ListGrid doesn't want to set the width of the delete-button column - smartgwt

On a ListGrid, when you enable to remove a record there is a cross image stand on each record line.
Is it possible de resize this column ?
When I ask for the list of fields of listGrid it give me
for (ListGridField field : listGrid.getFields()) {
System.out.println("'" + field.getName() + "'");
A list of column name then a column whose name is "$54h"... I think it is the name for the delete button column.
But it seems that this code :
for (ListGridField field : listGrid.getFields()) {
does not produce what I want : means my delete-button column is not 60px width.
Does anyone understand why ?

To solve this problem use
ListGridField removeFieldProperties = new ListGridField("View-delete", "Delete this record", 40);


resize listbox in PySimpleGui based on length of list

I'm trying to update the Listbox in PySimpleGUI to resize based on length of list but the update(size=len(mylist) says that size is not an allowed argument. Any work around to this?
I've seen some people try to make the window/layout into a function but I'm not sure if that's the right approach.
Thanks in advance.
Basically, the height or the width of a Listbox element should not be revised after initialized, or the size of window will be also changed and maybe out of screen.
There's no option provided to change the height or the width of the Listbox element in PySimpleGUI, but you can do it by tkinter code, element.Widget.configure(height=height, width=width).
Example Code
import PySimpleGUI as sg
name_list = sorted(['James', 'Robert', 'John', 'Michael', 'David', 'William', 'Richard', 'Joseph', 'Thomas', 'Charles'])
layout = [
[sg.Input('', key='Name'), sg.Button('Add')],
[sg.Listbox(name_list, size=(20, len(name_list)), expand_x=True, key='Names')],
window = sg.Window('Title', layout, finalize=True)
window['Name'].bind('<Return>', ' Return')
while True:
event, values =
if event == sg.WINDOW_CLOSED:
elif event in ('Add', 'Name Return'):
name = values['Name']
if name and name not in name_list:
name_list = sorted(name_list+[name])

Webix add tooltip to specific elements in treetable

This example, Click Here has column votes with set of number value. And I want add tooltips for elements which has more than 400 votes. How to achieve this?
You need add tooltip property in treetable configuration:
tooltip: (obj, common) => {
return (obj.votes > 400 && === "votes") ?
"Your text here" : ""
Demo snippet is here:
In this example tooltip shown only on votes column.

Handsontable Password Renderer

I tried to apply PasswordRenderer to a specific row and column based on the value of that row.
So my custom renderer looked like this -
function firstRowRenderer(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
Handsontable.renderers.PasswordRenderer.apply(this, arguments); }
However the problem I face is, while editing the cells, the field is no longer masked. Here is an example -
If you try and edit the first row of that table, the values are not masked. Any ideas?
This "unmasking" of the field is what the PasswordRenderer is essentially all about. If you want to not be able to see the original values at all you have at least two options:
1.Convert the header row's values beforehand:
function renderAsPassword(password) {
return new Array(password.length + 1).join('*');
alert(['', 'Kia', 'Nissan', 'Toyota', 'Honda'].map(renderAsPassword));
2.Create a custom editor, extending the built-in PasswordEditor:
var PasswordEditor = Handsontable.editors.PasswordEditor.prototype.extend();
PasswordEditor.prototype.getValue = function() {
return renderAsPassword(this.TEXTAREA.value);
PasswordEditor.prototype.setValue = function(newValue){
this.TEXTAREA.value = renderAsPassword(newValue);

