I have the following models
class Business < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :categories
validates_presence_of :category_ids
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :businesses
I am setting the relationship through the business creation form, using the category_ids attribute.
I tried using validates_presence_of, however, this is not validating the existence of a category.
I can manipulate the form through the browser, give a non-existing ID for a category. After submitting the form, I get an error:
Couldn't find Category with id=181723
Added the following custom validation method, but I am still getting the same error, as if the validation was not being run.
class Business < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :categories
validate :categories_exist
def categories_exist
category_ids.each do |c|
errors.add(:category_ids, :category_doesnt_exist) unless Category.exists? c
There's probably a variety of ways you could achieve this but I'd recommend looking at Custom Validations and ActiveRecord Callbacks.
You can check out the validates_existence gem. This gem has been very useful to me for validating if foreign keys correspond to legitimate parent records. As described in the readme:
This plugin library adds ActiveRecord models a way to check if a
:belongs_to association actually exists upon saving.
Lately I've grown weary of littering my app/models directory with pointless boilerplate models such as:
Join models that always contain a couple belongs_tos and nothing else.
Status log models that just include SomeConcern and make a couple macro calls.
Revision tracking models that again, just include a concern and call a macro.
These models only exist to support has_many and has_many ... through: associations.
Adding model concerns that generate these models as needed clears simplifies the app/models directory. So instead of:
has_many :model_things
has_many :things, through: :model_things
and a trivial app/models/model_thing.rb that says:
class ModelThing < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :model
belongs_to :thing
I can have a ThingSupport concern with a has_things macro that:
Creates the has_many :model_things association based on the class name and some options to has_things.
Creates the has_many :things, through: :model_things association.
Find or create the Model::Thing (see below for why this name is used) class with a call like:
ModuleUtil.find_or_create(join_model_name) do
Class.new(ApplicationRecord) do
# Set the table name, call belongs_to as needed, call concern methods, ...
where ModuleUtil.find_or_create is a simple method that uses String#constantize to find the desired module (if it exists) or create it using the block and Object#const_set if it can't be found.
All the model and association names can be built using the usual Rails conventions from the caller's class name and some options to has_things for special cases.
The question is am I playing with fire here? What can go wrong with this sort of chicanery?
One problem that I've already come across is that the model classes that are generated don't exist on their own so they cannot be directly referenced from an ActiveJob (such as a deliver_later mailer). For example, if loading Model creates the ModelThing association model then you can't reference a ModelThing in a mailer argument because ActiveJob won't know that you have to load the Model class before ModelThing exists. However, this can be solved by using Model::Thing instead so that constantize will look for Model (and find it in app/models/model.rb) before trying to find Model::Thing (which will exist because constantize will have just loaded Model which creates Model::Thing). Am I missing something else?
I have no idea if I'm following you or not. So, if this is way off target, please say so and I'll delete.
Focusing in on the join model bit, I also got tired of that flim flam. So, I created a model like:
module ActsAsHaving
class HasA < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :haser_type, :haser_id, :hased_type, :hased_id, presence: true
belongs_to :hased, polymorphic: true
belongs_to :haser, polymorphic: true
def haser=(thing)
self.haser_type = thing.class.name
self.haser_id = thing.id
def haser
haser_type.constantize.find_by(id: haser_id)
def hased=(thing)
self.hased_type = thing.class.name
self.hased_id = thing.id
def hased
hased_type.constantize.find_by(id: hased_id)
I didn't use the built-in accessors and validations because I sometimes use this to join non-AR records (which I grab from remote API services some of which belong to me and some of which don't but that's a longer story).
Anyway, I then wrote an acts_as_having macro that let me do stuff like:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_having :health_events, class_name: "Foo::Event", tag_with: "health_event", remote: true
acts_as_having :program_events, class_name: "Foo::Event", tag_with: "program_event", remote: true
acts_as_having :email_addresses, :phone_numbers, :physical_addresses
Which gives me stuff like:
#person.email_addresses << #email_address
I can do the inverse like:
class EmailAddress < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_had_by :person
Which gives me stuff like:
Then, I wrapped all that junk up into a gem. Now I rarely create join models unless they have some specific requirements that I can't shoe horn into my acts_as_having bit.
