Object recognition and measuring size - machine-learning

I'd like to create a system for use in a factory to measure the size of the objects coming off the assembly line. The objects are slabs of stone, approximately rectangular, and I'd like the width and height. Each stone is photographed in the same position with a flash, so the conditions are pretty controlled. The tricky part is the stones sometimes have patterns on their surface (often marble with ripples and streaks) and they are sometimes almost black, blending in with the shadows.
I tried simply subtracting each image from a reference image of the background, but there are enough small changes in the lighting and the positions of rollers and small bits of machinery that the output is really noisy.
The approach I plan to try next is to use Canny's edge detection algorithm and then use some kind of numerical optimization (Nelder-Mead maybe) to match a 4-sided polygon to the edges. Before I home-brew something, though, is there an existing approach that works well in this kind of situation?
If it helps, it would be possible to 'seed' the algorithm with a patch of the image known to be within the slab (they're always lined up in the corner) to help identify its surface pattern and colors. I could also produce a training set of annotated images if necessary.
Some sample images of the background and some stone slabs:

Have you tried an existing image segmentation algorithm?
I would start with the maxflow algorithm for image segmentation by Vladimir Kolmogorov here: http://pub.ist.ac.at/~vnk/software.html
In the papers they fix areas of an image to belong to a particular segment, which would help for you problem, but it may not be obvious how to do this in the software.
Deep learning algorithms for parsing scenes by Richard Socher might also help: http://www.socher.org/
And Eric Sudderth has at least one interesting method for visual scene understanding here: http://www.cs.brown.edu/~sudderth/software.html
I also haven't actually used any of this software, which is mostly, if not all, for research and not particularly user friendly.


find mosquitos' head in the image

I have images of mosquitos similar to these ones and I would like to automatically circle around the head of each mosquito in the images. They are obviously in different orientations and there are random number of them in different images. some error is fine. Any ideas of algorithms to do this?
This problem resembles a face detection problem, so you could try a naïve approach first and refine it if necessary.
First you would need to recreate your training set. For this you would like to extract small images with examples of what is a mosquito head or what is not.
Then you can use those images to train a classification algorithm, be careful to have a balanced training set, since if your data is skewed to one class it would hit the performance of the algorithm. Since images are 2D and algorithms usually just take 1D arrays as input, you will need to arrange your images to that format as well (for instance: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Row-major_order).
I normally use support vector machines, but other algorithms such as logistic regression could make the trick too. If you decide to use support vector machines I strongly recommend you to check libsvm (http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm/), since it's a very mature library with bindings to several programming languages. Also they have a very easy to follow guide targeted to beginners (http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/papers/guide/guide.pdf).
If you have enough data, you should be able to avoid tolerance to orientation. If you don't have enough data, then you could create more training rows with some samples rotated, so you would have a more representative training set.
As for the prediction what you could do is given an image, cut it using a grid where each cell has the same dimension that the ones you used on your training set. Then you pass each of this image to the classifier and mark those squares where the classifier gave you a positive output. If you really need circles then take the center of the given square and the radius would be the half of the square side size (sorry for stating the obvious).
So after you do this you might have problems with sizes (some mosquitos might appear closer to the camera than others) , since we are not trained the algorithm to be tolerant to scale. Moreover, even with all mosquitos in the same scale, we still might miss some of them just because they didn't fit in our grid perfectly. To address this, we will need to repeat this procedure (grid cut and predict) rescaling the given image to different sizes. How many sizes? well here you would have to determine that through experimentation.
This approach is sensitive to the size of the "window" that you are using, that is also something I would recommend you to experiment with.
There are some research may be useful:
A Multistep Approach for Shape Similarity Search in Image Databases
Representation and Detection of Shapes in Images
From the pictures you provided this seems to be an extremely hard image recognition problem, and I doubt you will get anywhere near acceptable recognition rates.
I would recommend a simpler approach:
First, if you have any control over the images, separate the mosquitoes before taking the picture, and use a white unmarked underground, perhaps even something illuminated from below. This will make separating the mosquitoes much easier.
Then threshold the image. For example here i did a quick try taking the red channel, then substracting the blue channel*5, then applying a threshold of 80:
Use morphological dilation and erosion to get rid of the small leg structures.
Identify blobs of the right size to be moquitoes by Connected Component Labeling. If a blob is large enough to be two mosquitoes, cut it out, and apply some more dilation/erosion to it.
Once you have a single blob like this
you can find the direction of the body using Principal Component Analysis. The head should be the part of the body where the cross-section is the thickest.

how to find shapes that are slightly elongated oval / rectangle with curved corners / sometimes sector of a circle?

