MVC DI/IoC too many dependencies? -

Given this example of an MVC controller; psuedo code...
private IGetPost _getPost;
private ICreatePost _createPost;
private IDeletePost _deletePost;
private IUpdatePost _updatePost;
public ActionResult Get()
return _getPost();
public ActionResult Create(post)
return _createPost(post);
public ActionResult Update(posts)
return _updatePost(post);
public ActionResult Delete(post)
return _deletePost(post);
The question I have is that if any one of the actions on the controller is called, all the dependencies of the controller have instances created for them, which seems like a performance buzzkill. Is there a better way to do this? The only thought I had was to create 4 different controllers each with only a single action, but that seems like overkill. I also thought of calling the DependencyResolver directly in each action, but I am unsure of what the implications for unit testability will be if I do that.

Why is it a performance buzzkill? Have you measured this to be the case? While there's overhead in determining what implementations map to what interfaces, most dependency injection (DI) containers worth their salt will do this mapping once (and usually create compiled code on the fly so that the lookup is as quick as possible) to create the mappings.
It's then just a matter of creating the objects, which would be no different than if you were to use the new keyword.
For general cases, this isn't going to be a performance hit. Considering this is a web application, if you were getting Stack Overflow levels of traffic, then it very well could be an impediment to scaling; each of these operations is cheap, but when multiplied by a factor of millions, in aggregate, it's very expensive, and usually, these are the types of things that could lead to resource contentions, etc.
Assuming that this isn't the case (Stack Overflow levels of traffic), where you very well could be facing a performance issue is in the implementations of the constructors.
If the implementation of those four interfaces (or any number of them) is costly, that's not a function of DI, it's a function of your code and that's something you will get more benefit from optimizing.
The only place where tweaking the dependency injection might be beneficial would be if the construction one or more of those implementations had high overheads, and you had your DI container create one instance for all interface implementations instead of one instance per interface implementation. However, you should only look into lifetime management through the DI layer when you've determined that option is available to you (meaning, having one instance of that class to service all requests is viable; is it thread-safe? Does it hold onto any resources for a very long time? etc.)
If you're truly concerned about this and the above doesn't apply or isn't an option, then yes, you could create a number of smaller controllers, and that might make sense for other reasons; if the actions you are performing are not logically related to each other, they probably should be in separate controllers.
However, looking at the actions you have, it would seem that the logical divide you have is correct.
Long story short, don't try to optimize for performance in places you haven't measured it to be a factor.
That said, whatever you do, do not resolve dependencies inside of your class. If you do, you lose all the benefits of DI, and are tightly binding your class to a DI container (and possibly killing testability while at it).

I'm not sure the performance will really be a problem unless you have a really ridiculous number of dependencies. Either way, it's a good exercise to look at your architecture.
The way we do this is to abstract service level calls out to an external class, called a handler. This is from inspiration from Project Silk. This way, not only are you slimming down your controllers and making them much more manageable, but it avoids this kind of dependency build up.
In this case, you'd have the one controller which, for each action, simply resolves a handler and its dependencies, and executes it. Handlers are defined as small classes with very few (one is common) methods.
class MyController : BaseController
public ActionResult Get(int id)
return Using<GetItemHandler>().Execute(id);
class GetItemHandler
private IDependency _myDep;
public GetItemHandler(IDependency dep)
_myDep = dep;
public Execute(int id)
return _myDep.Get(id);
Note that the way this works is that the Using<T>() method (defined in the BaseController) uses the IoC container to resolve the handler, thus grabbing all it's dependencies. Then we can just use it as normal. I think this pattern really helps to separate out responsibilities and keep your classes and controllers nice and lean.


Dependency injection: Is it ok to instatiate a concrete object from a concrete factory

