Finding the camera orientation from a homography, opencv - opencv

If I have a camera which is already calibrated, so that I already know distortion coefficients, and the camera matrix. And that I have a set of points that all are in a plane, and I know the realworld metrics and pixel-location of those points, I have constructed a homography.
Given this homography, camera matrix and distortion coefficients, how can I find the camera pose in the easiest way? Prefferable by using openCV.
Can I for instance use the "DecomposeProjectionMatrix()" function?
It accepts only a 3x4 projection matrix, but I have a simple 3x3 homography

In this older post you have a method for that. It is a mathematical conversion that gives you the pose matrix, which is translation and rotation.


Camera calibration after doing Bird's Eye Projection in OpenCV

In my case, i use four sets of points to do the Bird's Eye Projection.But i forgot to do the camera calibration first!
So i want to know is the result is same doing Camera calibration before Bird's Eye Projection and after Bird's Eye Projection in OpenCV?
Can you give me some advice?Thank you very much.
Can you specify what calibration do you refer to? There are generally 2 kinds of camera parameters you can estimate during calibration - intrinsic and extrinsic.
Intrinsic parameters can be for simplicity assumed 'fixed' for particular camera, which includes lens and sensor. Those parameters typically include focal length, sensor's dimensions, and distortion coefficients.
Extrinsic parameters are 'dynamic', and typically refer to camera position and orientation.
Now, if you represent those as some abstract transformations - they don't commute, which means you can't change their order. So, if you want to apply homography to an image - you have to undistort it first, because generally homography maps plane to another plane, and after distortion your planes will be messed up.
But on the other hand, once you apply one transform, you can estimate how much of other transform you have 'left to do'. This is OK for linear stuff, but turns ugly if you warp distorted image using homography and THEN try to undistort it.
Tl,Dr - perform intrinsic calibration and undistortion first, since it is easier and they are fixed for camera, then apply your transformations.

rvec/tvec from cv::calibrateCamera and R1 from cv::stereoRectify

Related posts:
Exact definition of the matrices in OpenCv StereoRectify
What is the camera frame of the rvec and tvec calculated from the cv::calibrateCamera? Is it the original (distorted) camera or the undistorted one? Does the camera coordinate change when the image is undistorted (not rectified)?
What is the R1 from the cv::stereoRectify(). To my understanding, R1 rotate the left camera coordinate (O_c) to a frontal parallel camera coordinate (O_cr) so that the image is rectified (row aligned with the right one). In other word, apply R1 on the 3D points in the O_cr will result in points in the O_c. (or is it the other way around?)
Few posts and the OpenCV book tried to explain it, but I just want to confirm that I understand it clearly. As the explanation of rotating image plane is confusing for me.
I can only reply to 1)
rvec and tvec describe the camera pose expressed in your calibration pattern's coordinate system. For each calibration pose you get an individual rvec and tvec.
Undistortion does not influence the camera position. Pixel positions are modified by using the radial and tangential distortion parameters (distCoeffs) resulting from the camera calibration.

What is the difference between solvePnP and calibrateCamera in opencv?

