How to add String from one array to another - ios

I can't seem to append a string from arrayOne into arrayTwo. It's a very simple problem and I have Googled around and have tried different examples that I found below. Does anyone see the obvious issue here?
[_arrayTwo addObject:arrayOne[i]]; // int i
[_arrayTwo addObject:[arrayOne objectAtIndex:i]]; // int i
[_arrayTwo addObject:#"Test"]; // I can't even add a literal string
NSString *tempString = [arrayOne objectAtIndex:i];
[arrayTwo addObject:tempString];
NSLog Output:
NSLog(#"%#", _imageArray); // Result is "(null)"
Additional Notes:
arrayOne is healthy (contains NSString values)
Both arrays are NSMutableArray (declared as properties in the .h)

I believe _imageArray is nil
Try adding in
_imageArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
In your init method call.


How can I change substring(s) in an array of strings in Objective-C?

I have a weird error with decoding & sign so its always shown as &, so && will be &&, a&b is shown as a&b etc.
I have those weird characters in my array of strings sometimes, so I want to remove them. To be more clear, if I have an array like this:
"str1", "a&b", "12345", "d&&emo&"
I want to it to be:
"str1", "a&b", "12345", "d&&emo&"
So all & should be changed into just &.
This is the code I tried, but it didn't help. Elements are not changing their values:
for (int i = 0; i <= self.array-1; i++)
NSLog(#"%#", self.array[i]);
[self.array[i] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"&" withString:#"&"];
NSLog(#"%#", self.array[i]);
I am new to Objective-C.
NSString instances are immutable, which means you can't change them once they are created. The stringByReplacingOccurencesOfString:withString: method actually returns a new NSString instance. You could use NSMutableString, or alternatively, you can create a new array containing the replacement strings, e.g.:
NSMutableArray *newArray = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSString *input in self.array)
NSString *replacement = [input stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"&" withString:#"&"];
[newArray addObject:replacement];
self.array = newArray;

IOS NSDictionary element to NSString

Hi I am trying to extract key value from NSDictionary, the dictionary value looks like below screen shot
I need to extract the value with key "TITLE" to NSString, using the code
NSDictionary* tmp = [self getDBRequest:req];
NSString * title =[tmp valueForKey:#"TITLE"];
But giving the the value like
Is there anything wrong with above code?
NSLog(#"%#", tmp);
Gives the output
2015-12-31 11:04:52.530 SimpleTable[610:10059] (
"IMAGE_URL" = "crowd.jpg";
TITLE = "GET 30% OFF";
Actualy using the result of NSString * title =[tmp valueForKey:#"TITLE"]; I have to replace an element of NSMutableArray
And the code
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
[array addObject:#"Eezy"];
[array addObject:#"Tutorials"];
NSDictionary* tmp = [self getDBRequest:req];
NSString * title =[tmp valueForKey:#"TITLE"];
[array replaceObjectAtIndex:0 withObject:title];
Giving me the array modified some thing like below screen shot
Look at the first image in your question, the first line of the contents dump says "1 object".
Also look at the output of the NSLog, notice the parentheses (( & )) which surround the braces ({ & }), which in turn surround the key/value pairs.
Both these are telling you that tmp is not referencing an NSDictionary as you think, but an NSArray containing a single element and that element is an NSDictionary.
Now when you invoke valueForKey: on an array of dictionaries it does the key lookup on every dictionary in the collection and returns and array of results.
Which is why when you look at the second image in your question you see that its contents dump also starts with "1 object" - title is referencing an array containing one element, being your string.
This is also why, as mentioned in the comments, that using objectForKey: in place of valueForKey: causes an error - that method does not operate on arrays and so produces the unrecognized selector sent to instance error.
try like bellow code.
NSDictionary *tmp = #{#"DESCRIPTION" : #"30 OFF ON NEW",#"IMAGE_URL" : #"crowd.jpg",#"TITLE" : #"GET 30% OFF"};
//NSDictionary* tmp = [self getDBRequest:req];
NSArray *keyArray = [tmp allKeys];
NSString * title = [keyArray objectAtIndex:[keyArray indexOfObject:#"TITLE"]];//[keyArray objectAtIndex:0];
[array replaceObjectAtIndex:0 withObject:title];

iOS How Array objects separated by commas convert into string?

I have an array named as child_list like child_list: "9,8,21,22,20,24,25", take it in NSString at index 0 when I convert it into string its work but when i use NSMutableArray it crashed, I don't know why.
My code is here:
if([theDictionary objectForKey:#"child_list"])
NSString *str = [[theDictionary objectForKey:#"child_list"]objectAtIndex:0];
NSLog(#"Child List %#",str);
_child_list = [[NSMutableArray alloc ]initWithObjects: [str componentsSeparatedByString:#","], nil];
When break point come on str it show result when it comes on _child_list it crashed.
Use initWithArray method while allocating _child_list NSMutableArray
if([theDictionary objectForKey:#"child_list"])
NSString *str = [[theDictionary objectForKey:#"child_list"]objectAtIndex:0];
NSLog(#"Child List %#",str);
_child_list = [[NSMutableArray alloc ] initWithArray:[str componentsSeparatedByString:#","]];
Please share what your log returns and the dictionary you used..
The code [str componentsSeparatedByString:#","] returns an Array. So, when you're allocating a mutable array, you're creating array of array... Instead using initWithObjects, use initWithArray method and pass [str componentsSeparatedByString:#","] to it.

