Ninject : Constructor parameter - dependency-injection

I am using Ninject together with ASP.NET MVC 4. I am using repositories and want to do constructor injection to pass in the repository to one of the controllers.
This is my Repository interface:
public interface IRepository<T> where T : TableServiceEntity
void Add(T item);
void Delete(T item);
void Update(T item);
IEnumerable<T> Find(params Specification<T>[] specifications);
IEnumerable<T> RetrieveAll();
void SaveChanges();
The AzureTableStorageRepository below is an implementation of IRepository<T>:
public class AzureTableRepository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : TableServiceEntity
private readonly string _tableName;
private readonly TableServiceContext _dataContext;
private CloudStorageAccount _storageAccount;
private CloudTableClient _tableClient;
public AzureTableRepository(string tableName)
// Create an instance of a Windows Azure Storage account
_storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["StorageConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
_tableClient = _storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
_dataContext = _tableClient.GetDataServiceContext();
_tableName = tableName;
Note the tableName parameter needed because I was using a generic table repository to persist data to Azure.
And finally I have the following controller.
public class CategoriesController : ApiController
static IRepository<Category> _repository;
public CategoriesController(IRepository<Category> repository)
if (repository == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("repository");
_repository = repository;
Now I want to inject a repository into the controller. So I have created a module that contains the bindings:
/// <summary>
/// Ninject module to handle dependency injection of repositories
/// </summary>
public class RepositoryNinjectModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
The loading of the module is done in the NinjectWebCommon.cs
/// <summary>
/// Creates the kernel that will manage your application.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The created kernel.</returns>
private static IKernel CreateKernel()
var kernel = new StandardKernel();
kernel.Bind<Func<IKernel>>().ToMethod(ctx => () => new Bootstrapper().Kernel);
return kernel;
/// <summary>
/// Load your modules or register your services here!
/// </summary>
/// <param name="kernel">The kernel.</param>
private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel)
// Load the module that contains the binding
kernel.Load(new RepositoryNinjectModule());
// Set resolver needed to use Ninject with MVC4 Web API
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new NinjectResolver(kernel);
The DependencyResolver was created because Ninject's DependencyResolver implements System.Web.Mvc.IDependencyResolver and this cannot be assigned to GlobalConfiguration.Configuration of the WebApi Application.
So with all this in place, the Ninject part is actually injecting the right type in the Controller but Ninject cannot inject the tableName parameter in the constructor of AzureTableRepository.
How would I be able to do this in this case? I have consulted a lot of articles and the ninject documentation to see how I could use parameters, but I cannot seem to get it working.
Any help would be appreciated.

I'd use the WithConstructorArgument() method like...
.WithConstructorArgument("tableName", "categories");
The rest of the repository design is probably another question. IMHO It seems like a big no no to create a table or do any heavy lifting in a ctor.

Meanwhile I have been playing around with Providers to try and do the trick and it seems to work.
I don't know if this is good idea or if it is overkill but here is what I have done:
I have created a generic provider class:
public abstract class NinjectProvider<T> : IProvider
public virtual Type Type { get; set; }
protected abstract T CreateInstance(IContext context);
public object Create(IContext context)
throw new NotImplementedException();
object IProvider.Create(IContext context)
throw new NotImplementedException();
Type IProvider.Type
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
And then I implemented that one in the AzureTableRepositoryProvider. (T to support having the same repository for multiple entity types.)
public class AzureTableRepositoryProvider<T> : Provider<AzureTableRepository<T>> where T : TableServiceEntity
protected override AzureTableRepository<T> CreateInstance(IContext context)
string tableName = "";
if (typeof(T).Name == typeof(Category).Name)
// TODO Get the table names from a resource
tableName = "categories";
// Here other types will be addedd as needed
AzureTableRepository<T> azureTableRepository = new AzureTableRepository<T>(tableName);
return azureTableRepository;
By using this provider I can pass in the right table name for the repository to work with. But for me, two questions remain:
Is this good practice or could we do things much simpler?
