Kaminari with AJAX, unable to paginate - ruby-on-rails

I've followed the AJAX Kaminari example here: https://github.com/amatsuda/kaminari_example/tree/ajax
I've successfully generated the partial and table. However, pressing the pages in the pagination does not update my table. In fact, upon pressing, the queries are the exact same data.
I found a similar problem, however the solution remains unanswered:
kaminari ajax pagination not updating the paginate
I can verify that I am using the #paginator element.
Some things I did do differently were instead of creating a separate js.erb file, I added
$('#paginator').html('<%= escape_javascript(paginate(#pending_requests, :remote => true).to_s) %>');
$('#requests').html('<%= escape_javascript render (#pending_requests) %>');
at the end of the of my html.erb file.
Also, in a view, I use an ajax request to select different data within the table. For example, I have a select_tag which upon selecting a user, the appropriate table is rendered using AJAX in the view. The table isn't a partial, it has its own view and method in the controller. At first I suspected that because of this, the table wasn't being updated. However, if I go to the table url, I am still unable to use pagination!
Edit: I am able to right-click the pagination links and open them to another tab. Clicking on them still doesn't do anything.
I wanted to add that I'm using Twitter Bootstrap. I noticed that if I set in my controller
format.html { render :layout => false }
Then I open one of the pagination links to another page, I can successfully paginate. I am using the Kaminari bootstrap theme however...

I didn't see a place to add a comment, so this is not a real answer.
Do only render the table with AJAX? Is the partial part of another page? Or is a stand alone view?
I had a similar problem (last post before your on the Kaminari tag page link where I had the option to render the table as a partial in a show view or as a separate page. that messed things up. I ended up, like you adding a script tag, but yours in not wrapped in a document ready function, so the page might not be fully loaded. Try.
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#paginator').html('<%= escape_javascript(paginate(#pending_requests, :remote => true).to_s) %>');
$('#requests').html('<%= escape_javascript render (#pending_requests) %>');


Render html.erb (not partial) in other html.erb

I'm quite new to Rails and trying to make app with Foundation framework. The problem is with modal window.
I have an index.html.erb file in views/users folder, generated by scaffold.
Also there is a new.html.erb file in the same folder.
I want to open ../users/new link in modal window on index page.
I used examples in Reveal (Foundation Documentation), put new.html.erb file content in:
<div id="myModal" class="reveal-modal">
Also, add to New User link "href" attribute.
<%= link_to 'New User', new_user_path, 'data-reveal-id' => 'myModal' %>
as was described here.
Now I need to render new.html.erb in index.html.erb, cause I need this code just before /body tag, as described in Foundation Docs.
I've tried to render it as partial, but it doesn't work.
Is there any way to do it, without double new.html.erb as _new.html.erb and inserting it as partial in index.html.erb?
I don't think, that RoR with all there's "Write less code!" stuff, doesn't have the way for do it without code duplicating.
You cannot use the new action as it is, though you can put your form in one partial, use across new and your action to generate form in modal.
On Page load you can use _form partial.
You can use ajax to generate the form for the model if you want on fly, this can be use for edit as well as new.
Step1 :link_to "your action path", remote: true, id: "abc"
Step2: your action path should return html of the form using render to string
Step3: now using jquery ajax success of $("#abc") replace your model inner content with the form.
And use the create action for both ajax and postback.
Code is DRY.
Let me know if you need the code.

