Mallet Trained Model Load - machine-learning

Has anyone had any luck with loading a previously trained Model? Looking through its API, the CRFWriter class is 1/2 of the puzzle, but how exactly do you CRFRead(class doesn't exist)
Thanks for the help.

Depending on the trainer that you used, you should be able to cast the object to a CRF or ACRF. I just posted a question that might help you too: How do I load and use a CRF trained with Mallet?


adding classif.imbalanced.rfsrc in mlr3

First of all, many thanks to the guys #mlr3!
The package randomForestSRC in R has a new function called imbalanced.rfsrc to help deal with class imbalance in classification. Will this learner be accessible in mlr3? imbalanced.rfsrc seems to work very well and also seems to implement state of the art approaches to dealing with class imbalance.
Thank you
If you open a learner request issue in mlr3extralearners and fill in the details then we'd be happy to consider adding this implementation!

What is best GAN model training cifar10 in current time?

I want to know best GAN model for training cifar10.
I searched lots of models like DCGAN, WGAN, CGAN, SSGAN, SNGAN but it seems like I want better one.
Could you tell me what is best based on your experience or FID, IS score.
Thank you.
Here is the full leaderboard of GAN for CIFAR10(link). It is tested by Inception Score.
The current best method(or state of the art) is NCSN(paper :link, code: link).

How to create incremental NER training model(Appending in existing model)?

I am training customized Named Entity Recognition(NER) model using stanford NLP but the thing is i want to re-train the model.
Example :
Suppose i trained xyz model , then i will test it on some text if model detected somethings wrong then i (end user) will correct it and wanna re-train(append mode) the model on the corrected text.
Stanford Doesn't provide re-training facility so thats why i shifted towards spacy library of python , where i can retrain the model means , i can append new entities into the existing model.But after re-training the model using spacy , it overriding the existing knowledge(means existing training data in it) and just showing the result related to recent training.
Consider , i trained a model on TECHNOLOGY tag using 1000 records.after that lets say i have added one more entity BOOK_NAME to existing trained model.after this if i test model then spacy model just detecting BOOK_NAME from text.
Please give a suggestion to tackle my problem statement.
Thanks in Advance...!
I think it is a bit late to address this here. The issue you are facing is what is also called 'Catastrophic Forgetting problem'. You can get over it by sending in examples for existing examples. Like Spacy can predict well on well formed text like BBC corpus. You can choose such corpus, predict using pretrained model of spacy and create training examples. Mix these examples with your new examples and then train. You should now get better results. It was mentioned already in the spacy issues.

Best way to pre-tag a dataset of words to be used to train a MITIE entity extractor on?

I want to use the MITIE NER trainer to build an entity extractor. However is there a more efficient way to tag the training data rather than hard coding the location of each one?
Thanks in advance :)

Is it possible to retrain googles inception model with one class?

I would like to train this beautiful model to recognize only one type of images. To be clear at the end having the model capable of telling if the new image is part of that class or no. Thank you very much for your help.
You should keep in mind is that when you want to recognize a "dog" for example you need to know what is NOT a "dog" as well. So your classification problem is a two class problem and not one class. Your two classes will be "My Type" and "Not My Type".
About retraining your model, yes it is possible. I guess you use a model pretrained on Imagenet Dataset. There is two cases : If the classification problem is close (for example if your "type" is a class from Imagenet) you can just replace your last layer (replace Fully connected 1x1000 by FC 1x2) and retrain on this layer. If the problem is not the same you may want to retrain more layers.
It also depends on the number of Samples you have for your retrain.
I hope it helps or clarifies your question.
Is it possible to retrain googles inception model with one class?
Yes. Just remove the last layer, add a new layer with one (or two) nodes and train it on your new problem. This way you keep general features learned on the (probably bigger) image net dataset.
