Flex/Flash Builder/Actionscript/AIR/Mobile iOS How to take video using the camera and/or browse for & view/access video stored in the 'Camera Roll" - ios

My understanding currently is that:
I can use the CameraUI to access the built in camera for MediaType.VIDEO and that delegates to the built-in video camera app and lets me record a video. My app does that now.
When I stop recording and click the "Use" button, I am returned to my app and theoretically I have a valid MediaPromise.
iOS does -not- provide a valid/usable url/filename to the recorded video (or to photos) and so I would have to use a Loader to bring-in/use/access the 'recorded' video... AND... iOS does not actually create a file anywhere on the device, most importantly, in the Camera Roll where one would expect by the normal behavior when uses the system native camera/video app.
The documentation says that the Loader can load various image types and SWFs but nothing about video data, so I conclude from that that I cannot actually use the CameraUI to generate a valid MediaPromise that I can then pass to a Loader class or similar to read in the information created by the system camera and then manipulate (upload, save to applicationStorageDirectory, and/or display in one of the two video player components available in the API).
I can have video entities in the iOS Camera Roll but the AS3/Air3.5 CameraRoll class won't let me view/access/reference them in any way.
Normal File I/O
All my attempts to use the Air3.5 File classes to browse to the storage location of the iOS Camera Roll have been rebuffed.
------- Questions -------
Am I correct in believing that there is a way to take video but no way to use the video that's been captured. (No way to use the resulting MediaPromise successfully).
I believe you can take video and access it using Android, but there's nothing in the documentation that says that you cannot using iOS.
Am I correct in believing that iOS sandboxes apps so that they cannot browse to video/photo storage using standard File I/O, but only through the apparently non-workable means I've tried (CameraUI & CameraRoll)
Am I wrong to think that these should be rather obvious NEEDS that one can achieve using the XCode Objective C++ etc route but the AIR Mobile Framework does not allow either because of Apple blocking functionality or because Adobe has failed to meet reasonable expectations?
One item of ironic note to convey. If I use the iOS system camera app to record a video, a thumnail of that video then appears in the Gallery/Camera Roll, and of course, I can share it or view it, or whatever... If I use AIR's CameraRoll.browseForImage(), provided I haven't used the camera to take another image, when it shows me the folder where the pictures are stored, the folder icon uses the thumbnail of the last object added... in this case, the video I took, but if I then enter the folder, the video cannot be found. It's teasing us. It knows it's there, but it is apparently forbidden fruit.

I can't answer all your questions, so this entry may not be acceptable, but I found this page while searching a solution for some the problems you described and thought that someone else may find this answer (partially) useful.
To save the movie you just took you need to open and read the data from the promise.
The iOS won't save the file anywere, so the MediaPromise.file is always null.
This is my solution to the problem:
private var camera:CameraUI;
private var dataInput:IDataInput;
public function recordVideo():void
// Start the camera and ask for a video
camera = new CameraUI();
camera.addEventListener(MediaEvent.COMPLETE, onCameraComplete);
private function onCameraComplete(event:MediaEvent):void
// event.data is a MediaPromise and MediaPromise.open() returns a IDataInput
// Let's cast it to a dispatcher and check when it's complete
dataInput = event.data.open();
var dispatcher:IEventDispatcher = IEventDispatcher(dataInput);
dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onDataInputComplete);
private function onDataInputComplete(event:Event):void
// We can do whatever we want with the data, so we'll store it in a File
var file:File = new File();
var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var stream:FileStream = new FileStream();
// Reading the data from the opened MediaPromise
stream.open(file, FileMode.WRITE);
stream.writeBytes(bytes, 0, bytes.bytesAvailable);
Also, I'm still looking for a way to put the movie in the CameraRoll


