Routing Error with Post/Put requests (Passenger Headers) - ruby-on-rails

I've run into a weird problem and after a bunch of research can't get any closer. I've got several forms that upload files via Carrierwave. When I upload the information, part of the route gets cut off (I think).
For example, I have a multi-part form submitting to:
https:/domain/programs/223/add_file as POST
but on submission I get the error
No route matches [POST] "/223/add_file"
even though what's in my address bar is the complete route. And if submit the complete route as a GET request it works fine. When I run rake routes the route shows up just fine.
Here is a subset of my route:
resources :programs do
match "add_file" => "programs#add_file"
If it matters, I'm running Rails 3.2.2 with Passenger on Apache. The problem only happens on this production server, never in development.
Any ideas? I'm stuck on this one as it effects multiple routes and I've tried defining a custom route just for that form with no luck.
When I remove multi-part => true or the file_field_tag from the form it fixes the problem. It's still an issue but seems to be less about routing than about the form with file uploads.

Create passenger_extension.rb in the lib folder with this code:
Passenger 3
module PhusionPassenger
module Utils
NULL = "\0".freeze
def split_by_null_into_hash(data)
args = data.split(NULL, -1)
headers_hash =
args.each_slice(2).to_a.each do |pair|
headers_hash[pair.first] = pair.last unless headers_hash.keys.include? pair.first
return headers_hash
Passenger 5
module PhusionPassenger
module Utils
# Utility functions that can potentially be accelerated by native_support functions.
module NativeSupportUtils
extend self
NULL = "\0".freeze
class ProcessTimes <, :stime)
def split_by_null_into_hash(data)
args = data.split(NULL, -1)
headers_hash =
args.each_slice(2).to_a.each do |pair|
headers_hash[pair.first] = pair.last unless headers_hash.keys.include? pair.first
return headers_hash
def process_times
times = Process.times
return * 1_000_000).to_i,
(times.stime * 1_000_000).to_i)
end # module Utils
end # module PhusionPassenger
And then in 'config/application.rb' do:
class Application < Rails::Application
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
require 'passenger_extension'
And then restart a webserver.
NOTICE: I'm not sure that this doesn't break any other functionality so use it on your own risk and please let me know if you find any harm from this approach.

One issue here is you're not specifying whether the route is defined on the collection or a member. Which one of these is the correct route?
You should construct your routes like this:
resources :programs do
post 'add_file', :on => :member
resources :programs do
member do
post 'add_file'
The above will take post requests at programs/:id/add_file and send them to ProgramsController.add_file with the params[:id] as the program id.
If you want this on the collection, you could do:
resources :programs do
post 'add_file', :on => :collection
resources :programs do
collection do
post 'add_file'
This would take post requests at programs/add_file and send them to ProgramsController.add_file, but no params[:id] would be set.
In general you should always specify whether routes are on the collection or member, and you should specify which verb a route should accept (ie use 'get' or 'post' etc. instead of 'match').
Try the above and see if that solves your problem, if not please let me know and I'll take another look.

I think you may need to add
:via => [:post]
to your route specification. It seems odd that it'd work on development and not on production, but as I understand rails routing, the matcher that you've added is only going to respond to get.
Try changing your match to
match "add_file" => "programs#add_file", :via => [:post]
Also, based on the answer just submitted by Andrew, you're probably better off using the member specifier to be explicit about the fact that the operation is happening on a particular Program with a particular id, and not the collection. It also should save some code in your add_file method which is probably working hard to get the id parameter from the url.


