Python: Want to change image HSL like photoshop - image-processing

I would like to implement this feature(changing HSL with that colorize ticked) in Python, preferable using PIL or maybe numpy.
Can someone explain how this works?
As far as I know is to use the built-in function color_to_hsl to get the hsl value, change it, then convert ti back to rgb, and finally write to individual pixel.
Any clue to get make it closer?

from PIL import Image
import colorsys
def colorize(im, h, s, l_adjust):
h /= 360.0
s /= 100.0
l_adjust /= 100.0
if im.mode != 'L':
im = im.convert('L')
result ='RGB', im.size)
pixin = im.load()
pixout = result.load()
for y in range(im.size[1]):
for x in range(im.size[0]):
l = pixin[x, y] / 255.99
l += l_adjust
l = min(max(l, 0.0), 1.0)
r, g, b = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
r, g, b = int(r * 255.99), int(g * 255.99), int(b * 255.99)
pixout[x, y] = (r, g, b)
return result

This is what exactly you do in photoshop with colorize check
from PIL import Image
import colorsys
def rgbLuminance(r, g, b):
luminanceR = 0.22248840
luminanceG = 0.71690369
luminanceB = 0.06060791
return (r * luminanceR) + (g * luminanceG) + (b * luminanceB)
def colorize(im, h, s, l_adjust):
h /= 360.0
s /= 100.0
l_adjust /= 100.0
result ='RGBA', im.size)
pixin = im.load()
pixout = result.load()
for y in range(im.size[1]):
for x in range(im.size[0]):
currentR = pixin[x, y][0]/255
currentG = pixin[x, y][1]/255
currentB = pixin[x, y][2]/255
lum = rgbLuminance(currentR, currentG, currentB)
if l_adjust > 0:
lum = lum * (1 - l_adjust)
lum = lum + (1.0 - (1.0 - l_adjust))
lum = lum * (l_adjust + 1)
l = lum
r, g, b = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
r, g, b = int(r * 255.99), int(g * 255.99), int(b * 255.99)
pixout[x, y] = (r, g, b, 255)
return result


Is there a way to check if an XYZ triplet is a valid color?

