Alternative to DevExpress to use Entity Framework? -

Recently I have been working on a website using a trial version of DevExpress with the latest version of Entity Framework, but my trial has run out. Is there a free alternative anyone knows of that I could use in it's place? I'd like to keep the whole MVC flow going.

DevExpress only provides extensions for (and not the root of) MVC. As long as you can go without the extended versions of the charts, tables and other controls you'll be fine. Otherwise, if you're that dead-set on their controls or have a lot invested you may look at just purchasing the package.
Also, to be clear, EF is a freely-available library (if you have NuGet it's very easy to obtain) so anything relying on that is safe:
Install-Package Entity-Framework -Version 5.0.0
That would install the latest solid build to your project.


Difference Between Umbraco and Vanila Umbraco

What is the difference between umbraco and vanila umbraco.
i'm currently using umbraco 6.2.1 version in my website.
Any special procedure available for upgrading this version to Vanila umbraco version.
Vanilla Umbraco means a fresh clean installation of Umbraco, without any customization.
Vanilla is a general term used for software, see also on wiki
Related to upgrading, one approach is to do a new installation of Umbraco (we can called it a vanilla installation) and then deploy your code, and migrate the content. Instead of the General Umbraco upgrade instructions.
I'd say that there is no running website with a vanilla Umbraco install. Umbraco is not a typical CMS. You are customizing it as soon as you start setting up your site in it. This is partly due to a choice on the Umbraco HQ team's decision to store their settings in the same files where you change settings by using Umbraco, requiring you to merge certain files during the upgrade.
As for upgrading, I'll warn you, there are a few ways to install Umbraco (Web PI, Nuget, Zip file), and if you upgrade in a way different than you installed, it can be hell. Step one, back up your site (front-end file-system files and db)! If you did not install Umbraco via Nuget (in Visual Studio), do not upgrade via Nuget. You will regret it.
Umbraco upgrades are a problem.
If the versions are minor running the update-package umbracocms nuget might work, but it often leaves the project mismatching version assemblies elsewhere.
Upgrading Umbraco is a bit of a minefield. Soz
Umbraco is now at version 11 and have moved their code base from the .NET framework into .NET core. Newer version is offering so much more, block-list, block-grid, inline editing, so many new and improved property editors. Editing experience and working with the CMS has changed so much since version 6.
Vanilla Umbraco would a term for a non-configured, fresh install.
You can find out everything you need to know about Umbraco on their documentation pages.
Umbraco is a free open source project so there is no cost if you want to roll your sleeves, dig in and move over to the newest version. There are some paid offerings as well that would give support if you needed it.
Now that they have moved away from the .NET framework and moved their code base over to .NET Core there is no longer a direct path to upgrade from version 8 and earlier to the most recent version 11.
I would recommend you set up a fresh install, configure and customize as desired and then move any relevant content over to your new site.
There are many articles out there detailing how others moved over to the newer version.
Good article here on how they upgraded from version 7 to the newer version 11.
Worth the read if your planning on going down that path.
Good luck.

Umbraco: Nuget vs Source Download

So I have Umbraco v6 currently setup via a release download and split into a class library and a website. I need to upgrade to v7 at some point and have some question on how I should setup.
What are the pros/cons of setting up through Nuget vs Downloading source and creating project?
The pro of using nuget is that you don't have to build the project from scratch. If you have a need and/or desire to understand how umbraco is built, by all means pull down the source code, but if you just want to use umbraco, and customized it thru the hooks it provides, then the nuget packages will be easier.
I've done both (though not with the latest version), and using nuget is far easier and quicker to get going.

