How to use LinkedIn's Share API with the Rails Gem - ruby-on-rails

I'm running Rails 3, with the LinkedIn API gem: here
I've been unable to get the Share API working as described here
This works fine:
response = client.add_share(:comment => 'new share API')
This Fails with:
response = client.add_share(:comment => 'new share API', :title => 'Linkedin Share API', :url => '', :image_url => '')
LinkedIn::Errors::GeneralError ((400): Invalid xml {Expected elements 'post-network-update# id# visibility# comment# attribution# content# private-message# share-target-reach#' instead of 'image-url#' here in element share#, Expected elements 'post-network-update# id# attribution# content# private-message# share-target-reach#' instead of 'url#' here in element share#}):
Any ideas? Thanks

You're doing it wrong. This is the XML in of sample request in
<comment>Check out the LinkedIn Share API!</comment>
<title>LinkedIn Developers Documentation On Using the Share API</title>
<description>Leverage the Share API to maximize engagement on user-generated content on LinkedIn</description>
So the request should look something like this based in the sample request:
response = client.add_share(:comment => 'Sample Job',
:content => { :title => 'LinkedIn Developers Documentation On Using the Share API', :description => 'Leverage the Share API to maximize engagement on user-generated content on LinkedIn', :'submitted-url' => '', :'submitted-image-url' => '' } )


Facebook og:tags not working in my rails application

I am trying to add og:tags for sharing my URL on facebook. below is my code
in my view file,
- content_for :og_meta_tags do
%meta{:content => "#{FbAppId}", :property => "fb:app_id"}/
%meta{:content => "Travelibro blog", :property => "og:name"}
%meta{:content =>, :property => "og:image"}
%meta{:content => "website", :property => "og:type"}/
%meta{:content => user_journey_url, :property => "og:url"}/
%meta{:content => "Travelibro - #{}", :property => "og:title"}/
%meta{:content => "The TraveLibro app allows your to capture your live journeys On-The-Go with simple check-ins, picture uploads and thoughts to create a beautiful timeline of your travels. It enables friends travelling together to share experiences and post moments to a shared timeline and loved ones to see them in real time.", :property => "og:description"}
and my application.html.haml file contains the below code,
<!doctype html>
%head{:prefix => "og: fb: website:"}
%link{:href => "", :rel => "canonical"}
= yield :og_meta_tags
but, when I scrape a new information from facebook debugger tool, I get the following errors,
a required property 'og:title' of type 'string' was not provided.
It's not picking up my og:tags at all.
For example, below is the URL to be share on the facebook :
when I put this URL to facebook debugger tool, I get the following error
Object at URL '' of type 'website' is invalid because a required property 'og:title' of type 'string' was not provided.

How to track API calls on my ruby on rails app using google analytics?

I created an API for external applications to log in or make specific web calls using OAuth. What I'm looking for is a way to track the number of times these API calls are being used.
Is there an option for me?
You could send the events with the measurement protocol.
require "net/http"
require "uri"
uri = URI.parse("")
Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, {"v" => "1",
"tid" => "UA-XXXX-1",
"cid" => "555",
"t" => "event",
"ec" => "API",
"ea" => "request",
"el" => "data/get",
"ev" => "5"})
I believe you can do this with Google Events:
There are various Ruby libraries for interacting with GA.

Writing general notes for API docs using swagger-docs

I am using swagger to document my Rails REST API using swagger-docs. I am able to document every method but the problem is that I want to write general guidelines() for using API. I cannot find any method that allows me to do so. Any help will be appreciated.
Something as shown in the image below:
You just need to set the "Description" attribute to some appropriate text when you initially configure Swagger.
Have a look at the first example from
"1.0" => {
# the extension used for the API
:api_extension_type => :json,
# the output location where your .json files are written to
:api_file_path => "public/api/v1/",
# the URL base path to your API
:base_path => "",
# if you want to delete all .json files at each generation
:clean_directory => false,
# add custom attributes to api-docs
:attributes => {
:info => {
"title" => "Swagger Sample App",
"description" => "This is a sample description.",
"termsOfServiceUrl" => "",
"contact" => "",
"license" => "Apache 2.0",
"licenseUrl" => ""
The example app at shows you the general output and layout you'll get.

How to pull Google Analytics stats?

Is Google API Ruby client the best option?
I have a site with users and I want them to see their google analytics stats on, how can I do it ?
I can see the example but I'm not able to figure out how to begin.
I also use the google-api-ruby-client gem and set it up about the same way that is outlined in the link you provided (
Just follow the steps outlined in the link to set up a Google Analytics client:
# you need to set this according to your situation/needs
PATH_TO_KEY_FILE = '...' # the path to the downloaded .p12 key file
PROFILE = '...' # your GA profile id, looks like 'ga:12345'
require 'google/api_client'
# set up a client instance
client =
client.authorization =
:token_credential_uri => '',
:audience => '',
:scope => '',
:signing_key => Google::APIClient::PKCS12.load_key(PATH_TO_KEY_FILE, 'notasecret')
).tap { |auth| auth.fetch_access_token! }
api_method = client.discovered_api('analytics','v3')
# make queries
result = client.execute(:api_method => api_method, :parameters => {
'ids' => PROFILE,
'start-date' =>,1,1).to_s,
'end-date' =>,
'dimensions' => 'ga:pagePath',
'metrics' => 'ga:pageviews',
'filters' => 'ga:pagePath==/url/to/user'
To display statistics for a user's page in your app, you have to adjust the metrics and filters parameters when making the query. The query above for example will return a result object containing all pageviews for the page with url
Caveat: this answer was written a long time ago and Google released a new, incompatible version of the gem. Please consult

Twitter User Hash for Sorcery Authentication

I'm using the Sorcery gem and their external module to authenticate with Twitter. I've got the authentication working, but I want to store the user's Twitter profile image URL in my database after a successful log in. Sorcery seems to have a configuration option that's meant to do exactly what I want:
config.twitter.user_info_mapping = {:nickname => "screen_name"}
Maybe I've missed something in the Sorcery documentation, but I can't find any information about what "keys" are available. I tried this to no avail:
config.twitter.user_info_mapping = {:nickname => "screen_name", :avatar_url => "profile_image_url"}
Has anyone found documentation about this?
That is just what you get from twitter in json format.
Here is a twitter documentation about it
config.twitter.user_info_mapping = {:username => "screen_name",
:realname => "name",
:location => "place",
:web => "url",
:bio => "description"}