How to set path to picture in folder in device in android appcelerator app

So I have app where I want to let users to share screenshot of score to facebook etc... I'm using SocialShare widget. In documentation it says to set path to image like this: "image:fileToShare.nativePath", but I'm not really sure how to set it. Another problem is that I need to share picture that has always different name, it saves screenshots with names like tia7828157.png,tia107997596.png... in folder in device internal memory in pictures/enigmania/ I'm new to appcelerator, so I dont know if there is something like wildcard I could use for this? Thanks for any help.
This is my code so far which I know is wrong, I know the widget works because it shares text without problem:
function shareTextWidget(e){
// share text status
var socialWidget=Alloy.createWidget('com.alcoapps.socialshare');
socialWidget.share({status:"Enigmania kvíz",androidDialogTitle:"hoho",image:test.png/pictures/enigmania});
You should use Ti.Filesystem class methods/properties to get the path of any file located on internal or external storage.
Also aware of the permissions of reading storage on Android 6+. Use Storage Permissions before accessing any file on Android 6+.
Simple code snippet to create a directory on internal storage at this location: pictures/enigmania and then write an image file of captured view in this directory.
function shareTextWidget(e){
var directory = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.externalStorageDirectory, 'pictures/enigmania');
!directory.exists() && directory.createDirectory();
var fileToShare = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(directory.resolve(), 'screen.jpg');
fileToShare.write($.SCREENSHOT_VIEW.toImage()); // write the blob image to created file
var socialWidget=Alloy.createWidget('com.alcoapps.socialshare');
socialWidget.share({status:"Enigmania kvíz",androidDialogTitle:"hoho",image:fileToShare.nativePath});
This code should work without any issues.
Note that $.SCREENSHOT_VIEW is the View ID for which you will take screenshot, so it depends on you how you maintain your View positions in order to capture correct screenshot, but point is to use Ti.UI.View toImage() method to capture the screenshot of particular view.
Let me know if this works for you or not, else we can look into other methods by getting your exact requirements. Good Luck!!!!

Is it possible to save a mp3 file downloaded from server without converting it to ByteArray? (AS3)

After searching around the net, I couldn't find a method to download a mp3 from a server, save it in the local storage (iPad) and then load and play it other than converting it to byteArray, saving it as .mp3 and then load it and read it back to mp3 to be able to play it in the flash application.
The problem is, although this method works fine, the uncompressed files (in byteArray format) saved in the local storage are too heavy and I suspect that the app is wasting memory.
My question is, is there any form of saving the mp3 directly, without any conversion, like a properly playable mp3? I can't use methods like download() or save() from FileReference.
Lots of thanks!!
I continued looking for a method to do it around the net, and some forums gave me a clue to do whick I was searching. It was finally pretty simple, but I spent almost 2 weeks to find it out... here is my code:
var queue:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({name:"mainQueue", onProgress:progressHandler, onComplete:completeHandler, onError:errorHandler});
queue.append( new DataLoader("http://" + **url**, {name:**"example.mp3"**format:"binay"}));
// Complete Event:
private function completeHandler():void {
var file:File = new File(**your location**); // appData
var fr:FileStream = new FileStream();
fr.open(file.resolvePath(nameIn), FileMode.WRITE);
fr = null;
// Now the mp3 is saved in local storage, we load it as Sound object so we can play it.
var loader:MP3Loader;
loader = new MP3Loader(**your location**, {autoPlay:false}) ;
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function():Sound {
loader.content.play(); // This line is the only one not checked, but I am completely sure you can do something like this to play the sound. For example, I introduce the loader.content in a Array of Sound and later I am capable to play any sound I want.
loader.dispose(true); // This is very important to free memory. You should do the same thing with queue when all items are downloaded.
I expect this help a lot of people!!

Adobe air on iOS - FileReference Download Error

When I use the Download method of the FileReference class, everything works fine on Desktop and Android, but I get an error on iOS.
This is the code:
var req = new URLRequest(url);
var localRef:FileReference = new FileReference();
On iOS I'm getting an Alert:
Download Error
File downloads not supported.
I already tried to NavigateToUrl() and it asks save the file in Dropbox or another App.
How can I fix this error?
You shouldn't use FileReference on mobile (or AIR, in general, though it does open the Load/Save dialog on desktop so there can be some use there). You should instead use File and FileStream, which give you far more control over the file system.
In this case, you could try to use File.download() and save it to File.applicationStorageDirectory, but I don't know if it will have any difference since it extends FileReference.
What I generally do is use URLStream instead of URLLoader. It gives you access to the raw bytes of the file you are downloading and then use File and FileStream
So something like (and this is untested off the top of my head, though I have used similar in the past):
var urlStream:URLStream = new URLStream();
urlStream.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
urlStream.load(new URLLoader('url');
function completeHandler(e:Event):void {
var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var f:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath('filename');
var fs:FileStream = new FileStream();
fs.open(f, FileMode.WRITE);
Now, obviously, there is a lot more you want to account for (errors, progress, etc). That should be enough to point you in the right direction, however.
It's possible to create a full download manager using this method (something I did for an iOS project two years ago), since you can save as-you-go to the file system rather than waiting until Event.COMPLETE fires (using the ProgressEvent.PROGRESS event). That allows you to avoid having a 500MB file in memory, something most devices can't handle.