The XYZ color space encompasses all possible colors, not just those which can be generated by a particular device like a monitor. Not all XYZ triplets represent a color that is physically possible. Is there a way, given an XYZ triplet, to determine if it represents a real color?
I wanted to generate a CIE 1931 chromaticity diagram (seen bellow) for myself, but wasn't sure how to go about it. It's easy to, for example, take all combinations of sRGB triplets and then transform them into the xy coordinates of the chromaticity diagram and then plot them. You cannot use this same approach in the XYZ color space though since not all combinations are valid colors. So far the best I have come up with is a stochastic approach, where I generate a random spectral distribution by summing a random number of random Gaussians, then converting it to XYZ using the standard observer functions.
Having thought about it a little more I felt the obvious solution is to generate a list of xy points around the edge of spectral locus, corresponding to pure monochromatic colors. It seems to me that this can be done by directly inputting the visible frequencies (~380-780nm) into the CIE XYZ standard observer color matching functions. Treating these points like a convex polygon you could determine if a point is within the spectral locus using one algorithm or another. In my case, since what I really wanted to do is simply generate the chromaticity diagram, I simply input these points into a graphics library's polygon drawing routine and then for each pixel of the polygon I can transform it into sRGB.
I believe this solution is similar to the one used by the library that Kel linked in a comment. I'm not entirely sure, as I am not familiar with Python.
function RGBfromXYZ(X, Y, Z) {
const R = 3.2404542 * X - 1.5371385 * Y - 0.4985314 * Z
const G = -0.969266 * X + 1.8760108 * Y + 0.0415560 * Z
const B = 0.0556434 * X - 0.2040259 * Y + 1.0572252 * Z
return [R, G, B]
function XYZfromYxy(Y, x, y) {
const X = Y / y * x
const Z = Y / y * (1 - x - y)
return [X, Y, Z]
function srgb_from_linear(x) {
if (x <= 0.0031308) {
return x * 12.92
} else {
return 1.055 * Math.pow(x, 1/2.4) - 0.055
// Analytic Approximations to the CIE XYZ Color Matching Functions
// from Sloan
function xFit_1931(x) {
const t1 = (x - 442) * (x < 442 ? 0.0624 : 0.0374)
const t2 = (x -599.8) * (x < 599.8 ? 0.0264 : 0.0323)
const t3 = (x - 501.1) * (x < 501.1 ? 0.0490 : 0.0382)
return 0.362 * Math.exp(-0.5 * t1 * t1) + 1.056 * Math.exp(-0.5 * t2 * t2) - 0.065 * Math.exp(-0.5 * t3 * t3)
function yFit_1931(x) {
const t1 = (x - 568.8) * (x < 568.8 ? 0.0213 : 0.0247)
const t2 = (x - 530.9) * (x < 530.9 ? 0.0613 : 0.0322)
return 0.821 * Math.exp(-0.5 * t1 * t1) + 0.286 * Math.exp(-0.5 * t2 * t2)
function zFit_1931(x) {
const t1 = (x - 437) * (x < 437 ? 0.0845 : 0.0278)
const t2 = (x - 459) * (x < 459 ? 0.0385 : 0.0725)
return 1.217 * Math.exp(-0.5 * t1 * t1) + 0.681 * Math.exp(-0.5 * t2 * t2)
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas")
canvas.width = canvas.height = 512
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")
const locus_points = []
for (let i = 440; i < 650; ++i) {
const [X, Y, Z] = [xFit_1931(i), yFit_1931(i), zFit_1931(i)]
const x = (X / (X + Y + Z)) * canvas.width
const y = (Y / (X + Y + Z)) * canvas.height
locus_points.push([x, y])
locus_points.slice(1).forEach(point => ctx.lineTo(...point))
const imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
for (let y = 0; y < canvas.height; ++y) {
for (let x = 0; x < canvas.width; ++x) {
const alpha =[(y * canvas.width + x) * 4 + 3]
if (alpha > 0) {
const [X, Y, Z] = XYZfromYxy(1, x / canvas.width, y / canvas.height)
const [R, G, B] = RGBfromXYZ(X, Y, Z)
const r = Math.round(srgb_from_linear(R / Math.sqrt(R**2 + G**2 + B**2)) * 255)
const g = Math.round(srgb_from_linear(G / Math.sqrt(R**2 + G**2 + B**2)) * 255)
const b = Math.round(srgb_from_linear(B / Math.sqrt(R**2 + G**2 + B**2)) * 255)[(y * canvas.width + x) * 4 + 0] = r[(y * canvas.width + x) * 4 + 1] = g[(y * canvas.width + x) * 4 + 2] = b
ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0)

Wouldn't this pseudocode give some image values greater than 255?