how to recognise a zebra crossing from top view using opencv?
in my previous question the problem is to find the curved zebra crossing using opencv.
now I thought that the following way would be much easier way to detect it,
(i) canny it
(ii) find the contours in it
(iii) find the black stripes in it, in my case it is slightly oval in shape
now my question is how to find that slightly oval shape??
look here for images of the crossing: www.shaastra.org/2013/media/events/70/Tab/422/Modern_Warfare_ps_v1.pdf
Generally speaking, I believe there are two approaches you can consider.
One approach is the more brute force image analysis approach, as you described. Here you are applying heuristics based on your knowledge of the problem in order to identify the pixels involved in the parts of the path. Note that 'brute force' here is not a bad thing, just an adjective.
An alternative approach is to apply pattern recognition techniques to find the regions of the image which have high probability of being part of the path. Here you would be transforming your image into (hopefully) meaningful features: lines, points, gradient (eg: Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG)), relative intensity (eg: Haar-like features) etc. and using machine learning techniques to figure out how these features describe the, say, the road vs the tunnel (in your example).
As you are asking about the former, I'm going to focus on that here. If you'd like to know more about the latter have a look around the Internet, StackOverflow, or post specific questions you have.
So, for the 'brute force image analysis' approach, your first step would probably be to preprocess the image as you need;
Consider color normalization if you are going to analyze color later, this will help make your algorithm robust to lighting differences in your garage vs the event studio. It'll also improve robustness to camera collaboration differences, though the organization hosting the competition provide specs for the camera they will use (don't ignore this bit of info).
Consider blurring the image to reduce noise if you're less interested in pixel by pixel values (eg edges) and more interested in larger structures (eg gradients).
Consider sharpening the image for the opposite reasons of blurring.
Do a bit of research on image preprocessing. It's definitely an explored topic but hardly 'solved' (whatever that would mean). There are lots of things to try at this stage and, of course, crap in => crap out.
After that you'll want to generate some 'features'..
As you mentioned, edges seem like an appropriate feature space for this problem. Don't forget that there are many other great edge detection algorithms out there other than Canny (see Prewitt, Sobel, etc.) After applying the edge detection algorithm, though, you still just have pixel data. To get to features you'll want probably want to extract lines from the edges. This is where the Hough transform space will come in handy.
(Also, as an idea, you can think about colorspace in concert with the edge detectors. By that, I mean, edge detectors usually work in the B&W colorspace, but rather than converting your image to grayscale you could convert it to an appropriate colorspace and just use a single channel. For example, if the game board is red and the lines on the crosswalk are blue, convert the image to HSV and grab the hue channel as input for the edge detector. You'll likely get better contrast between the regions than just grayscale. For bright vs. dull use the value channel, for yellow vs. blue use the Opponent colorspace, etc.)
You can also look at points. Algorithms such as the Harris corner detector or the Laplacian of Gaussian (LOG) will extract 'key points' (with a different definition for each algorithm but generally reproducible).
There are many other feature spaces to explore, don't stop here.
Now, this is where the brute force part comes in..
The first thing that comes to mind is parallel lines. Even in a curve, the edges of the lines are 'roughly' parallel. You could easily develop an algorithm to find the track in your game by finding lines which are each roughly parallel to their neighbors. Note that line detectors like the Hough transform are usually applied such that they find 'peaks', or overrepresented angles in the dataset. Thus, if you generate a Hough transform for the whole image, you'll be hard pressed to find any of the lines you want. Instead, you'll probably want to use a sliding window to examine each area individually.
Specifically speaking to the curved areas, you can use the Hough transform to detect circles and elipses quite easily. You could apply a heuristic like: two concentric semi-circles with a given difference in radius (~250 in your problem) would indicate a road.
If you're using points/corners you can try to come up with an algorithm to connect the corners of one line to the next. You can put a limit on the distance and degree in rotation from one corner to the next that will permit rounded turns but prohibit impossible paths. This could elucidate the edges of the road while being robust to turns.
You can probably start to see now why these hard coded algorithms start off simple but become tedious to tweak and often don't have great results. Furthermore, they tend to rigid and inapplicable to other, even similar, problems.
All that said.. you're talking about solving a problem that doesn't have an out of the box solution. Thinking about the solution is half the fun, and half the challenge. Everything I've described here is basic image analysis, computer vision, and problem solving. Start reading some papers on these topics and the ideas will come quickly. Good luck in the competition.

