Custom F# compiler string checks - f#

Is it possible to "extend" the F# compiler to do custom compile-time string checks? I'm thinking of something similar to the checks on StringFormat strings when using sprintf etc. When I say "extend", I don't mean build a custom version of the compiler, I mean use existing supported techniques.
Off the top of my head, you might have a RegexFormat type. You provide the regex and the compiler would do the static analysis using the regex. E.g.
//Setup RegexFormat with IP address regex and type abbreviation IpRegexFormat?
//Compile error. ipAddress expects IpRegexFormat!
let ip = ipAddress "192.168.banana.1"
If not, maybe this is a type provider for me :) - If the whole thing is a terrible idea, let me know!

We have a Regex type provider in Fsharpx.
Here are some samples:
type PhoneRegex = Regex< #"(?<AreaCode>^\d{3})-(?<PhoneNumber>\d{3}-\d{4}$)">
let ``Can call typed IsMatch function``() =
PhoneRegex.IsMatch "425-123-2345"
|> should equal true
let ``Can call typed CompleteMatch function``() =
|> should equal "425-123-2345"
let ``Can return AreaCode in simple phone number``() =
|> should equal "425"
let ``Can return PhoneNumber property in simple phone number``() =
|> should equal "123-2345"
It's not exactly what you are looking for, but I guess you could easily take this type provider and customize it with your static literal rules.

I think here the real answer is to use a DU -
type ip =
|IP of byte * byte * byte * byte
member x.ToString() =
match x with
|IP(a,b,c,d) -> sprintf "%i.%i.%i.%i"
Then the compile time check is just
let actualip = IP(1uy,1uy,1uy,1uy).ToString()

The easiest solution is to do what the BCL have done with Uri, Guid, etc and create a type that parses a string input.
I think modifying the compiler, while interesting, is overkill (a "terrible idea," as you say).
A similar question has been asked before.


Wrapping sprintf to not throw errors at compile time but at runtime?

Let's say I wanted to have an alias of sprintf, I would simply do this:
namespace FSharp
module Core =
let specialsprintf x y =
sprintf x y
This would bring me the same compilation-time advantages (compared to its C# cousin API System.String.Format) of sprintf such as type-checking, checking number of parameters passed is correct, etc.
However, let's say I wanted to disable this compilation-time niceties and write a simple version of sprintf by calling String.Format underneath. Could this be possible? I know the goal sounds stupid but I want to do this mental exercise to make sure I understand how F# typing works here. If I do this (supposing we only can pass one parameter):
namespace FSharp
module Core =
let specialsprintf x y =
sprintf x y
let x = x.Replace("%s", "{0}")
It doesn't even compile, the error is:
~/FSharpPlayground.fs(17,17): Error FS0072: Lookup on object of indeterminate type based on information prior to this program point. A type annotation may be needed prior to this program point to constrain the type of the object. This may allow the lookup to be resolved. (FS0072) (FSharpPlayground)
Mmmm why?
Ok, if I specify the type like this:
namespace FSharp
module Core =
let specialsprintf
(x: string)
y =
sprintf x y
let x = x.Replace("%s", "{0}")
Then I end up with a compilation error in the caller:
~/FSharpPlaygroundUse.fs(48,48): Error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type 'obj []' but here has type 'string' (FS0001)
I guess I need now to qualify the type of y now, but not sure how to do it in case I wanted to extend it to be able to use 2 arguments instead of just 1 (I don't manage to make it work with the ParamArray attribute). Something tells me that I probably also need an uncurry function but I'm a bit lost :-/
I'm assuming that what you want is something like sprintf but variadic, and without type checking the format.
There's no 'uncurrying' or variable argument functions for F#, unfortunately.
That being said, there's the option of using a parameter array. ParamArray is only valid on class members not bindings, so we can settle for a static member which is similar in scope to a let fn () =.
type SpecialPrint =
static member sprintf (format, [<ParamArray>] args) =
let index = ref -1
let stringFormat = Regex.Replace(format, "%[a-z]", (fun _ -> sprintf "{%d}" (Interlocked.Increment index)))
String.Format(stringFormat, args)
let result = SpecialPrint.sprintf ("Hello %s%s", "World", "!") //Hello World!

