corona drag and drop an object on container or reference - coronasdk

I am developing a game and one level is solving a jumbled up word. The letters are images like tiles and I am trying to either click a letter and this will move to the first of the allocated spots to solve the word or to actually drag the tile to the spot. Can anyone help me implement this?

To drag an object see this tutorial:
If you just want to tap them and have them move to where you want them, then something like this might work for you:
local function moveTile(event)
-- put your code here to move the tile
-- figure out the X, Y where the tile needs to move to
-- either just set the X, Y on the tile or use a call
-- to animate it.
local thisTile =
thisTile.x = destinationX -- you have to figure out what destinationX is.
thisTile.y = destinationY -- figure this out too
return true
Then on each tile after you create it, simply add this line to make it tappable:
tile:addEventListener("tap", moveTile)


Lua tables and screen coordinates. For every {x} at y do

I'm having a little curious sense of art in programming at the moment. And I want to script my Autotouch App on my iOS to generate Pixel Art inside of another app.
I was doing this previously by typing in code to tap at the screen at one coordinate, I did this 2000+ times and it got the job done. But there should be a better, smarter way to get it done.
My test image is going to be very symetrical to make things easy.
There is a code in the Lua app that I'm using to simply tap on the screen,
tap(x, y)
But I want to set this up like:
tap({xTable}, y)
But I'm not sure if that will "tap" at each x coordinate that I've listed for the y variable.
I want to paint a pixel at one very specific coordinate, and then step 5 pixels away and paint the next one, and repeat that until the end of the line.
Is this at all possible or am I reaching beyond the language capabilities?
Edit: for some reason my phone is not blocking code when I'm asking a question, if someone sees this and wants to edit, I would be grateful.
Is this at all possible or am I reaching beyond the language capabilities?
Not even close. I recommend you read Programming in Lua.
tap({xTable}, y)
But I'm not sure if that will "tap" at each x coordinate that I've listed for the y variable.
Why are you not sure? Did you not write it? If not, you can trivially write it yourself given tap:
function tapxs(xs, y)
for i,x in ipairs(xs) do
tapxs({10,20,30,40}, 10) -- tap at 10,10; 20,10; 30,10; etc.
I want to paint a pixel at one very specific coordinate, and then step 5 pixels away and paint the next one, and repeat that until the end of the line.
What is "the line"? Is it purely horizontal? You could write:
function tapHorizontally(startX, maxX, y, increment)
for x=startX,maxX,increment do
tapHorizontally(10,100,20,5) -- tap from 10,20 to 100,20 in 5 pixel increments
Of course, that's a bizarrely specific function. You'd typically write something that takes a starting x,y and ending x,y and draws between them, so you can support horizontal, vertical, diagonal lines all with the same function, but that requires more math.
The bottom line is: Lua is a full blown, powerful, high level programming language. It could be used to write the very app you're tapping on, or the app you're using to generate taps, so the limits are going to be your knowledge of programming/algorithms/math/etc.

Corona SDK dynamic width objects

I'm trying to implement a game mechanics of "Hooking" objects... Here's picture of what i'm talking about:
But I have a problem with the chain/string of the hook.
I've tried create it step by step when the hook is on the fly, using timer and enterFrame events, but they both generate huge gaps between chain segments.
I've tried creating big image of whole chain and changing width dynamicly, but it only stretches and looking funny :D
Maybe anyone faced the same problem?
I would suggest you to try following.
Create whole chain
place it inside container (display.newContainer)
change width of container.
Container automatically generates masks so instead of stretching you will have just part of your chain hidden under mask.
here is link to container docs
This is not a complete answer - I have given you a bit of a broad answer to a broad question but I hope it can help you in creating what you need.
I created a very similar mechanic recently -
I used enterFrame to call a function, lets call it BuildHook, this would check the position of the hook and the position of the starting point and then calculate how many pieces of images would be needed to fill out the space. The graphic I had as my "hook" was partially larger then the chain pieces allowing for it to overlap and only put a new image once enough space between the last piece and hook was created.
This ment that it was the hook moving forward and backwards and then having a static "chain" between it and the starting point. Either consuming "links" as would move backwards ontop of them or created "links" as it moved away from them.
Keep in mind this is pseudo code but should give you an idea how to make it.
local arrayOfPieces = {}
local function BuildHook()
-- Bunch of variables you need to get
-- The hook pseudo code
if(hookX - lastPieceX >= singlePieceWidth) then
local newPiece = display.newImage('singlePiece.png');
newPiece.x = lastPieceX + singlePieceWidth/2
newPiece.y = lastPieceY
if(hookX < lastPieceX) then
lastPieceArrayPos = table.getn(arrayOfPieces)
lastPiece = arrayOfPieces[lastPieceArrayPos - 1]

Making two object collide but moving like kinematic objects

I'm working on a "Words in a pic" clone and I have different images representing each letters and empty boxes where the letters should be put in to.
When I drag the letters I want them to be dragged like when it is a static body i.e. just up, down, left and right (no turning or spinning) and when the item is within the box it should stay within that box, otherwise it should go back to it's original position.
The thing is that static objects can't collide with another static object nor can a kinematic object collide with another object so I need to use Dynamic if I have understood it correctly?
However how do I do so when the drag event is activated the body, the letter image, moves like a static or kinematic body (only up, down, left and right) but also detects collision between a letter image and a empty box image?
Thanks for helping me with this, I have not been able to find any information on how to solve this problem!
This was easier than I though, you set the items as "dynamic" and then object.isSensor = true, to make it not rotate object.isFixedRotation = true and also deactivate the gravity through object.gravityScale = 0

Random text in Corona

Totally new with Corona and asking for some support.
Would like to create a simple first software with Corona. My idea is to have a button and when you press the button you see different words on the screen. The idea is that they roll randomly and then stops on one word. For example 8 different words and one is chosen and a few seconds and shown on the screen.
For an expert I guess this is imple but for a rookie it´s not that easy.
Use a array of words to store the words
local words = {foo, bar, hi, no, yes, mom, dad}
Then use math.random to select a word.
local wordIwant = math.random(#words) -- # operador gets the length of a list
So if math.random returns 3 for example, wordIwant will be "hi"
Now how you do your special effect and other pretty stuff, is up to you, but I recommend using the enterFrame listener for that.

Shifting elements in match3 kind of game

I am a beginner at ActionScript3, and for my learning purpose, I am trying to build a match3 kind of game. I am making is a clone of bejeweled kind of game. but instead of swapping, I have to delete those elements and shift the upper elements down and add new elements above those shifted elements.
I am able to delete matched elements and after matching I'm removing those elements but I am stuck with the shifting code. I am not able to shift those elements down.
I believe that you should take a look at Richard Lord's Tetris source code as your game may be somehow similar in mechanics to Tetris. Tetris shifts down rows when you get lucky.
Richard Lord is one of the Flash Gurus and his way of doing things may seem pretty advanced for a starter like you. Take a look over the source code and see if it fits you. What I can tell is that this is the proper way to make a game but maybe it's not the best point to start for a novice like you that is in urgent need.
I would approach it like this in 2 parts.
Loop through your array of board positions starting from the bottom row and check for an empty unoccupied slot, if you find one do another loop through the row above till you find a piece on the same column. If you find a piece on the row above apply a tween to move it down to the empty slot and continue your loop.
Once you have looped through all rows, and animated all the tweens you need to loop through again to find all the gaps that need gems dropped into them. Create new elements at those positions and then move them up by (element height * row), apply another tween to animate them back to their starting position.
