Why Enable/Disable A20 Line - memory

I have a question about the A20 gate. I read an article about it saying that the mechanism exists to solve problems with address "wraparound" that appeared when newer CPUs got a 32-bit address bus instead of the older 20-bit bus.
It would seem to me that the correct way to handle the wraparound would be to turn off all of bits A20-A31, and not just A20.
Why is it sufficient to only turn off bit A20 to handle the problem?

The original problem had to do with x86 memory segmentation.
Memory would be accessed using segment:offset, where both segment and offset were 16-bit integers. The actual address was computed as segment*16+offset. On a 20-bit address bus, this would naturally get truncated to the lowest 20 bits.
This truncation could present a problem when the same code was run on an address bus wider than 20 bits, since instead of the wraparound, the program could access memory past the first megabyte. While not a problem per se, this could be a backwards compatibility issue.
To work around this issue, they introduced a way to force the A20 address line to zero, thereby forcing the wraparound.
Your question is: "Why just A20? What about A21-A31?"
Note that the highest location that could be addressed using the the 16-bit segment:offset scheme was 0xffff * 16 + 0xffff = 0x10ffef. This fits in 21 bits. Thus, the lines A21-A31 were always zero, and it was only A20 that needed to be controlled.


how Byte Address memory in Altera FPGA?

I worked with megafunctions to generate 32bit data memory in the fpga.but the output was addressed 32bit (4 bytes) at time , how to do 1 byte addressing ?
i have Altera Cyclone IV ep4ce6e22c8.
I'm designing a 32bit CPU in fpga ,
Nowadays every CPU address bus works in bytes. Thus to access your 32-bit wide memory you should NOT connect the LS 2 address bits. You can use the A[1:0] address bits to select a byte (or half word using A[1] only) from the memory when your read.
You still will need four byte write enable signals. This allows you to write word, half-words or bytes.
Have a look at existing CPU buses or existing connection standards like AHB or AXI.
Post edit:
but reading address 0001 , i get 0x05060708 but the desired value is 0x02030405.
What you are trying to do is read a word from a non-aligned address. There is no existing 32-bit wide memory that supports that. I suggest you have a look at how a 32-bit wide memory works.
The old Motorola 68020 architecture supported that. It requires a special memory controller which first reads the data from address 0 and then from address 4 and re-combines the data into a new 32-bit word.
With the cost of memory dropping and reducing CPU cycles becoming more important, no modern CPU supports that. They throw an exception: non-aligned memory access.
You have several choices:
Build a special memory controller which supports unaligned accesses.
Adjust your expectations.
I would go for the latter. In general it is based on the wrong idea how a memory works. As consolidation: You are not the first person on this website who thinks that is how you read words from memory.

How byte addressing works?

I am new to computer architecture. So correct me if I am wrong.
If a memory module consists of 8 memory chips and if each chip stores 4bits per address then by applying an address to the address pin of the module I can get (8 x 4=) 32 bit from that address in the module. But byte addressing tells that every byte has an address. But here I am accessing 32bits using an address. So how is it possible?
I think if each chip stores 1bit per address then by applying an address to the module I can access 8bit or one byte.
You say each chip stores 4bits per address and you have 8 on the same address bus. It is the address bus that is the limiting factor. The address bus must have 32 lines for each byte in a 32 bit architecture to be addressable. If you have 8 chips each producing 4 bits in response to the same address, then you have 32bits per address. The advantage of such an arrangement would be the address bus lines could be reduced by 2 without decreasing the addressable range (only the resolution).
You are correct in thinking that each chip would need to produce 1 bit per address to allow byte addressing.
That's the theory, in practice I would suspect a solution could be architected where the 4 bits could be time division multiplexed making each individually accessible.
I have heard for a long time not to address less than 32 bits at a time, as that may be the smallest unit addressable. Certainly it would make sense when 2Gb-4Gb was the physical limit of 32 bit byte addressing.

How many bytes can be stored in a memory unit that uses 8 address bits and a 16 bit architecture?

