How to write query in active record to select from two or more tables in rails 3 - ruby-on-rails

I don't want to use join
I want to manually compare any field with other table field
for example
SELECT u.user_id, t.task_id
FROM tasks t, users u
WHERE u.user_id = t.user_id
how can i write this query in Rails ??

Assuming you have associations in your models, you can simply do as follow
User.joins(:tasks).select('users.user_id, tasks.task_id')
you can also do as follow
User.includes(:tasks).where(" =tasks.user_id")
includes will do eager loading check the example below or read eager loading at here
users = User.limit(10)
users.each do |user|
puts user.address.postcode
This will run 11 queries, it is called N+1 query problem(first you query to get all the rows then you query on each row again to do something). with includes Active Record ensures that all of the specified associations are loaded using the minimum possible number of queries.
Now when you do;
users = User.includes(:address).limit(10)
user.each do |user|
puts user.address.postcode
It will generate just 2 queries as follow
SELECT addresses.* FROM addresses
WHERE (addresses.user_id IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10))
Plus if you don't have associations then read below;
you should be have to look at
Assuming your are trying to do inner join, by default in rails when we associate two models and then query on them then we are doing inner join on those tables.
You have to create associations between the models example is given below
class User
has_many :reservations
...# your code
And in reservations
class Reservations
belongs_to :user
... #your code
Now when you do
the generated query would look like as follow
"SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` INNER JOIN `reservations` ON `reservations`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`"
you can check the query by doing User.joins(:reservations).to_sql in terminal
Hopefully it would answer your question

User.find_by_sql("YOUR SQL QUERY HERE")

You can use as follows..
User.includes(:tasks).where(" =tasks.user_id").order(


Rails joins doesn't return values from joined table

It must be something pretty simple i'm doing wrong. i'm trying to join 3 tables together, where group contains a location_id which references a row in location and a info_id which does the same for info.
Here's my code:
#groups = Group.joins(
'INNER JOIN location on = "group".id',
'INNER JOIN info on = "group".id'
This seems to work without errors, but all i'm getting back is the column from my group table. What am I doing wrong here?
P.S. my associations are location and info belong_to group. and group has_one of location and info
Just add a select tag to select the desired columns.
Group.joins(:location, :info).select("location.*, info.*")
You may add some where class if need some special conditions too.
Group.joins(:location, :info).select("location.*, info.*").where(" =")
When you say that you have location_id and info_id in groups table, this means that you intend to have belongs_to association in Group.
Group model should have:
belongs_to :location
belongs_to :info
Location and Info should have :
has_one :group
For your question, this is expected. In ActiveRecord, Relation will return the object of the invoker, in this case Group.
For your use case, I think you will need this approach to get the right join working:
#groups = Group.joins(:location, :info)
# "SELECT `groups`.* FROM `groups` INNER JOIN `locations` ON `locations`.`id` = `groups`.`location_id` INNER JOIN `infos` ON `infos`.`id` = `groups`.`info_id`"
After this, you can iterate on each group to get info and location as something like: { |group| [group.location,] }
This will give correct location and info.
Optimization: [group.location,] will make queries again to get location and info. You can optimize this by changing the original query to include location and info data:
#groups = Group.joins(:location, :info).includes(:location, :info)
In Rails / AR we have includes and joins.
You are using joins. As the SQL shows, it only selects Group. You use joins when you need Group results but also want to query through Location and Info.
If you would use all information, which I suspect is your case, like to display details in a table, you should also use includes.
# #groups = Groups.includes(:locations, :info) results an left outer join
#groups = Groups.joins(:locations, :info).includes(:locations, :info) # results inner join
Now when you do some thing like this it will not make additional db calls. But if you use joins it use multiple queries (N+1).
- #groups.each do |group|
td =
td =
td =
Use the bullet gem to find if you have such N+1 queries to optimize your project.
If you Google Rails includes vs joins you will find more information on the topic.
If you used this:
Group.joins(:location, :info).select("location.*, info.*").where(" =")
and nothing changed
It is because the column names of the two tables are the same.

