Is there any way to avoid excess ActiveRecord calls? - ruby-on-rails

I have the following ActiveRecord call in a Rails controller ("filings#index"):
#filings = Filing.order("created_at DESC").limit(limit).offset(start).joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN companies ON")
Each Filing belongs_to a Company. I would like to be able to access:
Without having to make an additional SQL query as that was the entire purpose of completing an OUTER JOIN in the first place. However when I call it performs an additional query:
SELECT "companies".* FROM "companies" WHERE "companies"."id" = 989 LIMIT 1
How can I avoid this second query from taking place? Shouldn't the information already have been stored as a result of the initial query?

You need to include the information from the database:
#filings = Filing.includes(:company).order("created_at DESC").offset(start).limit(limit)
hat tip to John Naegle and tharrison


Order by foreign key in activerecord: without a join?

I want to expand this question.
order by foreign key in activerecord
I'm trying to order a set of records based on a value in a really large table.
When I use join, it brings all the "other" records data into the objects.. As join should..
#table users 30+ columns
#table bids 5 columns
record = Bid.find(:all,:joins=>:users, :order=>'users.ranking DESC' ).first
Now record holds 35 fields..
Is there a way to do this without the join?
Here's my thinking..
With the join I get this query
SELECT * FROM "bids"
left join users on runner_id =
ORDER BY ranking LIMIT 1
Now I can add a select to the code so I don't get the full user table, but putting a select in a scope is dangerous IMHO.
When I write sql by hand.
order by (select users.ranking from users where = runner_id) DESC
limit 1
I believe this is a faster query, based on the "explain" it seems simpler.
More important than speed though is that the second method doesn't have the 30 extra fields.
If I build in a custom select inside the scope, it could explode other searches on the object if they too have custom selects (there can be only one)
What you would like to achieve in active record writing is something along
SELECT b.* from bids b inner join users u on order by u.ranking desc
In active record i would write such as:
Bids.joins("inner join users u on").order("u.ranking desc")
I think it's the only to make a join without fetching all attributes from the user models.

ActiveRecord using pluck with includes/left outer joins

When I do includes it left joins the table I want to filter on, but when I add pluck that join disappears. Is there any way to mix pluck and left join without manually typing the sql for 'left join'
Here's my case:
From users u
Left join profiles p on
Left join admin_profiles a on
Where 2 in (p.prop, a.prop, u.prop)
Doing this is just loading all the values:
Users.includes(:AdminProfiles, :Profiles).where(...).map{ |a| a[:id] }
But when I do pluck instead of map, it doesn't left join the profile tables.
Your problem is that you're using includes which doesn't really do a join, instead it fires a second query after the first one to query for the associations, in your case you want them both to be actually joined, so for that replace includes(:something) with joins(:something) and every thing should work fine.
Replying to your comment, i'm gonna quote few parts from the rails guide about active record query interface
From the section Solution to N + 1 queries problem
clients = Client.includes(:address).limit(10)
clients.each do |client|
puts client.address.postcode
The above code will execute just 2 queries, as opposed to 11 queries in the previous case:
SELECT * FROM clients LIMIT 10
SELECT addresses.* FROM addresses WHERE (addresses.client_id IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10))
as you can see, two queries, no joins at all.
From the section Specifying Conditions on Eager Loaded Associations link
Even though Active Record lets you specify conditions on the eager loaded associations just like joins, the recommended way is to use joins instead.
Then an example:
Article.includes(:comments).where(comments: { visible: true })
This would generate a query which contains a LEFT OUTER JOIN whereas the joins method would generate one using the INNER JOIN function instead.
SELECT "articles"."id" AS t0_r0, ... "comments"."updated_at" AS t1_r5 FROM "articles" LEFT OUTER JOIN "comments" ON "comments"."article_id" = "articles"."id" WHERE (comments.visible = 1)
If there was no where condition, this would generate the normal set of two queries.