Anyway, I don't know if it's playing with fire or not. I don't even know if I'm making sense or addressing your concept. But, I started my gem about three years ago and I haven't regretted it. So, there's that.
I'm still newbie in Rails, but got confused with the initialization of a HABTM association. Reading its documentation, it says
When initializing a new has_one or belongs_to association you must use the build_ prefix to build the association, rather than the association.build method that would be used for has_many or has_and_belongs_to_many associations.
So, basically, let's suppose we have two models:
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_and_belongs_to_many :organizations
class Organization < ApplicationRecord
has_and_belongs_to_many :users
Inside organization_controller, since I'm using Devise, my create method should have something like this:
#organization = current_user.organizations.build(organization_params)
However, it is not working. With byebug, I checked that for the current_user.organizations, the new organization was there, but, if I call #organization.users, there's an empty array. Looks like it's required to run current_user.save as well, is it correct? I was able to associate both models with this code:
#organization = Organization.new(organization_params)
#organization.users << current_user
You should highly consider using has_many, :through as that's the preferred way to do these kinds of relationships now in Rails.
having said that if you want to use has_and_belongs_to_many associations yes its get stored in join table on main object save.
I have a Client Model as below:
class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :custodians,:dependent => :destroy
I have a Custodian Model as below:
class Custodian < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :client
In my custodians table I have record with id = 0 , name = 'N/A' that I want to include in all my collection_selects irrespective of the client_id.
e.g for client_id = 10 I want the following in collection_select
Custodian.where('client_id = 10 or client_id = 0')
I know I can do it in my views but I have too many views so it is not practical. Plus I want a more DRY method on either Custodian model or associations. I tried default_scope on Custodian model but could not get it to work.
Basically I am looking for way to always include custodian with id=0 in each association and collection_select.
You can't do what you want using a has_many and belongs_to approach. To implement a belongs_to relationship, the Custodian record has to have a single client_id field. Your logic requires that the custodian_id=0 record belong to many Client records, so it would have to have many client_id fields, but it can only have one. See the Rails Guides-Active Record Associations-The belongs_to Association (http://guides.rubyonrails.org/association_basics.html)
You can accomplish what you want by using a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship. By making both the Custodian and Client models has_and_belongs_to_many to each other, you will be able to have the custodian_id=0 record belong to many Client records and all the other Custodian records will only belong to one client (even though they could belong to many, your program logic must only allow them to belong to one.) See the has_and_belongs_to_many section of the above Rails Guide. To be clear, here is how your models would look:
class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many_and_belongs_to_many :custodians
class Custodian < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many_and_belongs_to_many :client
Also, because of your special case on custodian_id=0, you will need to establish the look-up table record for the custodian_id=0 record relationship using an active_record callback (probably before_validation or before_create) when you create a new Client record.
Similarly, you will need to implement your own :dependent => :destroy functionality using the before_destroy callback to preserve the custodian_id=0 record and delete all the other associated Custodian records. You'll also have to destroy the corresponding look-up table entries.
This sounds like a lot of work, but if you absolutely must have the custodian_id=0 record associated with every Client, this is the only way I can see it being done. You may want to evaluate it this is really necessary. There may be other program logic that could allow you to get to similar results without going through this process.
You could use an instance or class method:
Class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :custodians,:dependent => :destroy
def inc_zero(id)
where("client_id = ? OR client_id = 0", id)
def self.inc_zero_custodians(id)
joins(:custodians).where("client_id = ? OR client_id = 0", id)
#-> Client.custodians.inc_zero(10)
#-> Client.inc_zero_custodians(10)
I'm using rails 3, and began my application with ActiveRecord. Now, I have many models, and the relations are starting to get complicated, and some could be more simply expressed with a Document-Oriented structure, so I'd like to try migrating to MongoDB and use Mongoid.