calibrateCamera() provides rvec, tvec, distCoeff and cameraMatrix whereas solvePnP() takes cameraMatrix, distCoeff as input and provides rvec, tvec as output. What is the difference between these two functions?
The function estimates the following parameters of a monocular camera from several views of a calibration pattern. The geometry of this pattern is usually known (i.e. it can be a chessboard):
The linear intrinsic parameters: the focal lengths in terms of pixels (these are basically scale factors), the principal point which would be ideally in the center of the image, and sometimes a skew coefficient between the x and the y axis (but this is often zero).
The non-linear intrinsic parameters: the previously mentioned parameters are forming the linear camera matrix, but there are also some non-linear parameters in the tranformation from the 3D camera to the 2D image plane, i.e. the lens distortion.
The extrinsic parameters: the tranformation matrix between the 3D world and 3D camera coordinate systems.
The estimation of the above mentioned parameters is usually based on 2D-3D correspondences. The algorithm detects some 2D points in the image (i.e. chessboard) for what the corresponding 3D object points are specified (known 3D geometry). It performs the following steps in the simplest case (can vary on the flags of cv::calibrateCamera(..., int flags, ...)):
Computes the linear intrinsic parameters and considers the non-linear ones to zero.
Estimates the initial camera pose (extrinsics) in function of the approximated intrinsics. This is done using cv::solvePnP(...).
Performs the Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm to minimize the re-projection error between the detected 2D image points and 2D projections of the 3D object points. This is done using cv::projectPoints(...).
At this point, I also answered implicitly the role of cv::solvePnP(...) as this is the part of cv::calibrateCamera(...).
Once you have the intrinsics of a camera, you can assume that these will never change (except you change the optics or zooming). On the other hand the extrinsics can be changed, i.e. you can rotate the camera or put it to another location. You should see that the scenario of changing an object's pose to the camera is very similar in this case. And this is what the cv::solvePnP(...) is used for.
The function estimates the object pose given:
A set of 3D object points in a model coordinate system (can be the 3D world as well),
Their 2D projections on the image plane,
The linear and non-linear intrinsic parameters.
The output of cv::solvePnP(...) is given as a rotation vector (rvec) together with a translation vector (tvec) that bring the 3D object points from the model coordinate system to the 3D camera coordinate system.
calibrateCamera (doc) estimates intrinsics coefficients (i.e. camera matrix and distortion coefficients) for a given camera. This function requires you to provide as input N sets of 2D-3D correspondences, associated to N images taken with the same camera from varying viewpoints (typically N=30, see this tutorial on this topic). The function returns the camera matrix and distortion coefficients for the considered camera. Although those are usually not used, the extrinsics parameters (i.e. position and orientation) are also estimated, hence the function returns one pair of rvec and tvec for each of the N input images.
solvePnP (doc) estimates extrinsics parameters for a given camera image. This function requires you to provide a set of 2D-3D correspondences, associated to a single image taken with a camera with known intrinsics parameters. The function returns a single pair of rvec and tvec, corresponding to the input image.
calibrateCamera() provides rvec, tvec, distCoeff, cameraMatrix ---- distCoeffs are related to distortion of the image and cameraMatrix provides the center of image(Cx and Cy) and focal length (Fx and Fy) (projection center). These are called intrinsic parameters. Unless you change the aperture/focus of the camera they will remain the same. [it also provides rvec and tvec, I don't know yet now what can be any possible use of it. These are the position of the camera in the real world. rvec and tvec are also known as extrinsic parameters]
solvePnP() takes cameraMatrix, distCoeff as input and provides rvec, tvec --- Using the Cx, Cy, Fx, Fy it can estimate the current position of the camera i.e. the extrinsic parameters.
In other words, first use calibrateCamera() to obtain the CameraMatrix and distCoeff. Use them in solvePNP() and it will tell you the rotation (rvec) and translation (tvec) of the camera as you move the camera with respect to your real world object (with some marker as you can presume).

OpenCV calibration parameters and a 3d point transformation from stereo cameras

I've 4 ps3eye cameras. And I've calibrated camera1 and camera2 using cvStereoCalibrate() function of OpenCV library
using a chessboard pattern by finding the corners and passing their 3d coordinates into this function.
Also I've calibrated camera2 and camera3 using another set of chessboard images viewed by camera2 and camera3.
Using the same method I've calibrated camera3 and camera4.
So now I've extrinsic and intrinsic parameters of camera1 and camera2,
extrinsic and intrinsic parameters of camera2 and camera3,
and extrinsic and intrinsic parameters of camera3 and camera4.
where extrinsic parameters are matrices of rotation and translation and intrinsic are matrices of focus length and principle point.
Now suppose there's a 3d point(world coordinate)(And I know how to find 3d coordinates from stereo cameras) that is viewed by camera3 and camera4 which is not viewed by camera1 and camera2.
The question I've is: How do you take this 3d world coordinate point that is viewed by camera3 and camera4 and transform it with respect to camera1 and camera2's
world coordinate system using rotation, translation, focus and principle point parameters?
OpenCV's stereo calibration gives you only the relative extrinsic matrix between two cameras.
Acording to its documentation, you don't get the transformations in world coordinates (i.e. in relation to the calibration pattern ). It suggests though to run a regular camera calibration on one of the images and at least know its transformations. cv::stereoCalibrate
If the calibrations were perfect, you could use your daisy-chain setup to derive the world transformation of any of the cameras.
As far as I know this is not very stable, because the fact that you have multiple cameras should be considered when running the calibration.
Multi-camera calibration is not the most trivial of problems. Have a look at:
Multi-Camera Self-Calibration
GML C++ Camera Calibration Toolbox
I'm also looking for a solution to this, so if you find out more regarding this and OpenCV, let me know.

Finding Rotation matrices between two cameras for "Stereorectify"

So I have a depth map and the extrinsics and intrinsics of the camera.I want to get back the 3D points and the surface normals .I am using the functionReprojectImageTo3D.In the stereo rectify function to find Q how do I get the The rotation matrix
the 1st and the 2nd cameras’ coordinate systems? I have individual rotation matrix and translation vector but how do I get it for "between the cameras?"
.Also this would give me the 3D points .Is there a method to generate the surface normals?
Given that you have the extrinsic matrix of both cameras, can't you simply take the inverse extrinsic matrix of camera 1, multiplied by the extrinsic matrix of camera 2?
Also, for a direct relation between the two cameras, take a look at the Fundamental Matrix (or, more specific, the Essential matrix). See if you can find a copy of the book Multiple View Geometry by Hartley and Zisserman.
As for the surface normals, you can compute those yourself by computing crossproducts on the corners of triangles. However, you then first need the reconstructed 3D point cloud.