I'm implementing the sobel filter according to the following pseudocode taken from Wikipedia:
function sobel(A : as two dimensional image array)
Gx=[-1 0 1; -2 0 2; -1 0 1]
Gy=[-1 -2 -1; 0 0 0; 1 2 1]
rows = size(A,1)
columns = size(A,2)
for i=1:rows-2
for j=1:columns-2
end for
end for
threshold = 70 %varies for application [0 255]
output_image = max(mag,threshold)
return output_image
end function
However, upon applying this algorithm, I'm getting many output_image values above 255, and that makes sense considering how Gx and Gy are defined. How can I modify this algorithm such that the values don't go above 255 and finally that the results look more like this?:
--- Edit ---
There was some error in my filter implementation and I think that's why the values were above 255. After fixing the error, the values range between 0 - 16. Since now all values are below 70, applying a threshold of 70 sends everything to 0. So I set a lower threshold, 5, and multiplied the rest of the values by 10 (to enhance the edges since they are in the 5-16 range) and got the following result:
I also tried the normalization method mentioned in the comments but got a similar noisy image.
--- Edit 2 ---
Since the actual code was requested, I'm posting the code, which is written in Halide.
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Var x, y, k, c;
Buffer<uint8_t> left_buffer = load_image("images/stereo/bike.jpg");
Expr clamped_x = clamp(x, 0, left_buffer.width() - 1);
Expr clamped_y = clamp(y, 0, left_buffer.height() - 1);
Func left_original("left_original");
left_original(x, y) = left_buffer(clamped_x, clamped_y);
// 3x3 sobel filter
Buffer<uint8_t> sobel_1(3);
sobel_1(0) = -1;
sobel_1(1) = 0;
sobel_1(2) = 1;
Buffer<uint8_t> sobel_2(3);
sobel_2(0) = 1;
sobel_2(1) = 2;
sobel_2(2) = 1;
RDom conv_x(-1, 2);
RDom conv_y(-1, 2);
Func output_x_inter("output_x_inter");
output_x_inter(x, y) = sum(left_original(x - conv_x, y) * sobel_1(conv_x + 1));
Func output_x("output_x");
output_x(x, y) = sum(output_x_inter(x, y - conv_y) * sobel_2(conv_y + 1));
Func output_y("output_y");
output_y(x, y) = sum(conv_y, sum(conv_x, left_original(x - conv_x, y - conv_y) * sobel_2(conv_x + 1)) * sobel_1(conv_y + 1));
Func output("output");
output(x, y) = sqrt(output_x(x, y) * output_x(x, y) + output_y(x, y) * output_y(x, y));
RDom img(0, left_buffer.width(), 0, left_buffer.height());
Func max("max");
max(k) = f32(0);
max(0) = maximum(output(img.x, img.y));
Func min("min");
min(k) = f32(0);
min(0) = minimum(output(img.x, img.y));
Func output_u8("output_u8");
// The following line sends all the values of output <= 5 to zero, and multiplies the resulting values by 10 to enhance the intensity of the edges.
output_u8(x, y) = u8(select(output(x, y) <= 5, 0, output(x, y))*10);
Buffer<uint8_t> output_buff = output_u8.realize(left_buffer.width(), left_buffer.height());
save_image(output_buff, "images/stereo/sobel/out.png");
--- Edit 3 ---
As one answer suggested, I changed all types to float except the last one, which must be unsigned 8-bit type. Here's the code, and the result that I'm getting.
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Var x, y, k, c;
Buffer<uint8_t> left_buffer = load_image("images/stereo/bike.jpg");
