ASP.Net MVC3 and jQuery UI Tabs -

I have created a HTML layout below with jQuery UI tabs
All the tab information are related to Employee
HTML Code:
<div id="tabs">
<li>Salary Info</li>
<div id="tabs-1">
<p>Some fiels here</p>
<div id="tabs-2">
<p>Some fiels here</p>
<div id="tabs-3">
<p>Some fiels here</p>
All i need is i want to keep this in MVC page.
Can i have all tabs in one View or i can use #Html.Partial? or PartialViewResult? for each tab.
Some time the user may update only Department information. Here i should save only that tab information.
I want all these tabs loaded at first time and not in on demand using ajax.
Can anyone suggest how can i organize my need in MVC?
Note: Also another thing is i want to use the same for Add and Edit employee. In case of Add Employee i should able to view only Basic Detail as enabled and other tabs in disabled mode. Once the user save basic detail other tab should get enabled.

View fragmentation:
You can do either single view, or split it on multiple partials. It doesn't really matter till they render necessary html.
To save information from each tab separately, wrap each tab content in <form />, so you'll have multiple forms instead of one.
To show next tab on submit, solution will depend on submit process. If you have synchronous Post(Get) then you'll have to pass pass tab parameter with Response and depend on response open next tab on DOM ready (use jQuery for that). Otherwise, if you submit tabs with ajax, you may switch tab in your handler.


Delaying load of page contents until menu item clicked in a multi-page template

I'm not sure I understand what's possible with multi-page templates in JQM so I need a bit of help. I'm using version 1.4.5.
Let's say my app has only two pages (Page A and B) generated by a multi-page template. It takes the server several seconds to generate each page because they require many database calls and data processing. Currently, this multi-page template is generated by a single script on the server,
Both pages are accessed by the user through a navbar. Page A is the first page in the template so it's visible to the user first.
To speed up the app, I want the HTML for Page B to get generated and fetched from the server only after the user taps the navbar menu item for Page B.
After Page B loads, the user should now be able to switch between pages instantly since the content for both pages are loaded into the DOM.
What is the proper way of accomplishing this desired result?
Do I tie the navbar tap on Page B to an ajax call and inject the server response into Page B? This seems kludgy.
I'm thinking I'm missing something fundamental about JQM but I'm not sure what. Can someone help?
<!-- PAGE A -->
output <div data-role="page" id="page_a">
output <div data-role="navbar">
output <ul><li>Page A</li>Page B<li></ul>
output </div>
output <div role="main" class="ui-content">
output </div>
output </div>
<!-- PAGE B -->
output <div data-role="page" id="page_b">
output <div data-role="navbar">
output <ul><li>Page A</li>Page B<li></ul>
output </div>
output <div role="main" class="ui-content">
output </div>
output </div>
For your architecture the best approach is single page template but you can use the pagecontainer API to load any page programmatically.
$(":mobile-pagecontainer").pagecontainer("load", "about.html", { role: "dialog" });
Check the jQM docs for more information.

Use Bootstrap Navbar choice in controller?

All, I'm trying to use the Bootstrap Navbar user choice to control the filtering of posts shown to the user.
The model includes an 'expired' field which is a date-time type.
Three choices are: All (no filtering), Open (show only open issues) and Closed (show closed).
Is there a way to do this without defining three different index.html.erb variants (DRY problem). The filter should show only closed issues if #post.expired < .. etc.
Stated alternately - can controller 'know' what the user chose, although Navbar, as i am using it, is simply a fancy navigation toolbar?
Thanks for any advice.
Typically this is done by including a parameter in the request, and looking for that parameter in the controller. The bootstrap navbar uses regular anchor links so you should be able to add parameters easily to them (modified example from the doc):
<div class="navbar">
<div class="navbar-inner">
<a class="brand" href="/some_url">List</a>
<ul class="nav">
You can read the filter parameter in the controller by accessing the value of params[:filter].

