I'm trying to make the dynamic select just like this http://railscasts.com/episodes/88-dynamic-select-menus-revised?view=asciicast
In my case, it won't work somehow.
What's wrong with my code?
<h2>Edit <%= resource_name.to_s.humanize %></h2>
<% resource.build_user_profile if resource.user_profile.nil? %>
<%= form_for(resource, :as => resource_name, :url => registration_path(resource_name), :html => { :method => :put, :class => 'form-horizontal' }) do |f| %>
<%= devise_error_messages! %>
<%= f.fields_for :user_profile do |profile_form| %>
<%= profile_form.label :country_id %><br />
<%= profile_form.collection_select :country_id, Country.all, :id, :name, include_blank: true %>
<%= profile_form.label :prefecture_id, "State or Prefecture" %><br />
<%= profile_form.grouped_collection_select :prefecture_id, Country.all, :prefectures, :name, :id, :name, include_blank: true %>
<% end %>
<br />
<div class="control-group">
<div class="controls">
<%= f.submit 'Update', :class => 'btn btn-primary' %>
<% end %>
jQuery ->
states = $('#user_profile_prefecture_id').html()
$('#user_profile_country_id').change ->
country = $('#user_profile_country_id :selected').text()
escaped_country = country.replace(/([ #;&,.+*~\':"!^$[\]()=>|\/#])/g, '\\$1')
options = $(prefectures).filter("optgroup[label=#{escaped_country}]").html()
if options
In any case when you pass:
<%= f.fields_for :user_profile ... %>
field's attributes name= and id= can not be just "#user_profile...", when parent form builder has an object. To determine exactly ID look at the source code (HTML response).
Please don't flag this as duplicate. I've already reviewed the other similar questions and mine is different.
I have an issue where some of the users that input their addresses manage to create duplicate CartAddress records.
My database structure includes a Cart model and CartAddress model.
The Cart model looks something like this:
class Cart < ApplicationRecord
has_many :cart_addresses, -> { order(address_type: :asc) }, inverse_of: :cart, dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :cart_addresses, allow_destroy: true
My CartAddress model looks like this:
class CartAddress < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :cart
validates :first_name, presence: true
validates :last_name, presence: true
validates :email, presence: true
validates :telephone, presence: true
validates :address_line_one, presence: true
validates :city, presence: true
validates :country, presence: true
validates :state, presence: true
validates :zip_code, presence: true
validates_format_of :email, :with => /\A([^#\s]+)#((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i
When the user loads the cart page:
def index
#bunch of init code here
#more here
#exists = true
if #cart.cart_addresses.count == 0
#exists = false
2.times { #cart.cart_addresses.build(country: "United States", state: "Alabama")}
Then when I create/update:
def update_addresses
#countries = Country.all
#states = State.all
#cart = Cart.find(params[:cart][:id])
if params[:cart][:cart_addresses_attributes]["0"][:address_type] == "Billing" and params[:cart][:cart_addresses_attributes]["1"][:address_type] == "Shipping"
#cart.update(params.require(:cart).permit(cart_addresses_attributes: [:id, :address_type, :first_name, :last_name, :email, :telephone, :address_line_one, :address_line_two, :city, :zip_code, :country, :state]))
#bunch of other code
Here is my partial that renders the form
<%= form_for(cart, :remote => true, :url => update_cart_addresses_path, :html => {:class => 'addresses-class', :id => 'cart-addresses', :autocomplete => :off}) do |u| %>
<% billing = true %>
<% state = 0 %>
<%= u.hidden_field :id %>
<% offset_two = true %>
<% if #exists == true %>
<%= u.fields_for :cart_addresses do |b| %>
<%= b.hidden_field :address_type %>
<% if billing == true %>
<div class="col-xs-12">
<h4>Billing Address</h4>
<% billing = false %>
<% else %>
<div class="col-xs-12 pad-top-15 checkout-section-padding">
<h4>Shipping Address</h4>
<input type="checkbox" id="same-as-billing" name="same_as_billing" value="1" onclick="toggleShippingAddress(this);">Same as Billing?
