Trying to debug a web site on iPad, but the device doesn't appear under Develop menu in Safari on my Mac - ipad

According to iOS Developer Library Debugging guide it should be possible to debug a web site in Mobile Safari (on iOS 6) remotely from desktop Safari, through a usual USB connection. But after completing described steps (I turn on Web Inspector on iPad, connect it via USB to my Mac, switch on Develop menu form the preferences) I still do not see any device item under Develop menu in desktop Safari. Is there any other crucial requirement for this to work? Minimal Mac OS X version maybe? I have 10.6.8.

It turns out that support for remote debugging was added only in Safari 6, which, for some unexplainable reason is not available for Snow Leopard, only for Lion (in limited version) and up. So I bought an upgrade to Mountain Lion and it simply works now.

Apple wants to force the developers to upgrade to the recent OSX (which is bundled with the recent Developer Tools).
But there is an working way for debugging iOS6+ Safari for developers using OSX 10.6.8 / Windows / whatever:
It works just fine like the official way. Maybe Apple took this project for their debugging (just a guess).

In the preferences for Safari on iOS, there is an option under advanced that allows the toggling of 'Web Inspector', which turns on and off this feature (at least this is on iOS 6, I don't have older devices to check this on).
There is also a limitation that:
Important: You can only inspect apps on devices that have been transferred to your device from Xcode. You cannot inspect apps that have been downloaded from the App Store, even if it is your app.
So I expect that developer apps are the only other ones that you can manipulate in this manner.


Xamarin VS Windows - IPhone does not show up

I'm using Visual Studio for Windows and I have a Xamarin Forms app for Android and iOS. I mostly test physically on Android (since that is much easier) and I have tested on an IPhone as well about a year ago, which worked fine (without a mac). Now I plugged it in again and it doesn't work anymore: the IPhone does not show up in the debugging list.
I have:
Apple Developer account and I'm connected with this account from Visual Studio
Identifier for Bundle
Profile (created by VS itself, with Type 'Development')
What am I missing here? I haven't added the provisioning profile in my solution, is that something that needs to be done? Am I missing another step?
I hope someone can help.
For the exact breakdown on how to setup and get started with your iOS solution, follow Microsoft's Xamarin iOS on Windows guide.
The tl;dr though is: you absolutely need a Mac to run a Xamarin iOS project, even on windows. I do not know how you had your project setup last time, however this has been the case since Xamarin's debut. Although, you could also just have access to a Mac through network connection instead of having a physical Mac. Without a physical device, you can use the Mac's ios simulator. If you are planning on using a physical iphone though, said device needs to be plugged into the Mac and not the windows machine. Later MacOS do support wireless connections of trusted devices, but it is still a wireless connection from the iphone to the mac (needing to be on the same network).

Test website on iphone from linux

I have a website and client says it is not working on his iPhone6 browser. Tested layout with chrome dev tools, but most likely problem is not in layout, but some js error occurred.
I have a linux desktop and android device. Is there any way to install/emulate iOS anywhere?
Ok, this is impossible without device or laptop with iOS. I'll try to install it on vmware or virtualbox.
One more way to see the error - setup sentry to log js errors and ask client to test it again
iOS could be emulated only through Xcode on Mac OS.
Even though, you always can emulate Mac OS ;)
I had the same problem. This website saved me:
The emulator that you see on the front page only works for 60 seconds but if you sign up (and don't choose a paid subscription) you can still test it for free in an emulator that can run for longer time. There you can also choose phone type, iOS version etc...

Enable iPhone (with iOS7) debug console from Windows

I'm trying to debug my website, but Apple are douches. What do I do to enable the debug console if I don't have a Mac?
I installed Safari and the latest iTunes, but my iPhone doesn't show up in Safari developer thing.
You can try option of using Telerik AppBuilder (Windows client) as a replacement on Windows for Safari debugger on Mac when remote debugging. There's a nice blog post about the steps to do it in link below. I'd rather not repost the info as there are also screenshots and it's a lot of text. But essentially, you install app, open it, connect device via USB, then you can find it in the app and open up the developer tools/debugger for it. For non-public websites, you'll have to open up port 80 with some firewall configs documented in the post.
The tool requires a license or you can use the trial, which becomes a basic edition afterwards. I think the basic edition will still allow you to do the debugging. I'm going to try it out myself.
You can also try these iOS apps too, you can find them in the iTunes App store. They give you a built in developer tools feature (right on iOS no remote debug) that mobile Safari doesn't offer.
MIH Tool - basic edition
HTTPWatch Basic
I gave them a try and they're at least better than the mobile Safari you get on iOS, unless one needs to target full mobile Safari compatibility. I'm guessing the pro/paid editions of those apps give you more/better features.
iOS Debugging with Safari is a featuere of the new Safari. As Safari for Windows is a outdated Version of Safari, debugging is not Implemented.
So debugging with Safari is only possible on a mac!
min requirements are: OS X 10.8 iOS 6
More Infos:
Safari Remote Debugging on Windows
Since that Question was asked i found another neat way to debug stuff on a not accessible Platform:
It works like this:
You add the weinre.js to your project
You set up weinre on your main platform (pc)
Starting your project results in sending the Debug Information from your project to your Platform
It's not that easy to run and understand, but once it works its pretty nice.
Did you set up your phone to allow remote webview inspection?
As an alternative to Weinre, you can try Vanamco's Ghostlab as well, it supports JS console and parallel testing on multiple device.

How to check iPad Compatibility in Safari browser (without iPad)?

I need to know my web application is work in iPad, but I don't have iPad with me, so someone told that, we can check this compatibility in Safari browser, but how?
I am using Windows 7 64 bit system installed latest version of Safari browser.
Use iOS simulator which is built into xcode.
Xcode may already be installed on a OSX system or you can either download from appstore or apple Dev site
You can go to for more information about this tool.
Set the user agent to iPad Safari. This should work.
Note, this is only a representation...

Run JQuery Mobile App in iPhone

I have a JQuery Mobile app. I'm curious how it looks/runs within an iPhone. I do not have an iPhone. I also, do not have a MAC. Are there any downloadable tools that I can use on a Windows 7 machine to see how the app looks within iPhone?
Thank you!
If you just need to see how your JQM app looks on iPhone you can try
You can also might be interested in much more advanced web based tool BrowserStack.
And finally if you need more than that (for example attach to iOS Safari instance to debug your mobile app code) than you need real or virtualized OSX and xCode iOS Simulator.
You can't do that in the Windows environment.
But you can use your computer to create a hackinntosh. A hackintosh is simply any non-Apple hardware that has been made—or "hacked"—to run Mac OS X. This could apply to any hardware, whether it's a manufacturer-made or personally-built computer.
Than you can use it to test an iPhone jQM app in the XCode iPhone emulator. Only downside of this method is that you can not use it to deploy final all into Apple app store.
Here's a short tutorial on what is a hackintosh and how you can deploy it on your computer:
And here's an youtube "how to" video:
