I am using devise gem and while creating user I want to skip confimation! and skip confimation email for example:
User.create(:first_name => "vidur", :last_name => "punj").confirm!.skip_confirmation!
But it skips only confirmation and doesn't skip sending confirmation email. Can any one give me an idea to skip both.
You need to call skip_confirmation! before you save the record.
user = User.new(:first_name => "blah")
You are calling User.create before skip_confirmation!, you need to call User.new and user.save later.
user = User.new(:first_name => "vidur", :last_name => "punj")
set the confirmed_at field
User.create!(confirmed_at: Time.now, email: 'test#example.com', ...)
useful in seeds.rb
User.create_with(name: "Mr T", company: "Comp X", password: 'rubyrubyruby', password_confirmation: 'rubyrubyruby', confirmed_at: Time.now).find_or_create_by!( email: 'test#example.com')
Got the solution:
#user=User.new(:first_name => "vidur", :last_name => "punj")
If you are confused where to write skip_confirmation! method in controller as you have not generated devise controllers yet then:
Write this in your User model
before_create :my_method
def my_method
Now simply use:
user = User.new(:first_name => "Gagan")
after_create: :skip_confirmation_notification
- check here
If you want to skip_confirmation_notification on certain condition only, use a proc
If you don't need confirmations at all, you can remove the :confirmable symbol in your model.
I need to seed an user with encrypted password and I'm not using Devise. So I tried this :
user = UserManager::User.new({ :name => 'a', :surname => 'a', :email => 'a', :active => true, :password_hash => 'password', :password_salt => 'password'})
But this is not right to put password_hash and password_salt like this and I found that I have to put password and password_confirmation instead
user = UserManager::User.new({ :name => 'a', :surname => 'a', :email => 'a', :active => true, :password => 'password', :password_confirmation => 'password'})
But these 2 fields are unknow because they are not in the database, so how can I do to encrypt the password with seed ?
User model
attr_accessor :password
before_save :encrypt_password
def encrypt_password
if password.present?
self.password_salt = BCrypt::Engine.generate_salt
self.password_hash = BCrypt::Engine.hash_secret(password, password_salt)
You don't need the attribute accessor for password. You get that for free when you use has_secure_password.
To seed users, I would recommend using Hartl's approach from his tutorial.
User model
Add a method for generating the password digest manually:
# Returns the hash digest of the given string.
def User.digest(string)
cost = ActiveModel::SecurePassword.min_cost ? BCrypt::Engine::MIN_COST :
BCrypt::Password.create(string, cost: cost)
Seed file
User.create!(name: 'foo',
email: 'foo#bar.com',
password_digest: #{User.digest('foobar')} )
In your model:
class User < ApplicationRecord
In the seeds.rb file:
User.create(username: "username",
password_digest: BCrypt::Password.create('Your_Password'))
You can create a hash of password something like following:
require 'digest/sha1'
encrypted_password= Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(password)
You can use this code in your seeds.rb file to encrypt the password. But it seems that you have already written a method encrypt_password. Now, you can call this method in before_save callback. So each time, a user is about to be saved in database, encrypt_password will be called.
How do you skip user confirmation in development in devise.
I have set up the production environment to send emails with SendGrid, but now I have done that it won't let me log in.
Thanks for your time!
create User in console:
user = User.create(
:first_name => 'admin',
:last_name => 'admin',
:email => 'foo...#email.com',
:password => 'password1',
:password_confirmation => 'password1'
# Devise :doc:
# If you don't want confirmation to be sent on create, neither a code
# to be generated, call skip_confirmation!
or in model:
after_create :skip_conf!
def skip_conf!
self.confirm! if Rails.env.development?
Another way:
User.new(email: 'xx#xx.xx', password: '12345678').confirm!
BTW, you can skip :password_confirmation at all, because #confirm! skips validation if record does not persisted yet.