How can I correct the routing error in Ruby on Rails app

I always get routing errors in this Ruby file on Rails to project. It shows me routing error as you can see in below screenshot.
All gems are installed properly it shows me the home page but do not show me the check file or show file page.
Here is my Routes.rb code:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
get 'home/submission3'
post 'home/checkFile'
get 'home/showFiles'
# For details on the DSL available within this file, see
Here is an image of the error shown:
Here is my controller code:
# C:\Users\attari\RubymineProjects\submission3\app\controllers\home_controller.rb
require 'docx'
require 'find'
class HomeController < ApplicationController
def submission3
def checkFile
word = params[:folder][:word]
path = params[:folder][:path]
#files = checkWord(word, path)
puts "FILES ARE #{#files}"
redirect_to home_showFiles_path(#files)
# puts "WORD IS #{word} PATH IS #{path}"
def save
#submissions =
def checkWord(userInput, folderInput)
count = 0
if (Dir.exist?(folderInput))
docx_file_paths = []
filtered_files = []
Find.find(folderInput) do |path|
docx_file_paths << path if path =~ /.*\.docx$/
(0..docx_file_paths.length - 1).each { |i|
d =[i])
d.each_paragraph do |p|
string_ = p.to_s()
if (string_.include? userInput)
puts docx_file_paths[i]
count = count + 1
puts count
puts "No word Matched"
puts count
return filtered_files
puts "No Directory exist"
def create
#submission3 =[:word])
redirect_to new_submission_path
def book_params
How can I fix this routes.rb error?
If you look at the error message, you can see that the filename is being appended directly to the route name (/home/showFiles.C:%5CUsers...). You need to add an id to the route so that Rails knows to expect something there. Your route should look something like this:
get 'home/show_files/:file_name'
[Note that you need to define :file_name in the context where this will be accessed (your controller).]
Even better would be to use a model as the basis for your route. So, if you have (for example) a File model, you would use:
resources :files
and Rails will generate a whole pile of routes for you automatically (or you can limit the routes by doing something like resources :files, only: [:show, :index, :create, :delete]).
Basically, I think you need to read up more on how Rails, and routes specifically, are supposed to work. RailsGuides is probably a good place to start. If you work with Rails and its conventions, you'll find your life a lot easier! Rails prefers convention over configuration!
Also, on a side issue, you're not following Rails convention in naming your methods and variables. CamelCase is used in object names (like class HomeController) but not method names or variable names - Rails uses snake_case for these. Again, if you stick to Rails convention (show_files not showFiles, for example), you'll find things go a lot smoother. Following the Rails conventions means Rails will seamlessly stitch things together for you; fail to follow them and Rails will be a complete nightmare.
Based on the error, it looks like you are trying to access /submission3 route even though you have defined /home/submission3 route. Updating the route should fix your routing error.

Rails 4.1.2 - to_param escapes slashes (and breaks app)

I use in my app to_param to create custom URL (this custom path contains slashes):
class Machine < ActiveRecord::Base
def to_param
MachinePrettyPath.show_path(self, cut_model_text: true)
The thing is, that since Rails 4.1.2 behaviour changed and Rails doesn't allow to use slashes in the URL (when use custom URL), so it escapes slashes.
I had such routes:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
scope "(:locale)", locale: /#{I18n.available_locales.join("|")}/ do
resources :machines, except: :destroy do
collection do
get :search
get 'search/:ad_type(/:machine_type(/:machine_subtype(/:brand)))', action: 'search', as: :pretty_search
get ':subcategory/:brand(/:model)/:id', action: 'show', as: :pretty
patch ':subcategory/:brand(/:model)/:id', action: 'update' # To be able to update machines with new rich paths.
I tried by recommendation in the thread to use glob param just for show method to make sure it works:
resources :machines, except: :destroy do
scope format: false do
get '/machines/*id', to: "machines#show"
But it absolutely doesn't work. I still have such broken links:
Of course, if I replace escaped slashes on myself:
And try to visit path, then page'll be opened.
Any ideas how can I fix that?
I've been having the same problem when using the auto-generated url helpers. I used a debugger to trace the new behavior to its source (somewhere around ActionDispatch::Journey::Visitors::Formatter), but didn't find any promising solutions. It looks like the parameterized model is now strictly treated as a single slash-delimited segment of the path and escaped accordingly, with no options to tell the formatter otherwise.
As far as I can tell, the only way to get the url helper to produce the old result is to use your original routes file and pass each segment separately, something like:
pretty_machine_path(machine.subcategory, machine.brand, machine.model,
This is ugly as hell and obviously not something you'll want to do over and over. You could add a method to MachinePrettyPath to generate the segments as an array and explode the result for the helper (say, pretty_machine_path(*MachinePrettyPath.show_path_segments(machine))) but that's still pretty verbose.
Between the above headaches and the "You're Doing it Wrong" attitude from the devs in that Rails ticket you linked to, the simplest option for me was to bite the bullet and write a custom URL helper instead of using to_param. I've yet to find a good example of the "right" way to do that, but something like this bare-bones example should serve the purpose:
module UrlsHelper
def machine_path(machine, options = {})
pretty_machine_path(*MachinePrettyPath.show_path_segments(machine), options)
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
helper :urls #for the views
include UrlsHelper #for controllers
If you're sure the returned url is safe you should add .html_safe to the returned string:
MachinePrettyPath.show_path(self, cut_model_text: true).html_safe
(didn't see anywhere else where it can be escaped but check all the flow in your app, maybe manually testing method by by method)
How about defining the url yourself?
def to_param
"#{ subcategory.title.parameterize }/#{ }/#{ }/#{ id }"
And then in your routes something like this:
get 'machines/*id', to: "machines#show"
You also have to split your params[:id] when you do a find on your model.
Machine.find( params[:id].split("/").last )

