How send redirect as post request. Spring Security - grails

i have my own AuthenticationSuccessHandler and overriding method onAuthenticationSuccess, where i need to redirect to some page with parameters from request before authenticate (i hope you understand what i mean, sorry for my english)
getRedirectStrategy().sendRedirect(request, response, targetUrl);
How can i do this with POST method (by default it is GET method)

You may do it without sendRedirect method using HTTP1.1 307 Temporary Redirect status code.
But AFAIK this is not a common practice and not all web browsers may support this.
Maybe server-side forward will suit your case.
If you want to send POST-redirect using spring-security API you may implement your own RedirectStrategy.
DefaultRedirectStrategy uses response.sendRedirect that will result in 302 response code sending by servlet container (I'm not sure about every container, at least tomcat sends 302).
Update 2:
You may send 307 back setting response status and "Location" header yourself:
resp.setHeader("Location", absoluteRedirectUrl);
User-agent receiving this response must do next request using the same method that was used in previous request. So if first request was POST redirected request also will be POST.


AWS and Cognito

I'm a newbie to this stuff so downloaded the samples which is all fine and I thought I could see what was going on and what I needed to do. However, got a bit stuck for no obvious reason so I wondered if anyone could maybe give me some hints.
I'm trying to engineer Cognito authentication and identity into an old Apache Struts 1 legacy web application written in Java, so all the activity needs to be server-side. Using the Cognito URL I can successfully authenticate and get an auth code back using this URL providing my client id, redirect URI and response_type=code so all good thus far.
If I then create an HttpClient (as per the sample code in Github) and call the token URL and write various parameters to the request body (grant_type=authorization_code, client_id=as previously, redirect_uri=my URI and code=auth code just returned), I get an "unauthorized_client" message returned. But the code is valid albeit for authorization, and the client_id is correct because I used it previously.
My log:
Cognito following successful signin, continuing to url http:[redacted]/passport/
(this was the /login succeeding)
Callback from Cognito received
(following is the log dump of the /oauth2/token URI called to)
Cognito token signin URL is https:[redacted]
HTTP request header, added Authorization=Basic M29wcGR0azdpYzF2YjloNGd0OTQzNXYxcmI6MW9mMmFsaWNzZGR2dHZ1NmFkOHRuc2s4cnJ0cXEyYm0yc3RqbG1mcmkyamhkdXBubG1wMw==
HTTP request header, added Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded
HTTP request body, added grant_type=authorization_code
HTTP request body, added
HTTP request body, added code=62eeb0b1-a76b-489b-bd28-e42023a497bd
HTTP request body, added client_id=[redacted]
HTTP request is
HTTP Json result=<{"error":"unauthorized_client"}>
org.json.JSONException: JSONObject not found.
at org.json.JSONObject.get(
What's wrong with this picture? I tried also adding client_id, code as URL parameters but I just get an "invalid_client" message instead.
I also tried using the /oauth2/token URI directly from the Struts app to provide a token but it returns the id_token using # rather than ? in the parameter list so it is client-side only and hence can't be intercepted by the Struts app and so will be a pain to forward to the server, but I could write some Javascript to do it if I had to. It doesn't seem the path of least resistance, though, as it seems wrong that the pure Java server side call doesn't work so I must be doing something wrong which isn't obvious to me.

Removing redirect in Grails Spring Security for Ajax

According to Doc: for an Ajax Login, if the request is successful or fails there is a redirect. I am not sure why this redirect is needed for the AJAX world and was wondering if it is possible to turn it off? So that I just get back a success or fail to the Login POST request
You have to add the method "authAjax" at the Login Controller so you can send a different HTTP status code instead of causing the redirect.
Take a look at the section "Securing AJAX requests" here.
See the AJAX Authentication section of the Spring Security plugin docs.

In rails app who respond according to the http request?

Well, so far in each article I see people say server respond accordingly to the request type. If it is xml request then response is in xml and if it is ajax or html then response is in ajax or html. Browser send the request and server respond accordingly. My question is in rails app in which part this decision is taken? That is by server which part of the rails app we indicate?
This decision is taken inside the controller of the rails MVC framework and can be modified by the user. The user may wish not to respond to a particular type of request.
The distinction is made by suffix in URI, eg. ..../users/123.json. And You do it by yourself in controller.

Redirecting a GET request to another app's POST request in a rails controller

I have a controller action that is triggered by a GET route, which under some conditions, I want to redirect to the POST route of another app on another server.
I'm aware of redirect_to "" but there doesn't seem to be a way of specifying the http method. This intended for AJAX requests not pages, so it isn't acceptable to return a javascript to direct the browser.
Is this possible?
redirect_to uses HTTP status code to make the redirection, so it would likely be a GET, here's antoher explanation to use 307 status code
Response.Redirect with POST instead of Get?
but is not very well implemented among all browsers, so i suggest using a session variable to pass parameters among the views or something similar.

302 found response

I have implemented ajax request to populate my drop down fields. It is working Fine but when I stay idle for some time and select some value in drop down the ajax request gets 302 found response. Is it due to session out. Please let me know the solution, can we do some setting that it will never get response as 302 found.
The 302 status code indicates that the resource you are requesting has redirected to another resource. If this is behind some authentication, or requiring a session to be active then yes, it would follow that the session timing out is responsible for the ajax resource being called to redirect to possibly a login screen maybe.
I would seriously recommend using something like Charles or Fiddler to track the requests being made.
In your code you should check whether a session is available,
because when a GET/POST request is sent, there may be additional requests for images or other resources. Sessions won’t be available for those requests.
if (Context.Session != null)
// your code
