Contiki for cc2530dk - contiki

Recently I am working on Contiki and cc2530dk.
What I want to do is to run Contiki on cc2530dk. As far as I know, I need to make a hex file, and then burn it to cc2530dk. However, I meet trouble in making a hex file for hello-world.
I download InstantContiki-2.6, and run in VMware. Then I changed directory to contiki-sensinode-cc-ports from here.
I can run make in examples/hello-world/. But I don't know how to create hex file. I tried:
make TARGET=cc2530dk
but failed. I got Error:
make: sdcc: Command not found
make: *** [obj_cc2530dk/rimeaddr.rel] Error 127
What I want to do is: run contiki on cc2530dk.

You must install the Small Device C Compiler (SDCC). To do that, follow this guide from Contiki wiki.

Check with cmd sdcc -v. If it does not give like below:
SDCC : mcs51/pic16/hc08 3.1.1 #7100 (Aug 5 2013) (Linux)
Then, install SDCC and then build tool chain.


AWS Appium Project Package

I see below error while packaging appium project for AWS.
Unknown lifecycle phase --DskipTests=true. You must specify a valid lifecycle phase or a goal in the format
Executing packaging command on mac terminal
Tried both --DskipTests=true & -DskipTests=true (see same error for both)
Looking forward for some help. Thanks!
I work for the AWS Device Farm team.
I have seen this error when users copy-paste the command from the documentation.
We are working on updating this as there seems to be some unknown characters that get introduced.
Users have got this to work by deleting -DskipTests=true and typing it instead of copy pasting it.
Since you are on a Mac terminal you will need to use a single dash '-' for the parameter.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
Hope this helps.

Installing VIM in Minix 3.1.8

I've Googled this a thousand times and I cannot, for the life of me, get VIM to work on my Minix 3. For the record, I am running on a Windows machine with Minix 3 working on Oracle's VM VirtualBox.
I've tried typing,
# pkgin up && pkgin in vim
but I get the error:
pkgin: Can't open database /usr/var/db/pkgin/pkgin.db: unable to open database file: No such file or directory
I then try to do pkgin search git to search for a package, but I get the same error. Could this be some kind of Internet connection issue? I'm incredibly confused.
If you haven't already, download the binary package from here:
Change "i386" to your correct architecture, if different.
As you're probably already familiar, this page tells you how to install binary packages for Minix:
As far as your "pkgin" errors, here are two possible solutions:
How to install vim into Minix3?
I asked on the Minix 3 Google Groups Forums and they solved my problem. If anyone else has trouble, I'm pasting a response by Lionel:
Switch to http downloads by editing "/usr/pkg/etc/pkgin/repositories.conf" and comment out the line:$osrelease/$arch/All
and add the following:$osrelease/$arch/All
Then do shutdown, boot, pkgin update and then install your desired packages.

Any ZMQ bindings for Erlang on Windows?

Is it possible to use Erlang with ZMQ on Windows? I have tried to use erlzmq2, but rebar fails to compile it with cryptic linker errors. Of course i can invest some time and investigate makefiles, but maybe other way exists?
Whose who are interested in compilation errors can download latest erlang for windows and try to build erlzmq2 (Visual Studio 2012 compiler, msys sh and make). Error looks like:
cl : Command line error D8021 : invalid numeric argument '/Wl,-DLL,-IMPLIB:.libs
Makefile:541: recipe for target '' failed
make[3]: *** [] Error 2
Please note that other erlang libs are compiling with this setup without any problems.
Your problem lies in compiling ZeroMQ for Windows. You haven't actually gotten to any Erlang yet. Here are some of the clues that tell you this:
Makefile:541: recipe for target '' failed
This line says there's a problem on line 541 of the Makefile. But in erlzmq2, you can see that neither the main Makefile nor the c_src Makefile (which is what would build has anything close to that many lines.
make3: * [] Error 2
The [3] means that you're 3 invocations deep into Make. Specifically, you started at the top-level Makefile, which called Rebar, which ran make -C c_src, which downloads ZeroMQ version 3.2.2 and tries to do a ./configure && make
To fix this Unix-style, go into the deps directory of erlzmq2 and figure out how to correctly compile ZeroMQ. Hopefully, you will just need to pass some arguments to configure. Then you can edit c_src/Makefile and set ZMQ_FLAGS to whatever you had to do for configure, clean, and make.
To fix it more Windows-style, follow the Windows build instructions for ZeroMQ. Put the compiled libzmq under deps and just edit the c_src Makefile to a no-op.
Finally, if you don't actually need to run this code on Windows, but are just using Windows as your development environment, I think you'll have the easiest time by running the build inside a Linux VM (not a hard thing at all with tools like Vagrant). Sorry, but Unix is the real system for this stuff; Windows support is an afterthought.

Installing Agda onto Windows 7

I'm having trouble running Agda on my windows 7 64-bit pc. I tried running the following commands:
cabal install agda
cabal install agda-executable
which both work, but I still can't seem to get it going with emacs, can someone help me? I've tried the one click installer from here but it doesn't seem to work, I run into this complaint:
C:\agda2\bin\agda2-install.cmd failed.
Code = 1
Incorrect Function
Setup was not completed.
Please correct the problem and run setup again
Install Agda (cabal install agda agda-executable), make sure agda-mode.exe is on search path. This required because installer will put something like (shell-command-to-string "agda-mode.exe locate") to .emacs file.
run "agda-mode setup".
My Emacs bin directory is also on the search path but I'm not sure if it required or not. Anyway, you will get error messages if you'll do something wrong.
You will also need Haskell mode (can be obtained from here and you will have to add (load "c:\\haskell\\dev\\haskell-mode\\haskell-site-file.el") to your .emacs file. I load it prior to Agda stuff, I do not really know does load order matter or not.
I have GHC 7.0.4 (with Haskell Platform 2011.4.0.0) and I could install Agda 2.3.0 installer in Win7 64b without problems.
If you have GHC 7.4, you should try Agda

How to install ImageMagick on Windows 7 (2)

Hopefully, despite similar question titles, this isn't a duplicate issue.
I've installed ImageMagick-6.7.5-6-Q16-windows-dll.exe.
I have php_imagick_dyn-Q16.dll renamed to php_imagick.dll in PHP's ext directory.
I have extension=php_imagick.dll in my php.ini.
I try to run a basic test: php -r "var_dump(class_exists('Imagick'));".
I get this error:
PHP Startup: imagick: Unable to initialise module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP compiled with module API=20090626
These options must match.
CLI has stopped working.
Windows can check online for a solution to the problem.
> Check online for a solution and close the program
> Close the program
What have I done wrong?
First install :
Download :
Choose the TS one
Open your php.ini file
Add this line :
Restart your apache server
open php_info()
Now your imagick lib is ready to use.
This works for me.