I need help understanding memory. How many bytes can be stored in a memory unit that uses 8 address bits and a 16 bit architecture?
I think it's 2^8 = 256. Is this correct?
Edit: I mean 256
It depends.
Firstly "16 bit architecture" is too vague to be a helpful characterization for this problem. A characterization like that generally refers to the width of registers and data paths (e.g. in the ALU), not how memory is addressed.
Secondly, the answer actually depends on whether the addresses are byte addresses or "word" addresses. AFAIK "almost all" new processor / instruction set architectures designed since the 1980's have used byte addresses. But prior to that it was common for addresses to address words of up to 60 bits (or possibly more).
But assuming byte addressing, then an 8 bit address allows you to address 2^8 bytes; i.e. 256 bytes.
On the other hand, if we assume word addressing with a 16 bit word, then 8 bit addresses will address 256 words ... which is 512 bytes.
The base answer is the 2^number of bits. However,long ago sixteen bit systems came up with means for accessing more than 2^16 memory though segments. While an application can only access 2^16 bytes at a time, changing the values in hardware registers allows the application to change which 2^16 bytes of a larger address space are being accessed.
You typically do things like
Map buffer 1 to the address space.
Queue a read operation to the buffer.
Map another buffer 2 to the address space.
Read operation completes-map Buffer 1 back so that the data can be accessed.

Why does 20 address space with on a 16 bit machine give access to 1 Megabyte and not 2 Megabytes?

OK, this question sounds simple but I am taken by surprise. In the ancient days when 1 Megabyte was a huge amount of memory, Intel was trying to figure out how to use 16 bits to access 1 Megabyte of memory. They came up with the idea of using segment and offset address values to generate a 20 bit address.
Now, 20 bits gives 2^20 = 1,048,576 locations that can be addressed. Now assuming that we access 1 byte per address location we get 1,048,576/(1024*1024) = 2^20/2^20 Megabytes = 1 Megabyte. Ok understood.
The confusion comes here, we have 16 bit data bus in the ancient 8086 and can access 2 bytes at a time rather than 1, this equate 20 bit address to being able to access a total of 2 Megabyte of data right? Why do we assume that each address only has 1 byte stored in it when the data bus is 2 bytes wide? I am confused here.
It is very important to consider the bus when trying to understand this. This is probably more of an electrical question than a software one, but here is the answer:
For 8086, when reading from ROM, The least significant address line (A0) is not used, reducing the number of address lines to 19 right then and there.
In the case where the CPU needs to read 16 bits from an odd address, say, bytes at 0x3 and 0x4, it will actually do two 16-bit reads: One from 0x2 and one from 0x4, and discard bytes 0x2 and 0x5.
For 8-bit ROM reads, the read on the bus is still 16-bits but the unneeded byte is discarded.
But for RAM there is sometimes a need to write just a single byte, this gets a little more complex. There is an extra output signal on the processor called BHE# (Bus high enable). The combination of A0 and BHE# are used to determine if the write is an 8 or 16-bits wide, and whether or not it is at an odd or even address.
Understanding these two signals is key to answering your question. Stating it simply as possible:
8-bit even access: A0 OFF, BHE# OFF
8-bit odd access: A0 ON, BHE# ON
16-bit access (must be even): A0 OFF, BHE# ON
And we cannot have a bus cycle with A0 ON and BHE# OFF because an odd access to the even byte of the bus is meaningless.
Relating this back to your original understanding: You are completely correct in the case of memory devices. A 1 megabyte 16-bit memory chip will indeed only have 19 address lines, to that chip, 16 bits is a byte, and in effect, they do not physically have an A0 address input.
... almost. 16-bit writable memory devices have two extra signals (BHE# and BLE#) which are connected to the CPU's BHE# and A0 respectively. This so they know to ignore part of the bus when an 8-bit access is under way, making them hybrid 8/16 bit devices. ROM chips do not have these signals.
For the hardware unenlightened, this is a fairly complex area we're touching on here, and it does get very complex indeed in terms of performance considerations and in large systems with mixed 8 and 16 bit hardware.
It's is all explained in fantastic detail in the 8086 datasheet
It's because a byte is the 'atom' in memory addressing and the code must be able to access all the individual bytes in the address space. really a matter of software and compatibility with 8-bit existing software back then.
This too may interest you: How a single byte of memory is accessed by CPU in a 32-bit memory and 32-bit processor