Object Detection using OpenCV in C++

I'm currently working on a vision system for a UAV I am building. The goal of the system is to find target objects, which are rather well defined (see below), in a video stream that will be a 2-D flyover view of the ground. So far I have tried training and using a Haar-like feature based cascade, a la Viola Jones, to do the detection. I am training it with 5000+ images of the targets at different angles (perspective shifts) and ranges (sizes in the frame), but only 1900 "background" images. This does not yield good results at all, as I cannot find a suitable number of stages to the cascade that balances few false positives with few false negatives.
I am looking for advice from anyone who has experience in this area, as to whether I should: 1) ditch the cascade, in favor of something more suitable to objects defined by their outline and color (which I've read the VJ cascade is not).
2) improve my training set for the cascade, either by adding positives, background frames, organizing/shooting them better, etc.
3) Some other approach I can't fathom currently.
A description of the targets:
Primary shapes: triangles, squares, circles, ellipses, etc.
Distinct, solid, primary (or close to) colors.
Smallest dimension between two and eight feet (big enough to be seen easily from a couple hundred feet AGL
Large, single alphanumeric in the center of the object, with its own distinct, solid, primary or almost primary color.
My goal is use something very fast, such as the VJ cascade, to find possible objects and their associated bounding box, and then pass these on to finer processing routines to determine the properties (color of the object and AN, value of the AN, actual shape, and GPS location). Any advice you can give me towards completing this goal would be much appreciated. The source code I currently have is a little lengthy for post here, but is freely available should you like to see it for reference. Thanks in advance!
I would recommend ditching Haar classification, since you know a lot about your objects. In these cases you should start by checking what features you can use:
1) overhead flight means, as you said, you can basically treat these as fixed shapes on a 2D plane. There will be scaling, rotations and some minor affine transformations, which depends a lot on how wide-angled your camera is. If it isn't particularly wide-angled, that part can probably be ignored. Also, you probably know your altitude, by which you can probably also make very good assumption on the target size (scaling).
2) You know the colors, which also makes it quite easy to find objects. If these are very defined as primary color, then you can just filter the image based on color and find those contours. If you want to do something a little more advanced (which to me doesn't seem necessary though...) you can do a backprojection, which in my experience is very effective and fast. Note, if you're creating the objects, it would be better to use Red Green and Blue instead of primary colors (red green and yellow). Then you can simply split the image into it's respective channels and use a very high threshold.
3) You know the geometric shapes. I've never done this myself, but as far as I know, the options are using moments or using Hough transforms (although openCV only has hough algorithms for lines and circles, so you'd have to write your own for other shapes...). You might already have sufficiently good results without this step though...
If you want more specific recommendations, it would be very useful to upload a couple sample images. :)
May be solved but I came across a paper recently with an open-source license for generic object detection using normalised gradient features : http://mmcheng.net/bing/comment-page-9/
The details of the algorithms performance against illumination, rotation and scale may require a little digging. I can't remember on the top of my head where the original paper is.

How to align two different pictures in such a way, that they match as close as possible?

I need to automatically align an image B on top of another image A in such a way, that the contents of the image match as good as possible.
The images can be shifted in x/y directions and rotated up to 5 degrees on z, but they won't be distorted (i.e. scaled or keystoned).
Maybe someone can recommend some good links or books on this topic, or share some thoughts how such an alignment of images could be done.
If there wasn't the rotation problem, then I could simply try to compare rows of pixels with a brute-force method until I find a match, and then I know the offset and can align the image.
Do I need AI for this?
I'm having a hard time finding resources on image processing which go into detail how these alignment-algorithms work.
So what people often do in this case is first find points in the images that match then compute the best transformation matrix with least squares. The point matching is not particularly simple and often times you just use human input for this task, you have to do it all the time for calibrating cameras. Anyway, if you want to fully automate this process you can use feature extraction techniques to find matching points, there are volumes of research papers written on this topic and any standard computer vision text will have a chapter on this. Once you have N matching points, solving for the least squares transformation matrix is pretty straightforward and, again, can be found in any computer vision text, so I'll assume you got that covered.
If you don't want to find point correspondences you could directly optimize the rotation and translation using steepest descent, trouble is this is non-convex so there are no guarantees you will find the correct transformation. You could do random restarts or simulated annealing or any other global optimization tricks on top of this, that would most likely work. I can't find any references to this problem, but it's basically a digital image stabilization algorithm I had to implement it when I took computer vision but that was many years ago, here are the relevant slides though, look at "stabilization revisited". Yes, I know those slides are terrible, I didn't make them :) However, the method for determining the gradient is quite an elegant one, since finite difference is clearly intractable.
Edit: I finally found the paper that went over how to do this here, it's a really great paper and it explains the Lucas-Kanade algorithm very nicely. Also, this site has a whole lot of material and source code on image alignment that will probably be useful.
for aligning the 2 images together you have to carry out image registration technique.
In matlab, write functions for image registration and select your desirable features for reference called 'feature points' using 'control point selection tool' to register images.
Read more about image registration in the matlab help window to understand properly.