<% end %>
<div class="address">
<div class="col-xs-6">
<%= b.label :first_name %><span class="required-field">*</span>
<%= b.text_field :first_name, class: 'checkout-addr-text-field required', :data => {:hj_whitelist => ''}%>
<div class="col-xs-6">
<%= b.label :last_name %><span class="required-field">*</span>
<%= b.text_field :last_name, class: 'checkout-addr-text-field required', :data => {:hj_whitelist => ''} %>
<div class="col-xs-6 pad-top-15">
<%= b.label :email %><span class="required-field">*</span>
<%= b.email_field :email, class: 'checkout-addr-text-field required', :data => {:hj_whitelist => ''} %>
<div class="col-xs-6 pad-top-15">
<%= b.label :telephone %><span class="required-field">*</span>
<%= b.text_field :telephone, class: 'checkout-addr-text-field required', :data => {:hj_whitelist => ''} %>
<div class="col-xs-12 pad-top-15">
<%= b.label :address_line_one %><span class="required-field">*</span>
<%= b.text_field :address_line_one, class: 'checkout-addr-text-field required', :data => {:hj_whitelist => ''} %>
<div class="col-xs-12 pad-top-15">
<%= b.text_field :address_line_two, class: 'checkout-addr-text-field', :data => {:hj_whitelist => ''} %>
<div class="col-xs-12 pad-top-15">
<%= b.label :city %><span class="required-field">*</span>
<%= b.text_field :city, class: 'checkout-addr-text-field required', :data => {:hj_whitelist => ''} %>
<div class="col-xs-12 pad-top-15">
<%= b.label :country %><span class="required-field">*</span>
<%= b.select(:country, countries.all.collect {|a| [a.name]}, {:prompt => "Select A Country"}, :onchange => "setStates(#{state});", class: 'checkout-country') %>
<div class="col-xs-6 pad-top-15">
<div id="<%= "state_" + state.to_s %>">
<%= b.label :state %><span class="required-field">*</span>
<%= b.text_field :state, class: 'checkout-addr-text-field' %>
<div class="col-xs-6 pad-top-15">
<%= b.label :zip_code%><span class="required-field">*</span>
<%= b.text_field :zip_code, class: 'checkout-addr-text-field required', :data => {:hj_whitelist => ''} %>
<% state = state + 1 %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<%= u.fields_for :cart_addresses do |b| %>
<% if billing == true %>
<div class="col-xs-12">
<h4>Billing Address</h4>
<% billing = false %>
<%= b.hidden_field :address_type, value: "Billing" %>
<% else %>
<div class="col-xs-12 pad-top-15 checkout-section-padding">
<h4>Shipping Address</h4>
<input type="checkbox" id="same-as-billing" name="same_as_billing" value="1" onclick="toggleShippingAddress(this);">Same as Billing?
<%= b.hidden_field :address_type, value: "Shipping" %>
<% end %>
<div class="address">
<div class="col-xs-6">
<%= b.label :first_name %><span class="required-field">*</span>
<%= b.text_field :first_name, class: 'checkout-addr-text-field required', :data => {:hj_whitelist => ''} %>
<div class="col-xs-6">
<%= b.label :last_name %><span class="required-field">*</span>
<%= b.text_field :last_name, class: 'checkout-addr-text-field required', :data => {:hj_whitelist => ''} %>
<div class="col-xs-6 pad-top-15">
<%= b.label :email %><span class="required-field">*</span>
<%= b.email_field :email, class: 'checkout-addr-text-field required', :data => {:hj_whitelist => ''} %>
<div class="col-xs-6 pad-top-15">
<%= b.label :telephone %><span class="required-field">*</span>
<%= b.text_field :telephone, class: 'checkout-addr-text-field required', :data => {:hj_whitelist => ''} %>
<div class="col-xs-12 pad-top-15">
<%= b.label :address_line_one %><span class="required-field">*</span>
<%= b.text_field :address_line_one, class: 'checkout-addr-text-field required', :data => {:hj_whitelist => ''} %>
<div class="col-xs-12 pad-top-15">
<%= b.text_field :address_line_two, class: 'checkout-addr-text-field', :data => {:hj_whitelist => ''} %>
<div class="col-xs-12 pad-top-15">
<%= b.label :city %><span class="required-field">*</span>
<%= b.text_field :city, class: 'checkout-addr-text-field required', :data => {:hj_whitelist => ''} %>
<div class="col-xs-12 pad-top-15">
<%= b.label :country %><span class="required-field">*</span>
<%= b.select(:country, countries.all.collect {|a| [a.name]}, {:prompt => "Select A Country"}, :onchange => "setStates(#{state});", class: 'checkout-country') %>
<div class="col-xs-6 pad-top-15">
<div id="<%= "state_" + state.to_s %>">
<%= b.label :state %><span class="required-field">*</span>
<%= b.text_field :state, class: 'checkout-addr-text-field' %>
<div class="col-xs-6 pad-top-15">
<%= b.label :zip_code %><span class="required-field">*</span>
<%= b.text_field :zip_code, class: 'checkout-addr-text-field required', :data => {:hj_whitelist => ''} %>
<% state = state + 1 %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div class="col-xs-12 pad-top-15">
<button id="update-checkout-addresses-btn" class="checkout-addresses-submit-btn btn btn-primary btn-sm" onclick="submitCheckoutAddressesForm(this);" type="button">Update Addresses</button>
When creating new address records the form is submitted without an id. When editing the records a id is submitted. Somehow it appears that the form is being submitted more than once although I do have javascript disabling the form upon submission. How should I handle this in the controller to prevent this error from happening? Or fix my view partial?