Jquery Mobile Javascript not working on ajax load

Have the following markup in my html page to toggle a search bar based on if a search icon is clicked:
<a id="searchIcon" href="/"></a>
<div id="searchWrapOuter" style="display:none;">
<div id="searchWrapInner">
<div id="formContainer">
<form id="searchForm" action="#">
<input type="search" name="search-mini" id="search-mini" value="" data-mini="true" />
Width the following javascipt/jquery:
$(function() {
$(document).on("click", "#searchIcon", function () {
var searchWrapper = $("#searchWrapOuter");
return false;
This code works as expected on a page load direct off a Url. When coming into the page off a link which is Ajax loaded, loads the contents of the page into the DOM, and the DOM ready handler only executes for the first page.
I have read about using the
$(document).on('pageinit'), not $(document).ready()/$(function()
I still haven't been able to get this to work when coming in off an ajax link however. What would be the correct way to implement these events to get the code to work coming in from an Ajax link?
Most likely it is because you are using IDs instead of classes. jQuery Mobile doesn't work well with IDs because it caches pages into the DOM so if you open a page, close it, then go back to the page, you might have your page twice inside the DOM (one visible, one hidden/cached). So when you do $("#searchWrapOuter") you don't know which element you are actually dealing with (in your case, probably the hidden one).
The solution is to change your IDs to classes. This is not very intuitive but I found that is the best way to work with jQuery Mobile.
Also note this comment in the doc which might also be relevant to you:
The id attribute of all your elements must be not only unique on a given page, but also unique across the pages in a site. This is because jQuery Mobile's single-page navigation model allows many different "pages" to be present in the DOM at the same time. This also applies when using a multi-page template, since all "pages" on the template are loaded at once.
You can manually adjust delay time to 500ms and 1s.
My issue is that the page id was below the pages tags. So once I moved the page div above it, the javascript was included in the ajax page load. Previous to this

jquery mobile changePage break tabs in footer

I have a JQuery Mobile app with two pages: page1 and page2
On page1, I am redirecting the user to page2 via the following code:
$.mobile.changePage("/home/page2/", { transition: "slide" });
Page2 has three data-role="page" elements in it. Each of these pages has the following in the footer:
<div data-role="footer" data-position="fixed">
<div data-role="navbar">
<li>Screen 1</li>
<li>Screen 2</li>
<li>Screen 3</li>
If I navigate directly to /home/page2 the tabs work fine. However, when I redirect the user to page2 via changePage(), the tabs do not work. What would cause this?
From the jQuery Mobile documentation:
Linking within a multi-page document
It's important to note that if you are linking from a mobile page that
was loaded via Ajax to a page that contains multiple internal pages,
you need to add a rel="external" or data-ajax="false" to the link.
This tells the framework to do a full page reload to clear out the
Ajax hash in the URL. This is critical because Ajax pages use the hash
(#) to track the Ajax history, while multiple internal pages use the
hash to indicate internal pages so there will be conflicts in the hash
between these two modes.
changePage() inherently uses Ajax to load the page and that is the cause of your problem, because only #screen1 gets loaded.
If your app UI and logic allow you make your redirect from Page1 to Page2 with a link:
Go to Page 2
If you have to redirect programmatically consider splitting the multipage Page2 into separate JQM pages (e.g. page21.html, page22.html, page23.html) and link them appropriately or produce your content dynamically when user clicks on navbar tabs.

Close button on dialog returns to the wrong page

Here's a very simple fiddle:
If you click the "presets" button in the header bar, it opens a dialog. If you click the "close" button on the dialog, instead of going back to the page it came from, it goes to the last page (excluding the dialog itself) on the page (the one with the content This is another page). How come? Is there a way to fix the automatically inserted back button so it behaves itself properly (like the "home" button I included in the dialog) or, failing that, is there a way to remove the close button.
<div data-role="page" id="index">
<header data-role="header">
<article data-role="content">
<div>This is the main page</div>
<div data-role="page">
This is another page
<div data-role="page" id="presets">
<header data-role="header">
<div data-role="content">
This is a dialog!
As Taifun pointed out, the problem is the lack of an id on the page. Adding an id fixes my first fiddle. However, my real situation is a little more complicated, as shown in this fiddle:
Here I am actually creating pages dynamically using knockout, and I assign IDs to those pages via data binding, but, it seems, those ids are not recognized by jQuery Mobile for some reason. If you look with Firebug, you can see that the ids are correctly added to the attributes of the pages, but when you close the dialog, you end up on page 3 rather than the original page.
Update 2
Simple fix, I just added a dummy id to the bit of html that knockout is going to use as a template:
<!-- ko foreach: pages -->
<div data-role="page" data-bind="attr: {id: name}" id="dummy">
This is <span data-bind="text:name"></span>
<!-- /ko -->
See here.
The dummy id is replaced by knockout, so links to that page work correctly and jQuery mobile seems to be happy!
add an id to your other page
<div data-role="page" id="anotherpage">
This is another page
then it will work, see jsfiddle
coming back to another solution, because you mentioned: is there a way to remove the close button? Yes, just add this style, see also this answer...
.ui-dialog .ui-header a[data-icon=delete] {
display: none;
and another jsfiddle to demonstrate that
