Usage Data via Valence API - desire2learn

Is there a way to pull user usage data from the Valence API?
In particular I want to know if a user has ever logged in or accessed a certain course.

No, sorry, currently that information is not available through the Valence APIs. If you'd like the Valence APIs to provide that information, and you're affiliated with a D2L customer, please use their account management chain to report your request. If you're not directly affiliated with a D2L account manager, then you can report your request through the Valence support chain.
This particular request is something that other partners and customers have indicated an interest for.


Can't get account_id from Google My Business API

I'm currently trying to use Google My Business API to get reviews for each location of my company. The problem is that i want to use the reviews methods but I can't use them without my account_id. To have it i know i can do the following request:
The problem is that when I try to execute it, I have a 429 error saying that the quota of requests for the mybusinessaccountmanagement is exceeded. When I go to the My Business Account Manager page on my Google Cloud Platform Console, i can see that the Quota for this API is setted at 0 and I can't modify it because they ask for my account to have a facturation account.
Do you have any idea of how can I get my account_id to make my request with the Google My Business API?
Thank you
The Google My Business API is restricted by default because of its ability to access sensitive information and so requires approval before you are allowed to use it.
The prerequisites page calls this out and provides a link to the form to submit your application to gain access. Until you are approved through that process, your API quota will stay at 0.

Can I use the same AdWords developerToken and clientCustomerId for different accounts?

I am making a web application that will automate some actions on Google AdWords. The web application can be used by anyone that has an AdWords account.
I am a bit puzzled by the AdWords API, as it is a different from other Google APIs, in terms that it needs two additional config parameters: developerToken and clientCustomerId, a per their documentation:
When constructing the AdWordsClient object, I need to provide the developerToken and clientCustomerId, in order to push data to AdWords.
My question is whether these two parameters (developerToken, clientCustomerId) need to be different for each user that will use my web application?
It seems that I am able to post data to different accounts with an unrelated developerToken, which does not make sense.
Can I get the clientCustomerId from an API endpoint, so I don't require my users to manually input tokens and ids to the web app, and do the complete authentication with oAuth?
My code is working, I am asking more of the philosophy why I need these two parameters, and if I can avoid asking the user to manually copy them from the AdWords dashboard into my application?
The developer token identifies a given Adwords API developer and is used for RMF enforcement, rate limiting and the like. As you mentioned, this is different from other Google APIs, which I think has to do with the fact that it's not a publicly available API. You always have to use the developer token that was given to you as part of your API sign-up process and are not allowed to use another developer's one (thus there's no possibility to have a user of your application enter it on their own).
The clientCustomerId parameter refers to the specific Google Ads account that you want to interact with. As a given user (identified by the OAuth2 access token that you include in your request) might have access to a whole lot of different accounts, this always needs to be included.
As for how to obtain a list of accessible account given a user's credentials, you can use the CustomerService.getCustomers endpoint for that purpose. Quoting the docs, it will "return details of all the customers directly accessible by the user authenticating the call."

Audience information for a twitter handle

Sorry if my question to too naive. But i wish to find audience level information for a particular twitter handle. Lets consider #BarackObama, i wish to find his followers by gender, age, language, location etc. I used python scripts in this link to achieve it.
I do have access to twitter ADS API but it still shows your application ID is not authorized when i try to run the scripts. Is there a special API or addition over Ads API to achieve this? can someone guide me as to how i can do this?
Those scripts use Twitter's enterprise (commercial) Audience API. This API does not enable you to access audiences for individual users, only aggregated data for large numbers of Twitter handles. Additionally, this is not a free-to-access API so you need to have an active enterprise subscription for this to work.
I'm not aware of any programmatic way to access this data, and particularly not for any organic account - the Engagement API enables access to Tweet engagements for the authenticated account, but you're not able to access that data for other users.

Sending Payments via QBO API

Is it possible to send payments via Quickbooks Online API?
We are looking to basically initiate a ACH transfer from the QBO Client's bank account to another account, not just record a transaction.
Is this possible? If so via which API / Method? I have been looking all over the QB Documentation and can't find a clear answer. Support calls say it's possible but don't give any direction where to get stated.
I have already registered as a developer, created an app and have been able to implement authorization and tokens and manipulate basic QBO Data, jsut need to figure out where or how to send payments if possible.
Is it possible to send payments via Quickbooks Online API?

Is there a D2L Valence API for SSO (Single Sign-on)?

Sorry, I'm just new with Valence API and I was reading all the forums and blogs of valence and have not seen anything or a code snippets on how this is done using Valence API. We have a Parent webapp (parents register and pay their school fees), from this webapp we want Parents to utilize the Parent Auditor functionality of D2L by allowing them to SSO using their credentials going to their Auditor homepage (by-passing D2L Login page). I was able to do with valence api to register/enroll them in D2L LMS as auditor role and their audittee (chidren). Can you provide a code snippets how I could do the SSO part after I enrolled them through valence api? Is there really such thing as SSO for valence?
We have something like this that is currently only available to internal apps. I will find out why it is restricted, and can find out what it would take to get it opened up.
