Stackoverflow exception in blackberry CheckBoxField - blackberry

I am implementing a simple app, where in the registration page user can select news categories. Requirements are below
All the categories are the CheckBoxField's. User have to select at least one category.
Select all CheckBox will allow to select all/deselect all categories CheckBox.
If user manually selects all checkbox fields then "Select All" checkbox must be selected.
Approaches: I have created the categories checkbox in a loop.
for(int i=0;i<interests.length;i++){
allFields[i] = new ColorCheckBoxField(interests[i], false, checkBoxStyle | USE_ALL_WIDTH);
allFields[i].setChangeListener(new FieldChangeListener() {
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
ColorCheckBoxField tempChoice = (ColorCheckBoxField)field;
int index =Integer.parseInt(tempChoice.getCookie().toString().trim());
//set the selection
boolean flag = true;
int[] intrests = parent.getSelectedInterest();
for (int i = 0; i < intrests.length; i++) {
flag = false;
selectAll.setChecked(flag); // select all is Checkbox object
My selectAll checkbox logic is
selectAll = new ColorCheckBoxField("Select All", false, checkBoxStyle | USE_ALL_WIDTH);
selectAll.setChangeListener(new FieldChangeListener() {
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
ColorCheckBoxField temp = (ColorCheckBoxField) field;
//if (context == FieldChangeListener.PROGRAMMATIC ) {
checkAll(temp.getChecked()); // it loops through all checkbox and set them checked
I understand the problem, its due to infinite loop. I have used "FieldChangeListener.PROGRAMMATIC" but that wont help because i want the field listener to work for both pragmatically and manually. I don't have any option left to fix. Any hack will help me?

That's correct that you have to use FieldChangeListener.PROGRAMMATIC. But you have to use it with interest checkboxes instead of using it for selectAll checkbox.
Please add one defensive check to FieldChangeListener for interest checkboxes:
if ( nonProgrammaticChange(context) ) {
ColorCheckBoxField tempChoice = (ColorCheckBoxField)field;
int index = Integer.parseInt(tempChoice.getCookie().toString().trim());
Where nonProgrammaticChange is:
private boolean nonProgrammaticChange (int context) {
return (context & FieldChangeListener.PROGRAMMATIC) != FieldChangeListener.PROGRAMMATIC;
I see bug in your code - you don't clear interest in parent if checkbox is unchecked.
Minor improvements as for me - use Vector where you'll store indexes of selected checkboxes. This will allow to replace this code:
boolean flag = true;
int[] intrests = parent.getSelectedInterest();
for ( int i = 0; i < intrests.length; i++ ) {
if( intrests[i] == 0 ) {
flag = false;
To this code:
selectedInterestIndexes.size() == interests.length
And probably this will give you less iteration in other places.
As well I would work more on removal of duplicates and code readability.


Vaadin can't get combo box field value at 0 position

I'm trying to set field at index 0 in Vaadin combo box to default value, so I could avoid error message if user doesen't select anything. So I would like that instead of blank field I have populated field at index 0.
I have tried to set it and managed it with this:
So I don't have blank value at index 0, instead my previous value of index 1 is now at index 0. And that is exactly what I want and need and in combo box looks just as I want.
But, unfortunately, when I submit my form, value is not passed. Only values after index 0 are passed. It's so frustrating, can somebody help me? Value passed to setNullSelectionItemId exists 100%.
How can I grab value from index at place 0 in combo box?
p.s. here is my code:
public Field<?> buildAndBindComboBox(final String caption, final BeanItemContainer<?> container,
final Object propertyId, final String title, final ValueChangeListener listener, final boolean nullAllowed,
final boolean required, final boolean enabled, final boolean visible) {
ComboBox field = new ComboBox(caption, container) {
// - typing in ComboBox causes Internal Error
private boolean inFilterMode;
public void containerItemSetChange( event) {
if (inFilterMode) {
protected List<?> getOptionsWithFilter(boolean needNullSelectOption) {
try {
inFilterMode = true;
return super.getOptionsWithFilter(needNullSelectOption);
} finally {
inFilterMode = false;
if(defaultValue == true){
defaultValue = false;
} else {
if (title != null) {
if (listener != null) {
this.bind(field, propertyId);
return field;
public void setDefaultValueFirstItem(boolean def){
defaultValue = def;
It is binded like this:
commitmentFeeBinder.buildAndBindComboBox("No working day labels", noWorkingDays, "noWorkingDaysCF", "title", null, false, !transaCF, true, !transaCF);
If I understood your question correctly, Steffen Harbich is correct in suggesting that if you want the first item to be selected by default you should disable null selection and select the first item by default. E.g. this works:
ComboBox cb = new ComboBox("", Arrays.asList("First", "Second", "Third"));
Or alternatively with a BeanItemContainer:
List<MyBean> beans = Arrays.asList(new MyBean("First"), new MyBean("Second"), new MyBean("Third"));
BeanItemContainer<MyBean> bic = new BeanItemContainer<>(MyBean.class, beans);
ComboBox cb = new ComboBox("", bic);
private void resetComboBoxToIndex(ComboBox combo, int index) {
BeanItemContainer<Bean_ComboBox> items_combo = (BeanItemContainer<Bean_ComboBox>)combo.getContainerDataSource();
if(items_combo != null && items_combo.size() > index) {
Bean_ComboBox primerItem = items_combo.getIdByIndex(index);
if(primerItem != null) {;

