Youtube grant permissions message displayed twice - youtube

While Authorizing an application registered with youtube, for server-side flow I am getting two identical grant permission messages displayed on authorization page.
Scopes used in app are:(",")
Is it possible to get single grant permission message for two scopes mentioned above?


Can not access other users' data using Microsoft Graph API

This is my app's api permissions
api permissions
This is my postman settings
postman settings
I can get token successfully using an AD admin account
I can get all users successfully
user list
I can create calendar event successfully using this AD admin' user id
enter image description here
I can not create calendar event using another user id
enter image description here
First, this is the document api for introducing the api permission, you can see Permission type with Delegated and Application.
The second, this is the section for introducing the request example, you can see that there are 2 types /me and /users/{id | userPrincipalName}.
The difference between the 2 kinds of api permission is that, using Delegated permission means we need to make users sign in first to generate the access token and call the api, while Application permission not. So when we use Delegated api permission, we can use api request like /me because the token contained the user information so graph api knows who is me and me is authorized to access this api. So we can also use users/user_principle_name_of_the_signed_in_user here. But it doesn't mean we can use another user principle name here, because other users aren't authorized in the access token.
How can we put any user of your tenant into the request and call the api successfully? We need to use Application permission here. When you add api permission, you may notice it and please add application api permission. Then we need to use client credential flow to generate access token with application permission. Then you may try yor failed request with the new token.
Application permission means you are calling the graph api on behalf the application, so it doesn't require users to sign in, but using delegated permission is much more safe since it will generate access token with limited scope(the api permission you defined in the token generating request), but client credential flow uses /.defalut as the scope, this means all the application api permission in the azure ad application will be added to the generated token, you can't control which application permission is allowed and which is not allowed in one token.

OAuth access to EWS on behalf of a user

I have had success using OAuth 2.0 with EWS when using admin permission. Now I am trying to set it up so that an individual user can log in and grant access for himself. So I start a browser with this URL:
The browser allows me to log in to my test account, but then this error is returned:
error=invalid client
description=AADSTS650053 The application 'my app name' asked for scope 'Calendars.ReadWrite.All' that
doesn't exist on the resource '00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000'
In Azure, when looking at the API permissions for my application, I have 11 Exchange permissions, including both Application and Delegated permissions for Calendars.ReadWrite.All, in addition to all of the others that I requested.
What's going on here?
Because EWS is a legacy API it doesn't implement the more restrictive permission model that the Graph and Outlook REST API uses. The only permission that will work for Delegate access is EWS.AccessAsUser.All (Scope This gives full access to every folder in a Mailbox (and any mailboxes the user has been granted access to).It looks like you application registration already includes that permission so
should work

Daemon application gets an App-only access token with no Roles

I have a JavaScript app that requires a user to login and hit a button then it runs a report, posts data to Excel, and sends an email. I want to automate this so a user does not have to log in and push a button.
I started with this project code:
I followed the instructions and am able to get an access token but then my api call fails with 401 unauthorized. As a test, I am trying to send an email as myself and I have the Application type Mail.Send permission granted by the company admin.
I have spent many hours reading docs and blogs but have not found a solution. This document summarizes best what I am troubleshooting:
The token I get back does not have any Roles in it as seen when I decode it with JWT. This is the only discrepancy I have found so far.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated. How can I ensure that my token has Roles defined or what else can I try? How is it that I can get a token successfully but can't use it for anything?
Thank you!
I am not a Node expert, so helping you out with a few pointers that might help.
Microsoft Graph has two types of permissions, Delegated and Application. So some things to know of and check..
Delegated permissions require a user to be present, they would show up in the scp claim in the access token. These are obtained by web applications using the implicit_grant flow, Authorization code grant or on-behalf-of flow (usually).
Application Permissions, require an admin to consent and will be provided to you in the roles claim in the access token. This requires, the app to obtain an access token via the client credentials grant. Note that, these are also present when the user is assigned a role as explained in this sample, but this scenario might not be applicable for in your case.
Does you app has the grant provided as you expect? You can check these via the Graph Explorer using the following two rest calls. There would be a OAuth2PermissionGrant entry with the expected role in it.
It'd help more if you can explain the flow that you have been using to obtain the access token. For example, the implicit_grant_flow does not work with application permissions.
In my case, the problem had to do with the endpoint and my tenant. I had been using the common tenant make api calls for tokens because that is what was listed in AzureAD for my app. I found that for the Application client permissions I must use my specific tenant id like '' when getting tokens with the proper roles.

Microsoft's REST API's

I am working on integrating Outlook's calendar REST API with my personal system.
Using the authorization code grant flow, I am able to get a user to login to an application that I have registered in Once a user has logged in successfully, I receive a code on my redirect URL. Using the code, I fetch his bearer token (basic oAuth code flow).
Now, the confusion is with their documentation. They have 3 types of API, o365, and graph. I am using their graph API for the calendar resource.
I'm using to fetch events from the primary calendar, to create events in the primary calendar and$batch for batch requests.
There are some scenarios that I want to cover here. When a user changes his/her outlook password, I need the user to re-login to the app so I can use a valid bearer token. From outlook documentation, it looks like the refresh token becomes invalid as soon as the user changes the password (search for refresh tokens become invalid); which means, at the worst case, I can use the bearer token for an hour (default) to authenticate the API's.
Is this normal of an oAuth flow? I always thought the bearer token would become invalid when a user changes the password.
Since I am working in an organization, I want my application to only be accessible by AD users in my organization.The application manifest has a field called availableToOtherTenants, which is defaulted to true. I changed the field to false so that only the users belonging to the organization AD can access it. But it looks like I am able to login to the application with my personal outlook account as well; in spite of this change.
What am I doing wrong here? Am I doing the right this by registering
an application in

Twitter - 3-legged OAuth

I am about to embark on adding a 'post to Twitter' feature on a web application.
It appears 3-legged OAuth is the only option for this. The developer documentation states however that "The user will always be prompted to authorize access to your application, even if access was previously granted."
This doesn't seem like a very good experience for the user and confusingly this is not what happens on services like Hootsuite. Have they organised an agreement with Twitter so users don't have to keep authorising the app?
Use the Sign-in With Twitter flow, and store the access token that the user receives when they grant access to your app. Then there's no need to go down the oauth/authorize route every time.
