Send params{} hash to another method in same controller - ruby-on-rails

I am working on very complex and dynamic form where I do lot of calls to various methods to render partials depending upon values chosen for drop downs using jQuery. Problem is that after filling the form if it fails validation the form loses all the filled in values upon re-load. I got around this by sending some specific values from params{} hash to methods for my partials on re-load. But it is very cumbersome and I have large number of elements in params hash. How can send the whole params{} to another method in the same controller using jQuery?
Ok I tried this in my form:
$.post("/collections/show_selected_media_fields",{media_type: $("#collections_controller_ev0_media_id option:selected").text(), parent_form_action: "<%=params[:action]%>",ev0_manufacturer_id:"<%=params[:collections_controller_ev0].inspect%>", }, function(data) {$("#show_selected_media_fields").html(data);});
It produces following string sent as parameter:
Parameters: {"ev0_manufacturer_id"=>"{"client_asset_id"=>"", "status_id"=>"6", "server_
name"=>"", "media_id"=>"11", "serial_number"=>"", "evidence_number&quot
;=>"qwe", "notes"=>"", "model"=>"", "manufacturer_id"=>"69&quot
;, "interface"=>"SATA", "obtained_from"=>"wr", "evidence_type_id"=>"1"}
", "media_type"=>"Server", "parent_form_action"=>"quick_save"}
how can I convert this raw string to a hash in controller?
needs to be converted to
{"client_asset_id"=>"",... etc}
ok I tried Tom's method. That produces the params as a string in the following shape. I tried to convert it into hash by doing an eval on it. But it errors out.
{commit=>Save, ev1_current_location_id=>, collections_controller_ev1=>{file_system=>NTFS, obtained_from=>, evidence_number=>, interface=>SAT
A, size_unit=>GB, manufacturer_id=>, encryption_version=>, media_id=>3, size=>, evidence_type_id=>3, other_encryption=>, encryption_method=>
N/A, serial_number=>, model=>, encryption_key=>}, ev0_from_location_category=>, ev0_obtained_from_email_id=>, collections_controller_ev0=>{o
btained_from=>, evidence_number=>, media_id=>1, evidence_type_id=>1, status_id=>6}, custody_action=>Create, collection=>{acquired_by=>Amande
ep Singh, custodian_id=>12, matter_id=>58, location=>sa Nose, client_id=>11, software_version=>, collection_date_time=>Fri Nov 30 14:28:06 -
0800 2012, acquisition_method=>Direct Collection, notes=>, software_id=>1}, _method=>put, utf8=>Γ£ô, ev1_current_location_category=>, ev0_cu
rrent_location_category=>, add_working_copy=>No, ev1_obtained_from_email_id=>, authenticity_token=>3vyn6057DDIyfgTnbckeh5heRTIgcVBfxtY89Krfr
/c=, ev1_existing_artifact_type=>, ev0_from_location_id=>, action=>quick_save, ev1_from_location_id=>, ev1_from_location_category=>, ev0_cur
rent_location_id=>, controller=>collections}
using .to_json and HTMLEntities gem I have gotten to a point where I have the following string. I need to convert it back to params hash. How to?
{"utf8"=>"Γ£ô","collection"=>{"acquired_by"=>"Amandeep Singh","notes"=>"","matter_id"=>"58","software_id"=>"1","acquisition_method"=>"Direct
Collection","client_id"=>"11","custodian_id"=>"0","collection_date_time"=>"Fri Nov 30 15=>52=>12 -0800 2012","software_version"=>"","locati
on"=>"sa Nose"},"ev0_current_location_id"=>"","ev1_existing_artifact_type"=>"","ev1_obtained_from_email_id"=>"","custody_action"=>"Create","
========== edit==========
I am using the following in my view.
JSON( params[:collections_controller_ev0])
It sends following quoted string to my controller.
I convert it into valid JSON string as below using gsub('"','"'). The output is a VALID JSON string as validated by shown below.
JSON.parse works without error on this string but does not produce a properly formed hash. It produces following:
Can someone please tell me how to correct this?