Why is passing a ref type into a F# function expecting a byref a type error?

let a = ref 0
let f (x: byref<int>) = x
f a // type error
System.Int32.TryParse("123",a) // works
f a being a type error is puzzling to me since a can be passed into .NET library methods with a byref<int> type. Why?
Edit: I think I really explained the question poorly. The type of System.Int32.TryParse is string * byref<int> -> bool and yet it works. So why can't I pass a into a function of type x:byref<int> -> int? That is all I am asking.
This feature is described in section 8.13.7 of the F# spec. The ability to use a ref when a byref is expected is enabled by a "type-directed conversion", but these are applied only on member invocations, not on regular function applications.
The only thing I am seeing wrong with that code is the Type Annotation is incorrect, try :int ref instead of byref<int>
Full code:
let a = ref 0
let f (x: int ref) = x
f a // type error
System.Int32.TryParse("123",a) // works
Sorry, I misunderstood your question. So this one is a bit vague on F#'s part, I do think F# needs to improve it's error messages a bit. What is happening is since C# did not originally have tuples, they needed out parameters in order to return multiple values. So when you see a signature like byref<int>, that is .NET's way of telling you that is the signature of an out parameter, out parameters are for C# only. More reading here.

nested runtime coercion for a Nullable double

Let's say I have a value defined as a sort of commission formula
let address_commission = 1.0 // minimal simplified example
and I want to apply the above said commission to an amount I'm reading from the DB (the code is from a window WCF service I have in production)
let address_commission = 1.0 // minimal simplified example
new Model.ClaimModel(
//RequestRow = i, recounting
Code = (row.["claim_code"] :?> string),
EvtDate = (row.["event_date"] :?> DateTime),
// skipping lines...
Amount = (row.["amount"] :?> double) * address_commission,
now I see that the amount line compiles fine, but I also need to include the same commission in the following
PrevAmount = (if row.IsNull("prev_amount") then Nullable() else (row.["prev_amount"] :?> Nullable<double>)),
which is wrong since The type 'float' does not match the type 'obj'
Therefore I've tried also
PrevAmount = (if row.IsNull("prev_amount") then Nullable() else (((row.["prev_amount"] :?> double) * address_commission) :?> Nullable<double>)),
but it also fails with The type 'double' does not have any proper subtypes and cannot be used as the source of a type test or runtime coercion.
What is the correct way to handle this?
:?> is a dynamic cast and it's only checked at run-time so better try to avoid it. If you are accessing databases it helps to open the open FSharp.Linq.NullableOperators namespace. (The link is gone for me but it's somewhere on docs or msdn). Then you can use ?*? and similar operators. For example:
let x = System.Nullable<float> 4.
let y = x ?* 3.0
//val y : System.Nullable<float> = 12.0
You can have ? on either or both sides.
You will get back a Nullable float which you can coerce to an option with
Option.ofNullable(y) or to a double float y.
I'm going to use only one type coercion and wrap it within a Nullable(...)
PrevAmount = (if row.IsNull("prev_amount") then Nullable() else Nullable((row.["prev_amount"] :?> double) * address_commission)),
It compiles and looks ok to me, but I'm still open to different answers if they are more correct than mine

