Deploy Neo4j on Rails - ruby-on-rails

I've been developing my rails application using the gem neo4j.
When I run the server it executes an embedded neo4j server.
In production, is it ok to use this embedded server?
How can I can connect my rails application with with the standalone neo4j server?

It seems like you can use the gem neography to achieve this. Just set it up with the ip of your standalone server and you should be good to go.


How to deploy a Ruby on Rails app to AWS-EC2 Ubuntu Linux using Apache 2?

We want to configure Apache to work with a Rails app. We want Apache to do load control. We cannot get them to work together. We are using MySQL for the database. If we could please have some type of instruction or tutorial to follow to be able to deploy our application in AWS-EC2, it will be greatly appreciated.
We have a domain and we want to have multiple Rails app running in the same domain. Each rails app seems to want to run in a different port. We do not want to expose port 80/443. Apache is managing the inbound request. My attempts to use the host file has not been successful.

Using a Rails JSON API as a backend for desktop app

My company is wanting to use a Rails JSON API app as a backend for a desktop app. The Rails JSON API would use a Postgresql database.
However, some customers self host their data, meaning they have a postgresql server installed on a computer the desktop app uses. Because of these users, we would have to deploy this Rails app and customers would have to run the Rails API server on their machines, including Windows machines. Is this a good idea or even possible?
If your customers are running the db themselves, you probably don't need an api, right?
Otoh, there are tools like portable ruby by the phusion team that let you pacakge up a Ruby app. You can also build the app via JRuby as a jar or war and deploy that in any env with Java

AngularJS frontend and Rails backend with AWS in Ubuntu

I would like to discuss about AngularJS and Ruby on Rails working together and deployed in AWS (Amazon Web Services).
So far, I have a development environment with an AngularJS frontend that sends request to a Ruby on Rails API backend. These both are two separate applications (they are in separated git repositories).
The AngularJS app is running in a Node.js server listening on one port, and Rails is running in a Webrick server listening on another port.
Although they work together, AngularJS is not physically integrated in the RoR app.
Now its time to deploy in production environment. For that, I will use an EC2 AWS instance (currently deploying using Elastic Beanstalk). As far as I understand, I can't have the same architecture here.
I would like to know your suggestions this point. Do you see any advantages or disadvantages?
Should I update my development environment, so the AngularJS app is integrated inside the RoR application (and deploy just one application)?
This is something I don't like, because I guess I have to modify many things.
On the other hand, is it possible to run both applications separately, the same way I do in development?
Can I install a node.js and a Unicorn or whichever server manually in production in the same instance?
I finally deployed with two separated applications as described above. The main difference is around the servers. My AngularJS frontend finally runs on an Nginx. And my Rails API is running on a Unicorn.

How to start rails server like windows service

I've just finished to write a rails app, and now is(unfortunately) time to deply this app on Windows.
I'm running:
Windows server 2008
Ruby 1.9.3
Rails 3.2.9
Now my web server is Thin, and i want to start it (or something else if it is easier) like a windows service.
I followed 3 or 4 tutorial but it never works and the deadline of the project is everyday nearest.
Hope someone can help me.
You could deploy use capistrano
Or using 3rd party extensions capistrano deploy rails apps to Windows servers :

Deploying Apache Solr

I've been experimenting with Apache SOLR and I'm ready to integrate it with a rails application. However, I'd like to make sure I know how to deploy solr. I currently have the rails application deployed using passenger+nginx. Is it possible to deploy SOLR using nginx as well? If so, how would I do that? Otherwise, what is the preferred method of deployment? Thanks!
Solr needs to run in a Java EE application server. You can use Jetty or Tomcat. Nginx will act as a proxy via AJP or something simliar to forward all RESTless request to Solr. I haven't used my ajp with nginx but I have read about this. Essentially you will have a Java EE application server, Rails server, nginx, passenger and ajp proxy running all at the same time.
You can also setup a proxy pass and there is a tutorial here. Explore different options to see which one is bet for you.
