load all "jquery mobile pages" within a html document fetched via ajax - jquery-mobile

Please let me know how to load all the "pages" in a html document into the current page dom.
I tried using $.mobile.loadPage, but only the first "page" of the document is loaded.
I want to load all the "pages" in that html document.
While googling for this i found two plugins ToddThomson/jQuery-Mobile-Subpage-Widget and a multiview plugin. But i could not find the basic "how to use" section for these two plugins.
Is there any links which shows how to use these plugins.

It can be done easily.
Lets say you have 2 html files. First one has a one jQM page and second html has two pages. Also lets say first html page is called test1.html and second one is called test2.html, test1.html is first page to open.
Only thing you need to do (to load every page from test2.html) is to add an attribute data-prefetch to a a tag link leading to the second page.
Here's an example:
<a href="test2.html" class="ui-btn-right" data-prefetch>Next</a>
If you wish, go to my profile and send me an email, and I will send you a working example.
Here you can find more about data prefetch in jQM: http://jquerymobile.com/test/docs/pages/page-cache.html
If you are changing your page with a changePage function you can still prefetch it with a :
pageContainerElement.page({ domCache: true });


jquery mobile changePage not working if called from an ajax loaded page

form1.html has a button
clicking that button calls $.mobile.changePage('../site3/form2.html');
no problem here. all is as expected and the page is loaded. let's call that form2.html
form2.html has 2 sections:
(1) #SiteForm and
(2) #SiteSearched
clicking a button on #SiteForm should call $.mobile.changePage('../site3/form2.html#SiteSearched');
now here's the weird part.
if I load the page form2.html directly and press the button, it works and I see #SiteSearched JQM page.
but, if I start from form1.html, click the button to get to form2.html#SiteForm, then click the button, everything in the attached function executes, except the line calling $.mobile.changePage('../site3/form2.html#SiteSearched');
I know that part is loaded by AJAX by wouldn't the changePage command work?
(note: Form1 may have data filled into the form that I don't want to lose. Form2.html was meant to do a search and throw back the result to Form1 somehow, which is why I am doing things this way.)
You should read official jQuery Mobile documentation before posting here, everything is explained there, but let me give you a short explanation.
jQuery Mobile has two template solutions, one is multi page and second one is multi html. You already know that because you are mixing them. But, what you don't know is (from the perspective of AJAX page handling):
Only first HTML page is fully loaded into the DOM, everything is loaded, including the HEAD content. So if initial HTML page has several data-role="page" <div> containers, every one will load into the DOM.
But, every subsequent page is loaded only partially. Basically if you second, third ... page has more then one data-role="page" div containers only first one will load into the <DOM>. jQuery Mobile will discard everything else.
So in your case, if form2.html has:
(1) #SiteForm and
(2) #SiteSearched
jQuery Mobile will load only #SiteForm, #SiteSearched will get discarded.
Basically this line will not work:
You can't nit pick specific pages in subsequent pages, as I told you. You can only use this:
And jQuery Mobile will show you first data-role="page" occurrence inside form2.html page.
Read more about this here and here.

jQuery mobile finds elements from first page when on second page

I've got a two page jQuery mobile app, and within the init function, the following code..
Call to the init function
$(document).on('pageinit', function(){
init: function() {
$('td[id$="drops"]').each(function() {
console.log("Element: " + $(this).attr('id'));
I have elements in page one that match the above, such as '#early_drops', '#late_drops', etc. These elements do not exist on page 2, but when page 2 loads, the elements are displayed in the console just like when page 1 is loaded. What am I missing here?
Thanks very much,
-Adam vonNieda
By default jQuery loads pages using AJAX into the existing page in order to allow the animated transitions. If you don't want this you just need to 'turn off' the AJAX loading.
See description here: http://view.jquerymobile.com/1.3.2/dist/demos/widgets/links/
Links that point to other domains or that have rel="external", data-ajax="false" or target attributes will not be loaded with AJAX. Instead, these links will cause a full page refresh with no animated transition. Both attributes (rel="external" and data-ajax="false") have the same effect, but a different semantic meaning: rel="external" should be used when linking to another site or domain, while data-ajax="false" is useful for simply opting a page within your domain from being loaded via AJAX.
You can also disable AJAX across the entire app by default using global configuration: http://api.jquerymobile.com/global-config/