In the NinjectProvider class I have two notImplementedException cases. How could I resolve these? I used sample code from the following link but that does not work as the Provider is abstract and the code does not have a body for the create method... enter link description here


How to new up an object independent of the container? [duplicate]

I'm trying to implement IoC in my windows form application. My choice fell on Simple Injector, because it's fast and lightweight. I also implement unit of work and repository pattern in my apps. Here is the structure:
public class MemberContext : DbContext
public MemberContext()
: base("Name=MemberContext")
{ }
public DbSet<Member> Members { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
public class Member
public int MemberID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public abstract class GenericRepository<TEntity> : IGenericRepository<TEntity>
where TEntity : class
internal DbContext context;
internal DbSet<TEntity> dbSet;
public GenericRepository(DbContext context)
this.context = context;
this.dbSet = context.Set<TEntity>();
public virtual void Insert(TEntity entity)
public class MemberRepository : GenericRepository<Member>, IMemberRepository
public MemberRepository(DbContext context)
: base(context)
{ }
public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
public DbContext context;
public UnitOfWork(DbContext context)
this.context = context;
public void SaveChanges()
private bool disposed = false;
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!this.disposed)
if (disposing)
this.disposed = true;
public void Dispose()
public class MemberService : IMemberService
private readonly IUnitOfWork unitOfWork;
private readonly IMemberRepository memberRepository;
public MemberService(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, IMemberRepository memberRepository)
this.unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
this.memberRepository = memberRepository;
public void Save(Member member)
Save(new List<Member> { member });
public void Save(List<Member> members)
members.ForEach(m =>
if (m.MemberID == default(int))
In Member Form I only add a textbox to input member name and a button to save to database. This is the code in member form:
public partial class frmMember : Form
private readonly IMemberService memberService;
public frmMember(IMemberService memberService)
this.memberService = memberService;
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Member member = new Member();
member.Name = txtName.Text;
I implement the SimpleInjector (refer to in Program.cs as seen in the code below:
static class Program
private static Container container;
static void Main()
Application.Run(new frmMember((MemberService)container.GetInstance(typeof(IMemberService))));
private static void Bootstrap()
container = new Container();
container.RegisterSingle<IMemberRepository, MemberRepository>();
container.Register<IMemberService, MemberService>();
container.Register<DbContext, MemberContext>();
container.Register<IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork>();
When I run the program and add a member, it doesn't save to database. If I changed container.Register to container.RegisterSingle, it will save to database. From the documentation, RegisterSingle will make my class to be a Singleton. I can't using RegisterLifeTimeScope because it will generate an error
"The registered delegate for type IMemberService threw an exception. The IUnitOfWork is registered as 'Lifetime Scope' lifestyle, but the instance is requested outside the context of a Lifetime Scope"
1) How to use SimpleInjector in Windows Form with UnitOfWork & Repository pattern?
2) Do I implement the patterns correctly?
The problem you have is the difference in lifestyles between your service, repository, unitofwork and dbcontext.
Because the MemberRepository has a Singleton lifestyle, Simple Injector will create one instance which will be reused for the duration of the application, which could be days, even weeks or months with a WinForms application. The direct consequence from registering the MemberRepository as Singleton is that all dependencies of this class will become Singletons as well, no matter what lifestyle is used in the registration. This is a common problem called Captive Dependency.
As a side note: The diagnostic services of Simple Injector are able to spot this configuration mistake and will show/throw a Potential Lifestyle Mismatch warning.
So the MemberRepository is Singleton and has one and the same DbContext throughout the application lifetime. But the UnitOfWork, which has a dependency also on DbContext will receive a different instance of the DbContext, because the registration for DbContext is Transient. This context will, in your example, never save the newly created Member because this DbContext does not have any newly created Member, the member is created in a different DbContext.
When you change the registration of DbContext to RegisterSingleton it will start working, because now every service, class or whatever depending on DbContext will get the same instance.
