinder and override BindProperty
public class RactorModelBinder : DefaultModelBinder
protected override void BindProperty(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext, PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor)
int len = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Files.AllKeys.Length;
if (len > 0)
if (propertyDescriptor.PropertyType == typeof(HttpPostedFileBase[]))
string formName = string.Format("{0}[]", propertyDescriptor.Name);
HttpPostedFileBase[] files = new HttpPostedFileBase[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
files[i] = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Files[i];
propertyDescriptor.SetValue(bindingContext.Model, files);
base.BindProperty(controllerContext, bindingContext, propertyDescriptor);
Also you should add binder provider to your project, then register it in global.asax
public class RactorModenBinderProvider : IModelBinderProvider
public IModelBinder GetBinder(Type modelType)
if (modelType == typeof(RactorModel))
return new RactorModelBinder();
return null;
ModelBinderProviders.BinderProviders.Insert(0, new RactorModenBinderProvider());
this isn't a general solution, but I guess you get the point.
I encountered similar problem during the integration of jQuery.filer in an ASP.NET MVC project. As jQuery.filer adds "[]" to the end of name attribute of input (i.e. from files to files[]), I had to change the value of name attribute manually as shown below:
$('#FileUpload').attr('name', 'FileUpload');
Here is my approach used in some of project via AJAX and working without any problem. You might give a try and let me know if it works:
[Display(Name = "Attachments")]
public IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> FileUpload { get; set; }
#model ViewModel
#using (Html.BeginForm("Insert", "Controller", FormMethod.Post,
new { id = "frmCreate", enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.FileUpload, new { type = "file", multiple = "multiple" })
<button id="btnSubmit" onclick="insert(event)" type="button">Save</button>
function insert(event) {
//As jQuery.filer adds "[]" to the end of name attribute of input (i.e. from files to files[])
//we have to change the value of name attribute manually
$('#FileUpload').attr('name', 'FileUpload');
var formdata = new FormData($('#frmCreate').get(0));
type: "POST",
url: '#Url.Action("Insert", "Cotroller")',
cache: false,
dataType: "json",
data: formdata,
/* If you are uploading files, then processData and contentType must be set
to falsein order for FormData to work (otherwise comment out both of them) */
processData: false,
contentType: false,
success: function (response, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {
$(document).ready(function () {
//code omitted for brevity
public JsonResult Insert([Bind(Exclude = null)] ViewModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
List<FileAttachment> fa = new List<FileAttachment>();
if (model.FileUpload != null)
FileAttachment fileAttachment = new FileAttachment //entity model
Created = DateTime.Now,
FileMimeType = upload.ContentType,
FileData = new byte[upload.ContentLength],
FileName = upload.FileName,
AuthorId = 1
upload.InputStream.Read(fileAttachment.FileData, 0, upload.ContentLength);
//code omitted for brevity
repository.SaveExperimentWithAttachment(model, fa);
return Json(new { success = true, message = "Record has been created." });
// If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
return Json(new { success = false, message = "Please check the form and try again." });