StackOverflow Style Routes with Smart Redirects

StackOverflow seems to have this style of routes for questions:
Which is easy enough to achieve, both in routes and to_param.
However, StackOverflow seems to also redirect to that path when just an ID is passed.
redirects to:
Same goes for any variation of the slug
Will still redirect to the same URL.
My question is: Is this type of redirection typically handled in the controller (comparing the request to the route) or is there a way to do this in routes.rb?
The reason I wouldn't think this possible in the routes.rb file is that typically, you don't have access to the object (so you couldn't get the slug based off the ID, right?)
For anyone interested, Rails 3.2.13 and also using FriendlyID
Ok, so I think I've got this.
I was looking into doing something with middleware, but then decided that's probably not the place for this type of functionality (since we need to access ActiveRecord).
So I ended up building a service object, known as a PathCheck. The service looks like this:
class PathCheck
def initialize(model, request)
#model = model
#request = request
# Says if we are already where we need to be
# /:id/*slug
def at_proper_path?
#request.fullpath == proper_path
# Returns what the proper path is
def proper_path
Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.send(path_name, #model)
def path_name
return "edit_#{model_lowercase_name}_path" if #request.filtered_parameters["action"] == "edit"
def model_lowercase_name
This is easy enough to implement into my controller:
def show
#post = Post.find params[:post_id] || params[:id]
def check_path
path_check = #post, request
redirect_to path_check.proper_path if !path_check.at_proper_path?
My || in my find method is because in order to maintain resourceful routes, I did something like...
resources :posts do
get '*id' => 'posts#show'
Which will make a routes like: /posts/:post_id/*id on top of /posts/:id
This way, the numeric id is primarily used to look up the record, if available. This allows us to loosely match /posts/12345/not-the-right-slug to be redirected to /posts/12345/the-right-slug
The service is written in a universal fashion, so I can use it in any resourceful controller. I have't found a way to break it yet, but I'm open to correction.
Railscast #398: Service Objects by Ryan Bates
This Helpful Tweet by Jared Fine