But this is certainly not the solution because having one DbContext for the lifetime of the application will get you into trouble, as you probably already know. This is explained in great detail in this post.
The solution you need is using a Scoped instance of the DbContext, which you already tried. You are missing some information on how to use the lifetime scope feature of Simple Injector (and most of the other containers out there). When using a Scoped lifestyle there must be an active scope as the exception message clearly states. Starting a lifetime scope is pretty simple:
using (ThreadScopedLifestyle.BeginScope(container))
// all instances resolved within this scope
// with a ThreadScopedLifestyleLifestyle
// will be the same instance
You can read in detail here.
Changing the registrations to:
var container = new Container();
container.Options.DefaultScopedLifestyle = new ThreadScopedLifestyle();
container.Register<IMemberRepository, MemberRepository>(Lifestyle.Scoped);
container.Register<IMemberService, MemberService>(Lifestyle.Scoped);
container.Register<DbContext, MemberContext>(Lifestyle.Scoped);
container.Register<IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork>(Lifestyle.Scoped);
and changing the code from btnSaveClick() to:
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Member member = new Member();
member.Name = txtName.Text;
using (ThreadScopedLifestyle.BeginScope(container))
var memberService = container.GetInstance<IMemberService>();
is basically what you need.
But we have now introduced a new problem. We are now using the Service Locator anti pattern to get a Scoped instance of the IMemberService implementation. Therefore we need some infrastructural object which will handle this for us as a Cross-Cutting Concern in the application. A Decorator is a perfect way to implement this. See also here. This will look like:
public class ThreadScopedMemberServiceDecorator : IMemberService
private readonly Func<IMemberService> decorateeFactory;
private readonly Container container;
public ThreadScopedMemberServiceDecorator(Func<IMemberService> decorateeFactory,
Container container)
this.decorateeFactory = decorateeFactory;
this.container = container;
public void Save(List<Member> members)
using (ThreadScopedLifestyle.BeginScope(container))
IMemberService service = this.decorateeFactory.Invoke();
You now register this as a (Singleton) Decorator in the Simple Injector Container like this:
The container will provide a class which depends on IMemberService with this ThreadScopedMemberServiceDecorator. In this the container will inject a Func<IMemberService> which, when invoked, will return an instance from the container using the configured lifestyle.
Adding this Decorator (and its registration) and changing the lifestyles will fix the issue from your example.
I expect however that your application will in the end have an IMemberService, IUserService, ICustomerService, etc... So you need a decorator for each and every IXXXService, not very DRY if you ask me. If all services will implement Save(List<T> items) you could consider creating an open generic interface:
public interface IService<T>
void Save(List<T> items);
public class MemberService : IService<Member>
// same code as before
You register all implementations in one line using Batch-Registration:
new[] { Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() },
And you can wrap all these instances into a single open generic implementation of the above mentioned ThreadScopedServiceDecorator.
It would IMO even be better to use the command / handler pattern (you should really read the link!) for this type of work. In very short: In this pattern every use case is translated to a message object (a command) which is handled by a single command handler, which can be decorated by e.g. a SaveChangesCommandHandlerDecorator and a ThreadScopedCommandHandlerDecorator and LoggingDecorator and so on.
Your example would then look like:
public interface ICommandHandler<TCommand>
void Handle(TCommand command);
public class CreateMemberCommand
public string MemberName { get; set; }
With the following handlers:
public class CreateMemberCommandHandler : ICommandHandler<CreateMemberCommand>
//notice that the need for MemberRepository is zero IMO
private readonly IGenericRepository<Member> memberRepository;
public CreateMemberCommandHandler(IGenericRepository<Member> memberRepository)
this.memberRepository = memberRepository;
public void Handle(CreateMemberCommand command)
var member = new Member { Name = command.MemberName };
public class SaveChangesCommandHandlerDecorator<TCommand>
: ICommandHandler<TCommand>
private ICommandHandler<TCommand> decoratee;
private DbContext db;
public SaveChangesCommandHandlerDecorator(
ICommandHandler<TCommand> decoratee, DbContext db)
this.decoratee = decoratee;
this.db = db;
public void Handle(TCommand command)
And the form can now depend on ICommandHandler<T>:
public partial class frmMember : Form
private readonly ICommandHandler<CreateMemberCommand> commandHandler;
public frmMember(ICommandHandler<CreateMemberCommand> commandHandler)
this.commandHandler = commandHandler;
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
new CreateMemberCommand { MemberName = txtName.Text });
This can all be registered as follows:
new[] { Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() });
This design will remove the need for UnitOfWork and a (specific) service completely.

