Store and perform operations with huge numbers in iOS - ios

How could I handle operations with a number like:
Nothing that I've tried worked so far... unsigned long, long long, etc...

What you need is a library that provides support for operations on integers of arbitrary length. However, from what I've been able to find out, there are no such libraries written in Objective-C.
You are nevertheless in luck as Objective-C is a superset of C. That makes it possible for you to use C libraries such as those described in the answers to this somewhat dated SO question.
Also, since the Clang compiler supports C++ and combining Objective-C and C++ code, you can probably use something like big int.
Note that none of the built-in types is even close to being big enough to represent numbers with as many digits as your examples. The biggest available integer type is unsigned long long, if you don't need negative numbers, and its size is 8 bytes/64 bits, which gives you a range of 0-18446744073709551615, or 20 digits max.

You could use JKBigInteger instead, it is a Objective-C wrapper around LibTomMath C library. And really easy to use and understand.
In your case:
JKBigInteger *int = [[JKBigInteger alloc] initWithString:#"48534588306961133067968196965257961415756656521818848750723547477673457670019632882524164647651492025728980571833579341743988603191694784406703"];

You can try here :
GMP is a free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating point numbers. There is no practical limit to the precision except the ones implied by the available memory in the machine GMP runs on. GMP has a rich set of functions, and the functions have a regular interface.


Lua floating point operations

I run Lua on a CPU without dedicated floating point HW, depending on SW emulation.
From luaopt.h I can see that some macros are set to double, but it does not clearly state when floats are used and its a little hard to track it.
If my script does simple stuff like:
Would that involve a floating point operations at any level?
If no that's fine, but what is then the benefit to change macros to long?
(I tried of course but did not work....)
All numeric operations in Lua are performed (according to the default configuration) in floating point. There is no distinction made between floating point and integer, all values are simply numbers.
The actual C type used to store a Lua number is set in luaconf.h, and it is both allowed and even practical to change that to a suitable integral type. You start by changing LUA_NUMBER from double to int, long, or perhaps ptrdiff_t. Then you will find you need to tweak the related macros that control the conversions between strings and numbers. And, of course, you will likely need to eliminate most or all of the base math library since math.sin() and its friends and neighbors are not particularly useful over integers.
The result will be a Lua interpreter where all numbers are integers. The language will still allow you to type 3.14, but it will be stored as 3. Your code will likely not be completely portable to a Lua interpreter built with the standard configuration since a huge amount of Lua code casually assumes that floating point arithmetic is permitted, and remember that your compiled byte code will definitely not be compatible since byte code will store numbers as LUA_NUMBER.
There is LNUM patch (used, for example, by OpenWrt project which relies heavily on Lua for providing Web UI on hardware without FPU) that allows dual integer/floating point representation of numbers in Lua with conversions happening behind the scenes when required. With it most integer computations will be performed without resorting to FPU. Unfortunately, it's only applicable to Lua 5.1; 5.2 is not supported.

Will Erlang have Bignums for math functions?

Why does Erlang not include arbitrary precision for math functions? I recently had to use math:pow(2,4333), and it throws an error. Why does Erlang not use libraries like GMP? Are there any plans to include it in the standard library? (Haskell uses it, [strike]even Java has bignums[strike]).
To add more perspective, I understand that it can be done using NIFs. I was solving problems from hackerrank in which the input uses larger numbers. pow/2 can be easily written in Erlang and it worked, but for larger computations, it would be slow.
Java returns double for pow so it does not work for Math.pow(2, 1024) which gives Infinity.
Erlang has bignums for integers but uses 64-bit IEEE standard floating point numbers. So while you can happily compute factorial(10000) with integers by default the math library uses floating point so math:pow(2, 4333) does not work.

Why Isn't dchar the Standard Character Type in D?