Rendering a completely new partial using jquery ajax

I'm trying to write an AJAX call that renders a new partial when a particular item is selected from a drop down list. I have been searching for a solution all day with no luck :(
The only way I got it working was not using AJAX, but having a hidden div containing my second partial, and then showing it and hiding the other div when the appropriate option is selected from the drop down box. Yes this worked but I was looking for a cleaner solution.
I'm not looking for a direct answer, but if anyone has any resources that could point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated :)
How about adding a controller action that would render the view (so it's view would just render the partial), and then using jquery to place it:
$('#id-of-box').load("<%= some_action_path %>")
You should perform a remote AJAX call when the onchange event from your select element is being triggered, so on the page which contains your select element there should be something like this (inside a script):
url: 'url_bound_to_partial_renderer'
and on the action of the controller which responds to your url_to_fetch_result, you should write something like this:
# controller
# action bound to 'url_bound_to_partial_renderer' by routes.rb
def partial_renderer
#view (partial) _partial_renderer.js.erb
$('jquery_selector_path_to_container_element_of_your_partial').html("<%= escape_javascript render(:partial => 'my_partial') %>");
#view (partial) to be rendered inside container element: _my_partial.html.erb
<p>Here goes the content of the partial you want to be rendered on the container!</p>
Hope this will respond to your question.

Rails: What does it actually mean to "render a template"

I've become a bit confused about the idea of "rendering" a "template" due to the way an author speaks about it in a book I'm reading.
My original understanding of "rendering a template" was that it meant that Rails is providing the content that is viewed on the screen/presented to the viewer (in the way that a partial is rendered) but the book I'm reading seems to be using the concept of "rendering a template" to also mean something else. Let me explain in context
This book (rails 3 in action) sets up a page layout using the conventional layouts/application.html.erb file, and then it "yields" to different view pages, such as views/tickets/show.html.erb which adds more content to the screen. that's all straightforward..
Within this view views/tickets/show.html.erb, there is a rendering of a partial (which is also a straightforward concept).
<div id='tags'><%= render #ticket.tags %></div>
Now within this partial there is, using ajax, a call to a "remove" method in the "tags_controller.rb" which is designed to allow authorized users to remove a "tag" from a "ticket" in our mock project management application.
<% if can?(:tag, #ticket.project) || current_user.admin? %>
<%= link_to "x", remove_ticket_tag_path(#ticket, tag),
:remote => true,
:method => :delete,
:html => { :id => "delete-#{tag.name.parameterize}" } %>
<% end %>
Now here is the "remove" action in the tags controller (which disassociates the tag from the ticket in the database)...
def remove
#ticket = Ticket.find(params[:ticket_id])
if can?(:tag, #ticket.project) || current_user.admin?
#tag = Tag.find(params[:id])
#ticket.tags -= [#tag]
At the end of this remove action, the author originally included render :nothing => true , but then he revised the action because, as he says, "you’re going to get it to render a template." Here's where I get confused
The template that he gets this action to render is "remove.js.erb", which only has one line of jquery inside it, whose purpose is to remove the "tag" from the page (i.e. the tag that the user sees on the screen) now that it has been disassociated from the ticket in the database.
$('#tag-<%= #tag.name.parameterize %>').remove();
When I read "rendering a template" I expect the application to be inserting content into the page, but the template rendered by the "remove" action in the controller only calls a jquery function that removes one element from the page.
If a "template" is "rendered", I'm expecting another template to be removed (in order to make room for the new template), or I'm expecting content to be "rendered" in the way that a partial is rendered. Can you clarify what is actually happening when a "template" is "rendered" in the situation with the jquery in this question? Is it actually putting a new page in front of the user (I expected some sort of physical page to be rendered)
You're nearly there! Rendering a template is indeed always about producing content, but for a slightly wider description of content. It could be a chunk of html, for example an ajax call to get new items might produce some html describing the new items, but it doesn't have to be.
A template might produce javascript as it does in your second example. Personally I am trying to avoid this and instead pass JSON back to the client and let the client side js perform the required work.
Another type of rendering you might perform is to produce some JSON. APIs will often do this, but you might also do this on a normal page. For example rather than rendering some javascript to delete tag x you might render the json
{ to_delete: "tag-123"}
and then have your jQuery success callback use that payload to know which element to remove from the DOM, by having this in your application.js file
$('a.delete_tag').live('ajax:success', function(data){
var selector = '#' + data.to_delete;
(Assuming that your delete links had the class 'delete_tag')
Rendering JSON like this isn't really a template at all, since you'd usually do this via
render :json => {:to_delete => "tag-#{#tag.name.parameterize}"}
although I suppose you could use an erb template for this (I can't imagine why though).
My understanding is that js.erb is "rendered" by executing the javascript functions within it. Very often something like the below is done:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery('#element').html('<%= escape_javascript(render pages/content) %>');
There's a really succinct overview of rendering at http://guides.rubyonrails.org/layouts_and_rendering.html that may help as it also goes into the details of the ActionController::Base#render method and what happens behind the scenes when you use render :nothing (for example). Render but can be used for files or inline code as well -- not just 'templates' in the traditional sense.