Purpose of memory alignment

Admittedly I don't get it. Say you have a memory with a memory word of length of 1 byte. Why can't you access a 4 byte long variable in a single memory access on an unaligned address(i.e. not divisible by 4), as it's the case with aligned addresses?
The memory subsystem on a modern processor is restricted to accessing memory at the granularity and alignment of its word size; this is the case for a number of reasons.
Modern processors have multiple levels of cache memory that data must be pulled through; supporting single-byte reads would make the memory subsystem throughput tightly bound to the execution unit throughput (aka cpu-bound); this is all reminiscent of how PIO mode was surpassed by DMA for many of the same reasons in hard drives.
The CPU always reads at its word size (4 bytes on a 32-bit processor), so when you do an unaligned address access — on a processor that supports it — the processor is going to read multiple words. The CPU will read each word of memory that your requested address straddles. This causes an amplification of up to 2X the number of memory transactions required to access the requested data.
Because of this, it can very easily be slower to read two bytes than four. For example, say you have a struct in memory that looks like this:
struct mystruct {
char c; // one byte
int i; // four bytes
short s; // two bytes
On a 32-bit processor it would most likely be aligned like shown here:
The processor can read each of these members in one transaction.
Say you had a packed version of the struct, maybe from the network where it was packed for transmission efficiency; it might look something like this:
Reading the first byte is going to be the same.
When you ask the processor to give you 16 bits from 0x0005 it will have to read a word from 0x0004 and shift left 1 byte to place it in a 16-bit register; some extra work, but most can handle that in one cycle.
When you ask for 32 bits from 0x0001 you'll get a 2X amplification. The processor will read from 0x0000 into the result register and shift left 1 byte, then read again from 0x0004 into a temporary register, shift right 3 bytes, then OR it with the result register.
For any given address space, if the architecture can assume that the 2 LSBs are always 0 (e.g., 32-bit machines) then it can access 4 times more memory (the 2 saved bits can represent 4 distinct states), or the same amount of memory with 2 bits for something like flags. Taking the 2 LSBs off of an address would give you a 4-byte alignment; also referred to as a stride of 4 bytes. Each time an address is incremented it is effectively incrementing bit 2, not bit 0, i.e., the last 2 bits will always continue to be 00.
This can even affect the physical design of the system. If the address bus needs 2 fewer bits, there can be 2 fewer pins on the CPU, and 2 fewer traces on the circuit board.
The CPU can operate on an aligned word of memory atomically, meaning that no other instruction can interrupt that operation. This is critical to the correct operation of many lock-free data structures and other concurrency paradigms.
The memory system of a processor is quite a bit more complex and involved than described here; a discussion on how an x86 processor actually addresses memory can help (many processors work similarly).
There are many more benefits to adhering to memory alignment that you can read at this IBM article.
A computer's primary use is to transform data. Modern memory architectures and technologies have been optimized over decades to facilitate getting more data, in, out, and between more and faster execution units–in a highly reliable way.
Bonus: Caches
Another alignment-for-performance that I alluded to previously is alignment on cache lines which are (for example, on some CPUs) 64B.
For more info on how much performance can be gained by leveraging caches, take a look at Gallery of Processor Cache Effects; from this question on cache-line sizes
Understanding of cache lines can be important for certain types of program optimizations. For example, the alignment of data may determine whether an operation touches one or two cache lines. As we saw in the example above, this can easily mean that in the misaligned case, the operation will be twice slower.
It's a limitation of many underlying processors. It can usually be worked around by doing 4 inefficient single byte fetches rather than one efficient word fetch, but many language specifiers decided it would be easier just to outlaw them and force everything to be aligned.
There is much more information in this link that the OP discovered.
