Is oauth2 insecure? - oauth-2.0

I am implementing an oauth2 solution for an API i've created and i'm struggling with the potential insecurites (or my understanding at least).
Is it correct that only a single token is generated and used as authentication credentials for an endpoint request. What's stopping a potential brute force attack where an attacker simply submits tokens to the API in the hope that one will be valid and in use?
I've probably misunderstood something but i can't get for the life in me what it is.

Tokens should be difficult to imagine of course. They should not be simple sequential integers for example. There is also no limit on the token length. There are basically two options:
1) build a long token encrypted using your own key (note: it does not have to be long, but it will since cryptography will make it long implicitly). You can check on return the token is really yours because you're the only one that can encrypt and decrypt these tokens.
2) build tokens that are also stored in your database, and are reasonably difficult to create, so you will check the tokens exists in your database.
You can also mix the two approaches. You should also add some expiration time to the tokens (either embedded in it in the 1st case, or aside the token in the database in the 2nd case).

One of the most vulnerable grant types in OAuth 2.0 for Brute Force Attack is Resource Owner Password Credentials type. In such a case, hacker has access to client credentials (clientId and password) and he/she only requires resource owner (user) credentials (username and password).
There is an authentication implementation model described in Java - Spring Security here that would shed some light to avoid this issue.


Do OAuth clients need to validate tokens as part of authorization code grant?

Does an app using authorization code (with or without PKCE) to obtain access + id tokens on behalf of a user need to also validate those tokens (signature, not expired, audience, etc.)?
If so, what for? Since the client is using TLS and pointing to the provider it's been configured with, what attacks/threats does that client also validating the token mitigate?
At first glance you are right and the spec basically allows for not checking tokens directly returned from the token endpoint over TLS as you suggest indeed, but:
Firstly, one may argue that if a signature is present, it is there for a reason and it should be validated since the Provider is also free to return tokens without a signature (alg="none") if it did not want/need the Client to validate.
Secondly, there are known attacks ("IDP mixup") that trick the Client into talking to the wrong token endpoint as a way of stealing the Authorization Code: verifying that the ID token returned does not match the expected signature would at least stop the Client from processing an ID token produced by an attacker.
Thirdly, it would be good for the Client to protect itself against broken or compromised IDPs in general, avoiding replay attacks or similar.
I guess when you're doing all of it in a single domain, i.e. Client, AS and RS are all under control of the same organisation and the relationships between them are fixed and one-to-one only, technically verification would be overkill based on current knowledge and known attacks.
But in case your use case spans multiple security domain, in general it is better to verify than it is to assume.

OpenID Connect, oAuth2 - Where to start?

I am not sure which approach I should be taking in our implementation and need some guidance.
I have a REST API ( built in the Yii2 Framework (PHP) that accesses data from (database). On our users will be able to create Connected Apps that will provision a client id + secret - granting access to their account (full scope?).
Based on my research, the next step seems to be setting up something to actually provide the bearer tokens to be passed to the api - I have been leaning towards oAuth2, but then I read that oAuth2 does not provide authentication. Based on this I think I need OpenID Connect in order to also provide user tokens because my API needs to restrict data based on the user context.
In this approach, it is my understanding that I need to have an Authentication Server - so a few questions:
Is there software I can install to act as an OpenID Connect/oAuth2 authentication server?
Are there specific Amazon Web Services that will act as an OpenID Connect/oAuth2 Authentication Server?
I am assuming the flow will be: App makes a request to the auth server with client id + secret and receives an access token. Access token can be used to make API calls. Where are these tokens stored (I am assuming a database specific to the service/software I am using?)
When making API calls would I pass a bearer token AND a user token?
Any insight is greatly appreciated.
your understanding is not very far from reality.
Imagine you have two servers one for Authentication, this one is responsible for generating the tokens based on a Authorization Basic and base64 encoded CLientID / ClientSecret combo. This is application authentication basically. If you want to add user data as well, simply pass username / password in the post body, authenticate on the server side and then add some more data to the tokens, like the usernames, claims, roles, etc
You can control what you put in these tokens, if you use something like JWT ( Json Web Tokens ) then they are simply json bits of data.
then you have a Resource server, you hit it with a Authorization Bearer and the token you obtained from the Authorization one.
Initially the tokens are not stored anywhere, they are issued for a period of time you control. You can however do something else and store them in a db if you really want to. The expiration is much safer though, even if someone gets their hands on them they won't be available for long! In my case I used 30 minutes for token validity.
Now, you haven't specified what languages/frameworks you are looking into. If you use something like dot net then look into IdentityServer, version 4 is for Dot net core, 3 for anything below.
I also have a pretty long article on this subject if you are interested:
Hopefully all this clarifies some of the questions you have.
-- Added to answer a question in comments.
The tokens contain all the information they need to be authenticated by the resource server correctly, you don't need to store them in a database for that. As I already said, you can store them but in my mind this makes them less secure. Don't forget you control what goes into a token so you can add usernames if that's what you need.
Imagine this scenario, you want to authenticate the application and the user in the same call to the Authorization Server. Do the OAuth2 in the standard way, which means authenticate the application first based on the client id / client secret. If that passes then next do the user authentication. Add the username or userid to the token you generate and any other bits of information you need. What this means that the resource server can safely assume that the username passed to it in the token has already been validated by the authentication server otherwise no token would have been generated in the the first place.
I prefer to keep these two separate myself, meaning let the AS ( Authorization Server) to deal with the application level security. Then on the RS (Resource Server) side you have an endpoint point like ValidateUser for example, which takes care of the user validation, after which you can do whatever you need. Pick whichever feels more appropriate for your project I'd say.
One final point, ALWAYS make sure all your api calls ( both AS and RS are just apis really ) are made over HTTPS and never ever have any important information transmitted via a GET call which means the URL can be intercepted. Both Headers and POST body are encrypted and secure over HTTPS.
This should address both your questions, I believe.

