Navigation Bar Higher like Safari App - ios

I was wondering if there is a way to create a navigationBar like the one in this photo:
and there is a way to customize its background?

It's fairly easy to customize a UINavigationBar. Simply create a subclass of it, and in the XIB where you find the UINavigationController, use the inspector on the right to change the class of the navigation controller's navigation bar to your subclass.


Apple News app scrolling buttons in UINavigationBar

How to implement such a navigation bar? I am aware of the title view but not aware of any subtitle view.
One way I can think of is setting UINavigationBar shadow image to nil and place collection view below the navigation bar. But that won't give me translucency of Navigation bar.
Is there a native way (which may have been introduced in iOS9) of doing so?
I think you'll have to make custom view and will have to use it as navigation bar. Hide the default navigation bar and use your custom view.
I wanted to make the as shown in picture with the functionality like tab bar and i've made custom view for that purpose.
You can use a library like PageMenu or PagingMenuController to do this easily.

How to add a top bar to the view?

I am in the designing of ios view. I would like to add a top bar.
I know I can use navigation bar, but I am not sure if this is the prefered way. I think I don't need home button.
Just using the navigationItem in the xib file,and setting its property,but not using NavigationController.

iOS. Navigation controller toolbar - customize example

I'm newbie with Xcode, I'm learning it and trying to make my app.
Now I would like to put Navigation Bar func at the bottom of the screen with some customize.
I turn on "Shows Toolbar" at Navigation Controller and put my button there, but I cannot customize it.
Everything that I found about customizing Navigation Bar at the top of the screen or about customizing TabBar when people are talking about bottom of the screen.
Please, can you give me a code examples to build something like this at the bottom of the screen:
Thanks in advance!
I'm not sure what you are trying to customize (button or bar) but when there is a bar at the bottom of the screen that is not a tab bar it is a tool bar not a navigation bar. The two are related but they each have their own class. Tool bars use UIToolBar not UINavigationBar. The tool bar is independent of the navigation controller and the two work together well. For any views that don't want a tool bar just set it to hidden in -viewDidAppear: (you will need to un hide it in views that use it).
dimimpou is right. You can accomplish this by using a UITabBarViewController and one UIBarButtonItem for "ADD ONE" and "MY STATS".
If you get lost in references(I sometimes get lost too), I may provide a simple example.
Note that if the interface provided by UIKit doesn't meet your need you can:
Use category over UITabBar or UITabBarItem.
If 1. doesn't work sadly you'll have create your own view controller which is simulate UITabBarViewController(requires some time, but it's worth)
You can use a UINavigationController inside a UITabBarViewController.
You can easily do this. The way I understand it, you want this "Toolbar" to show from a button in the navigation bar. Just put a tab bar with what you need and make it show when the user presses the button on the navigation bar. on this buttons action put this code: self.tabBar.hidden = NO; and on the storyboard uncheck the bar visibility option. Hope it helps!

a large navigation menu in ios

I have a large navigation menu, like a website header(Top logo, Bottom some menu buttons.) and this navigation menu must shown in every view of my application (like a masterpage, header(this navigation) will be static but content will change). What is the best way to represent this menu in my application?
I thought UINavigationBar may be appropriate but I am not sure about it. Can I customize it that much?
totally depends on how much is 'that much'.
you can use UIToolBar for more customization that what UINavigationBar allows, but you'll have to do some extra work in getting that functionality to match that of a nav bar,
or use a customViewController that has this largeNavigationMenu, and use it as a baseClass for all viewControllers you are using in your app.
You basically need to use some kind of container controller. Either a UINavigationController, a UITabBarController or maybe something custom like a drawer menu controller. Depends on the app design.

Adding a toolbar to a navigation controller

I am completely new to ios development and I am only interested in developing for ios5.
I have an app with some scenes, they are mostly tableviews. I also use a navigation controller
I however need to add some status text and buttons that are always visible in all scenes and thought that a toolbar added to the navigation controller should do the trick.
so i thought that i should only have to drag out a toolbar in storyboard to the navigation controller, but it does not stick there. I can add it to the bar underneath with first responder and navigation controller but that does not help me (small icons).
I can also not add it to my table view (but if i drag out a plain view I can add it there)
do I have to make my own custom navigation class that the navigate view uses and then programatically add my toolbar?
Had the same question recently. Check Attributes Inspector in your ViewController's properties in storyboard. There you can define a Bottom Bar.
Well, inside the UINavigationController, you should have something... A UIViewController for instance. You can easily add a UIToolBar by dragging the object inside the UIView of the UIViewController. What might being happening is that as the root view you have the UITableView, in that case I think you can't do that. But to better understand, just take a small print screen of your StoryBoard.
If you zoom up to 100% on the storyboard it should drag.