Here is my JS
function submitCheckoutAddressesForm(element){
element.disabled = true;
var e = document.getElementById("same-as-billing")
The below function makes sure that all the elements are the same in the form if a checkbox "Shipping Address Same As Billing" is selected. The reason I am having to clone the element and copy it into the shipping addresses is because the element type has the ability to change due to other javascript. I figured this would be the safest way of handling this event just to ensure that the proper elements were submitted in the form. I don't see that this should effect the duplicate records being created.
function sameAsBillingCheckout(element){
if(element.checked == true){
var billing = ["#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_0_first_name", "#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_0_last_name", "#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_0_email", "#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_0_telephone",
"#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_0_address_line_one", "#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_0_address_line_two", "#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_0_country", "#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_0_state", "#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_0_city", "#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_0_zip_code"]
var shipping = ["#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_1_first_name", "#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_1_last_name", "#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_1_email", "#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_1_telephone",
"#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_1_address_line_one", "#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_1_address_line_two", "#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_1_country", "#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_1_state", "#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_1_city", "#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_1_zip_code"]
for(i = 0; i < billing.length; i++){
if(billing[i] == "#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_0_country"){
var e = document.getElementById("cart_cart_addresses_attributes_0_state");
var cln = e.cloneNode(true);
cln.name = "cart[cart_addresses_attributes][1][state]";
cln.id = "cart_cart_addresses_attributes_1_state";
var stateDiv = document.getElementById("state_1");
This code below does the same as the javascript above. It's just submitting the form after the user finishes typing if the form isn't disabled.
//create one instance for handler:
var myHandler = function(e){
var sAB = document.getElementById("same-as-billing").checked;
var ready = true;
$('.checkout-addr-text-field').each(function (){
if(sAB == true){
//if the field is disabled or the field includes _0_ (means its a billing address field) and the id is not the optional field and the value isn't blank then dont submit the form.
if(this.disabled || this.id.indexOf("_0_") !== -1 && this.id !=
"cart_cart_addresses_attributes_0_address_line_two" && this.value == ""){
ready = false;
if(this.disabled || this.id !=
"cart_cart_addresses_attributes_0_address_line_two" && this.id !=
"cart_cart_addresses_attributes_1_address_line_two" && this.value == ""){
ready = false;
if(ready == true){
var e = document.getElementById("same-as-billing")
$("#cart-addresses :input").attr("disabled", true);
$(document).on('keyup', '.checkout-addr-text-field', debounce(function(e){
}, 1700));
$(document).on('change', '#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_0_state', function(e){
$(document).on('change', '#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_1_state', function(e){
$(document).on('change', '#cart_cart_addresses_attributes_0_state', function(e){
$(document).on('click', '#same-as-billing', function(e){
Here is code sample:
<%= form_for #article, html: { class: "form-horizontal" } do |f| %>
<div class="form-group">
<%= f.label :keywords, class: 'col-md-1 control-label' %>
<div class="col-md-3">
<%= f.select :keywords, ['test_1', 'test_2', 'test_3', 'test_4', 'test_5'], {}, { :multiple => true, :size => 10, :class => 'form-control' } %>
<% end %>
When I set multiple to 'false' it works just fine, but if I set it to true (for multiple select), it just doesn't pass any data. If I have verification it gives me an "keyword is empty" error and if I remove validation - it is just empty. Any ideas?
<%= f.select :keywords, options_for_select([['test_1','test_1'], ['test_2','test_2'], ['test_3','test_3'], ['test_4','test_4'], ['test_5','test_5']]), {}, { :multiple => true, :size => 10, :class => 'form-control' } %>
When I try to create an "Action" I get this error.