kaminari ajax pagination not updating the paginate

I'm implementing pagination in rails3 using the kaminari gem.
I've been following this code from github
unfortunately, the following code
jQuery('#paginator').html('<%= escape_javascript(paginate(#recipes,:remote=>true).to_s) %>');
does not seem to be working.
my javascript for what to do what a user selects a page is
// get the page value from href
var page = jQuery(this).attr('href').replace('/home/index?page=','');
jQuery.getJSON('?page='+page, function(data){
for (var r in data){
jQuery('#paginator').html('<%= escape_javascript(paginate(#recipes,:remote=>true).to_s) %>');
the showResults function runs through the JSON and creates a bunch of html elements.
Everything is working great, except that the pagination isn't updating to show the current page when the results are reloaded.
I don't get any errors in firebug, i'm using Rails 3 with ruby 192.
Are you sure you have '#paginator' element for the paginator in you HTML?
I mean, does the following code return the element on Firebug?
In order to update result and paginate you need to update both at a time.
Paginate AJAX sends a request as JS so to handle them you should have action.js.erb file inside view folder. Perform two things here.
1) Update result
$("#issues").html("<%= j render(:partial => 'recipes') %>");
2) Update Paginate
$('.pagination').html('<%= escape_javascript(paginate(#recipes, :remote => true).to_s) %>');
Find respective page attribute to update paginate. This will update result and paginate run time.

Posting a form through popup in Rails

I have a model called Details, and two controller methods new and create. New method displays a form to create Details (in new.html.erb), which gets posted to the Create method that saves it. (when it succesffully saves, it it renders the new.html.erb file with the details.) This works as expected.
Now i want a separate page with a link to fill in these details. I want the click to do the intended work through a popup, example redbox. When you click on that link, a popup should show the form, whose submit should post the form, and if it is successfully done, then refresh the original page. If the post is unsaved, then the same form should show the errors. What do i need to do to make it work in Ror? I guess i need some stuff to go in new.js.rjs and maybe create.js.rjs, but i can't really figure out what to put in those files.
Redbox updates the page's dom to add a div at the end of it. So your form is a part of the main page.
So if you add a form tag in this redbox, all your page will be reloaded as there's only one.
So you add anywhere in your page (preferably at the end) :
<div id="redbox" style="display: none;">
<%= form_for #details do %>
# Whatever form fields you want here
<% end -%>
You do a link that'll open the redbox :
<%= link_to_redbox 'Open The Details Form', 'redbox' %>
This will display your redbox with your form.
And as it is the same page, not a new windows, when you'll validate your form, it'll reload the all of it.
I used a link_to_remote_redbox for this, which on clicking, fetches the form rendered by the new method call in a popup widnow. it submits to the create function and it is now working. actually i had previously made it work without ajax and i was having difficulty in making it work with ajax. the problem was solved once i made separate partials for ajax calls, and doing:
respond_to do |format|
format.js { render :template => 'detail/ajax_template'}
I provided different templates for both create and new method calls, used the :html => {:id => 'some-id'} in form and the :update => {:some-id} to replace the form with the message that it worked correctly.
So I didnt know that i needed separate templates for the different styles of forms, and that i needed to use the :update option to replace the form when i asked the above question.
