Selling app resources outside of ipad app [closed] - ipad

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Here's my situation: I'm making an app for iPad which uses image libraries. The app comes with a few libraries. I want to sell additional libraries from my website. An image library contains only png files, nothing else.
The app will have an "Activate" button so if the user buys an library they can activate it from within the app. The app connects to our server via web services and validates the activation code.
The image libraries (since they can be huge) are copied in iTunes to the documents directory for the app.
My question is: does Apple have a problem with allowing me to sell additional image libraries on my website and have the user activate it and copy the files to the documents directory within the app (which I expose within the app) or is this an infringement of their policies?
Thanks in advance

Edit: Because #Kris Gellci was so eager to prove he's answer is correct, I took the time and search for the exact paragraph in the App Store Review Guide which speaks about this.
11 Purchasing and currencies
11.1 Apps that unlock or enable additional features or functionality with mechanisms other than the App Store will be rejected
11.2 Apps utilizing a system other than the In-App Purchase API (IAP) to purchase content, functionality, or services in an App will be
11.3 Apps using IAP to purchase physical goods or goods and services used outside of the application will be rejected
This way you can see for yourself if it applies to you. There is more here.
Yes, they have a problem with that. You need to use in app purchases so that they can take their share out of what you sell. Think about it this way, if they would allow it, everybody would put their apps free with content and unlocks paid and Apple would be left out. More details here.


App submission with coming soon alert [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am new in ios development. I have created one app, in this app some features are not available right now. So my question is can i submit my app to app store with same design by giving coming soon alert for those features. Thanks in advance.
It is likely that your app will be rejected if you include such an alert. Refer to section 2.1 of the App Review Guidelines:
2.1 App Completeness
Submissions to App Review should be final versions with all necessary metadata and fully functional URLs included; placeholder text, empty websites, and other temporary content should be scrubbed before submission. Make sure your app has been tested on-device for bugs and stability before you submit it, and include demo account info (and turn on your back-end service!) if your app includes a login. If you offer in-app purchases in your app, make sure they are complete, up-to-date, and visible to the reviewer, or that you explain why not in your review notes. Please don’t treat App Review as a software testing service. We will reject incomplete app bundles and binaries that crash or exhibit obvious technical problems.
2.2 Beta Testing
Demos, betas, and trial versions of your app don’t belong on the App Store...
You should remove all reference to "future functions" and put it back in when the function is available.
Yeah, as per my knowledge you can submit but it must not crash on iphone or ipad and must follow all the guidelines of apple. Because coming soon is on kind of UI of your app so i don't think that it will be rejected due to this kind of stuff.
You should refer App Store Review Guidelines for more details.

Can I publish an application that some of its features and UI are altered due to expiration date? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm working on a Keyboard extension for iOS. One of the requirements I have is to provide a functionality in which the keyboard's design and word prediction capabilities are temporary. Meaning after a month/45 days I want to change the keyboard looks and disable the word prediction capabilities until the user buys those again using the in-app purchase mechanism.
Basically I want to provide the app for the user for a trial period after which the application becomes less functional.
I have implemented those behaviors in the Android app and now I'm required to perform the same functionality in the iOS app.
The question is: Is this type of app behavior is allowed by Apple, or will I be rejected for this?
The Answer is No, You can't Publish trial Base Apps.
As per App Store Review Guidelines :
2.9 Apps that are "demo", "trial", or "test" versions will be rejected. Beta Apps may only be submitted through TestFlight and must follow the TestFlight guidelines
Possible Solution:
I Don't know what features you have in your App. But this might help you.
You can use Subscription based inApp purchases where user can purchase & enable some feature & that will be available for some limited period.
For more details check out here:
Hope it will help you.

Wipe out iOS device [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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This is something first phase requirement I needed for my application.
I want to design a WIPE-OUT application,
This application will WIPE-OUT all the data.
I want a flow like this:
Install our WIPE-OUT app from AppStore
This app will have access to Documents directory (like in Android have access to File Manager)
User can delete, rename and move the files of document directory (using our application)
Those files are anything (PDF or word file downloaded from Mail, Photos from camera of FB or anything)
In short same FileManager app which will have access to my iPhone storage and I can delete the data which is in non-recoverable.
As per my knowledge,
it is not possible.
My question is,
Is it possible in some other way and will apple approve the app?
If it is not possible, then please share me link for the same.
As mentioned in the comments it is not possible.
This Apple Guideline will actually be responsible for the rejection
2.6 Apps that read or write data outside its designated container area will be rejected
Apple does have a MDM (Mobile Device Management) SDK that they don't talk about a lot. You need to be on an Enterprise Developer Account, and you'll end up signing a non-disclosure agreement.
This SDK allows remote wipe. MaaS360 and Lotus Traveler can do it. But if you aren't a Fortune 500 company, odds are good you'll never see it.

Is demo account mandatory for apple submission? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Im actually getting ready to post my app to iTunes .
The app is a WiFi based app and it is dependent on an other hardware device to be up and running in the same WiFi network. So without this hardware device the user will not be able to login into the app and use it.
Hence I would not be able to provide in a demo account to Apple as they will not be having the needed hardware with them.
So the question is that, Will my app get rejected if the demo account is not provided?
My app was rejected because of that. So we had to find a way to let Apple test the whole app. The easiest way will be to provide a demo mode which enable/simulate all of your feature.
I recently went through a similar situation with my company. We have hardware that the app connects with and controls so we had to make a demo account for Apple to use that used hardware in our office in order for them to go through the app.
With hardware you will also be forced to either send your hardware in for apple to test with the app so they can see it actually working with the app or create a video that shows the app interacting with the hardware.
I think that it will depend on what hardware you have and how the app works but we were able to get our app approved by just making a video that demonstrates the app and hardware working together.
I think for this you need to register your hardware for MFi Program. After that you can upload your app in App Store.
Short answer - If your app requires login then yes unless no.
Descriptive answer - If your app needs some type of login then you are required to submit a demo account using which app QA engineers can test your app before approving it. It is necessary for them because they test around 700 apps in a day and out of those more than 50% apps requires a login. It is nearly impossible for them to create new accounts with pre-filled data to test app. For example If your app has subscription of 10 USD per month then they are not going make in-app purchase to test that feature.

Why upload an app to app store? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I can make a package (xxx.ipa) for an app, then synchronize this package to IOS device. Someone can do this and why need upload app to app store?
When you sign an application yourself, you can only install to iOS devices that you registered on provisioning center (up to 100 devices with the developer program - 100$).
In other words, if you wanted reach 1M million users with your app, it would cost you $1M. So you NEED the App Store.
We need to the upload an App to AppStore in to access it universally with no limitation of the number of user who can use it . Creating an Adhoc (.ipa) for any app and sync it to the device has certain limitation as you cannot distribute your .ipa to more than 100 devices , also it has validity 1 year by which only you can use the app . There are many more reasons to be explained for it . Go through the Apple Guideline in order to get more information . Hope it help you!
It takes away all the manual labour. Installing an app from App Store is easier than manually via iTunes. Updating is even more easier.
You don't have to know all unique device identifiers up-front.
You won't break Apple rules (it forbids distribution without App Store for anything other than testing or internally in one organization)