HTML Links that do nothing when you are on the page they link to

I am currently building a website containing lots of links to different sections of my website (also known as navigation). Lets call those links and their corresponding pages link1, page1 , link2, page2, link3, page3 etc.
The general code for them is this:
I want the user to click each link to move to the corresponding webpage and it works as supposed to. The problem is that I want the links to do nothing when the user is on the same page as the link they clicked (meaning it will only reload the page). Let me make this clear by using an example:
Current use: User is on page1. User clicks on link1. The browser will reload page1.
Desired use: User is on page1. User clicks on link1. The browser will do nothing.
TL;DR Essentially I am searching for an if clause. I have read there is no if clause in HTML simply because it's a markup language but what is another way to implement this? Thanks for your help.
The best answer I have found without the need to use JQuery or JS after munching through SO is this, answer made by Matt Crinklaw-Vogt:
Add a /#!. This will prevent the scrolling to the top and will also prevent the page reloading.
Original answer:
How do I stop a web page from scrolling to the top when a link is clicked that triggers JavaScript?
I'm not sure I like it, but you could use an empty bookmark to do this...
If you aren't on page1, it will load page1, but once you are there, it won't do anything.
<a onclick = "return false;">Link2</a>
That cancels out the load.
On page load, you could use JS as follows
document.getElementById("link1").setAttribute("href", "#");
You can use javascript to compare the current url to the anchor link, and if they're the same, prevent the default click event. Using jquery:
var url = window.location.pathname,
urlRegExp = new RegExp(url.replace(/\/$/,'') + "$");
if(urlRegExp.test(this.href.replace(/\/$/,''))) {
$(this).click(function(event) {

Visible/hidden content affecting loading speed of page? How to retrieve external data on demand?

Example: A list of linked <H4> (<a><H4>maximum 200 characters</H4></a>) and their corresponding divs (<div>maximum 10000 characters</div>) are simultaneously fetched from a spreadsheet; when any one of those visible linked <H4> is clicked ( toggle() ), their corresponding prior hidden divs ( hide() ) gets displayed. The list of linked <H4> and related divs grows as the spreadsheet grows, like a Comments form.
Does the <H4> list load faster (or appear faster on the page)
when the divs are hidden beforehand (hide())?
If question 1 is negatif, what would be the simplest jQuery function structure, in this example, to retrieve and display the divs after the linked <H4>s are loaded and only upon User <H4> click? I already have the data-fetching function figured out (google.jsapi) so I would need the correct jQuery function structure allowing User on-demand loading of supplementary data. Any pointers?
Note: Currently developing on jQuery 1.6+ . Code above is simplified for description only. The reason why the <H4>s are wrapped within <a> tags is a cross-browser issue and to allow accessibilty with accesskeys and Tab for keyboard Users (I tried the each() method for clickable H4s and Firefox did not let me down however IE 6-7 hated me for that and froze).
1) Does the list load faster (or appear faster on the page) when the divs are hidden beforehand (hide())?
As long as you are loading hidden divs the same time you are loading your page, your page won't load faster/signifcantly faster
2) If question 1 is negatif, what would be the simplest jQuery function structure, in this example, to retrieve and display the divs after the linked s are loaded and only upon User click?
Use ajax to populate divs on demand, create a page with empty hidden div, and load those div using ajax request when you are showing them. All this can be done using javascript/JQuery

How can I remove body from a Page in OrchardCMS?

I currently have 2 page types in my Orchard CMS setup. One is for the front page, one for a detail page. On the front page, I have removed the body from being displayed, so that it just shows 2 HTML widgets.
Is there a way so that when someone edits this page, they don't get a body section?
A placement file might also do the trick: placement also works for the admin ui... That could enable you to make it show or not without requiring two different content types.
You can remove the Body Part from the page content type you use for the front page. This way people who edit this page won't see the editor for body content and the body won't be rendered at all.