Asp.Net MVC and Strategy pattern

I have an MVC application that uses Entity Framework. I am using a repository, unit of work and unity as dependency injection.
The problem I have is that I have different authentication types, and each type I want a different class, so I decided to use the Strategy pattern
public interface IAuthStrategy
OperationResponse<AuthenticationMechanismDTO> GetAuthenticationMechanism(string userName);
public class AuthStrategy
readonly IAuthStrategy _authStrategy;
public AuthStrategy(IAuthStrategy authStrategy)
this._authStrategy = authStrategy;
public OperationResponse<AuthenticationMechanismDTO> GetAuthenticationMechanism(string userName)
return _authStrategy.GetAuthenticationMechanism(userName);
public class UserNamePasswordMechanism : IAuthStrategy
private IInstitutionRepository _institutionRepository;
public UserNamePasswordMechanism(IInstitutionRepository institutionRepository)
this._institutionRepository = institutionRepository;
public OperationResponse<AuthenticationMechanismDTO> GetAuthenticationMechanism(string userName)
throw new NotImplementedException();
My problem is that I am injecting IAuthStrategy into the controller, and it gives me an error, because instead of implementing IAuthStrategy, I am passing that to AuthStrategy constructor, as you can see that in my code.
How can I fix this error?
Here is my controller
public class EmployeeController : ApiController
private IAuthStrategy _auth;
public EmployeeController(IAuthStrategy auth)
this._employeeBL = employeeBL;
this._auth = auth;
Here is unity config where i am registering my types
public class UnityConfig
#region Unity Container
private static Lazy<IUnityContainer> container = new Lazy<IUnityContainer>(() =>
var container = new UnityContainer();
return container;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the configured Unity container.
/// </summary>
public static IUnityContainer GetConfiguredContainer()
return container.Value;
/// <summary>Registers the type mappings with the Unity container.</summary>
/// <param name="container">The unity container to configure.</param>
/// <remarks>There is no need to register concrete types such as controllers or API controllers (unless you want to
/// change the defaults), as Unity allows resolving a concrete type even if it was not previously registered.</remarks>
public static void RegisterTypes(IUnityContainer container)
// NOTE: To load from web.config uncomment the line below. Make sure to add a Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration to the using statements.
// container.LoadConfiguration();
// TODO: Register your types here
container.RegisterType<IInstitutionRepository, InstitutionRepository>();
container.RegisterType<IAuthStrategy, AuthStrategy>();
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new UnityDependencyResolver(container);
Your unit registrations and classes look a little off.
From what I can gather, this is what you really want to do.
Setup a factory that will determine at runtime which IAuthStrategy should be used:
public interface IAuthStrategyFactory
IAuthStrategy GetAuthStrategy();
public class AuthStrategyFactory : IAuthStrategyFactory
readonly IAuthStrategy _authStrategy;
public AuthStrategy(...)
//determine the concrete implementation of IAuthStrategy that you need
//This might be injected as well by passing
//in an IAuthStrategy and registering the correct one via unity at startup.
