ViewController to NavigationController and back - ios

I have one problem for which im not sure how to solve. Currently i have main UIViewController with some buttons. This is the initial view that is created with app. On it, one button calls storyboards segue with style Modal on ViewController which is part of UINavigationController. After that few other viewcontrollers are handled within the UINavigationController via segues and getting back via navigationController:popViewControllerAnimated. What i dont know is how to get back from UINavigationController to first UIViewController. I tried, when I'm on first one on navigationctrl,
[self removeFromParentViewController];
yet that only removes the view but it seems that UINavigationController somehow stays alive as result is black screen. Creating unconnected segue and call it from code would be possibility, but im not sure if that is the proper way. Would that leave navigation controller alive ?

Is there any reason you are using a UIViewController first and THEN a UINavigationController?
Why not change this so that the UINavigationController is the initial view controller and then drive everything from there.
If you want the first view to not have a nav bar then you can hide it easily.
That way you can move around through all views by popping and pushing through the UINavigationController.


Dismiss Modally presented view makes tab bar controller (kind of) reset

I have an app which has tab bar controller as main controller. Each tab has a series of views with navigation controller and I normal push and pop those view in stack.
Weird problem is
Case 1 : If I create a UINavigationController and make a new viewController as its root, and present this NavigationController. Within this new navigation stack, I can easily present a view modally and dismiss it without a problem.
Case 2: Now without make a new UINavigationController, I present a view, and when I dismiss a view, the view beneath is behave weirdly. For example, it's the presenting view was UICollectionView, it just scroll back to 1st cell, like it's doing "reload" action and "scrollTo" the first cell. If the presentingView is a pushed view from rootView, it will just popToRoot view, which is definitely not intended.
I didn't have this problem until I implement UITabbarController, so I guess, I should know more that's going on under the hood when presenting a view and dismiss a view in UITabbarController.
I GUESS, when dismiss a view in UITabbarController view, it sort of "RESET" everything to the very first view of it's current tab. I really am not sure it's trure though.
I know it's kind of conceptual, but I can't help to think there must be something critical I am missing here.
I made silly mistake that I sublclass UITabbarController and define navigation controlllers in viewDidAppear instead viewdidLoad, so when I make the window's rootview to tabbar controller, the navigation controllers are not set properly. That's why all punky things happened. It would be nicer if just crash instead of this weird behaviors.
You can try this to go back to your first viewcontroller.
- (IBAction)buttonPressedFromVC2:(UIButton *)sender
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
} // This is going back to VC1.
This method is will be in second viewcontroller.m file. It is button click method.

Going from NavigationController to TabBarController

So... I've got a ViewController that's being pushed onto a NavigationController. In interface builder I create a separate ViewController and Embed it into a TabBarController and it looks good in Interface Builder.
In my app, I'm trying to go from one of the ViewControllers in my NavigationView to the ViewController in the TabBarController. How would I do this the correct way? I can't just push the view onto the NavigationController, because the tab bar at the bottom won't show up.
Any help would be greatly appreciate.
I believe you're operating with the UINavigationController and UITabBarController in a backwards order to recommended best-practice.
Unless something has changed in the last year or two (which may have happened) the UINavigationController should never have a UITabBarController pushed onto it. If you are using a UITabBarController in your app, it should be the window.rootViewController, and the navigation controller being member of the UITabBarController's viewControllers array.
I'm trying to go from one of the ViewControllers in my NavigationView
to the ViewController in the TabBarController. How would I do this the
correct way?
In that structure, you'd assign your destination view controller as another element of the viewControllers array. Then, in my style, I'd send a NSNotification something like "LaunchOtherViewController" from your first view controller, and thus you have no need for the first view controller to know about the tab bar controller or second view controller. Then have some class that knows about the second view controller receive that notification, and update the selectedIndex of the UITabBarController to that of the second, destination view controller.
Hope that makes sense.
You need to push the TabBarController onto the view. You may need to set the selected view controller of the tab bar, but it's important the tab bar controller be actually pushed onto the navigation stack (or presented modally).

Why is view resizing when using a uinavigationcontroller

I initially started making my Viewcontroller without a navigation bar, the view is now how I want it. But now I'm initializing a navigationcontroller with rootviewcontroller of that original viewcontroller and the original view is being pushed down instead of being in the same place...
How can I still use this navigationcontroller without having the original viewcontroller.view being pushed down?
Sorry if this question is a bit off

Using my NavigationController with my ECSlidingViewController

What I'm trying to do
If started creating my App. I've got a NavigationController as my rootViewController. When the app is started it will open my LoginViewController. In there I do the Login-Procedure, if everything is fine. I'll start my ECSlidingViewController. Which has a Menu (UITableView) and a MainView (UITableView).
Until here everything is working fine. I can swipe and it show's my menu. Now the problem is starting. When I press a menu-item it perfectly starts my new ViewController and show's the content. But there it still show's the same NavigationBar - like in the ECSlidingViewController. So I got no possibility to tell the user what he is looking at, also I need to show him sometimes new options in the NavigationBar.
How can I fix this problem? I'd always like to show the NavigationBar of the specific ViewController I'm actually using. If you guy's have some Codesnippets or a good Idea how to handle this problem. Please leave a comment bellow.
If you need codesnippets or something else, tell me I'll upload it! Thank you in advance!
This is how I start my ECSlidingMenu:
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"loginPush" sender:self.view];
This is how I'll start a new ViewController:
UIViewController *newTopViewController = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:identifier];
You want to change your structure so that the ECSlidingViewViewController is the root view controller. This can either be from the start of the app or you can switch the root after login. The top view controller of the sliding controller should then be a navigation controller and you should set the root and push other view controllers into that navigation controller.
What you currently have breaks the link between the view controllers and the navigation controller because only the sliding view controller is pushed into the stack and its title (nothing about its navigationItem ever changes).
Probably the easiest solution would be to change the initial view controller in the storyboard (to the sliding view controller). In this case the login view would be presented as the root view of the navigation controller (which would be the top view). Then, after login you push the next view controller and then (after the animation completes) remove the login view controller from the nav stack.

Moving a navigation stack to the more-tab

I have a UINavigationController on some tab of a UITabBar. When I drill down into the navigation controllers tableViews, move it into the more-tab, and then select the entry in the tableview in the more-list, i get the viewController that was visible at the time i left the tab i moved. Clicking on the back-button gets me back to the more-list, with no possibility to get back to the initial root view controller.
It would be perfectly okay for me to have the root view controller appear when i click on the item in the more-list, but i have no idea how to get notified when my viewcontroller is moved, since i am developing a library, and so have no reference to the TabBarController.
One of the ways is to implement tabBarController:willEndCustomizingViewControllers:changed: method in UITabBarViewController delegate. And watch for it. If such thing happend then reset you viewController and navigationViewController. This remove your UINavigationController stack, but application will work correctly.