you can with some processors (the nehalem can do this), but previously all memory access was aligned on a 64-bit (or 32-bit) line, because the bus is 64 bits wide, you had to fetch 64 bit at a time, and it was significantly easier to fetch these in aligned 'chunks' of 64 bits.
So, if you wanted to get a single byte, you fetched the 64-bit chunk and then masked off the bits you didn't want. Easy and fast if your byte was at the right end, but if it was in the middle of that 64-bit chunk, you'd have to mask off the unwanted bits and then shift the data over to the right place. Worse, if you wanted a 2 byte variable, but that was split across 2 chunks, then that required double the required memory accesses.
So, as everyone thinks memory is cheap, they just made the compiler align the data on the processor's chunk sizes so your code runs faster and more efficiently at the cost of wasted memory.
Fundamentally, the reason is because the memory bus has some specific length that is much, much smaller than the memory size.
So, the CPU reads out of the on-chip L1 cache, which is often 32KB these days. But the memory bus that connects the L1 cache to the CPU will have the vastly smaller width of the cache line size. This will be on the order of 128 bits.
262,144 bits - size of memory
128 bits - size of bus
Misaligned accesses will occasionally overlap two cache lines, and this will require an entirely new cache read in order to obtain the data. It might even miss all the way out to the DRAM.
Furthermore, some part of the CPU will have to stand on its head to put together a single object out of these two different cache lines which each have a piece of the data. On one line, it will be in the very high order bits, in the other, the very low order bits.
There will be dedicated hardware fully integrated into the pipeline that handles moving aligned objects onto the necessary bits of the CPU data bus, but such hardware may be lacking for misaligned objects, because it probably makes more sense to use those transistors for speeding up correctly optimized programs.
In any case, the second memory read that is sometimes necessary would slow down the pipeline no matter how much special-purpose hardware was (hypothetically and foolishly) dedicated to patching up misaligned memory operations.
#joshperry has given an excellent answer to this question. In addition to his answer, I have some numbers that show graphically the effects which were described, especially the 2X amplification. Here's a link to a Google spreadsheet showing what the effect of different word alignments look like.
In addition here's a link to a Github gist with the code for the test.
The test code is adapted from the article written by Jonathan Rentzsch which #joshperry referenced. The tests were run on a Macbook Pro with a quad-core 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 64-bit processor and 16GB of RAM.
If you have a 32bit data bus, the address bus address lines connected to the memory will start from A2, so only 32bit aligned addresses can be accessed in a single bus cycle.
So if a word spans an address alignment boundary - i.e. A0 for 16/32 bit data or A1 for 32 bit data are not zero, two bus cycles are required to obtain the data.
Some architectures/instruction sets do not support unaligned access and will generate an exception on such attempts, so compiler generated unaligned access code requires not just additional bus cycles, but additional instructions, making it even less efficient.
If a system with byte-addressable memory has a 32-bit-wide memory bus, that means there are effectively four byte-wide memory systems which are all wired to read or write the same address. An aligned 32-bit read will require information stored in the same address in all four memory systems, so all systems can supply data simultaneously. An unaligned 32-bit read would require some memory systems to return data from one address, and some to return data from the next higher address. Although there are some memory systems that are optimized to be able to fulfill such requests (in addition to their address, they effectively have a "plus one" signal which causes them to use an address one higher than specified) such a feature adds considerable cost and complexity to a memory system; most commodity memory systems simply cannot return portions of different 32-bit words at the same time.
On PowerPC you can load an integer from an odd address with no problems.
Sparc and I86 and (I think) Itatnium raise hardware exceptions when you try this.
One 32 bit load vs four 8 bit loads isnt going to make a lot of difference on most modern processors. Whether the data is already in cache or not will have a far greater effect.