I am fairly new to Dependency Injection, and I wrote a great little app that worked exactly like Mark Seemann told me it would and the world was great. I even added some extra complexity to it just to see if I could handle that using DI. And I could, happy days.
Then I took it to a real world application and spent a long time scratching my head. Mark tells me that I am not allowed to use the 'new' keyword to instantiate objects, and I should instead let the IoC do this for me.
However, say that I have a repository and I want it to be able to return me a list of things, thusly:
public interface IThingRepository
public IEnumerable<IThing> GetThings();
Surely at least one implementation of this interface will have to instantiate some Thing's? And it doesn't seem so bad being allowing ThingRepository to new up some Things as they are related anyway.
I could instead pass round a POCO instead, but at some point I'm going to have to convert the POCO in to a business object, which would require me to new something up.
This situation seems to occur every time I want a number of things which is not knowable in the Composition Root (ie we only find out this information later - for example when querying the database).
Does anyone know what the best practice is in these kinds of situations?
In addition to Steven's answer, I think it is ok for a specific factory to new up it's specific matching-implementation that it was created for.
Also, check this answer, specifically the comments, which say something about new-ing up instances.
public interface IContext {
T GetById<T>(int id);
public interface IContextFactory {
IContext Create();
public class EntityContext : DbContext, IContext {
public T GetById<T>(int id) {
var entity = ...; // Retrieve from db
return entity;
public class EntityContextFactory : IContextFactory {
public IContext Create() {
// I think this is ok, since the factory was specifically created
// to return the matching implementation of IContext.
return new EntityContext();
Mark tells me that I am not allowed to use the 'new' keyword to instantiate objects
That's not what Mark Seemann tells you, or what he means. You must make the clear separation between services (controlled by your composition root) at one side and primitives, entities, DTOs, view models and messages on the other side. Services are injectables and all other types are newables. You should only prevent using new on service types. It would be silly to prevent newing up strings for instance.
Since in your example the service is a repository, it seems reasonable to assume that the repository returns domain objects. Domain objects are newables and there's no reason not to new them manually.
Thanks for the answers everybody, they led me to the following conclusions.
Mark makes a distinction between stable and unstable dependencies in the book I am reading ( "Dependency injection in .NET"). Stable dependencies (eg Strings) can be created at will. Unstable dependencies should be moved behind a seam / interface.
A dependency is anything that is in a different assembly from the one that we are writing.
An unstable dependency is any of the following
It requires a run time environment to be set up such as a database, web server, maybe even the file system (otherwise it won't be extensible or testable, and it means we couldn't do late binding if we wanted to)
It doesn't exist yet (otherwise we can't do parallel development)
It requires something that isn't installed on all machines (otherwise it can cause test difficulties)
It contains non deterministic behaviour (otherwise impossible to test well)
So this is all well and good.
However, I often hide things behind seams within the same assembly. I find this extremely helpful for testing. For example if I am doing a complex calculation it is impossible to test the entire calculation well in one go. If I split the calculation up into lots of smaller classes and hide these behind seams, then I can easily inject any arbirtary intermediate results into a calculating class.
So, having had a good old think about it, these are my conclusions:
It is always OK to create a stable dependency
You should never create unstable dependencies directly
It can be useful to use seams within an assembly, particularly to break up big classes and make them more easily testable.
And in answer to my original question, it is ok to instatiate a concrete object from a concrete factory.

How to make the Controller a single instance per application in ASP.NET MVC?