MVC Form with Sitecore File Post through Form returns Null

For the possible duplicate, I already know how to preview my image before uploading it, my issue as detailed below is that when I submit the Form, the image is being received as null.
I am trying to submit a form to an MVC controller that should submit a model, a string, and an Image File,
I made sure that the input has the same name as the parameter within the controller
Following is the Form Initialization code
#using (Html.BeginRouteForm(Sitecore.Mvc.Configuration.MvcSettings.SitecoreRouteName,
calendar = System.Convert.ToString(Request.QueryString["calendar"]),
ID = System.Convert.ToString(Request.QueryString["id"])
FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
//Model Input
<input style="opacity: 0;" name="EventImage" type="file" accept="image/jpeg, image/jpg" id="ImageUpload" onchange="readURL(this);" />
And the Controller Header
public ActionResult AddEvent(Event model, string calendar, HttpPostedFileBase EventImage)
The EventImage Parameter is being returned null and I can't seem to figure out why.
I thought that the ID might be causing the problem so I changed the name attribute to ImageUpload as well as the Parameter within the controller but to no avail as the value is still null.
Additional Info: when a User uploads an image, I let them preview it in an Image box, could that be causing it?
Here is the code for the readURL function
function readURL(input) {
if (input.files && input.files[0]) {
var ImageCorrect = false;
var file = input.files[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (e) {
// Concatenate our HTML image info
var ext = file.name.match(/\.([^\.]+)$/)[1];
switch (ext) {
case 'jpg':
case 'jpeg':
case 'JPG':
case 'JPEG':
if ((Math.round(file.size / 1024)) > 500) {
alert('Image is too Large');
else {
var image = new Image();
image.src = e.target.result;
image.onload = function () {
var width = parseInt(image.width);
if (width <= 500) {
$('#previewImage').attr('src', e.target.result);
else {
alert('Image width exceeds maximum width');
alert('Image type not allowed')
If I understood your question right you are trying to submit a file from your form to your controller and you get null in the controller.
I did this before, check the following:
cshtml (you can add your attributes to event image like JS call...etc ):
<div class="form-group">
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.EventImage, new { type = "file" })
[Display(Name = "Event Image")]
public HttpPostedFileBase EventImage { get; set; }
Controller Signature:
public ActionResult AddEvent(Event model)
Catching the Image field:
if (model.EventImage != null && model.EventImage.ContentLength > 0)
var fileName = Path.GetFileName(model.EventImage.FileName);
var tempPath = Server.MapPath("~/Temp/uploads");
var path = Path.Combine(tempPath, fileName);
if (!Directory.Exists(tempPath))
Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaCreatorOptions options = new Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaCreatorOptions();
options.FileBased = false;
options.IncludeExtensionInItemName = false;
options.KeepExisting = false;
options.Versioned = false;
options.Destination = "/sitecore/media library/Images/" + ItemUtil.ProposeValidItemName(Path.GetFileName(path));
options.Database = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase(MasterDatabase);
// Now create the file
Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaCreator creator = new Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaCreator();
MediaItem mediaItem = creator.CreateFromFile(path, options);
ImageField _eventImage = (ImageField)_event.Fields[EventImage];
_eventImage.MediaID = mediaItem.ID;

Controller name being lost when trying to post to controller action after file upload

I have a MVC Controller which contains a couple of actions. One action is responsible for changing rate. Another one is responsible for uploading a file.
the actions work correctly when I play with them. but as soon as I upload a file, if I try to change the rate the post action fails because the url it tries to post to lack the controller name in it. Here are the codes.
here is my code in the view:
Change rate:
<form method="post" action="#Url.Action("UploadPreparedContract")">
#Html.Hidden("userApplicationId", Model.UserApplicationId)
<div class="upload-section k-content">
<input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function($) {
var viewModel = kendo.observable({
currentDisclosedRate: "#Model.CurrentDisclosedRate",
changeRate: function(e) {
var self = this;
var rawValue = $('#newDisclosureRate').val();
var rate = parseFloat(rawValue);
type: "POST",
url: 'ChangeDisclosureRate',
data: { newRate: rate, userApplicationId: #Model.UserApplicationId},
}).done(function(result) {
Notification.success('Rate changed');
self.set("currentDisclosedRate", rawValue);
.fail(function(err) {
Notification.error('Not changed. Customer may have placed order');
kendo.bind($("#page"), viewModel);
and here is the controller
public class ContractPreparationController : Controller
// GET: Application/ContractPreparation
public ActionResult Index(int userApplicationId)
// logic to prepare model
return View(new ContractPreparationOutputModel()
// Model properties
public async Task<ActionResult> ChangeDisclosureRate(decimal newRate, int userApplicationId)
return await Command.ApplyAsync(new ChangeDisclosureRateCommand() {UserApplicationId = userApplicationId, NewDisclosureRate = BasisPoint.Percent(newRate) }) == Command.CommandResult.Succeeded
? new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.OK)
: new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
public async Task<ActionResult> UploadPreparedContract(IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> files, int userApplicationId)
if (files == null)
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
if (files.Count() != 1)
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "You must upload one file only");
var application = applicationRepository.GetUserApplication(userApplicationId);
if (application == null)
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Invalid user");
var file = files.Single();
var memberDocument = new MemberDocument(blobService, application.FK_UserId);
await memberDocument.Uploadfile(file);
if (await Command.ApplyAsync(new UploadPreparedContractCommand() {FileGuid = memberDocument.FileGuid , UserApplicationId = userApplicationId, FileExtension = memberDocument.FileExtension}) == Command.CommandResult.Succeeded)
return RedirectToAction("Index", new {userApplicationId});
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); // No expected failure case
Use the Url.Action helper method to generate the correct relative url to the action method.
url: '#Url.Action("ChangeDisclosureRate","ContractPreparation")',
When razor executes the code for your view, it will run the Url.Action method and output the correct url (which will have the controller name if needed). You can see it if you do view source of the page.
Try adding the controller name to your ajax url parameter:
url: 'ContractPreparation/ChangeDisclosureRate'
Otherwise MVC doesn't know what controller to use.