F# Deedle accessing a row

this is a basic question but i could not find the simple answer reading the tutorial
suppose i have this simple frame
type Person =
{ Name:string; Age:int; Countries:string list; }
let peopleRecds =
[ { Name = "Joe"; Age = 51; Countries = [ "UK"; "US"; "UK"] }
{ Name = "Tomas"; Age = 28; Countries = [ "CZ"; "UK"; "US"; "CZ" ] }
{ Name = "Eve"; Age = 2; Countries = [ "FR" ] }
{ Name = "Suzanne"; Age = 15; Countries = [ "US" ] } ]
// Turn the list of records into data frame
let peopleList = Frame.ofRecords peopleRecds
// Use the 'Name' column as a key (of type string)
let people = peopleList |> Frame.indexRowsString "Name"
How do i access the value the row for Joe ? (as a record, tuple or whatever format)
i tried this
getRow "Joe" people;;
Stopped due to error  System.Exception: Operation could not be
completed due to earlier error  Value restriction. The value 'it' has
been inferred to have generic type
  val it : Series  Either define 'it' as a simple data term, make it a function with explicit arguments or, if you do
not intend for it to be generic, add a type annotation. at 3,0
EDIT: thanks for the answer, still i would like to know why my syntax is incorrect because i think i respected the signature
val it :
  ('a -> Frame<'a,'b> -> Series<'b,'c>) when 'a : equality and 'b : equality
I'll answer the second half of your question, why you got a "value restriction" error. If you search for [f#] value restriction on Stack Overflow you'll find lots of answers, which may or may not confuse you. But the really short version is: F# is built on top of the .Net framework, and .Net imposes certain limitations. Specifically, functions are allowed to be generic, but values cannot be generic. So you can do this:
let f<'TData> (a:'TData) = printfn "%A" a
but you cannot do this:
let (a:'TData) = Unchecked.defaultof<'TData>
The function definition is fine, because the underlying .Net framework knows how to handle generic functions. But you're not allowed to have generic values in .Net; any value must be a specific type.
(Note: I wrote the <'TData> in the f definition explicitly, but I didn't have to: I could have just written let f (a:'TData) = printfn "%A" a and the genericness of f would have still been understood. I could even have just written let f a = printfn "%A" a, and it would have done the same thing).
Now let's look at the error you got: "the value "it" has been inferred to have generic type val it : Series<string,obj>". If you look at the function signature of getRow that you posted, it looks like this:
('a -> Frame<'a,'b> -> Series<'b,'c>)
When you called it as getRow "Joe" people, the F# compiler was able to infer that the type 'a was string (because the parameter "Joe" is a string). And because the second argument people is a Frame<string,string>, the F# compiler was able to infer that the type 'b was also string. But the result of that function call is a Series<'b,'c>, and so far the F# compiler doesn't know anything about what 'c will be. And since you ran getRow "Joe" people at the F# interactive REPL, it tried to store the result of what you typed as the value of the name it (the F# interactive REPL always provides the value of the previous expression as it) -- but since the only type it knew so far was Series<string,'c>, F# couldn't figure out what specific type to assign to the value it. I know from looking at your code that the type 'c was the Person record, but the F# compiler couldn't know that from just that one call to getRow, because of how the getRow function is typed.
There are two ways you could have solved this value restriction error:
One way to solve this would have been to pipe the result of getRow into another function, which would have allowed the F# compiler to infer the specific type of its result. Unfortunately, since I don't know Deedle that well, I can't give you a good example here. Maybe someone else will come up with one and comment on this answer, and I'll edit it in. It would look like:
getRow "Joe" people |> (some Deedle function)
But I don't know which Deedle function to use in my example: it would have to be a function that takes a Series and does some specific calculation with it, in a way that would allow F# to infer that this is a Series<string,Person>. Sorry this isn't a great example, but I'll leave it in anyway in case it helps.
The second way you could have solved the error would have been to specify the type of the value you were getting. In F#, you do that with the : (type) syntax, e.g.:
getRow "Joe" people : Series<string,Person>
Or, since the F# compiler has enough information to infer the string part of that type, you could also have written:
getRow "Joe" people : Series<_,Person>
When you write _ in a type signature, you're telling the F# compiler "You figure out what type this is". This only works when the F# compiler has enough information to infer that type correctly, but it's often a handy shorthand when type signatures would be large and unwieldy.
Both of these approaches would have solved your immediate problem, gotten rid of the "value restriction" error, and allowed you to continue working.
I hope this answer helps you. If it hopelessly confuses you instead, let me know and I'll see if I can explain whatever has you confused.
EDIT: In the comments, Soldalma asks whether the F# compiler (which is a one-pass compiler that works top to bottom and left to right) can infer the type from a forward pipe. The answer is yes, because the expression isn't finished yet. As long as an expression isn't finished, F#'s type inference (which is based on the Hindley-Milner type system*) is fine with carrying around a set of not-yet-resolved types. And if the types are resolved before the expression is complete, then the expression can resolve to a specific value (or a specific function). If the types are not yet resolved when the expression is complete, then it has to resolve to a generic value or function. And generic functions are allowed in .Net, but not generic values, hence the "value restriction" error.
To see this in practice, let's look at some example code. Copy and paste the following code into an F# editor that lets you hover over a variable (or function) name to see its type. I recommend VS Code with the Ionide-fsharp extension since it's cross-platform, but Visual Studio will work just as well.
open System.Collections.Generic
let mkDict (key:'K) = new Dictionary<'K,'V>() // Legal
let getValueOrDefault (key:'a) (defaultVal:'b) (dict:Dictionary<'a,'b>) =
match dict.TryGetValue key with
| true,v -> v
| false,_ -> defaultVal
let d = mkDict "foo" // Error: value restriction
let bar = mkDict "foo" |> getValueOrDefault "foo" "bar" // Legal: type string
let five = mkDict "foo" |> getValueOrDefault "foo" 5 // Legal: type int
Go ahead and hover your cursor over each function and variable name to see its type, or else hit Alt+Enter to send each function or variable declaration to F# Interactive. (And once you've seen that the let d line gives a "value restriction" error, comment it out so the rest of the code will compile).
What's happening here is a good demonstration of how this all works. The mkDict function has two unresolved types, 'K and 'V, so it has to be generic. But that's fine, because .Net has no problem with generic functions. (mkDict isn't actually very useful, since it actually "throws away" the data of its argument and does nothing to it. But it's supposed to be a trivial example, so just ignore the fact that it's kind of useless.) Likewise, getValueOrDefault has two unresolved types, 'a and 'b, so it's also a generic function.
However, let d = mkDict "foo" is not legal. Here, the generic type 'K has been resolved to be the specific type string, but 'V has not yet been resolved by the time the expression is complete so d would have to be generic (it would look like d<'V> in explicitly-generic syntax). But d is not a function (since it has no parameters), it's the name of a value, and .Net doesn't allow generic values.
But in the next two lines, the expression is not complete by the time the compiler has parsed mkDict "foo", so it doesn't yet have to "lock in" the unknown types. It can quite happily carry the unresolved type 'V into the next part of the expression. And there, the getValueOrDefault function has two specific types, string and string in the first line, and string and int in the second line. Because its 'b type corresponds to the 'V type from mkDict, therefore F# can resolve 'V in both lines. And so bar has type string, and five has type int.
* Scott Wlaschin says that it should "more accurately ... be called "Damas-Milner's Algorithm W" ". Since I haven't studied it in detail myself, I'll take his word for it -- but if you're interested in learning more, the Wikipedia link I provided is probably a halfway decent starting point.
I'll be very short, promoting my comment to an answer.
You need to use syntax reverse to the one you have tried:

