I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to deploying and related things, so please be lenient.
I'm building a staging server for a bunch of hobby projects, and to do that, I'll need to
Support multiple Ruby versions
Support multiple running rails/other applications
Support multiple databases and related software
I also want the deploy script to allow deploying to production, if the day ever comes.
This background necessitates the use of RVM, Capistrano-multistage and Passenger Standalone (the other option being Mongrel, but as I wish to use Passenger in production, I figured it'd be safer to use Passenger in staging too). All of this makes deployment a little hairy.
I've gotten things cobbled together quite nicely, and everything else seems to work, but for some reason Passenger fails to start when commanded to do so from Capistrano. If I SSH into the box and type the command in myself it works nicely. What's wrong?
To aid you in your efforts to help me, here is a copy of my config/deploy.rb
set :application, "Appname"
set :repository, "path-to-git-repo-over-ssh"
set :scm, :git
default_run_options[:pty] = true
set :rvm_ruby_string, ENV['GEM_HOME'].gsub(/.*\//,"")
set :rvm_install_ruby_params, '--1.9' # for jruby/rbx default to 1.9 mode
set :rvm_install_pkgs, %w[libyaml openssl] # package list from https://rvm.io/packages
set :rvm_install_ruby_params, '--with-opt-dir=/usr/local/rvm/usr' # package support
set :use_sudo, false
before 'deploy:setup', 'rvm:install_rvm' # install RVM
before 'deploy:setup', 'rvm:install_ruby' # install Ruby and create gemset
require "rvm/capistrano"
require "bundler/capistrano"
require 'sidekiq/capistrano'
set :deploy_via, :remote_cache
set :stages, %w(staging production)
set :default_stage, "staging"
require 'capistrano/ext/multistage'
set :rails_env, lambda { stage }
set :startcmd, lambda { "cd #{current_path} && bundle exec passenger start -d -p #{passenger_port} -e #{rails_env} --pid-file=#{current_path}/tmp/pids/passenger.#{passenger_port}.pid #{current_path}" }
namespace :deploy do
task :stop do
run("cd #{current_path} && bundle exec passenger stop -p #{passenger_port}")
task :restart do
run("cd #{current_path} && touch tmp/restart.txt")
task :start do
after "deploy:update_code" do
run "(echo \"#reboot /bin/bash -l -c '#{startcmd}' >>log/boot.out 2>>log/boot.err # from capistrano \" && cat #{release_path}/crontab.#{stage}) | crontab -"
And here is config/deploy/staging.rb
set :deploy_to, "/var/www/appname"
set :user, 'app-specific-user'
set :password, 'super-secret-password'
set :domain, ''
server domain, :app, :web
role :db, domain, :primary => true
set :passenger_port, 1234
Well bloody hell.
On complete hunch, I removed the
default_run_options[:pty] = true
Setting from the file, and like magic it started working. Now if only someone would tell me why.
I need to understand why capistrano doesn't create the folder current. I'm using the following command : cap deploy:setup, cap deploy:check, cap deploy
But when i check in my app directory, i don't current folder.
This my deploy.rb
# Execute "bundle install" after deploy, but only when really needed
require 'bundler/capistrano'
# Automatically precompile assets
load "deploy/assets"
# RVM integration
require "rvm/capistrano"
# Application name
set :application, "app"
# Application environment
set :rails_env, :production
# Deploy username and sudo username
set :user, "ubuntu"
default_run_options[:pty] = true
ssh_options[:forward_agent] = true
#We don't want to use sudo (root) - for security reasons
set :use_sudo, false
#Target ruby version
set :rvm_ruby_string, '1.9.3-p374'
#System-wide RVM installation
set :rvm_type, :user
#We use sudo (root) for system-wide RVM installation
set :rvm_install_with_sudo, true
#git is our SCM
set :scm, :git
#Use github repository
set :repository, "git#github.com:.../CM.git"
#master is our default git branch
set :branch, "master"
#Deploy via github
set :deploy_to, "/var/www/app/#{application}"
set :deploy_via, :remote_cache
#We have all components of the app on the same server
server "", :app, :web, :db, :primary => true
namespace :deploy do
task :restart, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do
run "#{try_sudo} touch #{File.join(current_path,'tmp','restart.txt')}"
task :symlink_shared do
run "ln -nfs #{shared_path}/config/database.yml #{release_path}/config/database.yml"
run "ln -nfs #{shared_path}/assets #{release_path}/public/assets"
task :assets do
system "rsync -vr --exclude='.DS_Store' public/assets #{user}##{application}:# {shared_path}/"
after 'deploy:update_code', 'deploy:symlink_shared'
I don't understand where is the error, if someone can i help me ?
