Semi-transparency in OpenGL ES 2.0 - ios

I'm running into a problem with semi-transparency with OpenGL ES 2.0 on iOS. My scene is rather simple. It consists of a grid of cubes, some of them should appear solid whereas the others should be rendered semi-transparent. I started out with the code below for setting up OpenGL.
glEnable (GL_BLEND);
This renders incorrect transparency for some angles because of the depth-testing and culling. See the two images below
I tried to disable curling and depth-testing and enabled alpha-testing. The result is correct transparency but no textures (see image below).
glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.5);
glEnable (GL_BLEND);
I'm using GLKit to load textures and a GLKBaseEffect to render the scene. Does someone has a hint how to achieve the same result as in the first image with correct transparency for all perspectives? Thank you :)

Your main two options are:
Sort all the polygons in your scene, and make sure no polygon intersects any other (because then you can't order them)
Use a sort-independent blending mode instead, such as an additive or subtractive blend.
If you really do just want a grid of cubes, changing the rendering order to be suitable for any viewpoint shouldn't be too tricky, as you just need to traverse the cubes in a different order rather than actually sort anything.


Will WebGL ever render points as circles?

On desktop OpenGL, points will sometimes be rendered as circles (if you have set gl_PointSize in the vertex shader). I am tinkering with WebGL and it seems to consistently render points as squares (when gl_PointSize is set). Is there a way to get them to render as circles?
Yes, there is a solution. You can do that using point sprites. Just send texture to shader and using alpha blending cut of unnecessary part of sprite.
Normally (in desktop OpenGL) you may see points rendered as circles when you have got MSAA and POINT_SMOOTH feature enabled.
Below you have links where you can get all informations you need :)
OpenGL ES 2.0 Equivalent for ES 1.0 Circles Using GL_POINT_SMOOTH?

GL_LINE_STRIP - Using Textures ? iOS GLKit

Is it possible in OpenGL ES 2.0 to use GL_LINE_STRIP to draw a shape and then apply a texture to that shape ?
E.g if I draw a triangle can I then apply a triangle texture ?
GL_LINE_STRIP draws only lines. If you want polygons filled in (whether with color, lighting, or texturing), you need one of the solid polygon modes: GL_TRIANGLES, GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, or GL_TRIANGLE_FAN.
If you want to both fill and stroke your polygons, you'll need two draw calls, one with each mode. And if you're using depth testing, you'll probably want to look into glPolygonOffset to avoid z-fighting.

iOS OpenGL ES to draw a mesh wireframe

I have a human model in an .OBJ file I want to display as a mesh with triangles. No textures. I want also to be able to move, scale, and rotate in 3D.
The first and working option is to project the vertices to 2D using the maths manually and then draw them with Quartz 2D. This works, for I know the underlying math concepts for perspective projection.
However I would like to use OpenGL ES for that method, but I am not sure how to draw the triangles.
For example, the code in - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect is:
GLKBaseEffect *effect = [[GLKBaseEffect alloc] init];
[effect prepareToDraw];
Now what? I have an array of vertex positions (3 floats per vertex) and an array of triangle indices, so I tried this:
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, numVertices,pVertices);
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, numTriangles, GL_UNSIGNED_INT,pTriangles);
but this doesn't show anything. I saw from a sample the usage of glEnableVertexAttribArray(GLKVertexAttribPosition) and glDrawArrays but I 'm not sure how to use them.
I also understand that rendering a wireframe is not possible with ES? So I have to apply color attributes to the vertices. That's ok, but before that the triangles have to be displayed first.
The first thing I'd ask is: where are your vertices? OpenGL (ES) draws in a coordinate space that extends from (-1, -1, -1) to (1, 1, 1), so you probably want to transform your points with a projection matrix to get them into that space. To learn about projection matrices and more of the basics of OpenGL ES 2.0 on iOS, I'd suggest finding a book or a tutorial. This one's not bad, and here's another that's specific to GLKit.
Drawing with OpenGL in drawRect: is probably not something you want to be doing. If you're already using GLKit, why not use GLKView? There's good example code to get you started if you create a new Xcode project with the "OpenGL Game" template.
Once you get up to speed with GL you'll find that the function glPolygonMode typically used for wireframe drawing on desktop OpenGL doesn't exist in OpenGL ES. Depending on how your vertex data is organized, though, you might be able to get a decent wireframe with GL_LINES or GL_LINE_LOOP. Or since you're using GLKit, you can skip wireframe and set up some lights and shading pretty easily with GLKBaseEffect.

How do you add light with multiple passes in OpenGL?

I have two functions that I want to combine the results of:
They each work fine individually, drawing the scene with the ambient light only, or the directional light only. I want to show both the ambient and directional light but am having a bit of trouble. I try this:
[self drawAmbient];
glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
[self drawDirectional];
but I only see the results from first draw. I calculate the depth in the same way for both sets of draw calls. I could always just render to texture and blend the textures, but that seems redundant. Is there I way that I can add the lighting together when rendering to the default framebuffer?
You say you calculate the depth the same way in both passes. This is of course correct, but as the default depth comparison function is GL_LESS, nothing will actually be rendered in the second pass, since the depth is never less than what is currently in the depth buffer.
So for the second pass just change the depth test to
and then back to
Or you may also set it to GL_LEQUAL for the whole runtime to cover both cases.
As far as I know, you should render lighting to separate render targets and then combine them. So you will have rendered scene into these targets:
textured without lighting
summary diffuse lighting (fill with ambient color and additively render all light sources)
summary specular lighting (if you use specular component)
Then combine textures, so final_color = textured * diffuse + specular.

OpenGL point sprites with depth testing - a blending issue?

I am rendering point sprites (using OpenGL ES 2.0 on iOS) as a user's drawing strokes. I am storing these points in vertex buffer objects such that I need to perform depth testing in order for the sprites to appear in the correct order when they're submitted for drawing.
I'm seeing an odd effect when rendering these drawing strokes, as shown by the following screenshot:
Note the background-coloured 'border' around the edge of the blue stroke, where it is drawn over the green. The user drew the blue stroke after the green stroke, but when the VBOs are redrawn the blue stroke gets drawn first. When it comes to draw the green stroke, depth testing kicks in and sees that it should be behind the blue stroke, and so does this, with some success. It appears to me to be some kind of blending issue, or to do with incorrectly calculating the colour in the fragment shader? The edges of all strokes should be transparent, however it appears that the fragment shader combines it with the background texture when processing those fragments.
In my app I have created a depth renderbuffer and called glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) using glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL). I have experimented with glDepthMask() to no avail. Blending is set to glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA), and the point sprite colour uses premultiplied alpha values. The drawing routine is very simple:
Bind render-to-texture FBO.
Draw background texture.
Draw point sprites (from a number of VBOs).
Draw this FBO's texture to the main framebuffer.
Present the main framebuffer.
Here is some code from the drawing routine.
Setup state prior to drawing:
Drawing routine:
[drawingView setFramebuffer:drawingView.scratchFramebuffer andClear:YES];
[self drawTexture:[self textureForBackgroundType:self.backgroundType]];
// ...
// Draw all VBOs containing point sprite data
// ...
[drawingView setFramebuffer:drawingView.defaultFramebuffer andClear:YES];
[self drawTexture:drawingView.scratchTexture];
[drawingView presentFramebuffer:drawingView.defaultFramebuffer];
Thanks for any help.
If you want to draw non opaque geometries you have to z-sort them from back to front. This has been the only way to get a proper blending for many years. These days there are some algorithms for order independent transparency like Dual Depth Peeling but they are not applicable to iOS.