Expr clamped_x = clamp(x, 0, left_buffer.width() - 1);
Expr clamped_y = clamp(y, 0, left_buffer.height() - 1);
Func left_original("left_original");
left_original(x, y) = left_buffer(clamped_x, clamped_y);
// 3x3 sobel filter
Buffer<float_t> sobel_1(3);
sobel_1(0) = -1;
sobel_1(1) = 0;
sobel_1(2) = 1;
Buffer<float_t> sobel_2(3);
sobel_2(0) = 1;
sobel_2(1) = 2;
sobel_2(2) = 1;
RDom conv_x(-1, 2);
RDom conv_y(-1, 2);
Func output_x_inter("output_x_inter");
output_x_inter(x, y) = f32(sum(left_original(x - conv_x, y) * sobel_1(conv_x + 1)));
Func output_x("output_x");
output_x(x, y) = f32(sum(output_x_inter(x, y - conv_y) * sobel_2(conv_y + 1)));
RDom img(0, left_buffer.width(), 0, left_buffer.height());
Func output_y("output_y");
output_y(x, y) = f32(sum(conv_y, sum(conv_x, left_original(x - conv_x, y - conv_y) * sobel_2(conv_x + 1)) * sobel_1(conv_y + 1)));
Func output("output");
output(x, y) = sqrt(output_x(x, y) * output_x(x, y) + output_y(x, y) * output_y(x, y));
Func max("max");
max(k) = f32(0);
max(0) = maximum(output(img.x, img.y));
Func min("min");
min(k) = f32(0);
min(0) = minimum(output(img.x, img.y));
// output_inter for scaling
Func output_inter("output_inter");
output_inter(x, y) = f32((output(x, y) - min(0)) * 255 / (max(0) - min(0)));
Func output_u8("output_u8");
output_u8(x, y) = u8(select(output_inter(x, y) <= 70, 0, output_inter(x, y)));
Buffer<uint8_t> output_buff = output_u8.realize(left_buffer.width(), left_buffer.height());
save_image(output_buff, "images/stereo/sobel/out.png");
--- Edit 4 ---
As #CrisLuengo suggested, I simplified my code and outputted the result of the following:
output(x, y) = u8(min(sqrt(output_x(x, y) * output_x(x, y) + output_y(x, y) * output_y(x, y)), 255));
Since many values are way above 255, these many values are clamped to 255 and thus we get a "washed out" image:
I don't know the Halide syntax, I've just learned it exists. But I can point out one clear problem:
Buffer<uint8_t> sobel_1(3);
sobel_1(0) = -1;
You are assigning -1 to a uint8 type. That doesn't work as intended. Make the kernel a float, and do all computations as floats, then scale the result and store it in your uint8 output image.
When computing using small integer types, one has to be very careful with overflow and underflow. The Sobel computations could likely be done in the (signed) int16 type, but in my experience there is no advantage in that over using the float type, then scaling (or clamping) and casting the result to the output image's type.
I figured it out finally, but I'm not sure why Halide is behaving this way.
When I do this:
RDom conv_x(-1, 2);
RDom conv_y(-1, 2);
Func output_x_inter("output_x_inter");
output_x_inter(x, y) = f32(sum(left_original(x - conv_x, y) * sobel_1(conv_x + 1)));
Func output_x("output_x");
output_x(x, y) = f32(sum(output_x_inter(x, y - conv_y) * sobel_2(conv_y + 1)));
Things don't work. But when I "unroll" the sum function things work:
Func output_x_inter("output_x_inter");
output_x_inter(x, y) = f32(left_original(x + 1, y) * sobel_1(0) + left_original(x, y) * sobel_1(1) + left_original(x - 1, y) * sobel_1(2));
Func output_x("output_x");
output_x(x, y) = f32(output_x_inter(x, y + 1) * sobel_2(0) + output_x_inter(x, y) * sobel_2(1) + output_x_inter(x, y - 1) * sobel_2(2));