Over time controllers develop a lot of dependencies, and creating an instance of controller becomes too expensive for each request (especially with DI). Is there any solution to make controllers singletons?
Creating instances of controllers is pretty fast and simple operation. What becomes too expensive is creating dependencies for each request. So, what you really need is many controllers which share same instances of dependencies.
E.g. you have following controller
public class SalesController : Controller
private IProductRepository productRepository;
private IOrderRepository orderRepository;
public SalesController(IProductRepository productRepository,
IOrderRepository orderRepository)
this.productRepository = productRepository;
this.orderRepository = orderRepository;
// ...
You should configure your dependency injection framework to use same instances of repositories for all application (keep in mind, you can have synchronization problems). Now creating dependencies is not expensive any more. All dependencies are instantiated only once, and reused for all requests.
If you have many dependencies and you are worrying about costs of getting reference to instance of each dependency and providing these references to controller instance (which I don't think will be very expensive), then you can group your dependencies (something like Introduce Parameter Object refactoring):
public class SalesController : Controller
private ISalesService salesService;
public SalesController(ISalesService salesService)
this.salesService = salesService;
// ...
public class SalesService : ISalesService
private IProductRepository productRepository;
private IOrderRepository orderRepository;
public SalesService(IProductRepository productRepository,
IOrderRepository orderRepository)
this.productRepository = productRepository;
this.orderRepository = orderRepository;
// ...
Now you have single dependency, which will be injected very quickly. If you will configure your dependency injection framework to use singleton SalesService, then all SalesControllers will reuse same instance of service. Creation of controllers and providing dependencies will be very fast.
So first an answer to the original question:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {
// put other services bindings here
// bind all Controller classes as singletons
services.AddSingleton<HomeController, HomeController>();
// tell framework to obtain Controller instances from ServiceProvider.
As stated in the original question, if controllers have big dependency trees consisting mainly of request Scoped or Transient dependencies then creating them separately for each request may have some footprint on scalability of your application (in Java for example Servlet instances are singletons by default exactly for this reason). While usually CPU and real time needed to create even a big dependency tree is negligible (unless you have some heavy computations or network communication in constructors of your components, which almost never is a good idea for transient or request scoped components), the memory usage footprint is something to reckon with. In case of common DB-Web apps memory is the main factor limiting number of concurrent requests that a single machine-node can handle. If every request has a separate copy of a big dependency tree, together they may consume a significant amount of memory (the other thing to watch for is initial stack size for a new thread, by the way).
The accepted answer 1220560 solves the problem as well, but I would consider it an ugly hack and it has some drawbacks: you need to create this artificial singleton service that will be used by your Controllers either as a service locator or a proxy for other services. If you have just one such singleton object for all your controllers then you are effectively hiding real dependencies of your Controller: for example if someone wants to write a unit-test for your Controller he needs to analyse carefully its implementation to see which dependencies it actually uses, so that he knows what mocks/fakes he needs to provide in his test setup. If later you change your Controller and as a result of your change the subset of services your controller uses changes as well, it is very easy to forget to update the test setup also. This may sometimes lead to bugs that are hard to track. Contrary to this, if your dependencies are declared explicitly as constructor params, you will get a compiler error in the test setup right away. Another thing you can do is to have a separate such a singleton proxy/service locator for each controller, but then it's a lot of hassle basically.
Regardless whether you use the solution proposed by me or the one from answer #1220560 you must be careful when injecting request Scoped dependencies into singleton objects as described in right at the end of the "registering-your-own-services" section. You can find possible solutions to this problem here: how to use scoped dependency in a singleton in C# / ASP
Another thing to watch for is concurrency issue: singleton objects may be accessed concurrently by several threads handling different concurrent requests, so make sure to add proper synchronization to any non-thread-safe resources your singleton uses.
I've just realized the original question was about ASP.NET and this answer is for ASP.NET Core, so it probably won't work for "non-Core".

DI Container and custom-scoped state in legacy system

I believe I understand the basic concepts of DI / IoC containers having written a couple of applications using them and reading a lot of stack overflow answers as well as Mark Seeman's book. There are still some cases that I have trouble with, especially when it comes to integrating DI container to a large existing architecture where DI principle hasn't been really used (think big ball of mud).
I know the ideal scenario is to have a single composition root / object graph per operation but in a legacy system this might not be possible without major refactoring (only the new and some select refactored old parts of the code could have dependencies injected through constructor and the rest of the system using the container as a service locator to interact with the new parts). This effectively means that a stack trace deep within an operation might include several object graphs with calls being made back and forth between new subsystems (single object graph until exiting into an old segment) and traditional subsystems (service locator call at some point to code under DI container).
With the (potentially faulty, I might be overthinking this or be completely wrong in assuming this kind of hybrid architecture is a good idea) assumptions out of the way, here's the actual problem:
Let's say we have a thread pool executing scheduled jobs of various types defined in database (or any external place). Each separate type of scheduled job is implemented as a class inheriting a common base class. When the job is started, it gets fed the information about which targets it should write its log messages to and the configuration it should use. The configuration could probably be handled by just passing the values as method parameters to whatever class needs them but if the job implementation gets larger than say 10-20 classes, it doesn't seem very handy.
Logging is the larger problem. Subsystems the job calls probably also need to write things to the log and usually in examples this is done by just requesting instance of ILog in the constructor. But how does that work in this case when we don't know the details / implementation until runtime? Since:
Due to (non DI container controlled) legacy system segments in the call chain (-> there potentially being multiple separate object graphs), child container cannot be used to inject the custom logger for specific sub-scope
Manual property injection would basically require the complete call chain (including all legacy subsystems) to be updated
A simplified example to help better perceive the problem:
Class JobXImplementation : JobBase {
// through constructor injection
ILoggerFactory _loggerFactory;
JobXExtraLogic _jobXExtras;
public void Run(JobConfig configurationFromDatabase)
ILog log = _loggerFactory.Create(configurationFromDatabase.targets);
// if there were no legacy parts in the call chain, I would register log as instance to a child container and Resolve next part of the call chain and everyone requesting ILog would get the correct logging targets
// do stuff
_jobXExtras.DoStuff(configurationFromDatabase, log);
Class JobXExtraLogic {
public void DoStuff(JobConfig configurationFromDatabase, ILog log) {
// call to legacy sub-system
var old = new OldClass(log, configurationFromDatabase.SomeRandomSetting);
Class OldClass {
public void DoOldStuff() {
// moar stuff
var old = new AnotherOldClass();
Class AnotherOldClass {
public void DoMoreOldStuff() {
// call to a new subsystem
var newSystemEntryPoint = DIContainerAsServiceLocator.Resolve<INewSubsystemEntryPoint>();
Class NewSubsystemEntryPoint : INewSubsystemEntryPoint {
public void DoNewStuff() {
// want to log something...
I'm sure you get the picture by this point.
Instantiating old classes through DI is a non-starter since many of them use (often multiple) constructors to inject values instead of dependencies and would have to be refactored one by one. The caller basically implicitly controls the lifetime of the object and this is assumed in the implementations (the way they handle internal object state).
What are my options? What other kinds of problems could you possibly see in a situation like this? Is trying to only use constructor injection in this kind of environment even feasible?
Great question. In general, I would say that an IoC container loses a lot of its effectiveness when only a portion of the code is DI-friendly.
Books like Working Effectively with Legacy Code and Dependency Injection in .NET both talk about ways to tease apart objects and classes to make DI viable in code bases like the one you described.
Getting the system under test would be my first priority. I'd pick a functional area to start with, one with few dependencies on other functional areas.
I don't see a problem with moving beyond constructor injection to setter injection where it makes sense, and it might offer you a stepping stone to constructor injection. Adding a property is usually less invasive than changing an object's constructor.