How to UNION tables and make results accessible in a Ruby view

I'm quite new to RoR and creating a student project for a course I'm taking. I'm wanting to construct a type of query we didn't cover in the course and which I know I could do in a snap in .NET and SQL. I'm having a heck of a time though getting it implemented the Ruby way.
What I'd like to do: Display a list on a user's page of all "posts" by that user's friends.
"Posts" are found in both a questions table and in a blurbs table that users contribute to. I'd like to UNION these two into a single recordset to sort by updated_at DESC.
The table column names are not the same however, and this is my sticking point since other successful answers I've seen have hinged on column names being the same between the two.
In SQL I'd write something like (emphasis on like):
SELECT b.Blurb AS 'UserPost', b.updated_at, u.username as 'Author'
FROM Blurbs b
INNER JOIN Users u ON b.User_ID = u.ID
(SELECT f.friend_id FROM Friendships f WHERE f.User_ID = [current user])
ORDER BY b.updated_at DESC
SELECT q.Question, q.updated_at, u.username
FROM Questions q
INNER JOIN Users u ON q.User_ID = u.ID
(SELECT f.friend_id FROM Friendships f WHERE f.User_ID = [current user])
ORDER BY b.updated_at DESC
The User model's (applicable) relationships are:
has_many :friendships
has_many :friends, through: :friendships
has_many :questions
has_many :blurbs
And the Question and Blurb models both have belongs_to :user
In the view I'd like to display the contents of the 'UserPost' column and the 'Author'. I'm sure this is possible, I'm just too new still to ActiveRecord and how statements are formed. Happy to have some input or review any relevant links that speak to this specifically!
Final Solution
Hopefully this will assist others in the future with Ruby UNION questions. Thanks to #Plamena's input the final implementation ended up as:
def friend_posts
sql = "...the UNION statement seen above..."
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(ActiveRecord::Base.send("sanitize_sql_array",[sql,,] ) )
Currently Active Record lacks union support. You can use SQL:
sql = <<-SQL
# your sql query goes here
SELECT b.created_at ...
SELECT q.created_at
posts = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql)
Then you can iterate the result:
posts.each do |post|
# post is a hash
p post['created_at']
Your best way to do this is to just use the power of Rails
If you want all of something belonging to a user's friend:
This would get all of the questions from a certain friend.
Now, it seems that you have writings in multiple places (this is hard to visualise without your providing a model of how writings is connected to everywhere else). Can you provide this?
#blurbs = Blurb.includes(:user)
#blurbs.each do |blurb|
p blurb.blurb, blurb.user.username

Rails includes association with condition in left join

Can I add some condition to the LEFT JOIN sql that Rails generate for the includes method? (Rails 4.2.1, postresql).
I need to get all(!) the users with preloading ( not N+1 when I will puts in a view count of comments, posts and etc) of associations, but associations need to be filtered by some conditions.
# => SELECT * FROM users LEFT JOIN comments ON ...
This will return all the users and preload comments if they exists.
If I will add some conditions for the "comments" association in where, then SQL doesn't return ALL the users, for example:
User.includes(:comments).where(comments: {published_at:})
# => SELECT * FROM users LEFT JOIN comments ON ... WHERE comments.published_at = ...
This will return only users, that have comments, published today.
I need to put conditions inside LEFT JOIN AND save preloading (load objects to the memory - simple left join with joins method doesn't preload associations).
SELECT * FROM users LEFT JOIN comments ON (... AND comments.published_at = ...)
Those SQL will return right what I need (all the users, and their comments, published in requested date, if they exists)! But ... I cant generate it with the Rails includes method, and `joins' doesn't preload associations.
What do you advice me? Thanks!
Rails doesn't have methods in the framework library to do what you want.
This might work, though
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments
has_many :recent_comments, -> { where(published_at: }, class_name: "Comment"
Then query for Users and preload recent_comments
#users = User.preload(:recent_comments)

How do I get Rails ActiveRecord to generate optimized SQL?