My Actions controller:
class ActionsController < ApplicationController
def new
#match_set = MatchSet.find(params[:match_set_id])
#fixture = #match_set.fixture
#teams = Team.where("id = " + #fixture.home_team_id.to_s + " OR id = " + #fixture.away_team_id.to_s)
#players = Player.where("team_id = " + #teams.ids.first.to_s + " OR id = " + #teams.ids.last.to_s)
#action = #match_set.actions.new
def create
#match_set = MatchSet.find(params[:match_set_id])
#action = #match_set.actions.new(action_params)
if #action.save
redirect_to match_set(#match_set)
render "actions/new"
def action_params
params.require(:action).permit(:team_id, :player_id, :position, :action_type, :action_result)
It is submitted from this form in views/actions/new.html.erb:
<%= form_for [#match_set, #action] do |f| %>
<%= render 'shared/error_messages', object: f.object %>
<!-- Team -->
<%= f.label :team_id %>
<%= f.collection_select :team_id, #teams,:id, :name, {include_blank: "Select team..."}, {class: "form-control"} %>
<!-- Player -->
<%= f.label :player_id %>
<%= f.collection_select :player_id, #players,:id, :last_name, {include_blank: "Select player..."}, {class: "form-control"} %>
<!-- Position -->
<%= f.label :position %>
<%= f.select :position, options_for_select(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6']), {include_blank: "Select position on court..."}, class: "form-control" %>
<!-- Action Type -->
<%= f.label :action_type %>
<%= f.select :action_type, options_for_select(['Attack', 'Block', 'Pass', 'Set']), {include_blank: "Select action_type..."}, class: "form-control" %>
<!-- Action Result -->
<%= f.label :action_result %>
<%= f.select :action_result, options_for_select(['Score', 'Block', 'Pass', 'Set']), {include_blank: "Select action_type..."}, class: "form-control" %>
<!-- Submit Button -->
<%= f.submit "Add Action", class: "btn btn-primary" %>
<% end %>
Also the relevant routes:
resources :fixtures, shallow: true do
resources :match_sets, shallow: true do
resources :actions
I'm getting an error on this line in the controller:
I have also noticed that my parameters seem to be disappearing but again have no clue as to the cause.
{"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"BqbEOfL7hEA8XSMXDvMW2qQ2uR74Egp5
"commit"=>"Add Action", "match_set_id"=>"15"}
Any help is appreciated.
action is a reserved word in rails. You will need to change your model name.
Rails provides a few params on each request such as:
params[:controller] # maps to your controller name
params[:action] # maps to an action with your controllers
So i have a search filter working perfectly in my index view. The code in the controller is as follows
def index
#tutor = Tutor.where(:admin => false)
#tutor_array = []
#tutor_array << #tutor.fees_search(params[:fees_search]) if params[:fees_search].present?
#tutor_array << #tutor.subject_search(params[:subject_search]) if params[:subject_search].present?
#tutor_array << #tutor.lssubject_search(params[:lssubject_search]) if params[:lssubject_search].present?
#tutor_array << #tutor.ussubject_search(params[:ussubject_search]) if params[:ussubject_search].present?
#tutor_array << #tutor.jcsubject_search(params[:jcsubject_search]) if params[:jcsubject_search].present?
#tutor_array.each do |tutor|
ids = #tutor.merge(tutor).map(&:id)
#tutor = Tutor.where(id: ids)
#tutor = #tutor.sort_by { |tutor| tutor.rating.rating }.reverse
#tutor = #tutor.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 2)
And in my view the form that passes in the search filters for me is
<form class='form-inline'>
<%= form_tag(tutors_path, method: :get) do %>
<div class='row', id='filter-form'>
<div class='form-group'>
<%= label_tag 'subject_search', 'Primary Subject' %>
<% subject_array = Subject.all.map { |subject| [subject.name] } %>
<%= select_tag 'subject_search', options_for_select(subject_array, :selected => params[:subject_search]), :include_blank => true, class:'form-control' %>
<%= label_tag 'lssubject_search', 'Lower Sec Subject' %>
<% lssubject_array = Lssubject.all.map { |lssubject| [lssubject.name] } %>
<%= select_tag 'lssubject_search', options_for_select(lssubject_array, :selected => params[:lssubject_search]), :include_blank => true, class:'form-control' %>
<%= label_tag 'ussubject_search', 'Upper Sec Subject' %>
<% ussubject_array = Ussubject.all.map { |ussubject| [ussubject.name] } %>
<%= select_tag 'ussubject_search', options_for_select(ussubject_array, :selected => params[:ussubject_search]), :include_blank => true, class:'form-control' %>
<div class='row', id='filter-form2'>
<div class='form-group'>
<%= label_tag 'jcsubject_search', 'JC Subject' %>
<% jcsubject_array = Jcsubject.all.map { |jcsubject| [jcsubject.name] } %>
<%= select_tag 'jcsubject_search', options_for_select(jcsubject_array, :selected => params[:jcsubject_search]), :include_blank => true, class:'form-control' %>
<%= label_tag 'fees_search', 'Max Fees' %>
<%= select_tag 'fees_search', options_for_select((10..150).step(10), :selected => params[:fees_search]), :include_blank => true, class:'form-control' %>
<%= submit_tag 'Filter', class: 'btn btn-primary btn-xs' %>
<% end %>
<div id='filter-reset'>
<%= link_to 'Reset Filters', tutors_path, class: 'btn btn-primary btn-xs' %>
And when a filter is passed in an example or the URL attained is as follows
What i would like to ask is, how do i pass in the filters through a button?
