Downloadable files using jQuery mobile - jquery-mobile

I'm fairly new to jquery mobile, and am getting an error when trying to link a file in my jquery mobile project for download. I would like a user to be able to download a .zip file from the app, but get either a page loading error, or undefined displayed in a new page. I tried using an anchor tag to link the file to download, but it doesn't seem to work right. I know jquery mobile makes use of the anchor tag, so I don't know if there is something special that needs to be done. Any help?

You are likely getting the exception when jQuery Mobile assumes the link is a page and attempts an AJAX page load. Disable AJAX loading on the link.
And I have no idea what the typical mobile browser will do with a link to zip file.


Why aren't styles loading in second page in jQuery mobile?

Below is the part of screenshot of mywebsite/index.php, a PC site with NO jQuery Mobile (JQM), with all scripts and styles.
Below the screenshot of mywebsite/mobile/options.php, a page designed to be run on mobile browsers, having JQM.
Here is the HTML script for Logout button, actually an ahchor tag:
.. refers to the main mywebsite folder out from mobile folder.
When I tap/click Logout, it should go to mywebsite/index.php, the PC site. And here's what shows up:
If I display the location using alert(document.location);, it shows - mywebsite/mobile/options.php.
I have to press F5 to view the page as it should.
I know that this is happening because JQM loads the pages AJAXually and hence ignores all scripts and stylesheets outside of BODY tag. I know this question is duplicate of many questions in StackOverflow and I have tried my level best to find a solution, but can't find one.
How do I move to the index.php without need to refresh?
You need to add additional code to your logout.php file to execute after the logout code executes. PHP headers can accomplish this. Within your PHP tags, add this to the end of your code:
header( 'Location: http://mywebsite/index.php' ) ;

jQuery Mobile: How can I link to an external page without breaking web app view?

I created a web app (without browser chrome) which loads most of its pages locally from index.html. Now I have one page which i can not integrate into index.html, since it has to be refreshed when loaded. I placed it on the same server and called it stats.html and link to it like this:
When I click this link, the browser pops to the front instead switching to the page without browser chrome.
How can I link to an external page in a way that it still looks like one app?
I appreciate any hints to solve this problem.
just found that seems to be the solution.

How can I load iOS webclip links in the same window?

After loading up a Webclip with some links in it, clicking a link launches Mobile Safari instead of loading the link in the same window. Is there a way to prevent the link loading in Safari instead of the Webclip instance? I'm trying to mock up a mobile app just using PHP on my local Apache installation.
According to the Apple docs it looks like external page links will always open in Mobile Safari:
In this mode any external links will be opened in Safari on
iPhone, meaning that you will have to keep your web application to a
single page and use Ajax to update parts of that page.
In addition to the option of using a single page loading new content with AJAX, you can use the JavaScript self.location=URL; return false on hyperlinks that must stay within the application. This can be added to the HTML code directly, or with another script upon loading the page.
If you are using jQuery, I would recommend something like this:
self.location = $(this).attr('href');
return false;
Obviously this script should be ran after the HTML has loaded, to ensure that it actually attaches to the A elements onClick event.

How to get Back button working between remote and local jQuery Mobile pages?

I have a local jQuery Mobile project going (inside PhoneGap, thus file:// protocol) where I sometimes need to fetch external pages (using http://) from a server where the content too are jQM pages with almost identical markup (except for the content, which is generated from a CMS).
Setting $.mobile.allowCrossDomainPages to true gives me the page, and that is all right. Going Back, however, fails. I get stuck in a place where /www/index.html is not found on the server (like, doh, of course..). Is there a way to "remember" where I came from, taking me back to the local html page I originally came from?
We just added a docs page on PhoneGap in jQuery Mobile for RC3 that should help you out quite a bit:

Wrong layout used on first load after switching to/from mobile version of application

I have 2 application layouts: application.html.haml and But when I switch from mobile to the non-mobile version the mobile layout is still used for the first load. In Firebug console I see that the non-mobile view was properly returned, however the browser and the Firebug HTML tab show the mobile layout. Any idea what's going? It's fine after a refresh.
The issue turned out to be caused by JQuery Mobile.
I found the answer here:
JQuery Mobile doesn't do full page reloads unless it's told to, so although the full html was returned, JQuery Mobile just replaced the page portion.
The key portion from the docs is:
"It's important to note if you are linking from a mobile page that was loaded via Ajax to a page with multiple internal pages, you need to add a rel="external" or data-ajax="false" to the link. This tells the framework to do a full page reload to clear out the Ajax hash in the URL. This is critical because Ajax pages use the hash (#) to track the Ajax history, while multiple internal pages use the hash to indicate internal pages so there will be a conflicts."
Recently, I encountered a similar problem.
In my case, Rails4's turbolinks suffered. Similarly as JQuery Mobile, turbolinks only updates the body part of a full page without updating the head part of the html when an intra-site link is clicked. I simply removed the require line for turbolinks in my application.js and the problem disappeared.
