I'm creating a component that will make access to other applications and fill informations to them. Usually call up forms of other applications and will automate the filling informations in fields. The class of filling is ready. I did all access through the windows Handles. It's working perfectly.
What do I need to do now is access the main menu of this other application and browse in menu items. With this, Its possible access any form in application.
I did several tests but without success. Could anyone give a hint?
Thankful now.
Goodevening everyone,
I've a question about a functionality i want to add on my Delphi MDI Application.
Often my users keep more than one forms open at the same time and these forms are almost always maximized. I need something like a the Alt+Tab that with a keyboard shortcut let the user scroll the already-open forms with a simple preview that helps to choose the right form.
The best option that i can imagine, is something that let me include every open forms into the "windows alt+tab" user interface and manage all the necessary windows messages on the main form of my MDI Application to bring to front the right forms.
Recently Firefox add something like that and i need to include the same thing my Application.
I've searched this thing on the web but i haven't found anything.
Any idea of how to do it?
I am trying to make my job easier by creating simple AHK scrips to auto-fill certain forms online.
Im not really good at explaining, but hopefully someone will understand what Im saying. The problem is that this website has certain textboxes with dropdown auto-suggestions turned on, and it has a delay when selecting those textboxes. I assume when selecting textbox it is pulling data from some database which is causing delay. Now my question is. Is it possible to turn off dropdown menu on websites or even in entire browser if necessary? I really want to my script to tab-in, wright down whats needed, tab-out without delay.
Autocomplete dropdown lists are just JS scripts. So there is no way, I think, to disable them by clicking checkbox in browser settings.
First, try to disable JS completely.
Also, if only few sites are involved, you could try to find out what JS libraries are used and disable them in browser JS console.
Are you planning to do this via keypresses or via COM?
I imagine that via keypresses you could not avoid focusing the elements and triggering the information lookup.
AutoHotkey can interact with webpages on Internet Explorer using COM (Component Object Model).
COM can launch/latch onto an IE instance, detect if the page is loading/has loaded, navigate to a particular url, and set the text of web elements,
quite possibly without triggering the drop-down lists. I haven't tested if COM can disable elements, it's possible.
Also, Acc.ahk may be able to set the text of elements.
I am working on a POC (proof of concept) where I am evaluating Orbeon form builder/runner. I am using community edition, just in case, I will need to change the code, else the Professional Edition would do for POC.
I am integrating FormRunner with my web application running on different web server, which will call the FormRunner URL with some custom query parameters.
I want to remove the Summary, PDF and Review buttons from FormRunner and simply want the save button to function as submit button, so as clicking on it will submit the POST data to my custom Java code which will talk back to my web application, likely through REST API. The submit button then should redirect me to another page saying 'Your data has been submitted'.
I find it difficult to understand the area where I can change the code for expected behavior. Could you provide me some pointers in this regards please?
Thanks and Regards,
You shouldn't have to change the code for this, but instead use the oxf.fr.detail.buttons.*.* property to define which buttons are shown. Based on your description, you only need the workflow-send button, which, amongst other things can POST the form data to a service you specify.
I have an application that allows a user to open multiple windows/modules. Each module has it's own popup menu, some of these are create at runtime when a form is created, some design time and I have a lot of them in each module, some are used when I right click a form, some are used in toolbutton.
The problem I have is that I have a lot of windows opened, when I right click to access the popup menu, the generated menu goes haywire, I mean, it's not showing the correct labels. Sometimes it'll show all "Save as.." or any other label I need to display. I guess the easiest way to explain this is by showing you a screenshot of the menu
Is this a GDI/User Objects problem? If so, how do I resolve this? I tried increasing my GDI and Uses object limits as a test but still getting this problem. The problem will be resolve if I close one or two windows; however, I cannot ask my users to limit the number of windows opened in the application. A check with windows task manager shows that my application is using 4,312 User Objects and 5,570 GDI objects with 437 Handles at the time this problem is occuring.
I have a web part which shows data in one of 3 different formats. The format is selected by clicking one of 3 buttons in the web part. This works fine.
A request has come through to store the last selected state so that the user does not always have to click their favourite view.
It seemed logical to define a Property and define Personalizable(PersonalizationScope.User) but this does not seem to work for most users as they only have Read rights for the page.
What is the best way forward here? Is Sharepoint the right place to store such info or should I be using my own storage?
Using your own storage is an option but this means its some more development work for you. How about this option.
Modify your WebPart and add the option to the Web Part property.
Create a new permission level and add the following permission
Update Personal Web Parts - Update
Web Parts to display personalized
This will make sure that users with read only access can only update webparts.
Step 2 will allow them to odify all webparts. You can modify each webpart and remove the following option for webparts which you dont want you users to edit.
Allow Editing in Personal View [Advanced]
This way you can lock all webparts except the one you want.