navigation bar gets under the status bar in 4" screens - ios

I embedded a navigation controller in a tab bar controller, the problem is that the navigation bar (with the blue color) get under the status bar. So the status bar appear transparent because it shows what is under. Here is a screenshot:
I tried to modify the status bar directly in Attributes Inspector to black and Translucent black, also disabled autolayout although i know it has nothing to do with such issue. Anyway, nothing is fixed. I used to work with that in iOS5, but since iOS6 and the new 4" storyboard screen, i got this issue.

There is a misunderstanding here. The navigation bar is not "under" the status bar. This is iOS 6's new color-adopting status bar. You can read more here.
If you do not like this behavior, your only option is to make the status bar black. Take a look at the project properties page.


Why is there a white area where my iOS Status Bar is supposed to be

I created a new view controller and connected it up in an existing storyboard. I can see the status bar on all the preceding screens, but not on this one. There is just a white bar where it should be. I'm not doing anything to hide the status bar!
I have no idea why, but the base view of my view controller was not transparent. When I made the background color of the base view of the view controller transparent, I could see my status bar again.

How to set the status bar to look like the system message app in iOS?

First, look at the picture below.
The middle is the message app, the left and right are my apps.
As you can see, in the message app, the status bar and top bar are both grey.
In the left one, the top bar is not translucent. The status bar and the top bar are all white.
In the right one, the top bar is translucent, which is the default style. The top bar is grey, but the status bar is white.
My question is, how to set the status bar to grey? As I can see in the target info part, the status bar style is already 'grey style(default). But it runs in white in my iPhone 5 iOS 7.1.1.
It turns out that #Panayot Panayotov is right. In Navigation controller, everything is fine.
I have compared the Navigation controller and Navigation bar alone. It turns out that in Navigation controller, the Navigation bar's x, y, width and height is 0, 0, 0, 0, which means it is right behind the status bar and also with a autolayout size. Since the status bar is translucent in iOS7, the color of the status bar and navigation bar are the same.
If you use Navigation bar alone, it has a fixed height 44, which can not be changed. That height can't cover the status bar and navigation bar items together. So they colors are different.
Finally the answer is to use navigation controller, not using navigation bar alone.

iOS 7 Translucent Tab Bar and Nav Bar

I am having an issue with the translucent UINavigationBar and UITabBar in iOS 7, whereby if I only have the UINavigationBar translucent it works as I would expect it to, however as soon as set the UITabBar to translucent I get a strange effect happening in one out the four tabs in the app. Let my explain with some images:
This image shows the interface where only the nav bar is set to translucent:
With this image showing the result of the user scrolling the content up and under the nav bar:
Now, this is how I would expect it to look, and when the user scrolls the content back from under the nav bar it looks as it did before. However if I also set the UINavigationBar to translucent, and scroll the content to under the nav bar, the result is different to the second image:
Event the tab bar doesn't look right to me. This next image shows that the look of the nav bar if now different to what it was before, when the content is scrolled back from underneath it:
Again, I also don't thing that the look of the tab bar is correct, as the next image shows a different tab with content underneath it, with only a subtle change to the look of the tab bar:
Has anyone else had similar issues to this? (This is all set up in a storyboard)
Well, this was an annoying one. I added a fifth tab which had a MKMapView in it. On running the app and selecting the fifth tab, the tint colour from the nav and tab bars was removed, so I did a search and came across MKMapView affecting UINavigationBar and UITabBar
The test device I was using had iOS 7.0.2 on it, which falls in line with the bug mentioned; so have therefore updated it to the 7.1, and low and behold everything looks as it should.

How do you make the status bar appear iOS

This is getting very frustrating for me because I can't get the status bar to appear in my app. Everything related as far as UI is done on storyboard. when i set my status bar:inferred, top bar: inferred in my navigation controller, the status bar shows up fine. However, I do not want the top bar to appear as it interferes with my layout, so I set the top bar to none, which results in no top bar or status bar.
How can I just make the status visible without affecting my layout? (auto-layout is enabled)
So I did more googling and research, turns out I just had to add View controller-based status bar appearance as the key and the value as NO in the .plist file

How to increase the height of the navigation bar and change the vertical position of the title using xcode 5 (iOS7)?

I developed a simple app for iOS6 and now I'm to updating its appearence for iOS7. One of the first changes I would like to do concerns the navigation bar.
I'm using the standard navigation bar UI component that comes with xcode. While in iOS6 the navigation bar was clearly placed under the status bar (i.e. battery, carrier and hour), in iOS7 the navigation bar blends with the status bar.
My question is: how can I increase the height of the navigation bar and place the title vertically a little lower than the default position?
Currently I have this:
And the title is too close to the time. I would like to achieve this (standard Photos app that comes with iOS7):
here the title of the bar is lower and the bar is larger (or is just shifted down).
It have been trying to modify the height of the navigation bar through the size inspector but with no success.
It's probaly a very easy issue to solve, however I'm still new to xcode development and I can't figure it out.
Stick the view controller in a Navigation Controller, that should immediately solve the problem