DI: When to list dependencies as params in ctor and when to call Container.Resolve<>()?

I use DI quite a lot in my projects and I'm fairly comfortable with the concept, however there's one aspect which I'm not quite sure about.
So a common use-case for me is to have an ASP.NET MVC Controller where I list the controller's dependencies in the constructor's parameter list, obviously these are passed in when the Controller is constructed by the DI Container, I then assign these to readonly private variables to be later consumed by Actions within the Controller.
Now, my concern is that if I only use an injected dependency (let's say an IMemberRepository) within one Action (and let's say there are 5 other Actions), should I list this as a dependency in the ctor, or should I call Container.Resolve<IMemberRepository>() within the one Action where it's used?
I have to say, I do like listing all my dependencies in the ctor, and I don't particularly like Container.Resolve<>() strewn throughout my code, but, going on the example above, there's no point in getting the DI container to instantiate an IMemberRepository if it's going to be used!
You should never call Container.Resolve from within your application code. This is the Service Locator pattern, and is considered an anti-pattern. Not injecting all dependencies through the constructor means you are hiding the used dependencies, which makes it less clear what depenencies a class has and makes it harder to test that class.
You are concerned about performance when dependencies are injected but not used, but this is normally not an issue, since construction of objects is usually very fast (since all those objects should do during construction is storing all incoming dependencies in private fields). When construction is proven to be too slow for a certaintype, there are other solutions, such as wrapping that dependency into a proxy that lazily initializes that dependency.
If you find that your class gets too many constructor arguments, it is a sign that it has too many responsibilities; it is doing too much. Try to repair this flaw in the class's design instead of falling back to Container.Resolve. For instance, extract a group of dependencies with the classes logic into a single new type and inject that as dependency.
There could be other problems with the design. When your controller depends directly on a repository dependency and you have business logic in the controller, you are missing an abstraction. You are missing a service layer. A good solution is the introduction of command handlers and query handlers.
I second what Steven has said.
If too many constructor arguments bug you then you could also opt for property injection. I favour this approach. There are some objects that, for some or other reason, are not injected into properties if they are not yet fully populated whereas they will be injected into the constructor.
I apply a guard to the dependency on properties to throw an exception if a dependency is null so that I know which dependency it is.
Hope that makes sense.
I would say that it depends on what you are wanting to do with DI.
The approach of using the injected dependencies as parameter in the constructor can end in a very long list of parameters.
This may be necessary for real Test Driven Development where you may want to mock the methods for your injected dependencies.
I personally think that it produces a lot of overhead as the DI Container always has to construct all dependencies, needed in an Action or not.
It is also to be considered that the usage of Actions and PartialViews produce a lot more constructions.
public class HomeController : Controller
private IMemberRepository _memberRepo = null;
public HomeController(IMemberRepository repo)
_memberRepo = repo;
public ActionResult Index()
MyViewModel viewModel = _memberRepo.DoSomething();
return View(viewModel);
public PartialViewResult SomePartialAction()
return PartialView();
Where the view Index.cshtml calls the partial view SomePartialAction() by #Html.Action("SomePartialAction").
In this case the constructor of the controller is called twice. Each time for each action. Therefore the DI container is also called twice.
So it really depends. For "hardcore" TDD you have to use the constructor. Otherwise I would resolve the dependencies where and when needed.