_authStrategy = SomeCallToDetermineWhichOne();
public IAuthStrategy GetAuthStrategy()
return _authStrategy;
This is your existing AuthStrategy:
public interface IAuthStrategy
OperationResponse<AuthenticationMechanismDTO> GetAuthenticationMechanism(string userName);
public class UserNamePasswordMechanism : IAuthStrategy
private IInstitutionRepository _institutionRepository;
public UserNamePasswordMechanism(IInstitutionRepository institutionRepository)
this._institutionRepository = institutionRepository;
public OperationResponse<AuthenticationMechanismDTO> GetAuthenticationMechanism(string userName)
throw new NotImplementedException();
Register the factory with unity:
container.RegisterType<IAuthStrategyFactory, AuthStrategyFactory>();
In your controller:
public class EmployeeController : ApiController
private IAuthStrategy _auth;
public EmployeeController(IAuthStrategyFactory authFactory)
this._employeeBL = employeeBL;
this._auth = authFactory.GetAuthStrategy();
Actually i missed implemented IAuthStrategyFactory on AuthStrategyFactory, once i implemented and register in unity container that worked.

No Parameterless constructor defined for this object...With a twist?

I'm building an MVC4 app using EF5 and ninject. Something broke when I upgraded from MVC3 to 4. So I created a brand new solution, got all my nuget packages, added all my references, then copied in my code.
Project builds, thats fabulous.
My problem is the (Ninjection) sp? doesn't seem to be wiring up correctly. I get the "No Parameterless constructor defined for this object" as a runtime error when I try to load the page. However, if I simply add an empty public parameterless constructor, the page renders and all is right with the world.
My App_Start Code runs fine, NinjectWebCommon.cs (included at the bottom of the question) I've stepped through the code, but other that copying and pasting, and following tutorials online. I don't understand IoC well enough to know what to do next.
namespace search.Controllers
public class HomeController : Controller
ICamaService _service = null;
public HomeController(ICamaService service)
_service = service;
************** ADDING THIS FIXES THE RUNTIME ERROR *********
public HomeController(){
public ViewResult Index()
return View();
Here is my composition root:
[assembly: WebActivator.PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(search4.App_Start.NinjectWebCommon), "Start")]
[assembly: WebActivator.ApplicationShutdownMethodAttribute(typeof(search4.App_Start.NinjectWebCommon), "Stop")]
namespace search4.App_Start
using System;
using System.Web;
using Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.DynamicModuleHelper;
using Ninject;
using Ninject.Web.Common;
using search.Services;
using search.Data;
public static class NinjectWebCommon
private static readonly Bootstrapper bootstrapper = new Bootstrapper();
public static void Start()
public static void Stop()
private static IKernel CreateKernel()
var kernel = new StandardKernel();
kernel.Bind<Func<IKernel>>().ToMethod(ctx => () => new Bootstrapper().Kernel);
return kernel;
private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel)
![Screen Capture of Exception][1]
I am not a Ninject user, but from my experiences with other IOC frameworks in MVC, you would need to replace the DefaultControllerFactory with an implementation that injects objects instead of requiring a default constructor.
Looks like your bindings arn't being registered propertly.
Im not sure exactly what's wrong, but I create a NinjectApplicationModule that works for me:
/// <summary>
/// Load your modules or register your services here!
/// </summary>
/// <param name="kernel">The kernel.</param>
private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel)
kernel.Load(new NinjectApplicationModules());
public class NinjectApplicationModules : NinjectModule
/// <summary>
/// Loads the Binding module into the kernel. Used to map Abstract Classes to Concrete classes at runtime.
/// </summary>
public override void Load()
// Bindings...
Check you data model class.
Public Class A ()
public A() {
public string Name{get; set;}
But you need to remove this default Class A Constructor.
Public Class A ()
public string Name{get; set;}
I was already facing No Parameter less constructor defined for this object

Castle Windsor IoC in an MVC application

Prepare for a wall of code... It's a long read, but it's as verbose as I can get.
In response to Still lost on Repositories and Decoupling, ASP.NET MVC
I think I am starting to get closer to understanding this all.
I'm trying to get used to using this. Here is what I have so far.