ui-grid - How to pin a ROW to the top

I'm using the angularjs ui-grid and I have a "total" row that I want to pin to the top of the grid no matter what is the current sorting.
How can I accomplish that?
I think this is what you are looking for : Row Pinning
Essentially add another hidden column, something like this:
field: 'pinned',
visible: false,
sort: {direction: uiGridConstants.ASC, priority: 0}, //use uiGridConstants.DESC for pinning to the bottom
suppressRemoveSort: true,
sortDirectionCycle: [uiGridConstants.ASC] //use uiGridConstants.DESC for pinning to the bottom
Row entities which have pinned = true rise to the top, even when other sorting are applied.
DISCLAIMER: I know it's not exactly answers the question, but this is how I solved it for now until I'll have a better solution:
Create an other grid above the main grid :
<div style="height:30px" ui-grid="totalGridOptions"></div>
<div ui-grid="gridOptions" class="grid"></div>
with definitions:
$scope.totalGridOptions = {showHeader:false,enableHorizontalScrollbar:false};
and then bind the columns of the main grid to the total grid (for width and other adjustments):
$scope.$watch('gridOptions', function (newVal) {
$scope.totalGridOptions.columnDefs = newVal.columnDefs;
}, true);
I think you should use something like this
unshift adds it to the top
Edit 2 / Actual Solution: The way I finally settled this issue was by using custom header cell templates. I essentially create a second header row by adding a div at the bottom of what was previously my header. Here's a simple version:
<div class="super-special-header>
<div class="header-display-name">{{col.displayName}}</div>
<div class="totals-row">{{grid.appScope.totals[col.field]}}</div>
I store my totals on the controller's $scope and can access them in that div with grid.appScope.totals[whateverThisColumnIs]. This way I can still update them dynamically, but they don't get mixed into a sort function like my previous 'solution' was aiming for.
Edit 1 / Dead-end 'solution': Just ran into a problem with my solution, if your table is long (you have to scroll to get to bottom rows), the totals row will scroll out of view. Going to leave this 'solution' here so no one else makes the same mistake!
I had this same issue but with a twist. Since I was going to need to change the default sorting algorithms for many of the columns anyway, I set my algorithm up to skip the first element in the sort. You can use the sortingAlgorithm property on any columndef that would be part of a sortable column. This is really only a solution if you have only a few sortable columns though. It becomes unmaintainable for huge tables.
I couldn't find any built-in feature for ui-grid to keep a specific row at the top of the grid when sorting is applied. But this could be done using sortingAlgorithm parameter in the columnDefs( please refer to!/tutorial/Tutorial:%20102%20Sorting).
I have written an algorithm which keeps the row('total' is the particular cell value in the row) at the top of the grid without applying a sorting.
var sortingAlgorithm = function (a, b, rowA, rowB, direction) {
if (direction == 'total') {
if (a == 'total') {
return 0;
return (a < b) ? -1 : 1;
} else {
if (a == 'total') {
return 0;
if (b == 'total') {
return 1;

How to add a click Listener to a table's cell in vaadin?

I created a multiselectable table in vaadin, but I can't select only a cell in this table when I click it selects all row.
Is there any way of selecting only a cell of a row ?
The title of the question doesn't reflect the actual question inside
Is there any way of selecting only a cell of a row ?
No. The whole point of a Vaadin table is to reflect rows of data in a tabular form. Setting a table to selectable keeps track of the itemIds of the selected rows with the table
You might be able to simulate selecting cells by using a ColumnGenerator in the table, and adding a listener to the generated component. Removing the listener may be tricky, however.
Alternatively, you may wish to simply generate components in a GridLayout and keep track of the selected cells yourself.
Ultimately, the approach here really depends upon exacly what you are trying to achieve.
It depends on what you're trying to accomplish. (Your question title and your question details are addressing two different questions.) If you're wondering whether or not you can target a specific cell and add a click listener to it, then yes, of course you can:
//initial layout setup
final VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
//Create a table and add a style to allow setting the row height in theme.
final Table table = new Table();
//Define the names and data types of columns.
//The "default value" parameter is meaningless here.
table.addContainerProperty("Sum", Label.class, null);
table.addContainerProperty("Is Transferred", CheckBox.class, null);
table.addContainerProperty("Comments", TextField.class, null);
table.addContainerProperty("Details", Button.class, null);
//Add a few items in the table.
for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
// Create the fields for the current table row
Label sumField = new Label(String.format(
"Sum is <b>$%04.2f</b><br/><i>(VAT incl.)</i>",
new Object[] {new Double(Math.random()*1000)}),
CheckBox transferredField = new CheckBox("is transferred");
//Multiline text field. This required modifying the
//height of the table row.
TextField commentsField = new TextField();
//The Table item identifier for the row.
Integer itemId = new Integer(i);
//Create a button and handle its click. A Button does not
//know the item it is contained in, so we have to store the
//item ID as user-defined data.
Button detailsField = new Button("show details");
detailsField.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() {
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
// Get the item identifier from the user-defined data.
Integer iid = (Integer)event.getButton().getData();"Link " +
iid.intValue() + " clicked.");
//Create the table row.
table.addItem(new Object[] {sumField, transferredField,
commentsField, detailsField},
//Show just three rows because they are so high.
It might be beneficial to examine the documentation.