Let's say that I have 4 models which are related in the following ways:
Schedule has foreign key to Project
Schedule has foreign key to User
Project has foreign key to Client
In my Schedule#index view I want the most optimized SQL so that I can display links to the Schedule's associated Project, Client, and User. So, I should not pull all of the columns for the Project, Client, and User; only their IDs and Name.
If I were to manually write the SQL it might look like this:
s.project_id, project_name,
p.client_id client_id, client_name,
u.login user_login,
Users u inner join
Clients c inner join
Schedules s inner join
Projects p
on = s.project_id
on = p.client_id
on = s.user_id
order by
s.created_at desc
My question is: What would the ActiveRecord code look like to get Rails 3 to generate that SQL? For example, somthing like:
#schedules = Schedule. # ?
I already have the associations setup in the models (i.e. has_many / belongs_to).
I think this will build (or at least help) you get what you're looking for:", schedules.schedule_name, as project_name").joins(:user, :project=>:client).order("schedules.created_at DESC")
should yield:
SELECT, schedules.schedule_name, as project_name FROM `schedules` INNER JOIN `users` ON `users`.`id` = `schedules`.`user_id` INNER JOIN `projects` ON `projects`.`id` = `schedules`.`project_id` INNER JOIN `clients` ON `clients`.`id` = `projects`.`client_id`
The main problem I see in your approach is that you're looking for schedule objects but basing your initial "FROM" clause on "User" and your associations given are also on Schedule, so I built this solution based on the plain assumption that you want schedules!
I also didn't include all of your selects to save some typing, but you get the idea. You will simply have to add each one qualified with its full table name.

How to filter association_ids for an ActiveRecord model?

In a domain like this:
class User
has_many :posts
has_many :topics, :through => :posts
class Post
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :topic
class Topic
has_many :posts
I can read all the Topic ids through user.topic_ids but I can't see a way to apply filtering conditions to this method, since it returns an Array instead of a ActiveRecord::Relation.
The problem is, given a User and an existing set of Topics, marking the ones for which there is a post by the user. I am currently doing something like this:
def mark_topics_with_post(user, topics)
# only returns the ids of the topics for which this user has a post
topic_ids = user.topic_ids
topics.each {|t| t[:has_post]=topic_ids.include(}
But this loads all the topic ids regardless of the input set. Ideally, I'd like to do something like
def mark_topics_with_post(user, topics)
# only returns the topics where user has a post within the subset of interest
topic_ids = user.topic_ids.where(:id=>
topics.each {|t| t[:has_post]=topic_ids.include(}
But the only thing I can do concretely is
def mark_topics_with_post(user, topics)
# needlessly create Post objects only to unwrap them later
topic_ids = user.posts.where(:topic_id=>
topics.each {|t| t[:has_post]=topic_ids.include(}
Is there a better way?
Is it possible to have something like select_values on a association or scope?
FWIW, I'm on rails 3.0.x, but I'd be curious about 3.1 too.
Why am I doing this?
Basically, I have a result page for a semi-complex search (which happens based on the Topic data only), and I want to mark the results (Topics) as stuff on which the user has interacted (wrote a Post).
So yeah, there is another option which would be doing a join [Topic,Post] so that the results come out as marked or not from the search, but this would destroy my ability to cache the Topic query (the query, even without the join, is more expensive than fetching only the ids for the user)
Notice the approaches outlined above do work, they just feel suboptimal.
I think that your second solution is almost the optimal one (from the point of view of the queries involved), at least with respect to the one you'd like to use.
user.topic_ids generates the query:
SELECT `topics`.id FROM `topics`
INNER JOIN `posts` ON `topics`.`id` = `posts`.`topic_id`
WHERE `posts`.`user_id` = 1
if user.topic_ids.where(:id=> was possible it would have generated this:
SELECT FROM `topics`
INNER JOIN `posts` ON `topics`.`id` = `posts`.`topic_id`
WHERE `posts`.`user_id` = 1 AND `topics`.`id` IN (...)
this is exactly the same query that is generated doing:"").where(:id=>
while> generates the following query:
SELECT topic_id FROM `posts`
WHERE `posts`.`user_id` = 1 AND `posts`.`topic_id` IN (...)
which one of the two is more efficient depends on the data in the actual tables and indices defined (and which db is used).
If the topic ids list for the user is long and has topics repeated many times, it may make sense to group by topic id at the query level:>
Suppose your Topic model has a column named id you can do something like this"posts.user_id = ?", user_id)
This will run only one query against your database and will give you all the topics ids that have posts for a given user_id