Saving and masking webcam still AS3 AIR IOS

I am aiming to create an application where the user can take a picture of their face, which includes an overlay of a face cutout. I need the user to be able to click the screen and for the application to save the picture, mask it with the same face cutout, and then save it to the applications storage.
This is the first time using AIR on IOS with Actionscript3. I know there is a proper directory that you are supposed to save to on IOS however I am not aware of it. I have been saving other variables using SharedObjects...
var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("applicationID");
and then writing to it
so.data['variableID'] = aVariable;
This is how I access the front camera and display it. For some reason to display the whole video and not a narrow section of it, I add the video from the camera to a movieclip on the stage, 50% of the size of the stage.
import flash.media.Camera;
import flash.media.Video;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import com.adobe.images.JPGEncoder
var camera:Camera = Camera.getCamera("1");
camera.setMode(1024,768, 30, false);
var video:Video = new Video();
Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT;
Capture_Picture_BTN.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_TAP, savePicture);
function savePicture(event:TouchEvent):void
trace("Saving Picture");
//Capture Picture BTN
var bitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(1024,768);
I apologize if this is the wrong way of going about this I am still fairly new to Actionscript as it is. If you need any more information I will be happy to provide.
You can only save ~100kb of data via SharedObject, so you can't use that. It is meant solely to save application settings and, from my experience, is ignored by AIR devs because we have better control over the file system.
We have the File and FileStream classes. These classes allow you to read and write directly to and from the device's disk, something not quite possible on the web (the user is the one who has to save/open; can't be done automatically).
Before my example, I must stress that you should read the documentation. Adobe's LiveDocs are among the best language/SDK docs available and it will point out many things that my quick example on usage will not (such as in-depth discussion of each directory, how to write various types, etc)
So, here's an example:
// create the File and resolve it to the applicationStorageDirectory, which is where you should save files
var f:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("name.png");
// this prevents iCloud backup. false by default. Apple will reject anything using this directory for large file saving that doesn't prevent iCloud backup. Can also use cacheDirectory, though certain aspects of AIR cannot access that directory
f.preventBackup = true;
// set up the filestream
var fs:FileStream = new FileStream();
fs.open(f, FileMode.WRITE); //open file to write
fs.writeBytes( BYTE ARRAY HERE ); // writes a byte array to file
fs.close(); // close connection
So that will save to disk. To read, you open the FileStream in READ mode.
var fs:FileStream = new FileStream();
var output:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
fs.open(f, FileMode.READ); //open file to write
fs.readBytes( output ); // reads the file into a byte array
fs.close(); // close connection
Again, please read the documentation. FileStream supports dozens of read and write methods of various types. You need to select the correct one for your situation (readBytes() and writeBytes() should work in all cases, though there are instances where you are should use a more specific method)
Hope that helps.

camera programming in black berry

my following code returns null ,
byte[] image1 = _videoControl.getSnapshot(null);
any suggestion please
Few important moments about VideoControl.getSnapshot method:
some manufacturers may not implement getSnapshot() method;
the viewfinder must actually be visible on the screen prior to calling getSnapShot();
if you attempt to take pictures too quickly, however, getSnapShot() may
return null. The camera requires time to clear out its buffer and
prepare for the next shot;
you may check MMAPI System Property for "video.snapshot.encodings" before capturing:
if (System.getProperty("video.snapshot.encodings") == null) {
// getSnapshot() is not supported
You may read this chapter from book "Advanced BlackBerry Development":
Since VideoControl.getSnapshot method is not supported by all devices I'd recommend to use another approach. You can start the native BB Camera app with this line of code:
Invoke.invokeApplication(Invoke.APP_TYPE_CAMERA, new CameraArguments());
and then using the FileSystemJournalListener catch the taken image.
The BB SDK on your PC contains samples. Search for 'fileexplorerdemo' sample to see the rest of details.