How can I get ellipse coefficient from fitEllipse function of OpenCV?

I want to extract the red ball from one picture and get the detected ellipse matrix in picture.
Here is my example:
I threshold the picture, find the contour of red ball by using findContour() function and use fitEllipse() to fit an ellipse.
But what I want is to get coefficient of this ellipse. Because the fitEllipse() return a rotation rectangle (RotatedRect), so I need to re-write this function.
One Ellipse can be expressed as Ax^2 + By^2 + Cxy + Dx + Ey + F = 0; So I want to get u=(A,B,C,D,E,F) or u=(A,B,C,D,E) if F is 1 (to construct an ellipse matrix).
I read the source code of fitEllipse(), there are totally three SVD process, I think I can get the above coefficients from the results of those three SVD process. But I am quite confused what does each result (variable cv::Mat x) of each SVD process represent and why there are three SVD here?
Here is this function:
cv::RotatedRect cv::fitEllipse( InputArray _points )
Mat points = _points.getMat();
int i, n = points.checkVector(2);
int depth = points.depth();
CV_Assert( n >= 0 && (depth == CV_32F || depth == CV_32S));
RotatedRect box;
if( n < 5 )
CV_Error( CV_StsBadSize, "There should be at least 5 points to fit the ellipse" );
// New fitellipse algorithm, contributed by Dr. Daniel Weiss
Point2f c(0,0);
double gfp[5], rp[5], t;
const double min_eps = 1e-8;
bool is_float = depth == CV_32F;
const Point* ptsi = points.ptr<Point>();
const Point2f* ptsf = points.ptr<Point2f>();
AutoBuffer<double> _Ad(n*5), _bd(n);
double *Ad = _Ad, *bd = _bd;
// first fit for parameters A - E
Mat A( n, 5, CV_64F, Ad );
Mat b( n, 1, CV_64F, bd );
Mat x( 5, 1, CV_64F, gfp );
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
Point2f p = is_float ? ptsf[i] : Point2f((float)ptsi[i].x, (float)ptsi[i].y);
c += p;
c.x /= n;
c.y /= n;
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
Point2f p = is_float ? ptsf[i] : Point2f((float)ptsi[i].x, (float)ptsi[i].y);
p -= c;
bd[i] = 10000.0; // 1.0?
Ad[i*5] = -(double)p.x * p.x; // A - C signs inverted as proposed by APP
Ad[i*5 + 1] = -(double)p.y * p.y;
Ad[i*5 + 2] = -(double)p.x * p.y;
Ad[i*5 + 3] = p.x;
Ad[i*5 + 4] = p.y;
solve(A, b, x, DECOMP_SVD);
// now use general-form parameters A - E to find the ellipse center:
// differentiate general form wrt x/y to get two equations for cx and cy
A = Mat( 2, 2, CV_64F, Ad );
b = Mat( 2, 1, CV_64F, bd );
x = Mat( 2, 1, CV_64F, rp );
Ad[0] = 2 * gfp[0];
Ad[1] = Ad[2] = gfp[2];
Ad[3] = 2 * gfp[1];
bd[0] = gfp[3];
bd[1] = gfp[4];
solve( A, b, x, DECOMP_SVD );
// re-fit for parameters A - C with those center coordinates
A = Mat( n, 3, CV_64F, Ad );
b = Mat( n, 1, CV_64F, bd );
x = Mat( 3, 1, CV_64F, gfp );
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
Point2f p = is_float ? ptsf[i] : Point2f((float)ptsi[i].x, (float)ptsi[i].y);
p -= c;
bd[i] = 1.0;
Ad[i * 3] = (p.x - rp[0]) * (p.x - rp[0]);
Ad[i * 3 + 1] = (p.y - rp[1]) * (p.y - rp[1]);
Ad[i * 3 + 2] = (p.x - rp[0]) * (p.y - rp[1]);
solve(A, b, x, DECOMP_SVD);
// store angle and radii
rp[4] = -0.5 * atan2(gfp[2], gfp[1] - gfp[0]); // convert from APP angle usage
if( fabs(gfp[2]) > min_eps )
t = gfp[2]/sin(-2.0 * rp[4]);
else // ellipse is rotated by an integer multiple of pi/2
t = gfp[1] - gfp[0];
rp[2] = fabs(gfp[0] + gfp[1] - t);
if( rp[2] > min_eps )
rp[2] = std::sqrt(2.0 / rp[2]);
rp[3] = fabs(gfp[0] + gfp[1] + t);
if( rp[3] > min_eps )
rp[3] = std::sqrt(2.0 / rp[3]); = (float)rp[0] + c.x; = (float)rp[1] + c.y;
box.size.width = (float)(rp[2]*2);
box.size.height = (float)(rp[3]*2);
if( box.size.width > box.size.height )
float tmp;
CV_SWAP( box.size.width, box.size.height, tmp );
box.angle = (float)(90 + rp[4]*180/CV_PI);
if( box.angle < -180 )
box.angle += 360;
if( box.angle > 360 )
box.angle -= 360;
return box;
The source code link:
The function fitEllipse returns a RotatedRect that contains all the parameters of the ellipse.
An ellipse is defined by 5 parameters:
xc : x coordinate of the center
yc : y coordinate of the center
a : major semi-axis
b : minor semi-axis
theta : rotation angle
You can obtain these parameters like:
RotatedRect e = fitEllipse(points);
float xc =;
float yc =;
float a = e.size.width / 2; // width >= height
float b = e.size.height / 2;
float theta = e.angle; // in degrees
You can draw an ellipse with the function ellipse using the RotatedRect:
ellipse(image, e, Scalar(0,255,0));
or, equivalently using the ellipse parameters:
ellipse(res, Point(xc, yc), Size(a, b), theta, 0.0, 360.0, Scalar(0,255,0));
If you need the values of the coefficients of the implicit equation, you can do like (from Wikipedia):
So, you can get the parameters you need from the RotatedRect, and you don't need to change the function fitEllipse.
The solve function is used to solve linear systems or least-squares problems. Using the SVD decomposition method the system can be over-defined and/or the matrix src1 can be singular.
For more details on the algorithm, you can see the paper of Fitzgibbon that proposed this fit ellipse method.
Here is some code that worked for me which I based on the other responses on this thread.
def getConicCoeffFromEllipse(e):
# ellipse(Point(xc, yc),Size(a, b), theta)
xc = e[0][0]
yc = e[0][1]
a = e[1][0]/2
b = e[1][1]/2
theta = math.radians(e[2])
# See
# Ax^2 + Bxy + Cy^2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0 is the equation
A = a*a*math.pow(math.sin(theta),2) + b*b*math.pow(math.cos(theta),2)
B = 2*(b*b - a*a)*math.sin(theta)*math.cos(theta)
C = a*a*math.pow(math.cos(theta),2) + b*b*math.pow(math.sin(theta),2)
D = -2*A*xc - B*yc
E = -B*xc - 2*C*yc
F = A*xc*xc + B*xc*yc + C*yc*yc - a*a*b*b
coef = np.array([A,B,C,D,E,F]) / F
return coef
def getConicMatrixFromCoeff(c):
C = np.array([[c[0], c[1]/2, c[3]/2], # [ a, b/2, d/2 ]
[c[1]/2, c[2], c[4]/2], # [b/2, c, e/2 ]
[c[3]/2, c[4]/2, c[5]]]) # [d/2], e/2, f ]
return C