I'm trying to test a case in our Ruby on Rails system where we lock a user out after x failed login attempts. The issue I'm having is trying to create a user has reached the number that 'locks' his account. I am using Factories to create a user like so-
Factory.define :locked_user, :class => User do |user|
user.name "Test Lock"
user.email "lock#lock.com"
user.password "blah1234"
user.password_confirmation "blah1234"
user.login_count 5
Where 5 is the 'magic number'. When I try to use something like
#user = Factory(:locked_user)
It creates a user in the database- but newly created users always have login_count set to zero, so it just logs him in the test. When I try the .build method like so
#user = Factory.build(:locked_user)
It sets a user with login_count = 5 like I want, but then doesn't see the user as valid and won't try to log them in (ie, it gives us the 'bad user/password' error rather then 'right user/password but you are locked out' error). I guess I'm missing something here to get RSpec to pick up the fact that this is valid user but the account should be locked. Can someone help set me straight? Below is the entire desribe block-
describe "with locked account" do
before(:each) do
#user = Factory.build(:locked_user)
#attr = { :email => #user.email, :password => #user.password}
it "should not allow signin with locked account" do
post :create, :session => #attr
flash.now[:error].should =~ /Invalid user locked out/i
I would recommend you either set the login_count after creating the user, or stub the method that tells you if a user login is locked.
For instance, use update_attribute to force the login_count after the user has been created:
before(:each) do
#user = Factory(:user)
#user.update_attribute(:login_count, 5)
#attr = { :email => #user.email, :password => #user.password}
Or use stubs to stub out the locked_login?, or equivalent method:
before(:each) do
#user = Factory(:user)
#attr = { :email => #user.email, :password => #user.password}
I am using faker to generate sample data. I have this as follows:
require 'faker'
namespace :db do
desc "Fill database with sample data"
task :populate => :environment do
User.create!(:name => "rails",
:email => "example#railstutorial.org",
:password => "foobar",
:password_confirmation => "foobar")
99.times do |n|
#name = Faker::Name.name
name = "rails#{n+1}"
email = "example-#{n+1}#railstutorial.org"
password = "password"
user = User.create!(:name => name,
:email => email,
:password => password,
:password_confirmation => password)
The problem is that I have a couple of after_save callbacks that are not being called when the User is created. Why is that? Thanks
The methods:
after_save :create_profile
def create_profile
In all my reading, it seems that save! bypasses any custom before_save, on_save or after_save filters you have defined. The source code for create! reveals that it invokes save!. Unless you absolutely NEED the bang version, why are you using it? Try removing all your bang methods and just invoking the non-bang versions:
[1..100].each do |n|
name = "rails#{n+1}"
email = "example-#{n+1}#railstutorial.org"
password = "password"
user = User.new(:name => name, :email => email, :password => password, :password_confirmation => password)
if !user.save
puts "There was an error while making #{user.inspect}"
I have my Rails app setup with Devise, but it's still in the development stages. I also have a Thor task that creates the default Admin user.
Problem is Devise won't let that admin user login to the site until the account is confirmed. Is there any way I can disable the confirmable module for the creation of specific users, such as Admin?
My Thor task:
class Setup < Thor
desc "create_admin [EMAIL] [PASSWORD]", "Creates the administrative user."
def create_admin(email = "admin#bogus.com", password = "testpassword123")
require File.expand_path('config/environment.rb') # load Rails environment
admin = User.create(:email => email, :password => password, :password_confirmation => password)
admin.assign_role :admin
puts "Admin user (#{ email }) created."
Once your user is created you can call the devise provided confirm! method on it rather than updating the database directly. Eg.:
admin = User.create(:email => email, :password => password, :password_confirmation => password)
admin.assign_role :admin
This should work
admin = User.create(:email => email, :password => password, :password_confirmation => password)
So your confirmed_at is set, which is the field devise refers to when checking user confirmation.
Forgive me if this seems like a hack but this seems to work for me. After executing the above line,
admin.update_attributes(:confirmed_at => Time.now)
just coment :confirmable in User or Admin model
devise :database_authenticatable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, #:confirmable...
In config/inicializers/devise.rb
you can set here how many time user have to confirm his account