An algorithm for a drawing and painting robot - any tips?

Algorithm for a drawing and painting robot -
I want to write a piece of software which analyses an image, and then produces an image which captures what a human eye perceives in the original image, using a minimum of bezier path objects of varying of colour and opacity.
Unlike the recent twitter super compression contest (see: stackoverflow.com/questions/891643/twitter-image-encoding-challenge), my goal is not to create a replica which is faithful to the image, but instead to replicate the human experience of looking at the image.
As an example, if the original image shows a red balloon in the top left corner, and the reproduction has something that looks like a red balloon in the top left corner then I will have achieved my goal, even if the balloon in the reproduction is not quite in the same position and not quite the same size or colour.
When I say "as perceived by a human", I mean this in a very limited sense. i am not attempting to analyse the meaning of an image, I don't need to know what an image is of, i am only interested in the key visual features a human eye would notice, to the extent that this can be automated by an algorithm which has no capacity to conceptualise what it is actually observing.
Why this unusual criteria of human perception over photographic accuracy?
This software would be used to drive a drawing and painting robot, which will be collaborating with a human artist (see: video.google.com/videosearch?q=mr%20squiggle).
Rather than treating marks made by the human which are not photographically perfect as necessarily being mistakes, The algorithm should seek to incorporate what is already on the canvas into the final image.
So relative brightness, hue, saturation, size and position are much more important than being photographically identical to the original. The maintaining the topology of the features, block of colour, gradients, convex and concave curve will be more important the exact size shape and colour of those features
Still with me?
My problem is that I suffering a little from the "when you have a hammer everything looks like a nail" syndrome. To me it seems the way to do this is using a genetic algorithm with something like the comparison of wavelet transforms (see: grail.cs.washington.edu/projects/query/) used by retrievr (see: labs.systemone.at/retrievr/) to select fit solutions.
But the main reason I see this as the answer, is that these are these are the techniques I know, there are probably much more elegant solutions using techniques I don't now anything about.
It would be especially interesting to take into account the ways the human vision system analyses an image, so perhaps special attention needs to be paid to straight lines, and angles, high contrast borders and large blocks of similar colours.
Do you have any suggestions for things I should read on vision, image algorithms, genetic algorithms or similar projects?
Thank you
PS. Some of the spelling above may appear wrong to you and your spellcheck. It's just international spelling variations which may differ from the standard in your country: e.g. Australian standard: colour vs American standard: color
There is an model that can implemented as an algorithm to calculate a saliency map for an image, determining which parts of the image would get the most attention from a human.
The model is called itti koch model
You can find a startin paper here
And more resources and c++ sourcecode here
I cannot answer your question directly, but you should really take a look at artist/programmer (Lisp) Harold Cohen's painting machine Aaron.
That's quite a big task. You might be interested in image vectorizing (don't know what it's called officially), which is used to take in rasterized images (such as pictures you take with a camera) and outputs a set of bezier lines (i think) that approximate the image you put in. Since good algorithms often output very high quality (read: complex) line sets you'd also be interested in simplification algorithms which can help enormously.
Unfortunately I am not next to my library, or I could reccomend a number of books on perceptual psychology.
The first thing you must consider is the physiology of the human eye is such that when we examine an image or scene, we are only capturing very small bits at a time, as our eyes dart around rapidly. Our mind peices the different parts together to try and form a whole.
You might start by finding an algorithm for the path of an eyeball as it darts around. Perhaps it is attracted to contrast?
Next is that our eyes adjust the "exposure" depending on the context. It's like those high dynamic range images, if they were peiced together not by multiple exposures of a whole scene, but by many small images, each balanced on its own, but blended into its surroundings to form a high dynamic range.
Now there was a finding in a monkey brain that there is a single neuron that lights up if there's a diagonal line in the upper left of its field of vision. Similar neurons can be found for vertical lines, and horizontal lines in various areas of that monkey's field of vision. The "diagonalness" determines the frequency with which that neuron fires.
one might speculated that other neurons might be found and mapped to other qualities such as redness, or texturedness, and other things.
There's something humans can do that I've not seen a computer program ever able to do. it's something called "closure", where a human is able to fill in information about something that they are seeing, that doesn't actually exist in the image. an example:
* *
is that a triangle? If you knew that it was in advance, then you could probably make a program to connect the dots. But what if it's just dots? How can you know? I wouldn't attempt this one unless I had some really clever way of dealing with that one.
There are many other facts about human perception you might be able to use. Good luck, you've not picked a straightforward task.
i think a thing that could help you in this enormous task is human involvement. i mean data. like you could have many people sitting staring at random dots (like from the previous post) and connect them as they see right. you could harness that data.