Call a function from its name as a string in f#

I thought that I might be able to do this with quotations - but I can't see how.
Should I just use a table of the functions with their names - or is their a way of doing this?
For more info......
I'm calling a lot of f# functions from excel and I wondered if I could write a f# function
let fs_wrapper (f_name:string) (f_params:list double) =
this bit calls fname with f_params
and then use
=fs_wrapper("my_func", 3.14, 2.71)
in the sheet rather than wrap all the functions separately.
You'll need to use standard .NET Reflection to do this. Quotations aren't going to help, because they represent function calls using standard .NET MethodInfo, so you'll need to use reflection anyway. The only benefit of quotations (compared to naive reflection) is that you can compile them, which could give you better performance (but the compilation isn't perfect).
Depending on your specific scenario (e.g. where are the functions located), you'd have to do something like:
module Functions =
let sin x = sin(x)
let sqrt y = sqrt(y)
open System.Reflection
let moduleInfo =
|> Seq.find (fun t -> t.Name = "Functions")
let name = "sin"
moduleInfo.GetMethod(name).Invoke(null, [| box 3.1415 |])
Unless you need some extensibility or have a large number of functions, using a dictionary containing string as a key and function value as the value may be an easier option:
let funcs =
dict [ "sin", Functions.sin;
"sqrt", Functions.sqrt ]
There are many methods but one way is to use Reflection, for instance:
typeof<int>.GetMethod("ToString", System.Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(1, null)
typeof<int>.GetMethod("Parse", [|typeof<string>|]).Invoke(null, [|"112"|])
GetMethod optionally takes an array of types that define the signature, but you can skip that if your method is unambiguous.
Following up on what Thomas alluded to, have a look at Using and Abusing the F# Dynamic Lookup Operator by Matthew Podwysocki. It offers a syntactically clean way for doing dynamic lookup in F#.
