jQuery UI dropdown select - jquery-ui

I wanna have a dropdown menu like this link: http://datatables.net/release-datatables/examples/basic_init/table_sorting.html
(The one that are right below "Live example" line);
I haven't got many experience of working with jQuery UI, and I guess that result is produced by using it. Could you suggest me a way to create that dropdown.
Thank you.
P/S: that may be ok if it is not using jQuery UI (it's just my guess)

That solution doesn't appear too complex - they've got all the data already, and they're just hiding rows depending on what's selected.
On the other hand, as that's an open source project, you could just download it or use the hosted versions and integrate it on your site, which is probably easier than rolling your own solution.

Ok, got it. This is just default style in Firefox (There's no style applying for it yet). I got this misunderstand due to changing browser.


Prototype.js Interferring with Jquery UI

So I am currently working with an e-commerce cms that implements Lightbox to display large product pics.
In the sidebar I have implemented my own tab group powered by jquery-ui.
The sidebar works perfectly on every page except the product pages. i soon found out the problem was the call to prototype.js used by Lightbox...When i comment out the call to the prototype script the tab group starts working again.
I have tried various things like trying to change the scope of my code and reordering when the scripts are called, but this hasn't worked...any ideas on what i could do to remedy the situation?
NOTE: I didn't include any code because i thought we could just throw around soem theory : )...if you think anything would help i can add it
thanks for any help,
The problem was i needed to use $.noConflict();
before #MichealKoper suggested this i had no idea it existed

Knockoutjs binding issue JQuery UI tabs

I have the following issue.
In the following JSFiddle1 the dialogs allow the editing of folders and the editing of links.
In this JSFiddle2 I try to add JQuery UI tabs to the previous JSfiddle and apply the model to a div in one of the tabs
ko.applyBindings(foldersModel, document.getElementById("folders-view"));
the dialogs do not work.
Any ideas?
Your're not doing it right, use custom bindings handlers to achieve this instead.
And since I'm such a nice guy I've already made my own bindings public and with a JSFiddle togo with it.. :P
Sorry, but I've never seen so many logic errors in a code before :D
Anyway, beacuse I was bored and are a nice guy i cleaned up the code somewhat and fixed the bugs

Menu dropdown messed up after translating page using Google translator

My menu drop-down is now messed up, after I translated the page using on-the-fly Google translater. It refuses to recognize CSS classes I have created and used for exclusion (e.g, I have a class like this class="notranslate", which is no no longer working).
For demostration purpose, I have source code
Note: Must register to the site first. Any help would be appreciate it. Thanks
Not sure what is going on but look at this tool: Translate This
This uses the Google Translate but is easier to use.
Hope this can help you.

jquery ui similar to Apple Finder

I'm looking to build a navigation system similar to Apple Finder using jQuery UI. The idea is you drag an object into this 'finder' navigation and are able to navigate between folders to drop an object. This is to behave similar to moving a file from on your Desktop to a directory or moving a file between directories.
Additionally, inside this 'finder' navigation, I'd like to be able to sort objects by dragging and dropping using jQuery UI Sortable, except it will need to be a nested sortable option.
Has anything like this been created yet? I prefer not to reinvent the wheel in javascript if necessary. Otherwise, any examples or directions to help solve this will be appreciated.
I'm not sure if this helps but you can see what I've done with jQuery Finder: http://code.google.com/p/jqueryfinder/ (the demo link does not work, so you'll have to checkout the trunk)
It's pretty much abandoned so I'd love it if someone else would pick it up.
I believe this is quite similar if you're still looking..

How to open a popup using Ajax

I'm using Ruby on Rails 2.3.8 and I would like to know how to open a popup using Ajax, instead of jQuery, so when I click in the link that will open it, an action is executed to load some collections and other stuff.
Thanks in advance!
First i think you are messing up some concepts here.
JQuery is a javascript framework and AJAX is a set of development methods.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajax_%28programming%29
and: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jquery
I think that you mean "How do i open a link in a lightbox like screen instead of a javascript popup".
(correct me if im wrong interpreting your question :)
Please take a look at some open source tools like:
And there are tons and tons of other alternatives.
Just google for "lightbox"