Blackberry verticalfieldmanager partial screen scrolling with label fields

I am trying to create a set of FAQ questions and answers using a bunch of LabelFields in a VFM. Issue is that when I try to scroll, it jumps to the bottom of the list and doesn't show the mid-section questions.
public class HelpTab implements ITabAreaLayout, ScrollChangeListener {
public String[] GetQandAs() {
String[] QandAs = new String[22];
QandAs[0] = "Q. ....";
QandAs[1] = "A. ....";
QandAs[20] = "Q. ...";
QandAs[21] = "A. ....";
return QandAs;
VerticalFieldManager _vfm;
public VerticalFieldManager GetLayout() {
_vfm = new VerticalFieldManager(Field.FIELD_LEFT
_vfm.add(UIElements.GetTitleArea(" ? FAQ"));
String[] QandAs = GetQandAs();
for (int i = 0; i < QandAs.length; i++) {
LabelField lblQandA = null;
if ((i % 2) == 0) {
lblQandA = UIElements.GetQuestionLabel(QandAs[i]);
} else {
lblQandA = UIElements.GetAnswerLabel(QandAs[i]);
_vfm.add(new NullField(NullField.FOCUSABLE)); // for scrolling
return _vfm;
public void scrollChanged(Manager manager, int newHorizontalScroll,
int newVerticalScroll) {
if (_vfm != null){
public class HomeScreen extends MainScreen
public HomeScreen() {
_vfmMain = new VerticalFieldManager();
// add header image
.GetBitmapField(UIElements.IMG_HEADER, false));
// add tab strip
_vfmTabArea = new HelpTab().GetLayout();
I was not able to find much help on setVerticalScroll usage, maybe that is the reason for this issue.
Please advise.
In your code, you added the focusable null field at the end position of the loop. so if you scroll, it will goto the last element. If you add the focusable field to- After first question, then after second question, ..... so it will scroll one by one.
Try This code -
for (int i = 0; i < QandAs.length; i++) {
LabelField lblQandA = null;
if ((i % 2) == 0) {
lblQandA = UIElements.GetQuestionLabel(QandAs[i]);
} else {
lblQandA = UIElements.GetAnswerLabel(QandAs[i]);
_vfm.add(new NullField(NullField.FOCUSABLE)); //after each element, add a focusable null field.
As Signare has pointed out, the issue here is probably related to your LabelFields not being focusable, which are they are not by default. One answer is to add NullFields as has been suggested. However I suspect you actually want these to be focusable, so the user can click on the one they would like more information on. So make your LabelFields Focusable, by setting the style, for example
LabelField lab = new LabelField("Label", LabelField.FOCUSABLE);
Alternatively, and to my mind preferably, use RichTextField instead of LabelField. This will give you scrolling line by line, LabelField focuses on the whole text.