Dynamic URL -> Controller mapping for routes in Rails

I would like to be able to map URLs to Controllers dynamically based on information in my database.
I'm looking to do something functionally equivalent to this (assuming a View model):
map.route '/:view_name',
:controller => lambda { View.find_by_name(params[:view_name]).controller }
Others have suggested dynamically rebuilding the routes, but this won't work for me as there may be thousands of Views that map to the same Controller
This question is old, but I found it interesting. A fully working solution can be created in Rails 3 using router's capability to route to a Rack endpoint.
Create the following Rack class:
class MyRouter
def call(env)
# Matched from routes, you can access all matched parameters
view_name= env['action_dispatch.request.path_parameters'][:view_name]
# Compute these the way you like, possibly using view_name
controller= 'post'
my_action= 'show'
controller_class= (controller + '_controller').camelize.constantize
In Routes
match '/:view_name', :to =>, :via => :get
Hint picked up from which says "For the curious, 'posts#index' actually expands out to PostsController.action(:index), which returns a valid Rack application."
A variant tested in Rails 3.2.13.
So I think that you are asking that if you have a Views table and a View model for it where the table looks like
id | name | model
1 | aaa | Post
2 | bbb | Post
3 | ccc | Comment
You want a url of /aaa to point to Post.controller - is this right?
If not then what you suggest seems fine assuming it works.
You could send it to a catch all action and have the action look at the url, run the find_by_name and then call the correct controller from there.
def catch_all
You can use redirect_to and even send the params. In the example below you I am sending the search parameters
def catch_all
new_controller = View.find_by_name('aaa').controller
redirect_to :controller => new_controller, :action => :index,
:search => params[:search]
Here is a nice Rack Routing solution to SEO contributed by zetetic and Steve ross
Testing Rack Routing Using rSpec
It shows you how to write a custom dispatcher (where you can do a db lookup if needed) and with constraints, and testing as well.
As suggested in the question Rails routing to handle multiple domains on single application, I guess you could use Rails Routing - Advanced Constraints to build what you need.
If you have a limited space of controllers (with unlimited views pointing to them), this should work. Just create a constraint for each controller that verifies if the current view matches them.
Assuming you have a space of 2 controllers (PostController and CommentController), you could add the following to your routes.rb:
match "*path" => "post#show", :constraints =>
match "*path" => "comment#show", :constraints =>
Then, create lib/post_constraint.rb:
class PostConstraint
def matches?(request)
'post' == Rails.cache.fetch("/view_controller_map/#{request.params[:view_name]}") { View.find_by_name(request.params[:view_name]).controller }
Finally, create lib/comment_constraint.rb:
class CommentConstraint
def matches?(request)
'comment' == Rails.cache.fetch("/view_controller_map/#{request.params[:view_name]}") { View.find_by_name(request.params[:view_name]).controller }
You can do some improvements, like defining a super constraint class that fetches the cache, so you don't have to repeat code and don't risk fetching a wrong cache key name in one of the constraints.

Rails RESTful Routes: override params[:id] or params[:model_id] defaults

I'm trying to understand how to change this rule directly on the map.resources:
supposing I have a route:
map.resource :user, :as => ':user', :shallow => true do |user|
user.resources :docs, :shallow => true do |file|
file.resources :specs
so I would have RESTful routes like this:
So I see that is difficult to track the params[:doc_id] on this case because sometimes its params[:id] and sometimes its params[:doc_id] and in this case I would like to always call for one specific name so I won't have to create two different declarations for my filters.
Well, I did a little bit of research and I found this patch:
and basically what this does is give you the ability to add a :key parameter on you map.resources so you can defined how you would like to reference it later so we could have something like:
map.resources :docs, :key => :doc ...
so I always would call the param with params[:doc] instead.
But actually this patch is a little bit old (3 years now)
so I was wondering if we don't have anything newer and already built-in for rails to do this task?
P.S I'm not sure about that to_param method defined inside the model, apparently this didn't change anything on my requests, and on the logs I still getting:
Parameters: {"doc_id"=>"6"} or Parameters: {"id"=>"6"} all the time.
One method of making the parameters a little more friendly without writing fully custom routes is
# docs_controller.rb
def show
#doc = Doc.find(params[:doc].to_i)
# doc.rb
def to_param
[ id, permalink ].join("-")
# assumes you're storing a permalink formatted version of the name of your doc
# routes.rb
map.resources :docs
This will give you URLs that look something like
