Get Tweets with Pictures using twitter search api - twitter

Is it possible to get tweets which contain photos? I am currently using twitter search api and getting all the tweets having entity details by setting include_entities=true. I see picture details under media object but is there anyway to filter and get tweets objects which just have these media items. Or is there anyway in Twitter4j to do this query?

There is no specific way to specify that I need only photos or videos but you can filter the results based on filter:links or filter:images or filter:videos in your query along with include_entities=true.
For Example: To get the tweets that contain links since 2012-01-31, you query should have include_entities parameter as well as filter:links as shown as follows:"
As your need is to filter your tweets based on images/photos, I think you should use filter:images.
An example of your case would look like:"
Hope this helps.

With Latest twitter API I couldn't get filters work and I couldn't find either any explanation in their docs. Althought you can get all the tweets and then parse only the media ones. You can fire this if inside your parsing script:
if( != null){
//Parse the tweet
This is not the best solution but the worst part comes to twitter who's giving you more information and using more of its own resources.

In the lastest twitter API you can do it in the ConfigurationBuilder instance, before creating the Twitter instance:
ConfigurationBuilder cb = new ConfigurationBuilder();
// enabling include_entities parameters
Twitter twitterInstance = new TwitterFactory(;
Also, after enabling the entities, in the search string you have to had the condition "filter:images".
List<String> keywords = new ArrayList<String>();
// String.join for Java 8
String twitterSearchString = "((" + String.join(" OR ", keywords) + ")";
// adding the filter condition
twitterSearchString += " AND filter:images)";
Query q = new Query(twitterSearchString);
And you will get just results with images (tested with twitter4j-core 4.0.4).

For filter in twitter API you can check official document for latest version as on date Apr 02 2019


How to search for multiple twitter ids in one request using twitter4j library

How to search for multiple twitter ids in one request using twitter4j library. Even using in clause in Search parameter would be helpful. Please help!
Please find some sample code below to fetch tweets based on tweet_ids.
Like other twitter API's, this API is also rate limited, in a single call you can fetch status only for 100 ids. Check the documentation for more details.
Also use latest version of twitter4j lib.
ConfigurationBuilder config = new ConfigurationBuilder();
Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory(;
long ids[] = new long [3];
ids[0] = 568363361278296064l;
ids[1] = 568378166512726017l;
ids[2] = 570544187394772992l;
ResponseList<Status> statuses = twitter.lookup(ids);
for (Status status : statuses) {

twitter_time does not gives follower_count for retweet user

I am using twitter_timeline to get the user details.
It provides set of tweets including RTs. I am considering on retweets from all tweets.
Suppose I retweeted any tweet, which I can get using:
$tweets3 = $connection->get("");
foreach ($tweets3 as $item)
$rt_reach = $item->retweet_count; //This is available
$text = $item->text; //This is available
$follower_count = $item->user->followers_count; //This is not available
echo "User location $item->user->location"; //This is not available
echo $follower_count = $item->user->screen_name; //This is not available
Link to document:
Why it does not provide last three value in above code?
Since you're using "trim_user=true", twitter strips the user record except for the user_id.
Please check trim_user parameter here.
The "trim_user" param is used by applications to stop the tweets data from getting bloated and it should be excluded if the app needs the full user record, which seems to be the case for you.

Twitter: Get tweets for a particular time period

I am new to Twitter APIs. I am implementing a module in Java which shows popularity of a #hashtag. So I have to collect tweets for regular time interval.
Is there a way to get all the tweets that contains particular #hashtag, so I can the count total tweets each time and get the popularity? Below URL give me tweets but it's not consistent. Doesn't give me all tweets.
Why are you using urls use Api Twitter 4j
You can perform this function eaisly with that
With Twitter4J, you can easily integrate your Java application with the Twitter service.
But Twitter4J is an unofficial library.
Use this function of that api
Search for Tweets
// The factory instance is re-useable and thread safe.
Twitter twitter = TwitterFactory.getSingleton();
Query query = new Query("source:twitter4j yusukey");
QueryResult result =;
for (Status status : result.getStatuses()) {
System.out.println("#" + status.getUser().getScreenName() + ":" + status.getText());
Check this url for snippets

Put user_timeline Twitter on a website with new API 1.1

Time ago I have this code to put the 3 last tweets of an user:
jQuery.getJSON(""+ user +".json?callback=?&count=3", function(data) {
jQuery.each(data, function(i, object) {
var textt = object.text.linkify().atify().hashify();
jQuery("#twitter").append('<p><span class="text">' + textt + '</span><br/><span class="quan">' +parseTwitterDate(object.created_at) + '</span></p><hr/>');
Now, I read that API have changed for a new URL and needs to create an App with secure token (Oauth) for let to see tweets on a site.
I've created the App with the user that I would like to shown the tweets and I have the secure keys, but How I can show now the tweets? I need to put this keys on some line of Javascript code? But with Javascript I can't put this keys because are secrets...
In short: you need a OAuth authentication before you can use the 1.1 API. The only way is to implement this step server side and pull the feed from there with Javascript. While doing this caching the feed increases page load.
Remember to check out the display REQUIREMENTS from twitter. Really, yes really!
I've been working on a solution. In my search I found the following resources very helpful:

Getting top twitter trends by country

I know how to get trends using API, but i want it by country and top 10.
How can I ? Is that possible?
Tried this one but not working
Note that Twitter API v1 is no longer functional. Read announcement
So you should use Twitter API 1.1.
REST method is this: GET trends/place
You should authenticate with access tokens to reach this data.
Yes, you can.
First, figure out which countries you want to get data for.
Will give you a list of all the countries Twitter has trends for.
Suppose you want the trends for the UK. The above tells us that the WOEID is 23424975.
To get the top ten trends for the UK, call
you need to figure out the woeids first use this tool here and then it becomes as easy as a simple function
function get_trends($woeid){
return json_decode(file_get_contents("".$woeid.".json?exclude=hashtags", true), false);
Here you go, I wrote a simple sample script for you. Check It Out Here Twitter Trends Getter
Hope it helps!
I'm a 'bit' late to the party on this one but you can use:
npm i twit --save
const Twit = require('twit');
const config = require('./config');
const T = new Twit(config);
const params = {
id: '23424829',
id: '23424975',
id: '23424977'
// count: 3
T.get('trends/place', params, gotData, limit);
function gotData(err, data, response) {
var tweets = data;
console.log(JSON.stringify(tweets, undefined, 2));
You have to Complete Authentication using Api Key to Fetch Results in JSON.
Another Thing Keep in Mind Twitter Api is Limited.
If you are Making Website for Top Twitter Trends then Visit this Url, Right Click >> Copy Source Code and Replace only Trends Name using Your Json Variable.