Try <%=raw params[:action]%> and <%=raw params[:collections_controller_ev0]%> instead
I think it will work fine.
$.post("/collections/show_selected_media_fields",{media_type: $("#collections_controller_ev0_media_id option:selected").text(), parent_form_action: <%=raw params[:action]%>,ev0_manufacturer_id:<%=raw params[:collections_controller_ev0].inspect%>, }, function(data) {$("#show_selected_media_fields").html(data);});

params is basically a hash. So you can use .to_json on it. Then in your controller you can convert it from JSON to a hash with JSON.parse().
It's generally a much better idea to use JSON if you're going to be dealing with it in Javascript or HTML at all.

The method showed in my last edit works! it produces correct hash.


rails decode json cyrrilic string

I have such string example, which i get from json (cp1251):
Ôèëüòð ìàñëÿíûé OPEL/GM/DAEWOO
which mean:
Фильтр масляный OPEL/GM/DAEWOO
this tool say that i must use CP1252 → CP1251 decoder. I try it so:
but it didn't solve my problem. What i do wrong?
how could i convert to normall view my json cyrrillic string in RoR?
i get json from url so:
jsonAE = JSON.load(open('http://******/portal.api?l=*****&p=Sih2*****&act=price_by_nr_firm&nr='+article_nr+'&oe=true'))
from json i get:
{"result":[{"nr":"OC90","brand":"Knecht","name":"Фильтр масляный OPEL/GM/DAEWOO","stock":"-","delivery":"не известно","minq":"1","upd":"16.03.15 23:40","price":"130.34","currency":"руб."},{"nr":"OC90","brand":"Knecht","name":‌​"Фильтр масляный OPEL/GM/DAEWOO","stock":"-","delivery":"не известно","minq":"1","upd":"17.03.15 00:05","price":"130.34","currency":"руб."}]}
but it turn's to something bad with JSON.load
▶ puts 'Ôèëüòð ìàñëÿíûé OPEL/GM/DAEWOO'
#⇒ Фильтр масляный OPEL/GM/DAEWOO
The string in ruby is suspected to be utf8ed. So, the first action is to inform ruby that the string is actually in one-byte. Than we say “hey, don’t care, I know this one-byte is actually cyrillic.” And, finally, turn it back to utf-8.
Hope it helps.

Why does to_json escape unicode automatically in Rails 4?

Rails 3:
{"a" => "<br/>"}.to_json
=> "{\"a\":\"<br/>\"}"
Rails 4:
{"a" => "<br/>"}.to_json
=> "{\"a\":\"\\u003Cbr/\\u003E\"}"
It appears to be causing the error
Encoding::UndefinedConversionError: "\xC3" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8
When my Rails 3 app tries to parse JSON generated by my rails 4 app.
To defend against a common weakness in web applications. If you say in an HTML page eg:
<script type="text/javascript">
var something = <%= #something.to_json.html_safe %>;
then you might think you're fine because you've JSON-escaped the data you're injecting into JavaScript. But actually you're not safe: aside from JSON syntax you also have surrounding HTML syntax, and in an HTML script block </ is in-band signalling. Practically, if #something contains the string </script> you've got a cross-site scripting vulnerability as this comes out:
<script type="text/javascript">
var something = {"attack": "abc</script><script>alert('XSS');//"};
The first script block ends halfway through the string (leaving an unclosed string literal syntax error) and the second <script> is treated as a new script block and the potentially-user-submitted content within it executed.
Escaping the < character to \u003C is not required by JSON but it is a perfectly valid alternative and it automatically avoids this class of problems. If a JSON parser rejects it, that is a severe bug in the reader.
What is the code that is producing that error? I'm not convinced the error is anything to do with the <-escaping, as it is talking about byte 0xC3 rather than 0x3C. That could be indicative of a string with UTF-8 encoded content not having been marked as UTF-8... maybe you need a force_encoding("UTF-8") on the input?
You can retain the original string with JSON::dump:
JSON::dump "a" => "<br/>"
=> "{\"a\":\"<br/>\"}"
JSON::dump "a" => "x&y"
=> {\"a\":\"x&y\"}" # instead of x\u0026y
Use it with care for the reasons bobince mentions and particularly avoid it with any user-generated input (or at least make sure that's sanitized).
Here's an example I encountered where it's a legitimate use. Generating a JavaScript hash argument in a helper function:
# application_helper.rb
def widget_js(post)
options = {
color: ColorCalculator(post.color).to_rgb_hex,
"third_party_widget(#{JSON::dump options});"
I encountered this issue too and as others have mentioned, it's caused by using the ActiveSupport to_json method. To resolve, use the JSON gem directly with JSON.generate(data) where data is an Array or Hash. See for all JSON gem documentation.
Was having a similar problem with Rails 7 sending "<" in JSON output like:
..., "legend":[{"text":"<96.8%","color":"#FFAFFF"},{"text":"96.8% to 98.8%","color":"#E37DE3"},{"text":"98.8% to 100%","color":"#BA50BA"}], ...
from something like:
{entry: dataset.entry, legend: dataset.legend, ...
The "<" sign was showing up "legend":[{"text":"\u003c96.8%", ...
In my case `JSON.generate({entry: ...})` fixed the issue