Find the number of users with one of multiple associations

I'm trying to find the best way to count the number of Users who have one (or many) instances of a has_many relation.
For example, User has_many :bank_accounts and :credit_accounts (and a few other relations). I want to find the number of unique Users who have at least one bank_account and at least one credit_account, and ideally implement this inside of a scope so I can run where queries on it.
At the moment I'm implementing it (poorly) using the following code:
( + + ...).uniq.count
I've played around a lot with some joins, however I'm not getting any results. For example, I've toyed around a lot with different forms of User.joins(:bank_accounts, :credit_accounts).uniq('').count however I don't appear to be getting any results.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
If you are fine with using normal sql. You can use the below query
select distinct(user_id) from
(select user_id from bank_accounts union select user_id from credit_accounts) a;
I am not sure if a rails way exists for this.
In this case all we need is an INNER JOIN of users with credit_accounts and bank_accounts.
User.joins(:credit_accounts, :bank_accounts).uniq.count
The above query works for me. The sql generated by this query is below
"SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(DISTINCT `users`.`id`) FROM `users`.* FROM `users` INNER JOIN `credit_accounts` ON `credit_accounts`.`user_id` = `users`.`id` INNER JOIN `bank_accounts` ON `bank_accounts`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`"

Joining a rails table with a large number of records - causing my app to hang

I have an actions table with over 450,000 records. I want to join the actions table on the users table (it actually joins two other tables, one of which is joined on the other, and the other being joined on the users table, before joining the actions table.) The sql query looks like this:
SELECT "users".* FROM "users" INNER JOIN "campaigns" ON "campaigns"."user_id" = "users"."id" INNER JOIN "books" ON "books"."campaign_id" = "campaigns"."id" INNER JOIN "actions" ON "actions"."book_id" = "books"."id" AND "actions"."type" IN ('Impression')
However, this query in rails causes my app to hang because of the large number of records in the actions table.
How should I be handling this?
There are several problems with this approach:
You are fetching the same users several times (users multiplied by
number of actions)
You are fetching all the users with corresponding actions at once. It means big memory consumption and thus frequent garbage collection
You are fetching all the attributes for users. I guess, you do not need all them all
You have made comment about ordering users by their order count. Do you do this in Ruby code ? If yes, then it's the 4th problem. Big problem, indeed
So I'd propose to use group() method for grouping records or just plain SQL like
SELECT "users".id, count(*) as actions_cnt
FROM "users"
INNER JOIN "campaigns" ON "campaigns"."user_id" = "users"."id"
INNER JOIN "books" ON "books"."campaign_id" = "campaigns"."id"
INNER JOIN "actions" ON "actions"."book_id" = "books"."id" AND "actions"."type" IN ('Impression')
If there are many users in your app then I'd propose to add "OFFSET #{offset} LIMIT #{limit}" to fetch records in batches.
Finally, you can directly specify columns that you need so that memory footprint will be not so large.

ActiveRecord Custom Query vs find_by_sql loading

I have a Custom Query that look like this
self.account.websites.find(:all,:joins => [:group_websites => {:group => :users}],:conditions=>[" =?",self])
where self is a User Object
I manage to generate the equivalent SQL for same
Here how it look
sql = "select * from websites INNER JOIN group_websites on group_websites.website_id = INNER JOIN groups on = group_websites.group_id INNER JOIN group_users ON ( = group_users.group_id) INNER JOIN users on ( = group_users.user_id) where (websites.account_id = #{account_id} AND ( = #{user_id}))"
With the decent understanding of SQL and ActiveRecord I assumed that(which most would agree on) the result obtained from above query might take a longer time as compare to result obtained from find_by_sql(sql) one.
But Surprisingly
When I ran the above two
I found the ActiveRecord custom Query leading the way from ActiveRecord "find_by_sql" in term of load time
here are the test result
ActiveRecord Custom Query load time
Website Load (0.9ms)
Website Columns(1.0ms)
find_by_sql load time
Website Load (1.3ms)
Website Columns(1.0ms)
I repeated the test again an again and the result still the came out the same(with Custom Query winning the battle)
I know the difference aren't that big but still I just cant figure out why a normal find_by_sql query is slower than Custom Query
Can Anyone Share a light on this.
Thanks Anyway
Viren Negi
With the find case, the query is parameterized; this means the database can cache the query plan and will not need to parse and compile the query again.
With the find_by_sql case the entire query is passed to the database as a string. This means there is no caching that the database can do on the structure of the query, and it needs to be parsed and compiled on each occasion.
I think you can test this: try find_by_sql in this way (parameterized):
User.find_by_sql(["select * from websites INNER JOIN group_websites on group_websites.website_id = INNER JOIN groups on = group_websites.group_id INNER JOIN group_users ON ( = group_users.group_id) INNER JOIN users on ( = group_users.user_id) where (websites.account_id = ? AND ( = ?))", account_id,])
Well, the reason is probably quite simple - with custom SQL, the SQL query is sent immediately to db server for execution.
Remember that Ruby is an interpreted language, therefore Rails generates a new SQL query based on the ORM meta language you have used before it can be sent to the actual db server for execution. I would say additional 0.1 ms is the time taken by framework to generate the query.