So if i were to click on "Math" or "English" its equivalent to passing in the filter through the form? I understand that it'll most likely be link_to tutors_path(???) but what should go into the parenthesis to pass the correct filters in?
I tried <%= link_to subs.name, tutors_path(:subject_search => subs.name %> and it seems like it works. To provide some context here's the view and how subs.name comes about.
<% tutor.subjects.each do |subs| %>
<span class='badge'id='tutor-listing-badge'>
<%= link_to subs.name, tutors_path(:subject_search => subs.name) %>
<% end %>
I have this nasty if/else statement in a rails view:
<% if question.field_type == "text_area" %>
<%= f.text_area :content, :class=>"form-control question-field", :data => {:question => question.id, :filter=> #filter}, :value=> question.answer(#assessment).try(:content) %>
<% elsif question.field_type == "date" %>
<%= f.date_select :content, { :order => [:year, :month, :day], :prompt => { :day => 'day', :month => 'month', :year=> "year" }, :end_year=> Date.today.year, :start_year => Date.today.year - 2 }, {:class => "question-field", :data => {:question => question.id, :filter=> #filter}, :value=> question.answer(#assessment).try(:content)} %>
<% elsif question.field_type == "text_field" %>
<%= f.text_field :content, :class=>"form-control question-field", :value=> question.answer(#assessment).try(:content), :data => {:question => question.id, :filter=> #filter} %>
<% elsif question.field_type == "dropdown" %>
<%= f.select :content, options_for_select(question.options), { :prompt => "Choose One..." }, :class=>"form-control question-field", :value=> question.answer(#assessment).try(:content), :data => {:question => question.id, :filter=> #filter} %>
<% elsif question.field_type == "number" %>
<%= f.select :content, options_for_select(1..10), {:include_blank=> true}, :class=>"form-control question-field", :value=> question.answer(#assessment).try(:content), :data => {:question => question.id, :filter=> #filter} %>
<% elsif question.field_type == "percentage" %>
<%= f.range_field :content, :value=> get_percentage(question), :class=> "question-field percentage", :data => {:question => question.id, :filter=> #filter}, :step => 25, :in => 0..100 %>
<% end %>
Is there a good way to refactor this to make it nicer? This piece of code is in every field:
:class=>"form-control question-field", :value=> question.answer(#assessment).try(:content), :data => {:question => question.id, :filter=> #filter}
Do I refactor into a helper method or a partial?
Sometimes templates are just messy and you can only clean up detail. Refactoring into a parameterized partial will help. For goodness sake, use a case. And consider switching to HAML. It eliminates a lot of the visual clutter.
<%= render 'question_field', f: f, type: question.field_type %>
Then in _question_field.erb,
<%= case type %>
<% when 'text_area' %>
<% f.text_area :content, class: 'form-control question-field', %>
<% data: { question: question.id, filter: #filter }, %>
<% value: question.answer(#assessment).try(:content) %>
<% when ... %>
<% end %>
Note common industrial practice is to pick a max line length and stick to it: 100 and 120 are pretty common. Also, use the new symbol key notation for hashes. The old hook-and-arrow is too noisy.
= case type
- when 'text_area'
- f.text_area :content, class: 'form-control question-field',
data: { question: question.id, filter: #filter },
value: question.answer(#assessment).try(:content)
- when ...
I would get rid of if's and when's altogether by creating seperate partial for every possibility, then you just end up with:
<%= render question.field_type, locals: {question: question} %>
Or to make it even cleaner for view make helper method and call only
<%= question_field(question) %>
and this method would look little bit like
def question_field(question)
return render question.field_type, locals: {question: question}
# raise when no partial found, or do something elese