ASP.NET MVC 1 and 2 on Mono 2.4 with Fluent NHibernate

I'd like to create an application using ASP.NET MVC, that should run under mono 2.4 (compiling will be done on a Windows box). Has anyone getting luck with this? Here is what I've already tried:
ASP.NET MVC on mono without any persistence model support, and using nhaml as the view engine
S#aml architecture, which is a quite good framework imho, but it depends too much on stuff, that are not working good under mono (like windsor)
The first part worked fine, I didn't encounter any major problems. But I couldn't get the second part working. It seems it's dependency on Castle.Windsor breaks the whole mono support (but there might be other parts too).
Therefore I decided to create an alternative framework, that borrows some of the ideas of s#arp-architecture, but designed to be working under mono (and if I'm able to do this I'll release it for the community of course). The controller and view part is working fine (not much magic here though, they have been always working), but I have some questions before I start job on the persistence part:
What NHibernate versions are working under mono? I've heard 1.2 is working fine. Does 2.0.1/2.1 beta work under mono?
Does Fluent.NHibernate and NHibernate.Linq work under mono? (for the latter it seems it needs some dependcies that aren't avaialable in mono)
Are there any good alternatives for persistence support to NHibernate under mono?
Alternative questions:
Are there any frameworks that have mvc support already or am I the first one to think about this?
If you have already done this: what are your opinions on stability/usability?
Thanks for the answers
EDIT: Updated the framework to support ASP.NET MVC 2:
I am using mono 2.4 to run a mvc app + windows service.
Compatibility is very good. There are some bugs and differences than with windows but once you learn what they are it gets easier (there can be pain at the start!)
I am using NHibernate (2.1) FluentNhibernate, StructureMap, NBehave, Moq and open id lib and they all just seem to work as expected.
As for stability, since I have ironed out the major bugs in my code I haven't had any problems.
Usability, well it is a completely different platform so you need to come to it with an open mind and be prepared to leave behind the windows way.. the good news is that once you do that things get easier. Apache is a lot nicer than IIS and configuring and managing a linux box is just easier than windows.
I am pretty glad I choose mono.. sorry this is starting to sound like a PR drive - but I am just really happy with it!!
Okay. I started on a new project that incorporates the best from S#arp Architecture with stuff, that work on mono. Instead of T4Toolkit it uses a ruby script to do the generation job, just as with rails or merb.
To use install the shaml gem from github:
gem install shaml
Then create a new application:
shaml generate app AppName
And create resources:
shaml generate resource NewRes "name:string;date:DateTime"
S#aml Architecture project homepage:
GitHub project:

Shaml with NHibernate Contrib

Shaml looks awesome for project kick-start.
Would be great if it could be configured to also include NHibernate Search and other Contrib projects. Any plans for this?
Although the 1.x versions of NHibernate were very stable under mono, the recent version 2.0.1 and 2.1beta have many issues (like the lazy loading not working). I hope the 2.1 final will be much more stable under mono, and all the other projects (I'm mostly interested in NHibernate.Linq) will work without major problems too. Until that point I try to minimize the dependencies on external stuff and/or send patches to the maintnainers of the different projects (like DNOA). If you happen to succesfully integrate NHibernate 2.1 and/or NHibernate Search feel free to fork the github project.

Installation problems with ASP MVC Release Candidate 1

I've tried installing RC1 must have been 5 times already and always run into the same issue around the "Configuring Templates' step. I've tried everything I can think of but now I have neither RC1 or Beta. Has anyone run into this error? Any suggestions for what I can do?
Screenshot of my problem here (not sure why I can't place it as an image.
(Cross-posted to the ASP.NET forum here but I don't really expect much of useful response there.)
Edit: Here is everything I can think of that I have installed that might possibly be affecting this: Coderush, Refactor Pro!, Source Outliner, TestDriven.Net, MbUnit (installs some templates), Some DevExpress plug-ins (GhostDoc, CR_Classcleaner), F#, Spec #
I have also installed (and uninstalled) ASP.NET MVC Beta
Just happen to run across this... do you have Clone Detective for VS installed? Seems as though some people had trouble installing the MVC Beta with it installed.
After the obvious step of removing any older installations of MVC, I've heard the templates can have issues with Visual Studio add-ons. Try removing any add-ons to VS you might have running, then run the installer.
For the record, it was either F# or Spec# that was giving me problems since I don't really use either much I uninstalled both and RC1 went fine.
You don't state explicitly, did you install any other previous versions (such as beta or preview)? You will need to uninstall Beta or Preview x before installing the RC.