Should an oAuth server give the same accessToken to a same client request?

I am developing an oAuth2 server and I've stumbled upon this question.
Lets suppose a scenario where my tokens are set to expire within one hour. On this timeframe, some client goes through the implicit auth fifty times using the same client_id and same redirect_uri. Basically same everything.
Should I give it the same accessToken generated on the first request on the subsequent ones until it expires or should I issue a new accessToken on every request?
The benefits of sending the same token is that I won't leave stale and unused tokens of a client on the server, minimizing the window for an attacker trying to guess a valid token.
I know that I should rate-limit things and I am doing it, but in the case of a large botnet attack from thousands of different machines, some limits won't take effect immediately.
However, I am not sure about the downsides of this solution and that's why I came here. Is it a valid solution?
I would rather say - no.
You should NEVER store access tokens in plain text on the Authorization Server side. Access tokens are credentials and should be stored hashed. Salting might not be necessary since they are generated strings anyway. See OAuth RFC point 10.3.
Depending how you handle subsequent requests - an attacker who knows that a certain resource owner is using your service and repeat requests for the used client id. That way an attacker will be able to impersonate the resource owner. If you really return the same token then at least ensure that you authenticate the resource owner every time.
What about the "state" parameter? Will you consider requests to be the "same" if the state parameter is different? If no then a botnet attack will simply use a different state every time and force you to issue new tokens.
As an addition - generally defending against a botnet attack via application logic is very hard. The server exposing your AS to the internet should take care for that. On application layer you should take care that it does not go down from small-bandwidth attacks.
You can return the same access_token if it is still valid, there's no issue with that. The only downside may be in the fact that you use the Implicit flow and thus repeatedly send the - same, valid - access token in a URL fragment which is considered less secure than using e.g. the Authorization Code flow.
As a thumb rule never reuse keys, this will bring additional security in the designed system in case of key capture
You can send different access token when requested after proper authentication and also send refresh token along your access token.
Once your access token expires, you should inform user about that and user should re-request for new access token providing one-time-use refresh token previously provided to them skipping need for re-authentication, and you should provide new access token and refresh token.
To resist attack with fake refresh token, you should blacklist them along with their originating IP after few warnings.
PS: Never use predictable tokens. Atleast make it extremely difficult to brute force attacks by using totally random, long alpha-numeric strings. I would suggest bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(512)), if you are using php.

OAuth2 returning JWT in place of access_token

I am currently in the process of building an OAuth2 provider using the bshaffer PHP library here.
I've found IETF draft specifications that outline the implementations that specifically call out the usage of JSON Web Tokens as an authorization grant and client authentication.
The implementation that interests me however is returning a JWT in place of the regular access token, as seen here. In case of dead link, the access token response is pasted below.
It returns a JWT in place of the regularly generated access token for the normal authorization grants. Client and User credentials grants are the more important for me as we are only dealing in 1st party API access.
This implementation seems to be ideal, because I do not need to maintain a store of generated tokens, limiting the amount of infrastructure that is required. At some point if we open the API to third-parties we would need a key-store for the various pub/priv keys to validate each client's tokens, and to limit the risk if some nefarious party stole the encryption key.
I feel this is a good implementation relying on asymmetric encryption and SSL/TLS. However are there potential security risks I've missed?
The signature on the JWT will only protect any claims inside the token from tampering, but cannot protect claims external to the token. Therefore, the expires field in your structure is not protected and can be tampered with.
To protect from tampering, you want to use the exp claim.
Two valid solutions are:
double check expires against exp
drop expires and just use exp
You might prefer one over the other depending on your requirements. Personally, I'd keep it simple and go with (2)

Devise token encryption

I'm using Devise with the Token Authenticatable module. If I look at the data stored in the database, I see that even though the password is encrypted, the access token is not.
Isn't this a major security concern, since if a hacker ever got ahold of the database info, they would have the raw, completely functional access token, comparable to storing an unhashed password?
Security and convenience usually go on opposites sides. It is less secure, but there are ways to mitigate this (reducing convenience, of course). You could expire the token often (using expire_auth_token_on_timeout or periodically reset all tokens.
If your DB is compromised, you have bigger problems! Passwords are usually shared between services by users, so a leaked password is, by far, worst than a leaked auth_token.
Why are they not encrypted?
Passwords are stored in the user's mind, auth_tokens are generated and they will have to be stored somewhere (client-side) in order to be submitted and compared with the encrypted auth_token. A new token will have to be generated every time the user signs in with their "normal" credentials.
Performance might be an issue too. BCrypt is slow and doing this comparison on every request might present an issue.
I couldn't find a "official" answer in the documentation or by one of the developers, so the answer provided is based on my experience and opinion.