Get both image and tooltip in one call

How can I get both the image and tooltip in a single call to a MVC controller method? I can use something like the following to get the image, but how to also get the associated tooltip? The use case is to display an image if the user is allowed to see the image, else display a generic image and a tooltip indicating why the image is not being shown.
To clarify, I would like to avoid two calls to the controller, once to get the image path and tooltip, and another to get the image file. Not only will this result in two round trips across the network, it would also repeat the validation checks. The problem is that the img src call only accommodates the image, not other properties such as the title associated with the image.
<img src="#Url.Action("GetPicture", "User", new { userId = Model.User.Id })" />
Can't you just have a second method for GetTitle using the same permission logic from GetImage and return the appropriate text for each user? Then call this method for the title attribute.
Can you approach the problem in the following way.
Create Model
public class ImageViewModel
public string ImagePath
public string ImageTitle
Create a partial View
#using StackOverFlowProject.Models
#model ImageViewModel
<img src=#Model.ImagePath title=#Model.ImageTitle />
Your Controller
public PartialViewResult _Image(string userID)
ImageViewModel model = new ImageViewModel();
//Here You can check what image and tooltip you want show to the user
//model = //FillData from DB /
return PartialView("_Image", model);
and at last in Your MainView where you want to display the Image render the partial view
Not sure if this is the best way to do it, but I did it by creating an Ajax form, submitting it using jQuery, returning a JSON object with the byte array encoded as a Base64 string, and using Javascript to display the image. Seems to be working so far, will know more from further tests.
In the view:
<div id="imgDiv">
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("GetImg", "User", null, new AjaxOptions()
HttpMethod = "POST",
Url = Url.Action("GetImg", "User"),
OnSuccess = "DisplayImageWithTooltip(data, 'imgDiv')",
}, new { id = "ImgForm", #class = "imageGetterWithTooltip" }))
#Html.Hidden("userId", #Model.User.Id)
Javascript to submit form:
In Controller (based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/9464137/1385857)
return Json(new
fileBytes = Convert.ToBase64String(<File byte[]>),
fileType = <FileType>,
tooltip = <toolTip>
}, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Javascript to display image
function DisplayImageWithTooltip(data, target) {
var oImg = document.createElement("img");
oImg.width = 150;
oImg.height = 150;
oImg.setAttribute('src', "data:" + data.fileType + ";base64," + data.fileBytes);
oImg.setAttribute('title', data.tooltip);
Using Manish's ideas, my simplified solution is to create a partial view and supply it the image data directly:
vmMiniData data = new Models.vmMiniData();
byte[] byteArray = Users.GetPersonnelImage(personnelID);
if (byteArray != null)
data.ImageStr = Convert.ToBase64String(byteArray);
data.ImageStr = Convert.ToBase64String(Users.GetPersonnelImage("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")); //get blank image
data.CaptionStr = Users.GetUserJobTitle(personnelID);
return PartialView("Personnel/MiniPersonnelPartial", data);
public static byte[] GetPersonnelImage(string personnelID)
byte[] img = (byte[])(from record in db.PersonnelImages
.Where(R => R.PersonnelID == new Guid(personnelID))
select record.Image).FirstOrDefault();
return img;
Then in the partial:
#model vmMiniData
<div> <img src="data:image;base64,#Model.ImageStr" style="width:60px;min-height:30px;" /></div>
It works very well in MVC 5 :).