Project.Web (ASP.NET MVC 3.0 RC)
Uses Project.Models
Uses Project.Persistence
Project.Models (Domain Objects)
Project.Persistence (Fluent nHibernate)
Uses Project.Models
Uses Castle.Core
Uses Castle.Windsor
Membership.MembershipProvider : IMembershipProvider
I have the following class in Project.Persistence
using Castle.Windsor;
using Castle.MicroKernel.Registration;
using Castle.MicroKernel.SubSystems.Configuration;
namespace Project.Persistence
public static class IoC
private static IWindsorContainer _container;
public static void Initialize()
_container = new WindsorContainer()
new Persistence.Containers.Installers.RepositoryInstaller()
public static T Resolve<T>()
return _container.Resolve<T>();
namespace Persistence.Containers.Installers
public class RepositoryInstaller : IWindsorInstaller
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
Now, in Project.Web Global.asax Application_Start, I have the following code.
protected void Application_Start()
// Register the Windsor Container
Now then, in Project.Web.Controllers.MembershipController I have the following code.
public ActionResult Register( Web.Models.Authentication.Registration model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var provider = IoC.Resolve<Membership.IMembershipProvider>();
provider.CreateUser(model.Email, model.Password);
// If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
return View(model);
So I am asking first of all..
Am I on the right track?
How can I use Castle.Windsor for my ISessionFactory
I have my SessionFactory working like this ...
namespace Project.Persistence.Factories
public sealed class SessionFactoryContainer
private static readonly ISessionFactory _instance = CreateSessionFactory();
static SessionFactoryContainer()
public static ISessionFactory Instance
get { return _instance; }
private static ISessionFactory CreateSessionFactory()
return Persistence.SessionFactory.Map(#"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=FluentExample;Integrated Security=true", true);
namespace Project.Persistence
public static class SessionFactory
public static ISessionFactory Map(string connectionString, bool createSchema)
return FluentNHibernate.Cfg.Fluently.Configure()
.ConnectionString(c => c.Is(connectionString)))
.ExposeConfiguration(config =>
new NHibernate.Tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport(config)
.Create(/* Output to console */ false, /* Execute script against database */ createSchema);
.Mappings(m =>
m.FluentMappings.Conventions.Setup(x =>
So basically, within my Project.Persistence layer, I call the SessionFactory like this..
var session = SessionFactoryContainer.Instance.OpenSession()
Am I even getting close to doing this right? I'm still confused - I feel like the ISessionFactory should be part of Castle.Windsor, but I can't seem to figure out how to do that. I'm confused also about the way I am creating the Repository in the Controller. Does this mean I have to do all of the 'mapping' each time I use the Repository? That seems like it would be very resource intensive.
Firstly some conceptual details. In an ASP.NET MVC application the typical entry point for a page request is a controller. We want the Inversion of Control container to resolve our controllers for us, because then any dependencies that the controllers have can also be automatically resolved simply by listing the dependencies as arguments in the controllers' constructors.
Confused yet? Here's an example of how you'd use IoC, after it is all set up. I think explaining it this way makes things easier!
public class HomeController : Controller
// lets say your home page controller depends upon two providers
private readonly IMembershipProvider membershipProvider;
private readonly IBlogProvider blogProvider;
// constructor, with the dependencies being passed in as arguments
public HomeController(
IMembershipProvider membershipProvider,
IBlogProvider blogProvider)
this.membershipProvider = membershipProvider;
this.blogProvider = blogProvider;
// so taking your Registration example...
public ActionResult Register( Web.Models.Authentication.Registration model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
this.membershipProvider.CreateUser(model.Email, model.Password);
// If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
return View(model);
Note that you have not had to do any resolving yourself, you have just specified in the controller what the dependencies are. Nor have you actually given any indication of how the dependencies are implemented - it's all decoupled. It's very simple there is nothing complicated here :-)
Hopefully at this point you are asking, "but how does the constructor get instantiated?" This is where we start to set up your Castle container, and we do this entirely in the MVC Web project (not Persistence or Domain). Edit the Global.asax file, setting Castle Windsor to act as the controller factory:
protected void Application_Start()
...and define the WindsorControllerFactory so that your controllers are instantiated by Windsor:
/// Use Castle Windsor to create controllers and provide DI
public class WindsorControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
private readonly IWindsorContainer container;
public WindsorControllerFactory()
container = ContainerFactory.Current();
protected override IController GetControllerInstance(
RequestContext requestContext,
Type controllerType)
return (IController)container.Resolve(controllerType);
The ContainerFactory.Current() method is static singleton that returns a configured Castle Windsor container. The configuration of the container instructs Windsor on how to resolve your application's dependencies. So for example, you might have a container configured to resolve the NHibernate SessionFactory, and your IMembershipProvider.