Thanks you
It could fail due to folder permissions also.
If the option
set :use_sudo, false
was not present when the first time cap was deployed, the current folder have sudo as the owner. When the user is changed, it might not have sufficient permissions to update the link.
I deleted the symbolic link and ran
cap deploy:create_symlink
This updated the symbolic link for me.
Capistrano creates a current symlink (not directory) as one of the last steps in it's deployment cycle, generally right before the application server gets sent a start/restart command. It cannot create that symlink before deploying as there is nothing to symlink to (no checkouts in /releases).
If it's still not creating the symlink, check your capistrano deploy logs for an error, it won't create the symlink if it has an error before making it to that point. And if there is an error, please post it in your question.
Now I must admit that I'm stumbling around in the dark a little bit as far as this deployment lark is concerned. I'll try and explain the situation best I can; I have set up a test deployment server and am trying to deploy my app to it with capistrano, however, I am encountering some difficulties surrounding my gems and their dependencies, as the error below shoes.
[mike-test] executing command
[mike-test] rvm_path=$HOME/.rvm/ $HOME/.rvm/bin/rvm-shell '1.9.3' -c 'cd /home/deploy/myapp/releases/20120910081544 && bundle install --gemfile /home/deploy/myapp/releases/20120910081544/Gemfile --path /home/depoy/myapp/shared/bundle --deployment --quiet --without development test'
** [out :: mike-test] Some gems seem to be missing from your vendor/cache directory.
** [out :: mike-test] Could not find log4r-1.1.10 in any of the sources
command finished in 9134ms
*** [deploy:update_code] rolling back
log4r isn't in my gemfile so I can only assume it's a (perhaps production only?) dependency of another gem. I don't know why bundler isn't downloading the gem and installing it if it can't find it? I put the gem in my gemfile, ran bundle install locally, and then committed and deployed again and got the same error but with a different gem this time (spreadsheet), so that appeared to solve the error in that case only, but doesn't identify the problem.
Something else to muddy the water, I'm trying to use RVM on the production server and despite reading a lot about it I'm still not 100% sure I get how it works, so that might be a factor.
My deploy.rb:
require "bundler/capistrano"
require "rvm/capistrano"
# SCM Settings
set :rvm_ruby_string, '1.9.3'
set :use_sudo, false
ssh_options[:forward_agent] = true
default_run_options[:pty] = true
set :branch, :mikedev
set :deploy_via, :remote_cache
set :copy_cache, true
set :git_enable_submodules, 0
set :repository, "our_git_repo.git"
set :scm, :git
set :user, :deploy
set :keep_releases, 1
set :application, "myapp"
set :deploy_to, "/home/deploy/myapp"
set :branch, "mikedev"
role :web, "mike-test"
role :app, "mike-test"
role :db, "mike-test", :primary => true
namespace :deploy do
desc "Restarting mod_rails with restart.txt"
task :restart, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do
run "touch #{current_path}/tmp/restart.txt"
[:start, :stop].each do |t|
desc "#{t} task is a no-op with mod_rails"
task t, :roles => :app do ; end
Any guidance would be much appreciated.
bundle install --deployment ... will not download any gems if vendor/cache is present. It'll look for gems just there. There are two options:
remove vendor/cache directory (even if it's already empty) from your VCS
or run bundle package and add all new files under vendor/cache to your VCS
The latter seems to be better option. In this way you protect your deployment from outages of rubygems servers.
I deployed my rails 3 app onto the production server using Capistrano. The deployment is correct, the application server is correctly restarted but when I log onto the production server and go into "my_path/current", I cannot run "rails c":
The program 'rails' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install rails
I checked the gem list and everything seems to be correctly installed though.
My config/deploy.rb file is:
require "bundler/capistrano"
# Add RVM's lib directory to the load path.
$:.unshift(File.expand_path('./lib', ENV['rvm_path']))
# Load RVM's capistrano plugin.
require "rvm/capistrano"
set :rvm_ruby_string, '1.9.3'
set :rvm_type, :user # Don't use system-wide RVM
set :application, "MyApp"
set :repository, "git#github.com:user/myapp.git"
set :scm, :git
set :branch, "master"
set :scm_verbose, true
set :scm_username, "user" # GITHUB user name
set :user, "user" # VPS user name
set :scm_passphrase, "pass" # VPS password
set :deploy_to, "/home/luc/be"
set :use_sudo, false
server "my_server", :web, :app, :db, :primary => true
# start / stop application server
namespace :deploy do
task :start do
invoke_command "cd /home/luc/be/current; bundle exec thin start -C config/thin.config"
task :stop do
invoke_command "cd /home/luc/be/current; bundle exec thin stop -C config/thin.config"
task :restart do
invoke_command "cd /home/luc/be/current; bundle exec thin restart -C config/thin.config"
Try bundle exec rails c. Also check what error, if any, is thrown when you visit the page in your browser
I'm having some trouble deploying a rails app to a VPS using capistrano. I'm running ubuntu 10.04, rvm, rails 3.2.2, and ruby 1.9.2, nginx, and passenger.