Passing a _CFNSString into an NSString

I have a loop that identifies elements of a webpage via its HTML and extracts the sections I need. I'm wanting to build an array or (very) long string of the extracted text which can be used later.
The extraction uses TFHpple from GitHub. The problem seems to lie with the extracted text being a _CFNSString, and these don't allow me to transpose them into a NSString or NSMutuableArray.
The code I'm using is:
NSArray *webNodes = [webParser searchWithXPathQuery:tutorialsXpathQueryString];
NSString *extractedText = [[NSString alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *extractedArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:0];
for (TFHppleElement *element in webNodes) {
Extraction *extraction = [[Extraction alloc] init];
[extractedArray addObject:extraction];
extraction.title = [[element firstChild] content];
extractedText = extraction.title;
NSLog(#"\n\nTitle: %#", extractedText);
The NSLog at this point shows me extractedText holds I'm after for each loop, breaking the code shows extractedText to be a _CFNSString.
If I try adding
text = [text StringByAppendingString extractedText];
(with 'text' being an NSString initialised before the loop) as the last step of the loop I get a null value. Its the same if I try adding text or extraction.title directly into an array.
I found this question Convert NSCFString to NSString but the conversion seems to be going the other way (NSString to CFNSString). When I added equivalent code I got bridging errors and the code doesn't run.
How can I collect the data within extraction.title to build a string or array that can be used later?
You said you only want a text.
Get it in one line of code for array:
NSArray *extractedArray = [webNodes valueForKeyPath:#"firstChild.content"];
For string:
NSString *extractedText = [webNodes valueForKeyPath:#"firstChild.content"] componentsJoinedByString:#" "];

How to append NSMutable strings into a UILabel

This is my first question to Stack Overflow. I have been using this site for a while and have used it's resources to figure out answers to my programming questions but I'm afraid I can't find the answer I'm looking for this time.
I've created these five strings:
//List five items from the book and turn them into strings
//1 Josh the Trucker
NSString *stringJosh = #"Josh the Trucker";
//2 The Witch from the Remote Town
NSString *stringWitch = #"The Witch from the Remote Town";
//3 Accepting the curse rules "Willingly and Knowingly"
NSString *stringRules = #"Accepting the curse rules, --Willingly and Knowingly--";
//4 Josh's time left to live--Five Days Alive Permitted
NSString *stringFiveDays = #"Josh's time left to live--Five Days Alive Permitted";
//5 The Fire Demon Elelmental
NSString *stringDemon = #"The Fire Demon Elelmental";
Then, I've put them in an array:
//Create an array of five items from the book
NSArray *itemsArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
Then, I created this mutable string where I need to loop through the array and append the items to a UIlabel.
NSMutableString *itemsString = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:
Here's the loop, which displays the items in the console log.
for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
NSLog(#"Book Item %d=%#", i, itemsArray[i]);
My question is, how do I append these items into the UIlabel?
These functions are in my appledelegate.
In my viewDidAppear function (flipsideViewController) I have:
label8.text =""----thats where the looped info needs to go.
How do I do this?
I feel I need to put them together and append where the NSLog should be...but how do I transfer that info to the textlabel?
I hope I explained myself.
We haven't done ANY append examples, I guess this is where I need to get answers from the "wild"
This is the wildest coding environment I know so I'm hoping I can find some direction here.
Thanks for taking a look!
Once you have all your strings that you want to concatenate in NSArray you can combine them with single call (with whatever separator you want):
NSString *combinedString = [itemsArray componentsJoinedByString:#" "];
If you need more complex logic you can use NSMutableString to create result you want while iterating array, i.e.:
NSMutableString *combinedString = [NSMutableString string];
[itemsArray enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
[combinedString appendFormat:#"Book Item %d=%# ", idx, obj];
Note also that it is better to iterate through collections using fast enumeration or block enumeration rather than using plain index-based for loop.
NSMutableString *labelText = [NSMutableString string];
int i = 0;
for (NSString *item in itemsArray)
[labelText appendFormat:#"Book Item %d=%#\n", i++, item];
label8.text = labelText;
DO this
UILabel *mainlabel;
mainlabel.text = [origText stringByAppendingString:get];
Add your text to mainlabel.. orig text is mutable string or else in forloop just append array object at index text to label.put above line of code in forloop