JSON Parsing issue in Rails

I am seeing a strange issue in Rails.
Request Body (request.body):
JSON Parsed Params (params[:renewals]):
Notice in the JSON that the driver_1 information is missing on the last record. Not sure why this is. The data is in the request. Any known bug I am missing? Let me know if you need more info.
Unfortunately this is just how Rails parses JSON like this (where your [] is massively nested). I've come up against this before - gave some explanation.
From what I remember, if you can put in numeric keys rather than just [] (i.e. [1] for the first one, [2] for the second etc.) then it will work as you want it to.
So I figured it out. I needed to set the requestSerializationMIMEType to RKMIMETypeJSON.

Map object and nested object to model using Ruby on Rails

I have an object like
"Title":"Example title",
And I have a model with all of the keys.
UrlTo, Visited, FirstSeen, PrevVisited, Anchor, Type, TextPre, TextPost, Index, Rating, UrlFrom, IpFrom, Title, LinksInternal, LinksExternal, Size
I understand how to save this to the database without this bit below...
Not sure how to save it with a nested object as well.
I had a search on Google and SO and couldn't find anything, what is the correct way to do this? Should I move the nested object into the one above? I have no need for it to be nested...
Thanks in advance
it looks like you want to save links, so I would loop over the Result/Links in the json provided, and create a new hash based on the links.
I've pretended below that your json is in a file called input.json -- but you'd obviously just parse the text or use an existing JSON object
require 'json'
json = JSON.parse"input.json")
links = json["Result"].map do |result|
result["Links"].map {|link| link }
hash = {"Links" => links}
puts hash
This creates the object:
{"Links"=>[{"UrlTo"=>"", "Visited"=>1364927598, "FirstSeen"=>1352031217, "PrevVisited"=>1362627231, "Anchor"=>"", "Type"=>"Text", "Flag"=>[], "TextPre"=>"", "TextPost"=>""}]}

Can't turn array into a string error

I have a simple call
Which returns :
can't convert Array into String
This is because the Panda.get("/videos/#(self.panda_video_id}/encodings.json") call returns an array in the new Panda 1.0.0 gem.
I also tried :
This returns:
705: unexpected token at 'created_at2010/07/19 20:28:13 +0000video_id4df3be7b6c6888ae86f7756c77c92d8bupdated_at2010/07/19 20:28:30 +0000started_encoding_at2010/07/19 20:28:21 +0000id6e2b35ad7d1ad9c9368b473b8acd0abcextname.mp4encoding_time0encoding_progress100file_size513300height110statussuccesswidth200profile_idf1eb0fe2406d3fa3530eb7324f410789'
How would you turn the call at the top so that it returns a string?
does the following work:
panda_data = Panda.get("/videos/#{self.panda_video_id}/encodings.json")
if it doesn't what is the error output?
If panda_data is an array, panda_data.to_s is guaranteed to return a string
Not that anyone had a chance at this, but
Panda_Gem since -v=0.6 has made all Panda.[get, post, etc.] requests return a hash. So you don't need the JSON.parse anymore. Removing the JSON.parse allows it to work.