Distinguish events from different button fields

I have a for loop that creates ButtonFields with identical text values. I want to get a distinct event from each of those buttons, which tells me which index of the for loop created the button. I don't want to create an anonymous class for each ButtonField.
If they are going one by one (that I'm assuming from your post) you could remember index of the first one in use next code in your fieldChanged method:
if (field instanceof ButtonField) {
int buttonIndex = field.getManager().getFieldIndex(field) - zeroButtonInex;
Don't forget to assign FieldChangeListener to each of these buttons.
Or sure you could make your new class from ButtonField (could by anonymous) where you could save index and have getter for it.
You have add the buttons to an array. I will give you an idea to try this:
private ButtonField buttonsObj[];
In your code before the for loop you know the number of buttons, so you can initialize the array length.
int size = 10;
buttonsObj = new ButtonFields[size];
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
buttonsObj[i] = new ButtonFields["btn"];
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
for(int i=0;i<size;i++) {
if(field == buttonsObj[i]) {
// you can trigger your event

Not getting the text from Edit Field

In my Application, i am adding a check box, a label field and a Edit Field in a Grid Field manager. Then this grid Field manager, i am adding multiple times in Vertical Field manager. So it is looking like List of items. Now when i checked five check box, i am trying to get the text of the correspondent edit field.
This is the code for Grid Field Manager:
int c[] = {screenWidth/6, (screenWidth)/3, (screenWidth)/2};
gm = new GridFieldManager(c, Manager.VERTICAL_SCROLL);
Logger.out("Grocery", "Here it is coming"+i);
cbfChecked = new CustomCheckBoxField();
cbfChecked.setChangeListener(new FieldChangeListener()
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context)
if(checked[i] == false)
checked[i] = true;
else if(checked[i] == true)
checked[i] = false;
Logger.out("Grocery", "It is UnChecked" +checked[i]);
Logger.out("Grocery", "Adding first Label Field");
LabelFieldCustom lfFrom = new LabelFieldCustom((String) m_vtrItems.elementAt(i),Color.BROWN,FONT_FAMILY_0_SF_AS_16,Field.FIELD_LEFT);
Logger.out("Grocery", "Adding second Label Field");
efcAmount = new EditFieldCustom(Bitmap.getBitmapResource("dob_text_box.png"), 25);
efcAmount.setMargin(new XYEdges(30, 0, 0, 0));
return gm;
Here i am adding the grid field manager multiple times:
for (int i = 0;i < m_vtrItems.size();i++)
vfm.add(new SeparatorField(SeparatorField.NON_FOCUSABLE));
Please help me.
I solve the problem. Now i am taking the Edit Field array.

How can I enable/disable cells using Vaadin table component?

I have a table with 2 columns: a checkbox and a textfield. I want to disable the textfield depending of the respective (same row) checkbox status. If the checkbox is checked then the textfield will be cleared and be read only. Is this possible ? Here is my code:
private Table filtersTable() {
final Table table = new Table();
// table.setMultiSelectMode(MultiSelectMode.SIMPLE) ;
table.addContainerProperty("Tipo filtro", CheckBox.class, null);
table.addContainerProperty("Valor", String.class, null);
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
TextField t = new TextField();
t.setValue("valor " + i);
t.setWidth(30, UNITS_PERCENTAGE);
CheckBox c = new CheckBox(" filtro " + i);
c.setWidth(30, UNITS_PERCENTAGE);
c.addListener(new ValueChangeListener() {
public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
// within this, could I access the respective row ID
// (i) then enable/disable TextField t on second column ?
+ event.getProperty().getValue());
table.addItem(new Object[] { c, t }, i);
return table;
Few changes to your code made it possible.
Not the finiest way, but te simpliest.
First,you have to set your second column (Valor) to TextField.class not String.class.
Here the change :
table.addContainerProperty("Valor", TextField.class, null);
Instead of keepin the variable i in the CheckBox.setData(), I suggest you to link your checkBox to the TextField of the same row, like this :
Finally I made little change to your listener :
c.addListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() {
public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
CheckBox checkBox = (CheckBox)event.getProperty();
if((Boolean) checkBox.getValue())
TextField associatedTextField = (TextField)checkBox.getData();
//Do all your stuff with the TextField
Hope it's work for you!
Regards, Éric
public class MyCheckBox extends CheckBox {
private TextBox t;
public MyCheckBox(TextBox t) {
this.t = t;
private void attachLsnr()
addListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() {
public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
CheckBox checkBox = (CheckBox)event.getProperty();
if((Boolean) checkBox.getValue())