Elegantly reducing the number of dependencies in ASP.NET MVC controllers

We are developing what is becoming a sizable ASP.NET MVC project and a code smell is starting to raise its head.
Every controller has 5 or more dependencies, some of these dependencies are only used for 1 of the action methods on the controller but obviously are created for every instance of the controller.
I'm struggling to think of a good way to reduce the number of objects that are created needlessly for 90% of calls.
Here are a few ideas I'm toying around with:
Splitting the controllers down into smaller, more targeted ones.
Currently we have roughly a controller per domain entity, this has led to nice looking URLs which we would like to emulate, meaning we would end up with a much more complicated routing scheme.
Passing in an interface wrapping the IoC container.
This would mean the objects would only be created when they were explicitly required. However, this just seems like putting lipstick on a pig.
Extending the framework in some way to achieve some crazy combination of the two.
I feel that others must have come across this same problem; so how did you solve this or did you just live with it because it isn't really that big a problem in your eyes?
I've been pondering solutions to this very problem, and this is what I've come up with:
Inject your dependencies into your controller actions directly, instead of into the controller constructor. This way you are only injecting what you need to.
I've literally just whipped this up, so its slightly naive and not tested in anger, but I intend to implement this asap to try it out. Suggestions welcome!
Its of course StructureMap specific, but you could easily use a different container.
in global.asax:
protected void Application_Start()
new StructureMapControllerFactory());
here is structuremapcontrollerfactory:
public class StructureMapControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
protected override IController GetControllerInstance(Type controllerType)
var controller =
ObjectFactory.GetInstance(controllerType) as Controller;
controller.ActionInvoker =
new StructureMapControllerActionInvoker();
return controller;
catch (StructureMapException)
and structuremapcontrolleractioninvoker (could do with being a bit more intelligent)
public class StructureMapControllerActionInvoker : ControllerActionInvoker
protected override object GetParameterValue(
ControllerContext controllerContext,
ParameterDescriptor parameterDescriptor)
object parameterValue;
parameterValue = base.GetParameterValue(
controllerContext, parameterDescriptor);
catch (Exception e)
parameterValue =
if (parameterValue == null)
throw e;
return parameterValue;
There is the concept of "service locator" that has been added to works like Prism. It has the advantage of reducing that overhead.
But, as you say, it's just hiding things under the carpet. The dependencies do not go away, and you just made them less visible, which goes against one of the goals of using DI (clearly stating what you depend on), so I'd be careful not to overuse it.
Maybe you'd be better served by delegating some of the work. If there is some way you were intending to re-partition your controller, you might just want to create that class and make your controller obtain an instance of it through DI.
It will not reduce the creation cost, since the dependencies would still be resolved at creation time, but at least you'd isolate those dependencies by functionality and keep your routing scheme simple.
I would consider separately the problem of dependencies and creation of dependent objects. The dependency is simply the fact that the controller source code references a certain type. This has a cost in code complexity, but no runtime cost to speak of. The instantiation of the object, on the other hand, has a runtime cost.
The only way to reduce the number of code dependencies is to break up the controllers. Anything else is just making the dependencies a bit prettier, as you say. But making the dependencies (as opposed to instantiation of the dependent objects, which I'll cover in a second) prettier may well be enough of a solution that you don't need to break up the controllers. So IoC is a decent solution for this, I think.
Re: creating the objects, you write, "...some of these dependencies are only used for 1 of the action methods on the controller but obviously are created for every instance of the controller." This strikes me as the real problem, rather than the dependency, per se. Because it's only going to get worse as your project expands. You can fix this problem by changing the instantiation of the objects so that it does not happen until they are needed. One way would be to use properties with lazy instantiation. Another way would be to use arguments to your action methods with model binders which instantiate the objects you need. Yet another way would be to write functions which return the instances you need. It's hard to say which way is best without knowing the purpose of the objects you're using.
Your controllers may be becoming too "Fat". I suggest creating an application tier which sit beneath your controllers. The application tier can encapsulate a lot of the orchestration going on inside your controller actions and is much more testable. It will also help you organize your code without the constraints of designated action methods.
Using ServiceLocation will also help (and yes, I'm essentially reiterating Denis Troller's answer- which probably isn't good but I did vote his answer up).