I like to configure my Castle container using several "installers". Each installer is responsible for a different type of dependency, so I'd have a Controller installer, an NHibernate installer, a Provider installer for example.
Firstly we have the ContainerFactory:
public class ContainerFactory
private static IWindsorContainer container;
private static readonly object SyncObject = new object();
public static IWindsorContainer Current()
if (container == null)
lock (SyncObject)
if (container == null)
container = new WindsorContainer();
container.Install(new ControllerInstaller());
container.Install(new NHibernateInstaller());
container.Install(new ProviderInstaller());
return container;
...and then we need each of the installers. The ControllerInstaller first:
public class ControllerInstaller : IWindsorInstaller
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
.Configure(c => c.Named(
... and here is my NHibernateInstaller although it is different to yours, you can use your own configuration. Note that I'm reusing the same ISessionFactory instance every time one is resolved:
public class NHibernateInstaller : IWindsorInstaller
private static ISessionFactory factory;
private static readonly object SyncObject = new object();
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
var windsorContainer = container.Register(
private static ISessionFactory SessionFactoryFactory()
if (factory == null)
lock (SyncObject)
if (factory == null)
var cfg = new Configuration();
factory = cfg.Configure().BuildSessionFactory();
return factory;
And finally you'll want to define your ProvidersInstaller:
public class ProvidersInstaller : IWindsorInstaller
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
var windsorContainer = container
// ... and any more that your need to register
This should be enough code to get going! Hopefully you're still with me as the beauty of the Castle container becomes apparent very shortly.
When you define your implementation of your IMembershipProvider in your persistence layer, remember that it has a dependency on the NHibernate ISessionFactory. All you need to do is this:
public class NHMembershipProvider : IMembershipProvider
private readonly ISessionFactory sessionFactory;
public NHMembershipProvider(ISessionFactory sessionFactory)
this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory;
Note that because Castle Windsor is creating your controllers and the providers passed to your controller constructor, the provider is automatically being passed the ISessionFactory implementation configured in your Windsor container!
You never have to worry about instantiating any dependencies again. Your container does it all automatically for you.
Finally, note that the IMembershipProvider should be defined as part of your domain, as it is defining the interface for how your domain behaviours. As noted above, the implementation of your domain interfaces which deal with databases are added to the persistence layer.
Avoid using a static IoC class like this. By doing this you're using the container as a service locator, so you won't achieve the full decoupling of inversion of control. See this article for further explanations about this.
Also check out Sharp Architecture, which has best practices for ASP.NET MVC, NHibernate and Windsor.
If you have doubts about the lifecycle of the container itself, see Usage of IoC Containers; specifically Windsor

Creating WindsorViewPageActivator

I was playing with new Asp net mvc 3 RC2. I have created a WindsorViewPageActivator class as follows
public class WindsorViewPageActivator : IViewPageActivator
object IViewPageActivator.Create(ControllerContext controllerContext, Type type)
return DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(type);
and then a WindsorDependencyResolver class
public class WindsorDependencyResolver : IDependencyResolver
private readonly IWindsorContainer container;
public WindsorDependencyResolver(IWindsorContainer container)
this.container = container;
#region IDependencyResolver Members
public object GetService(Type serviceType)
return Resolve(serviceType);
public IEnumerable<object> GetServices(Type serviceType)
return container.ResolveAll(serviceType).Cast<object>();
public IEnumerable<TService> GetAllInstances<TService>()
return container.ResolveAll<TService>();
public TService GetInstance<TService>()
return (TService)Resolve(typeof(TService));
private object Resolve(Type serviceType)
return container.Resolve( serviceType);
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
Now I am doing in Global.asax something like this
DependencyResolver.SetResolver (new WindsorDependencyResolver(container));
Now I am getting the following error
The view found at '~/Views/Account/LogOn.cshtml' was not created.