OpenCV: Color disparity maps

My question is how to color disparity maps like this page:
Thank you in advance for any suggestions.
Those Disparity map is created using the depth information and u can color the depth map using axis direction.
Also you can create your own method by Building a JetColor Map.
template<typename T, typename U, typename V>
inline cv::Scalar cvJetColourMat(T v, U vmin, V vmax) {
cv::Scalar c = cv::Scalar(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // white
T dv;
if (v < vmin)
v = vmin;
if (v > vmax)
v = vmax;
dv = vmax - vmin;
if (v < (vmin + 0.25 * dv)) {
c.val[0] = 0;
c.val[1] = 4 * (v - vmin) / dv;
} else if (v < (vmin + 0.5 * dv)) {
c.val[0] = 0;
c.val[2] = 1 + 4 * (vmin + 0.25 * dv - v) / dv;
} else if (v < (vmin + 0.75 * dv)) {
c.val[0] = 4 * (v - vmin - 0.5 * dv) / dv;
c.val[2] = 0;
} else {
c.val[1] = 1 + 4 * (vmin + 0.75 * dv - v) / dv;
c.val[2] = 0;
Note that you can change to other color components incase you need it.

How to apply a kernel to a raster image

Im trying to apply a Sharpen Kernel to a raster picture, Here is my kernel:
{ 0.0f,-1.0f,0.0f,
0.0f,-1.0f,0.0f }
And here is my Code:
struct Pixel{
GLubyte R, G, B;
float x, y;
. . .
for (unsigned i = 1; i < iWidth - 1; i++){
for (unsigned j = 1; j < iHeight - 1; j++){
float r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
r += -(float)pixels[i + 1][j].R;
g += -(float)pixels[i + 1][j].G;
b += -(float)pixels[i + 1][j].B;
r += -(float)pixels[i - 1][j].R;
g += -(float)pixels[i - 1][j].G;
b += -(float)pixels[i - 1][j].B;
r += -(float)pixels[i][j + 1].R;
g += -(float)pixels[i][j + 1].G;
b += -(float)pixels[i][j + 1].B;
r += -(float)pixels[i][j - 1].R;
g += -(float)pixels[i][j - 1].G;
b += -(float)pixels[i][j - 1].B;
pixels[i][j].R = (GLubyte)((pixels[i][j].R * 5) + r);
pixels[i][j].G = (GLubyte)((pixels[i][j].G * 5) + g);
pixels[i][j].B = (GLubyte)((pixels[i][j].B * 5) + b);
But the colors get mixed up when I apply this kernel, Here is an example:
What am I doing wrong?
NOTE : I know that OpenGL can do this fast and easy, but I just wanted to experiment on this kind of masks.
EDIT : The first code had a bug:
pixels[i][j].R = (GLubyte)((pixels[i][j].R * 5) + r);
pixels[i][j].G = (GLubyte)((pixels[i][j].R/*G*/ * 5) + g);
pixels[i][j].B = (GLubyte)((pixels[i][j].R/*B*/ * 5) + b);
I fixed it but I still got that problem.
Iv changed the last three lines to this:
r = (float)((pixels[i][j].R * 5) + r);
g = (float)((pixels[i][j].G * 5) + g);
b = (float)((pixels[i][j].B * 5) + b);
if (r < 0) r = 0;
if (g < 0) g = 0;
if (b < 0) b = 0;
if (r > 255) r = 255;
if (g > 255) g = 255;
if (b > 255) b = 255;
pixels[i][j].R = r;
pixels[i][j].G = g;
pixels[i][j].B = b;
And now the output looks like this:
You have a copy-paste bug here:
pixels[i][j].R = (GLubyte)((pixels[i][j].R * 5) + r);
pixels[i][j].G = (GLubyte)((pixels[i][j].R * 5) + g);
pixels[i][j].B = (GLubyte)((pixels[i][j].R * 5) + b);
This should be:
pixels[i][j].R = (GLubyte)((pixels[i][j].R * 5) + r);
pixels[i][j].G = (GLubyte)((pixels[i][j].G * 5) + g);
pixels[i][j].B = (GLubyte)((pixels[i][j].B * 5) + b);
Also it looks like you may have iWidth/iHeight transposed, but it's hard to say without seeing the rest of the code. Typically though the outer loop iterates over rows, so the upper bound would be the number of rows, i.e. the image height.
Most importantly though you have a fundamental problem in that you're trying to perform a neighbourhood operation in-place. Each output pixel depends on its neighbours, but you're modifying these neighbours as you iterate through the image. You need to do this kind of operation out-of-place, i.e. have a separate output image:
out_pixels[i][j].R = r;
out_pixels[i][j].G = g;
out_pixels[i][j].B = b;
so that the input image does not get modified. (Note also that you'll want to copy the edge pixels over from the input image to the output image.)