How do I prevent IE save file dialog when using fileupload in asp.net mvc

When I try and upload a file using ASP.NET MVC it works fine in FF && Chrome, but in IE and Opera a dialog pops-up which asks me to either download, save or cancel.
Choosing either of the options, prevents the fileupload from working. How can I get round this problem?
public class ImportModel
[FileExtensions("csv", ErrorMessage = "Please upload a valid .csv file")]
public HttpPostedFileBase File { get; set; }
public virtual ActionResult StartImport(ImportModel model = null)
if (model != null)
var status = _importService.StartImport(model);
return Json(status, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
return null;
View code below (summarised):
<div id="dlgImport" class="hidden">
#using (Html.BeginForm(MVC.Import.StartImport(), FormMethod.Post, new { #class = "smallForm", id = "frmImport", enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
<div class="fields-inline">
<div class="editor-label">
<div class="editor-field">
#Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.File, new { #class="input-file", type = "file" })
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(x => x.File)
$(function() {
success: function (responseHtml) {
// response is wrapped in pre tags by the browser - the ajax upload is carried out using an iframe
var response = $.parseJSON($(responseHtml).text());
var vm = {
startImport: function () {
if ($("#frmImport").valid()) {
Now that you have posted your code it looks like that you are using the jquery form plugin. As explained in the documentation this plugin supports file uploads using AJAX but you cannot return JSON from your server side script:
Since it is not possible to upload files using the browser's
XMLHttpRequest object, the Form Plugin uses a hidden iframe element to
help with the task. This is a common technique, but it has inherent
limitations. The iframe element is used as the target of the form's
submit operation which means that the server response is written to
the iframe. This is fine if the response type is HTML or XML, but
doesn't work as well if the response type is script or JSON, both of
which often contain characters that need to be repesented using entity
references when found in HTML markup.
To account for the challenges of script and JSON responses, the Form
Plugin allows these responses to be embedded in a textarea element and
it is recommended that you do so for these response types when used in
conjuction with file uploads. Please note, however, that if there is
no file input in the form then the request uses normal XHR to submit
the form (not an iframe). This puts the burden on your server code to
know when to use a textarea and when not to.
So basically your upload controller action should respond with:
instead of:
Also you should not use the application/json response content type in this case.
You could write a custom action result to achieve that:
public class FileJsonResult : JsonResult
public FileJsonResult(object data)
: base()
Data = data;
JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet;
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
context.HttpContext.Response.ContentType = "text/html";
and then:
public virtual ActionResult StartImport(ImportModel model = null)
if (model != null)
var status = _importService.StartImport(model);
return new FileJsonResult(status);
new FileJsonResult(new { status = false, errorMessage = "The model was null" });
Now you might also need to adapt your success handler to strip the <textarea> tags:
success: function (responseHtml) {
var responseHtml = responseHtml
.replace(/\<textarea\>/i, '')
.replace(/\<\/textarea\>/i, '');
var response = $.parseJSON(responseHtml);
// do something with the response
I had the same problem with IE8 and this answer helped me a lot. But I needed to make some changes that worked very well in IE8, Chrome and Firefox.
Follow changes below:
success: function (responseText) {
var response = $.parseJSON(responseText);
//code ...
catch(ex) {
//error code
public JsonResult Upload(HttpPostedFileBase file) {
return Json(new { Success = "true", Message = "Done!" }, "text/html");