I've always heard that you didn't have to eitheer use all MongoDB or nothing, but that you could use the two in parallel while migrating. I don't see how to go about this from the docs though.
For example, I have:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :items
has_many :products, :through => :items
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :items
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :product
# alot of data that fits a hierarchical document-oriented structure
I'd like to ideally begin by replacing my Item activerecord model with a Mongoid document, so my items are stored in MongoDB, and my Users and Products can stay in my SQL DB
Thing is, I don't see how to do this. Am I going about this the right way?
Perhaps another alternative is to keep a base AR Item
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :mongodb_item ?? # I know this is wrong
class MongodbItem
include Mongoid::Document
belongs_to AR_Item ??? # I know this is also wrong
What I did was just mock the relationship with methods in each the AR model and the Mongoid model like so.
# visit_session.rb
class VisitSession
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Timestamps
field :user_id, type: Integer
index({user_id: 1},{name: :user_id_index})
# Mock a belongs_to relationship with User model
def user
# user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# Mock a has_many relationship with VisitSession Mongoid model
def visit_sessions
VisitSession.where(user_id: self.id)
Of course you won't have all the AR methods on VisitSession Mongoid model but you'll at least be able to mock the relationship between the two fairly well.
Hope this helps.
I don't see any reason why you couldn't have both ActiveRecord and Mongoid models in the same application. That being said, I'm almost certain that you'll run into issues if you try to create relationships between your ActiveRecord and Mongoid models.
If your ActiveRecord models are heavily inter-related, but better suited to a document structure, then I would suggest just biting the bullet and converting them all to Mongoid documents. I had to do this recently on a (large-ish) project, and it's significantly less stressful than you would think.
If you have good unit tests for your models, then it should be a total snap. If you don't - write your unit tests first, make sure they pass with ActiveRecord and then start migrating things over to Mongoid.
i created a module for spoofing the relation in active record models.
module MongoRelations
def belongs_to_mongo(name, options = {})
id_name = "mongo_#{name}_id".to_sym
mongo_model = options[:through] || "Mongo::#{name.to_s.camelize}".constantize
define_method(name) do
id = send(id_name)
mongo_model.find(id) if id.present?
define_method("#{name}=") do |value|
send("#{id_name}=".to_sym, value.try(:id).to_s)
In my SQL table, I name my mongo relations using the convention mongo_XXX_id, instead of XXX_id
I also namespace all my mongo models under Mongo::
in my active record model
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to_mongo :XXX
which allows
Foo.new.XXX = Mongo.find('123')
Foo.new.XXX_id = '123'
... just for tracking purpose,
I'd like to add something I just found out on this field:
DRY up your SQL+NoSQL Rails projects
I have models Group, Membership and User. Connected with a has_many :through association.
Route wise, membership is nested inside group.
What I want is that whenever someone joins or leaves the group (ie. on create or destroy membership), to initiate a check on the group to check what the dominating language is (this is an attribute in the User model) and update the language attribute in the Group model.
I have a method called define_language in the Group model which seems to work independently.
Now I need to call this method from the Membership model, I was thinking to do this with an after_save callback, but I'm having trouble referencing it to the method in the (different) Group model.
I put this method in the Group model and not the Membership model as I feel semantically it has little to do with the membership. Is this assumption wrong? How would I go about this problem in an efficient way?
One way is :
class Membership < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :group
before_save :update_group_language
def update_group_language
I can't see how this could work though :
class Membership < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :group
before_save group.define_language
The problem with that is that belongs_to is only evaluated by Ruby when rails is first loaded.
I figured it out, you just run in Membership.rb
before_save group.define_language
And tadaa! It will call define_language in Group.rb model.
Optional you can add such to define the relation:
before_save group.define_language "id = #{group_id}"