NSStream vs. NSURLConnection simultaneous open TCP - ios

I still need an understanding of these things, anyway, does NSStream or NSURLConnection support multiple open TCP, say for example,
www.xyz.com port:4040
www.xyz.com port:5050
www.xyz.com port:5150
This is a only one host.
Which of the two can support the task of simultaneously opening a TCP port and keeping it open for a stated period of time, on the event none does, is there any existing iOS class/method that I can use to achieve this behavior.
My end goal is to create multiple TCP connections at a given time.
Please help

Yes.. you can create multiple TCP connections to same host but different ports using NSStream and CFSocket...


local host, port number, and TCP/IP & UDP

I am trying to program a script to interface two applications, so I need to understand a few basic concepts, if someone could please help me grasp them:
When an application's manual says: This app listens to localhost:9763, it means it receives live data from the same machine on port number 9763. Is this correct?
So, if an application's manual says: Listen on UDP port 6004, it means I have to specify localhost:6004 similar to the first point?
Or does the first point (localhost:9763) imply that TCP/IP is being used, but the second point is on UDP?
Generally speaking, if an app says it is listening on a particular port and doesn't specify TCP or UDP, that usually means TCP. If you're not sure, you can probably figure it out based on what that particular app does and how it does it.

Should I be afraid to use UDP to make a client/server broadcast talk?

I spent the last two days reading each StackOverflow questions and answers (and googling of course) about Indy TCP and UDP protocol in order to decide which one should I use in my communication method between my User Application and my Windows Service.
From what I saw so far, UDP is the easiest and the only one I managed to work to receive broadcast messages from TidUDPClient (I did not testes the response back yet). And I also noticed that TCP is a bit more complicated with it's thread loop.
But since everywhere I am told UDP is not reliable, UDP is not reliable... I begin to wonder if it's not better to use TCP anyway.
My User Application will be running on many machines, and the Service will be running in one of them, sharing one IP with a Client, or in a dedicated machine, depending on my client's funds. So, should I really be worried about UDP data loss possibilities?
I need broadcast capabilities so my server advises all clients at once about Application updates, and of course, if my the Client Application does not know in which IP the Service/Server is, it will send a broadcast call to be told where the server is. Is that applicable to TCP?
The messages I am sending are requests for users access confirmation, users privileges, and application executable file updates, since the main application can't update itself.
Those messages are encrypted like below, and they might bet bigger sometimes.
I decided to use them both!
Simple use case:
In order to communicate with TCP prococol you have to establish a connection which you can have only if you know IP and Port on both ends.
If you do not have that information when you load your Application, then you use the UDP to Broadcast your IP address and your intention to find the/a Server. You may try about 5 times before you raise the user an error telling that you did not find the Server or that the Server is down.
Sending that message in UDP will (one time or other) reach the UDP ear of the Server, which will now know the IP from the lonely Client's IP and will now begin a proper connection via TCP to be read talk about the critical messages of the Application.
What do you think of that approach?

Asyncronously send file over TCP connection

so I'm making an iOS app, but this is more of a general networking question.
So what I have is one phone that acts as the server and then a bunch of phones connect to the phone as the client. Basically it's a game/music sharer.
It's kind of hard to really get into the semantics of it, but that isn't important.
What is important is that the server and client are repeatedly sending each other commands and positions rapidly over a TCP connection, and sometimes the client wants to send the server a music file (4MB usually) to play as the music.
The problem I initially encountered was that when sending the large file, it would hang the sending of commands from the client to the server.
My naive solution was to create another socket to connect to the server to send the file to the server, the server would check the IP of the new socket, and if it has the IP of an existing connection then it would just tie it to that connection, receive the file, and then disconnect the socket.
But the problem with this is that it takes a 1-2 second delay for the socket to connect, and I'm aware that there are man-in-the-middle attacks that can occur.
Is there a more elegant solution to this problem?
I would not call your solution naive, this is largely how FTP works, separating data and control paths is a good design pattern in my view.
I wouldn't worry about the man in the middle thing. If you wanted, you could add a command to the client that it responds to over the data connection with a secret the server supplies, this would let you associate the connections without using the ip addressing.
If the delay is a problem then why not establish both connections at the start, the overhead of a few tcp connections on an operating system is not usually significant.
You could also use the two connections for both commands and data, alternating between them. Since both the server and client know when a connection is busy they can choose to use the idle one. The advantage of this is that it will keep both connections busy to ensure they are both known to be working.
You probably should also use a different thread for each socket but I suspect you are doing this since it won't work too well without it.

How to test the connectivity without using ICMP?

In our system, we used to test the connectivity between different nodes using ICMP messages. But out of security concern, this keep alive mechanism is required to be banned by our customers. So we have to replace the ICMP message with some other protocol messages. Currently, our solution is using TCP. Obviously, this solution has at least 2 disadvantages:
1. failures occurred on one TCP connection don't necessarily mean the same thing happened to the others, and don't mean lower-layer connectivity(eg, IP) failures as well.
2. establishing a TCP connection and sending/receiving TCP message are quite time-consuming, which is another challenge to our existing connectivity testing schedule.
I'm wondering if there is any other solutions other than TCP that can meet our requirement.

How can I transload data between two delphi applications over internet?

let me make my question clear. Two people using my app are connected to the internet. Both have each other's IP and they want to chat (like Y!messanger) with each other.
I think I need to use Indy components; right? Which component should I use?
Thanks in advance
Have you looked at any of the demos on Indy's website yet?
In general, you are looking to create a "Client/Server" type application. A quick Google search for "indy client server example" pulls up lots of results, including this one: http://www.devarticles.com/c/a/Delphi-Kylix/A-Real-World-Client-Server-Application-in-Delphi/
In reality, this gets a lot more complicated when you have firewalls and NATs with private IP addresses. You will have to consider how your application will either get around or through these types of technologies.
Similar to what Scott said, I think that your biggest problem is getting them talking to each other. My computers at home go through a router, which blocks all incoming connection requests (i.e. requests to start a conversation between two computers) from the Internet. My computers can send connection requests OUT, and start a conversation that way, but unless you modify the router (port forwarding) my computers can not receive connection requests.
You need a server somewhere to which both people will connect, that can then relay messages back and forth. To get really tricky, once the connection is made to the server the two computers can then be put into direct contact, but that involves UDP packets and some clever magic.
You don't have to use Indy components, you just need anything that will handle communications over the network. Any HTTP or sockets network stack will do. Indy is the defacto standard for Delphi Win32.
To do network communications, you will need to create a listener object or service on machine A and a sender object on machine B to send a network message from A to B. To send a message from B to A, you will need a reverse path as well - 4 objects total to perform bidirectional comms. Some object wrappers hide this detail internally. I don't recall offhand whether Indy hides this or not.
It would probably be easiest if you use a common TCP/IP protocol for your machine to machine communications, such as HTTP. This will make it easier to get your connections through firewalls and proxies that frequently exist between arbitrary users. To avoid conflicting with any HTTP web services that might be running on either machine, you should use a custom port number with the IP address:, not the standard HTTP web server port 80. This is what most of the IM clients do.