Just browsing the digitalmars.D.learn forum, and D-related question on StackOverflow, it seems to me that a major point of mistakes for a beginner D programmer (me included) is the difference in usage and abilities of char, wchar, dchar, and the associated string types. This leads to problems such as the following:
error instantiating redBlackTree template
Cannot Slice Take!R from std.range in D?
std.algorithm.joiner(string[],string) - why result elements are dchar and not char?
I know it must be for backwards compatibility reasons and familiarity for developers coming from C++ or C, but I think a fairly compelling argument can be made that this possible gain is offset by the problems experienced by those same developers when they try something non-trivial with a char or string and expect it to work as it would in C/C++, only to have it fail in difficult-to-debug ways.
To stave off a lot of these problems, I've seen experienced members of the D development community time and time again tell the inexperienced coder to use dchar to avoid such problems, which begs the question of why is a char not a 32-bit unicode character by default, with 8-bit ASCII characters relegated to achar or something similar, to be touched only if necessary?
Personally, I wish that char didn't exist and that instead of char, wchar, and dchar, we had something more like utf8, utf16, and utf32. Then everyone would be immediately forced to realize that char was not what should be used for individual characters, but that's not the way it went. I'd say that it's almost certainly the case that char was simply taken from C/C++ and then the others were added to improve Unicode support. After all, there's nothing fundamentally wrong with char. It's just that so many programmers have the mistaken understanding that char is always a character (which isn't necessarily true even in C/C++). But Walter Bright has a very good understanding of Unicode and seems to think that everyone else should as well, so he tends to make decisions with regards to Unicode which work extremely well if you understand Unicode but don't work quite as well if you don't (and most programmers don't). D pretty much forces you to come to at least a basic understanding of Unicode, which isn't all bad, but it does trip some people up.
But the reality of the matter is that while it makes good sense to use dchar for individual characters, it generally doesn't make sense to use it for strings. Sometimes, that's what you need, but UTF-32 requires way more space than UTF-8 does. That could affect performance and definitely affects the memory footprint of your programs. And a lot of string processing doesn't need random access at all. So, having UTF-8 strings as the default makes far more sense than having UTF-32 strings be the default.
The way strings are managed in D generally works extremely well. It's just that the name char has an incorrect connotation for many people, and the language unfortunately chooses for character literals to default to char rather than dchar in many cases.
I think a fairly compelling argument can be made that this possible gain is offset by the problems experienced by those same developers when they try something non-trivial with a char or string and expect it to work as it would in C/C++, only to have it fail in difficult-to-debug ways.
The reality of the matter is that strings in C/C++ work the same way that they do in D, only they don't protect you from being ignorant or stupid, unlike in D. char in C/C++ is always 8 bits and is typically treated as a UTF-8 code unit by the OS (at least in *nix land - Windows does weird things for the encoding for char and generally requires you to use wchar_t for Unicode). Certainly, any Unicode strings that you have in C/C++ are in UTF-8 unless you explicitly use a string type which uses a different encoding. std::string and C strings all operate on code units rather than code points. But the average C/C++ programmer treats them as if each of their elements were a whole character, which is just plain wrong unless you're only using ASCII, and in this day and age, that's often a very bad assumption.
D takes the route of actually building proper Unicode support into the language and into its standard library. This forces you to come to at least a basic understanding of Unicode and often makes it harder to screw it up while giving those who do understand it extremely powerful tools for managing Unicode strings not only correctly but efficiently. C/C++ just side steps the issue and lets programmers step on Unicode land mines.
I understood the question as "Why dchar is not used in strings by default?"
dchar is a UTF-32 code unit. You rarely want to deal with UTF-32 code units because you waste too much space, especially if you deal only with ASCII strings.
Using UTF-8 code units (adequate type in D is char) is much more space-efficient.
D string is an immutable(char)[], ie an array of UTF-8 code units.
Yes, arguably dealing with UTF-32 code-units may boost the speed of your application if you constantly do random-access with strings. But if you know that you are going to do that with some particular text, use the dstring type in that case. This said, you should now understand why D treats strings as dchar ranges.
Because of combining characters, even dchar can't truly hold all Unicode characters (in any way that humans want to think of it) and can't be indexed directly (see the end of this post for examples).

How do I limit numbers in Lua while keeping precision?

Original Message:
I need to multiply two 64 bit numbers, but Lua is losing precision
with big numbers. (for example 99999999999999999 is shown as
100000000000000000) After multiplying I need a 64 bit solution,
so I need a way to limit the solution to 64 bits. (I know, if the
solution would be precise, I could just use % 0x10000000000000000,
so that would work too)
EDIT: With Lua 5.3 and the new 64 bit integer support, this problem doesn't exist anymore. Neat.
Lua uses double-precision floating points for all math, including integer arithmetic (see This gives you about 53 bits of precision, which (as you've noticed) is less than you need.
There are a couple of different ways to get better precision in Lua. Your best bet is to find the most active such effort and piggy-back off it. In that case, your question has already been answered; check out What is the standard (or best supported) big number (arbitrary precision) library for Lua?
If your Lua distribution has packages for it, the easy answer is lmapm.
If you use LuaJIT in place of Lua, you get access to all C99 built-in types, including long long which is usually 64 bits.
local ffi = require 'ffi'
-- Needed to parse constants that do not fit in a double:
ffi.cdef 'long long strtoll(const char *restrict str, char **restrict endptr, int base);'
local a = ffi.C.strtoll("99999999999999999", nil, 10)
print(a * a)
=> 3803012203950112769LL (assuming the result is truncated to 64 bits)

Why do Delphi and Free Pascal usually prefer a signed-integer data type to unsigned one?