Do I need to register each view page in windsor container If yes then how can I register each view. I am using Razor view engine.
Yes, in order to resolve stuff you need to register it. Have a look at the documentation to familiarise yourself with the API.
I have tried this myself, and unfortunately I can't seem to get it to work properly. I do the following in my solution:
public class WindsorViewPageActivator : IViewPageActivator
private readonly IKernel _kernel;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WindsorViewPageActivator"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="kernel">The kernel.</param>
public WindsorViewPageActivator([NotNull] IKernel kernel)
if (kernel == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("kernel");
_kernel = kernel;
public object Create(ControllerContext controllerContext, Type type)
if (!_kernel.HasComponent(type))
if (IsSupportedView(type))
return Activator.CreateInstance(type);
var viewPageInstance = _kernel.Resolve(type);
return viewPageInstance;
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the specified type is of a supported view type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="viewType">Type of the service.</param>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if the specified type is of a supported view type; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
/// </returns>
private static bool IsSupportedView(Type viewType)
return viewType.IsAssignableTo<WebViewPage>()
|| viewType.IsAssignableTo<ViewPage>()
|| viewType.IsAssignableTo<ViewMasterPage>()
|| viewType.IsAssignableTo<ViewUserControl>()
This works as long as you don't change anything in your markup. If you do, you'll get a registration error, as the view now will generate a new type, that doesn't exist in the container (but it has the same name!).
What I thought of doing, was to aggressively release the view component as soon as it's resolved, but I can't get rid of it in the container for some reason. Not even an explicit call to _kernel.ReleaseComponent(viewPageInstance) would do it (but that's of course just releasing the instance, not the type).
What we really need to do, is make Windsor inject properties into existing instances. That is, use Activator.CreateInstance(type) and then tell Windsor to inject the properties into the instance. But Windsor doesn't support injecting properties into existing instances, so we need to hack something together, that will do that for us.
I've seen this one (at the bottom), but that wouldn't perform very well.
My solution was simply to manually set my properties in the viewpage activator (you have a base viewpage type), but maybe there's some better solution?
I managed to get it working after all!
My solution is to simply create a custom component activator and mimic what's being done in the MVC framework, like so:
public class ViewPageComponentActivator : DefaultComponentActivator
public ViewPageComponentActivator(ComponentModel model, IKernel kernel, ComponentInstanceDelegate onCreation, ComponentInstanceDelegate onDestruction)
: base(model, kernel, onCreation, onDestruction)
protected override object CreateInstance(CreationContext context, ConstructorCandidate constructor, object[] arguments)
// Do like the MVC framework.
var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(context.RequestedType);
return instance;
The component activator simply always return a new instance of the view. Because the component is registered as being transient, CreateInstanceis always called. There might be some tweaking possibilities here.
The viewpage activator is now much simpler. Note that the type of service is different whenever you change the view, so we must register the type based on it's unique name (I haven't tweaked this yet, but there might be a nicer way to name the component).
/// <summary>
/// An activator using Castle Kernel for activating views.
/// </summary>
public class WindsorViewPageActivator : IViewPageActivator
private readonly IKernel _kernel;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WindsorViewPageActivator"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="kernel">The kernel.</param>
public WindsorViewPageActivator([NotNull] IKernel kernel)
if (kernel == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("kernel");
_kernel = kernel;
public object Create(ControllerContext controllerContext, Type type)
if (!_kernel.HasComponent(type.FullName))
return _kernel.Resolve(type.FullName, type);
I hope this might be of use to someone in similar situations.