I tried deploying a test app with no problems, then tried doing everything with an actual app in pretty much the same way and now I've run into to trouble. I ran cap deploy:setup, cap deploy:check, cap deploy:cold without any errors.
Yet when I try to access the site, I get no response. I can't access static assets either. My nginx.conf file is pointing to the 'app_name/current/public'
The production.log doesn't give any hints either. It has pretty much nothing aside from some info about the asset compiling and migrations.
So I'm stumped. I thought I did everything the same way as I did with the test app when everything went smoothly but obviously I'm forgetting something. Let me know if there's any files I can post to help diagnose the problem. Appreciate the help!
my deploy.rb:
$:.unshift(File.expand_path('./lib', ENV['rvm_path']))
require "rvm/capistrano"
set :rvm_ruby_string, 'default'
set :rvm_type, :user
# Bundler
require "bundler/capistrano"
# General
set :application, "my_app"
set :user, "deploy_user"
set :deploy_to, "/home/#{user}/#{application}"
set :deploy_via, :copy
set :use_sudo, false
set :normalize_asset_timestamps, false
# Git
set :scm, :git
set :repository, "~/#{application}/.git"
set :branch, "master"
role :web, "app_name.com"
role :app, "app_name.com"
role :db, "app_name.com", :primary => true
# Passenger
namespace :deploy do
task :start do ; end
task :stop do ; end
task :restart, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do
run "#{try_sudo} touch #{File.join(current_path,'tmp','restart.txt')}"
nginx access.log shows lots of these:
[01/Jun/2012:11:23:11 -0400] "-" 400 0 "-" "-"
and error.log has these:
cache: [GET /] miss
EDIT 2: Not sure why but I realized I can access the assets in my app's public folder. What does it mean!?
Have you configured Nginx correctly? The virtual host's root must point to your Ruby on Rails application's public folder. The documentation for using Nginx with Phusion passenger may help. Try to examine the Nginx log files, access.log and error.log, probably they can be found in /var/log/nginx.
Im trying to deploy my application using Capistrano, but I get this error message:
`deploy:setup' is only run for servers matching {:except=>{:no_release=>true}}, but no servers matched
When running this command:
bundle exec cap deploy:setup
Here is my deploy.rb file.
set :application, "example.com"
set :repository, "git#github.com:username/repo.git"
set :use_sudo, false
set :scm, :git
set :web, application
set :app, application
set :db, application
set :branch, "master"
set :user, "webmaster"
set :deploy_to, "/opt/www/#{application}"
set :deploy_via, :remote_cache
set :domain, application
set :port, 2222
set :bundler_cmd, "bundle install --deployment --without=development,test"
ssh_options[:paranoid] = false
namespace :deploy do
task :start do ; end
task :stop do ; end
task :restart_stalker do
run "cd #{deploy_to}/current && thor stalker:kill && stalker:init"
task :restart, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do
run "cd #{deploy_to}/current && touch tmp/restart.txt"
after "bundler_cmd", "deploy:restart_stalker"
I'm using Rails 3.
You need to define some roles. E.g.:
role :app, 'myapphostname'
role :web, 'mywebhostname'
It seems you used "set" instead of "role", but you should confirm this before making the change.
Most people are probably using multistage with capistrano so you wouldnt put your roles in the deploy.rb, so if you have added environment specific roles in config/deploy/#env_name.rb then make sure to add these in your config/deploy.rb
set :stages, %w(#env_name1, #env_name2...)
require 'capistrano/ext/multistage'
and make sure the capistrano-ext gem is installed.
Seems that you've already set up your server with bundle exec cap deploy:setup.
If that's the case you should now run bundle exec cap deploy.
I'm going to leave an answer here that helped me that when none of the suggested answers here or elsewhere could help me - I spent days researching this issue before I found a fix.
Make sure that if using multistage that the environment specific config files (e.g. config/deploy/environment.rb) are the only files in the config/deploy directory. I had an environment, dev that I was unable to deploy too, turned out there somehow was a complete empty config/deploy/dev file that was getting loaded instead of my config/deploy/dev.rb file, causing every deployment to that environment fail with the posted error.