I'm not a Pascal newbie, but I still don't know until now why Delphi and Free Pascal usually declares parameters and returned values as signed integers whereas I see them should always be positive. For example:
Pos() returns type of Integer. Is it possible to be a negative?
SetLength() declares the NewLength parameter as a type of Integer. Is there a negative length for string?
System.THandle declared as Longint. Is there a negative number for handles?
There are many decisions like those in Delphi and Free Pascal. What considerations were behind this?
In Pascal, Integer (signed) is the base type. All other integer number types are a subranges of integer. (this is not entirely true in Borland dialects, given longint in TP and int64 in Delphi, but close enough).
An important reason for that if the intermediate result of calculations gets negative, and you calculate with unsigned integers, range check errors will trigger, and since most older programming languages DON'T assume 2-complement integers, the result (with range checks off) might even be corrupt.
The THandle case is much simpler. Delphi didn't have a proper 32-bit unsigned till D4, but only a 31-bit cardinal. (since 32-bit unsigned integer is not a subrange of integer, the later unsigned ints are a subset of int64, which moved the problem to uint64 which was only added in D2010 or so)
So in many places in the headers signed types are used where the winapi uses unsigned types, probably to avoid the 32th bit getting accidentally corrupt in those versions, and the custom stuck.
But the winapi case is different from the general case.
Added later Some Pascal (and Modula2/3) implementations circumvent this trap by setting the integer at a size larger than the wordsize, and require all numeric types to declare a proper subrange, like in the below program.
The first holds the primary assumption that everything is a subset of integer, and the second allows the compiler to scale nearly everything down again to fit in registers, specially if the CPU has some operations for larger than word operations. (like x86 where 32-bit * 32-bit mul gives a 64-bit result, or can detect wordsize overflows using status bits (e.g. to generate range exceptions for adds without doing a full 2*wordsize add)
var x : 0..20;
y : -10..10;
// any expression of x and y has a range -10..20
Turbo Pascal and Delphi emulate an integer type twice the wordsize for their 16-bit and 32-bit offerings. The handling of the highest unsigned type is hacky at best.
Well, for a start THandle is declared incorrectly. It's unsigned in the Windows headers and should be so in Delphi. In fact I think this was corrected in a recent release of Delphi.
I'd imagine that the preference for signed over unsigned is largely historical and not particularly significant. However, I can think of one example where it is important. Consider the for loop:
for i := 0 to Count-1 do
If i is unsigned and Count is 0 then this loop runs from 0 to $FFFFFFFF which is not what you want. Using a signed integer loop variable avoids that problem.
Pascal is a victim of its syntax here. The equivalent C or C++ loop has no such trouble
for (unsigned int i=0; i<Count; i++)
due to the syntactic difference and use of a comparison operator as stopping condition.
This could also be the reason why Length() on a string or dynamic array returns a signed value. And so for consistency, SetLength() should accept signed values. And given that the return value of Pos() is used to index strings, it should be signed also.
Here's another Stack Overflow discussion of the topic: Should I use unsigned integers for counting members?
Of course, I'm speculating wildly here. Perhaps there was no design and just out of habit the precedent of using signed values was set and became enshrined.
Some string related search functions return -1 when nothing is found.
I believe the reasoning behind this is that MaxInt is 2GB which is the maximum size for strings in 32 bit Delphi. This because a single process can have up to 2GB memory
There are many reasons for using signed integers, even some that might apply when you do not intend to return a negative value.
Imagine I write code that calls Pos, and I want to do math with the results. Would you rather have a negative result (Pos('x',s)-5) raise a range-check exception, underflow and become a very large unsigned number around 4 billion, or go negative, if Pos('x',s) returns 1? Either one is a source of problems for new users who seldom think about these cases, but the long-established tradition is that by using Integer results, it's your job to check for negative and zero results and not use them as string offsets. There is an advantage for beginning and for advanced programmers, in using Integer, and not having "negative" values roll under and become large unsigned values or raise range exceptions.
Secondly, remember that in beginning programming, one usually introduces Integer (signed) types long before one introduces unsigned types like Cardinal. Beginners often work with functions like Pos, and it makes sense to use the type that will create the least-unfriendly set of side effects. There are no negative side effects to having a range larger than the one you absolutely need (the range you probably need for Pos is 1 to maximum-string-length-in-delphi). There is zero benefit in 32-bit Delphi to using the Cardinal type for Pos, and there definitely ARE downsides to choosing it.
Once you get to 64-bit delphi, however, you could theoretically have strings LARGER than an Integer can hold, and moving to Cardinal wouldn't fix all your potential problems. However, the chance of anyone having a 2+ GB string is probably nil, and Delphi 64-bit compiler doesn't allow a >2 GB string, anyway. In my testing, I can achieve an almost 1 GB String in 64 bit Delphi. So the practical length limit for a Win64 string is about a billion (1073741814) characters, which is using nearly 2 GB of actual RAM. At that limit, I either get EIntOverflow or EAccessViolation, and it seems I am hitting Delphi run time library (RTL) bugs, not properly defined limits, so your mileage may vary.
