It won't allow me to create an outlet - ios

I've got a Table View Controller object in my Storyboard, but I've made it a custom class called StaticDetailViewController, which I created as a subclass of UITableViewController.
However, when I go to drag from the view to the .h file in the Assistant view, no connection option appears. Why is this?

You have to open and close your curly braces for your #interface in the .h file. For some reason it won't let you control drag using the assistant editor unless you do so... (screenshot)


Unable to Set Referencing Outlet

I am unable to set a referencing outlet for a text field I have created. I am trying to do this via Ctrl-Drag. Can anyone advise? I have set the delegate as the View Controller. In general, I only have one view which is populated with a few text fields and I have written the following code for the ViewController.h which is what I'm trying to set up as a Referencing Outlet:
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextField *userIDText;
First, make sure the control you're dragging from is the same class as the outlet (in this case, UITextField) or it could be a subclass of that class.
Second, make sure control's parent view is a subclass of the file you're dragging to.
Third, make sure the file you're dragging to is saved. This is the most common problem I run into. Go to the source file you're dragging to and push Cmd+S to save.
Fourth, when in doubt, Cmd+Shift+K to clean, Cmd+B to build, then try again. If that still doesn't work, restart Xcode. And if it's still not working, go back through the checklist.
In my case, to be able to create a referencing outlet,
I had to open the Storyboard.
Click on the top View Controller element (left panel in the Storyboard)
In the Identity Inspector (right panel), I had to select from the list my custom view controller class before I could drag and create the referencing outlet in it.
In my cace,(swift3)
1.right click on the storyboard.
2.Ctrl-Drag from black window and ReferencingOutlet to View on the storyboard.
enter image description here

Adding Outlets to View Controller via Table View Controller

I'm attempting to create an application for iOS, using Xamarin and storyboards. Within this, there shall be a button located in a TableViewController which will navigate the user.
To do this, I've used a Container, embedded to a TableViewController. However, my concern is I wish to add an Outlet from the button within the TableViewController to the ViewController header class - Yet it only allows me to try and add one to the 'UITableViewController.h' file.
What is causing this and how am I able to add the Outlet to the 'ViewController.h' file? (Extremely sorry if this makes little sense)
You should not use both the UITableViewController and the UIViewController. UITableViewController is a subclass of UITableViewController so all you need the UITableViewController and you should drag the outlet to it.

Cannot create outlet connections to subviews in Interface Builder (Xcode 5)

I know this appears to be a duplicate of some other questions, but the answers are not working for me.
I have created a single view app.
In the storyboard I added a subview to my main view.
I have a label on my main view and another label on my subview.
I have created a class of type UIView and added it as the custom class for the subview.
I can ctrl-drag my label on my main view to the main view controller class. But when I try to ctrl-drag my label on my subview to my custom class, I cannot get the connection to occur.
I have even typed the property information and tried to make the connection manually to no avail.
Things have changed a bit in the latest version of Xcode's Interface Builder. Can somebody tell me what I am missing? There is literally no code here. I am just testing trying to connect outlets to a subview with a custom class.
The first image shows that I have set up the custom class and added a property but I cannot make the connection.
The second image shows the main view label is connected in the main view's controller.
The third image shows that there are no outlet connections for the subview's label.
You can manually write the IBOutlet property declaration in the #interface of the custom view subclass, and assuming you've defined the base class of your subview in IB, then you can drag from the outlet circle in the code back to the control in the scene.
Or, as you point out, Warren Burton suggested both this technique and another in his answer to this other question, Can't Wire to Subview in IB.
The issue has to do with the File Owner of the View Controller. It is probably set up as being IOViewController, thus you can only make property connections in that .h file.
What you can do, is create another .nib file for the subview and put the subview in there. Then in that .nib file, make the file owner IOSubview. Property connections will work just fine there. Then just add the subview to your IOViewController programatically. Just remember to load the nib file from bundle first.
This is what I did (in Swift):
I Created a new ViewController (e.g. class MyViewController: UIViewController {})
In StoryBoard, I expanded the 'Scenes' (i.e. the tree view of all UI components) and selected 'MyViewController'
Using the 'identity inspector' I assigned the 'MyViewController' class (as oppose to the default UIViewController)
After that I was able to assign an action.
I suspect that for Obj-C it is similar process.
You don't create outlets in the subclass, you create the outlet on the view controller it is on. You need to #import the subclass into IDViewController.h and create an outlet there.
#import "IDSubclass.h"
#property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet IDSubclass *outletName;
Zoom your storyboard to 100%. If you zoom out, to say 50%, then the outlet connection won't work.

can I create a .xib from an implementation file?

I have a project that has the header and the implementaiton files and loads a plain old UITableViewController from the .m but I have no way of configuring the View (I would like to do stuff like ad buttons and text fields onto the view instead of just having a table), should I create a .xib file so that I can modify the view? (Reason I don't just start a new project is that the current project has a bunch of other stuff like OAUTH processes that kick off at the AppDelegate stage to log a user into a system - and I need this functionality). So my question how can I create a .xib from the existing .m .h files and then add other objects which I can then code for.
An answer from this similar question:
"Here's a more step-by-step way to associate your new UIViewController and .xib.
Select File's Owner under Placeholders on the left pane of IB. In the Property Inspector(right pane of IB), select the third tab and edit "Class" under "Custom Class" to be the name of your new UIViewController subclass.
Then ctrl-click or right-click on File's Owner in the left pane and draw a line to your top level View in the Objects portion of the left pane. Select the 'view' outlet and you're done.
You should now be able to set up other outlets and actions. You're ready to instantiate your view controller in code and use initWithNibName and your nib name to load it."
If it's a UITableViewController, simply create a new XIB file via Xcode (File -> New -> iOS -> UserInterface -> View) and then add set the file's owner to your subclassed UITableViewController.
You'll likely want to re-do how the user interface looks -- in terms of dropping objects like the table view and buttons or whatever else -- into the XIB's view. It'll certainly save a lot of time versus trying to debug programmatically creating and adding subviews and actions.
And once that's in place, you can then make IBOutlets and IBActions to your heart's content.

access view inside a storyboard

How does one access, in code, a view they dragged from the Object Browser into another view in their storyboard?
For example, I created a UIView which I assigned to a ViewController class. Then I dragged a Map View into that view. Now I need to start manipulating that Map View in code. How do I access it? I've tried things like self.view.subview but haven't gotten anywhere from there.
You should use outlets, first select your storyboard file, then go to
View->Assistant Editor->Show Assistant Editor
Next select the map view, press control on your keyboard and drag to the right section of xcode that will show your .h file, the following will appear
Write mapView inside it and hit enter, this will create an outlet for you to use
Now you can use mapView to access your MKMapView
