Install Chrome and Extensions by Delphi - delphi

I'm integrating Chrome with an application that is in development and am facing some setbacks.
At first I have to installing Chrome and an extension on it, is there any way to do this via codes?
Install Chrome itself is the problem easy to install this extension.
Can I appeal also to make a backup of the settings and then restore them, but do not know how to perform this process.
Thank you.


How to run Appium with an iOS app

How do you use Appium with iOS? I know this question seems ridiculously simple, but actually you'd be surprised. There is apparently no documentation online that explains how to do this, except for perhaps youtube videos, which I can't watch anyway because my workplace disallows it.
I have a Mac. I have an app that is loaded in Xcode. I have the Appium desktop app running.
What do I do now?
BTW, I am already very familiar with Appium, as I have created tests for the Android version of the app.
install homebrew: to install and update the required packages easily
install Node.js
install Appium
install libimobiledevice: required to run our tests on real
install ios-deploy: required to deploy our apps to our devices
you also need WebDriverAgent: to opens the apps when it is downloaded to the device
Visit IOS Mobile Test Automation Using Appium and JAVA to learn how to install and run appium with an ios app. Hope this will help you.

Install ipa on iOS via Safari

I need to install an ipa file via Safari. I'm using this thred to lean how to do HERE but I'm not able to install it.
I'm running iOS 11 beta 3 and probably I'm not able to obtain license to install app. In which way can I do it?
I'm using this scheme to compile manifest.plist and I toke data from iTunesMetadata.plist stored into ipa file.
I have all the permissions to install ipa (from developer) but I'm not able to install it.
Alternative way to install via Safari:
I understood that by doing all these steps you want to install your .ipa file on your iPhone through the link. The same benefit is offering by different services like Diawi. Installing using this links are very easy.

How do you run DalekJS on iOS?

I've got DalekJS running really well on WinLin, but am interested to know exactly what the process is for running it on iOS.
When running on Windows, for example, I install the DalekJS npm globally, and then install the IE web-driver, before executing my test suite.
On iOS am I expected to do the same thing? Can you install NodeJS on an iPhone? Is there a difference in doing it on the actual device, vs doing it through the emulator?
Also, what are the current obstacles in making it run on iPad?
Dalek will not run on the IPad/Iphone etc. itself (neither will or must NodeJS), it uses the native debugging tools that come with the dev environment through Appium.
Unfortunately, due to some changes that happened in MacOS 10.8 & 10.9 (Changes in the user rights management, etc.) it can only do this in the simulator. We are working on bringing back support for "real" devices with the next version of DalekJS.

Build cordova apps via ssh on a remote Mac

I've been building Android Phonegap apps locally on my Windows PC and using Phonegap Build to build IOS apps.
The design guys have a Mac that we're already using to publish the app in iTunes.
But even if Phonegap build is a great tool, there are many drawbacks : build time can sometimes be quite long, not all plugins are available, plugins submission seems sometimes quite long and not always successfull, building debugging a home-made plugin using Phonegap build seems just impossible.
For all those reasons I feel the need to build locally also IOS projects and maybe also develop native plugins.
So my idea would be to use ssh to connect to the Designer's Mac and use it to build.
Do other people process in that way? Would it work? Are there things I should be carefull with when installing the CLI, sdk and other tools?
For example I think it would be a good idea to install npm locally in my user I'll use for SSH.
Any ideas?
it is possible
First you need to instal phonegap on Designer's Mac, and enable ssh
Then in your system open terminal/cmd type
ssh usernameOfDesignerMac#ipaddress
then enter yes,
then enter password of that user. thats all now you can access Designer's mac,
cd cordovaProjectLocation
sudo cordova build ios/android

simple kivy application not running on android?

i'm trying to run kivy examples on my android emulator, i can build them and install them on my device without any problem but i can't start them. does anybody have this problem too?
i'm using android API 18 as target.
You can run adb logcat, then try to start your app. After it crashes, you can ctrl+c to stop logcat and search for "died". Your error should be shown a few lines before it says your app died.
First thing, I'm not your problem with an emulator or a device? Or you have different problems on each?
If it's an emulator, make sure you are using a recent android version (I think you need at least 4.1 or something), and it must have hardware acceleration enabled for kivy to work.
Either way, if the app installs but fails to start, that suggests something is crashing it at the initialisation stage. You should plug your device into your computer, enable adb in its developer options, and run adb logcat to see the device log in real time. Run your application, and you will see the initialisation log and any standard python log when the app fails. This should indicate the problem.
The adb tool comes with the android sdk, so you must have it if you built an apk, but you might need to find it manually somewhere in the sdk folder if it isn't already somewhere in your $PATH.
I have same issue in past and I solve by adding requirements in .spec
This requirements work for me:
requirements = hostpython3==3.7.8,python3==3.7.8,kivy==1.11.1, certifi,chardet, lxml, docutils, future, idna, Kivy-Garden, Pygments, requests, six, soupsieve, urllib3, deep-translator, arabic-reshaper, python-bidi, openssl, pyopenssl, numpy, pytz, python-dateutil, pandas, setuptools, zope.interface, datetime
you have to write all modules and parent module in requirements which your app is using.
To know module which you app is using has two method:
run command pip freeze in current app folder in powershell
install all the module as below photo which help to install your application module
