How i can disable the native camera buttons? - ios

I need to disable the button, when i enter in the native camera, like portrait, and when i turn like landscape, i need to able the buttons again. How i can do?. In IOS.
Thanks so much.
Kind Regards.

It's probably easier rather than disabling the buttons (which could be confusing to a user), just to rotate the camera view into landscape when it's opened, and prevent any rotations to portrait. You've got a couple of options for that as well, which might make it easier to develop.


Disabling the 3D Touch Task Switcher Gesture on the Left Edge of the Screen

If you press firmly on the left edge of the screen using an iPhone with 3D touch you will bring up the task switcher.
I'd like to know how I can disable this behavior in my app.
There is no API for that, just as there isn’t one for disabling any other way of getting out of your app. If you’d like such a thing, you can file an enhancement request with a description of what you’re trying to do.
While there isn't an API for this, it appears that the behavior is constrained to Portrait mode. If you run Apple's TouchCanvas example, you'll see that the gesture doesn't actually work because the app runs in Landscape mode. If you modify the project to support both Portrait and Landscape, you can see the gesture is enabled in Portrait, and disabled in Landscape.
So, that may be a suitable workaround, depending on your use case.
I've filed a Radar for this at, suggesting that Apple offers an API similar to being able to set:
self.navigationController?.interactivePopGestureRecognizer.enabled = false
and would suggest that you do the same if seeing the feature is of interest to you. They'll probably close duplicates, but voicing more support couldn't hurt.

How would I make a view that turns off the LEDs?

I have 2 views in my app: my root view has a button. When you click on that button, you get sent to another view. In that view, I just want to display a completely black screen, as if the iPhone was turned off. What object in the interface builder should I use for this? Sorry if it's a beginner question.
I don't think it's possible to turn the LEDs all the way off. You can however make it look like they are by turning the brightness all the way down in code like this:
[[UIScreen mainScreen] setBrightness:0.0];
If you enable proximity monitoring, then os will turn screen off.
Otherwise, the only way you can turn it off is by accessing undocumented methods (risking app store rejection)
Turn off display in iPhone OS (iOS)

UIImagePickerController has two 'camera' buttons when started as front-facing

Since iOS6, whenever I show present a UIImagePickerController from inside a UIPopoverController, I am getting two "take picture" buttons:
This only happens when starting out in front-facing mode. If I start with the rear-camera and then switch after the popover appears, it's okay. Likewise, starting in front-facing and switching to rear will keep the second button there.
Even worse, the 'in picture' button doesn't work. It just tries to focus the camera at that point.
Anyone else seeing this or know of a solution? It doesn't happen when presented full screen, and I saw in Apple's docs that the popover is no longer the recommended way to present the image picker, but that it's also not necessarily bad, either. Unfortunately due to some external requirements, I need to keep it in a popover, and can't do full-screen.
I have exactly the same issue on iOS6. Odd behavior is that it appears only the first time I open the image picker. When closed and opened again, "in-picture" button disappears. Looks like a bug in UIImagePickerController.
To overcome this issue, you can hide image controls by setting showsCameraControls property to NO and use custom overlay view with own controls. Disadvantage of this is that you have to provide all controls then and code action handlers for them.
Unfortunately I didn't find a better way so far.

multiple views in landscape and portrait

I want to implement my app in both landscape and portrait with two different views. When my app in landscape it shows one view and in portrait it shows the second view. It is possible. But when my app is loaded in portrait,it shows the unbutton control in actual place.Then i change orientation to landscape,button changes its position to opposite side and rotate the button so that my button title is also in opposite side. Please help me. And thank you for your helping.
I don't know what you're working with. Maybe this will help you:
EDIT: updated link - sorry no time to write an inline tut :(

Is rotation a requirement for iPad apps?

Is it a requirement for iPad apps to be able to rotate?
I am looking at a few apps, one example is they only have one rotation, while others have rotation. What is the exact spec?
It's not required but I've seen apps butchered for it in reviews. I believe I saw that for the app Facepad.
You do not have to support rotation; however almost all apps do.
At least support 180° rotation. Preferably 360°, but this depends on the content your app shows. Fir example, Keynote offers only landscape \w 180° rotation because slideshows are always in landscape.
It's not a requirement, but how'd you like it if Safari didn't rotate? When designing a UI, imagine you are the user, the one you make the app for. How does the user like it? And make it like that.
It's highly recommended to. If you don't want to do the work of re-laying-out your interface from portrait to landscape or vice versa, you can at least support the 180-degree rotation of whatever orientation you do want to use: landscape-right if it's set up for landscape-left, or portrait-upside-down if it's set up for portrait. It's the user-friendly thing to do and really not complicated to implement.
I don't think GarageBand suffers for not supporting it. It's right for it to be case-by-case
