Launch Image Display Irregularities iOS5 / iOS6 - ios

I am testing my launch images, I depend on the positioning and aspect ratios of my launch images to be correct and consistent, because I perform some animations after the launch image disappears. I am getting inconsistent positioning / aspect ratios for the launch image. See results here:
First image is running on (iOS5), the second (iOS6).
Any ideas?

iOS5 shows the splash image SHRINKED to the space left below the status bar while
iOS6 shows the splash image OVERLAYED with the status bar.
Does your App show a status bar at all?
If it does not:
Verify you disabled it correctly in the .plist file and remove it from your splash image.
If it does:
Just remove it from the splash image. Your logo will be shrinked a bit on iOS5, but if you are lucky you can do your animation OS version dependenly to hide that issue.


White area on top and bottom of iphone x when using launch image

This question is NOT a duplicate of this: How to Add iPhoneX Launch Image
I have gone through the question there and all answers, and they do NOT address my issue!
I'm using launch images (not launch screen) for an iOS app, and have added a 1125 x 2436 pixel launch image for iPhone X. Problem is, when the app runs, the launch image isn't completely full screen, and the top and bottom white area is still visible. How can I make the launch image fully full screen ?

Launch Screen Storyboard

As LaunchScreen I want to have an exact image of the start page that appears right after the launch.
Therefore, I made screenshots of all resolutions of the start page, both portrait and landscape. Then I removed all fonts because I generate two variants of the app in different languages and the texts (e.g. in the buttons) are different. The launch screens should fit both variants.
In Images.xcassets I added LaunchImage and assigned all positions with the correct resolutions (for both, iPhone and iPad).
LaunchScreen.storyboard has an ImageView in the ViewController with the image name LaunchImage.
1 All launch images displayed are scaled even though the correct resolutions are available.
Only the portrait images are used, also for landscape, and therefore scaled and distorted.
on iPads only iPhone images are displayed, portrait version also in landscape, scaled accordingly.
On some devices (e.g. iPhone X), only a white or black screen is displayed at launch (portrait and landscape).
Under no circumstances will the correct launch screen be displayed.
On the image you see all relevant areas and the list of all used launch images.
What did I do wrong or miss?
I just followed another tip and deactivated "Clears Graphic Context" in UIImageView and changed the display to "Aspect Fit".
Result: The portrait launch image is still used in the iPad, but is no longer scaled and is now centered.
So the most important question now is why an iPhone portrait launch image is used for iPad in both directions.
If you are using a LaunchImage, you should set that image in the Target settings. Go to your target and under the General tab, set the Launch Images Source value to the image you have in your asset catalog:
Also delete the text LaunchScreen in the Launch Screen File field.

iOS Launch Image Confusion

I've read every post about launch images and I'm still confused about the status bar. I understand that iPad launch images should exclude the status bar and iPhone launch images should INclude the status bar. I can see that iPad image sizes have the size of the status bar knocked off, so that is no problem.
However, I included the status bar on my iPhone launch images, but when the app launches the actual device status bar appears to bleed through as though the status bar on my image as the launch image fades, which looks lousy.
My question is whether it would be acceptable to have the iPhone images be the correct size but to not actually SHOW the status bar in the image (i.e., in my case, it would just be plain white)?
This would create a better looking launch image in my case but I'm unclear on what Apple is wanting here. Thx.
Apparently, all launch images are now required to include the status bar, including the iPad. I suppose this changed with XCode5.
This has been a problem ever since iOS 7 introduced the see-through status bar.
You will have to write some code that creates a special initial interface of your app, so that it hides the status bar on launch and you can take the screen shot. (This seems, indeed, to be the strategy you are proposing.)
Either that or, as is sometimes possible, take the screen shot and then cover the status bar in Photoshop or similar with a rectangle of the correct color.
The problem is solved, or close to it, in Xcode 6, where you can make a launch image from Interface Builder directly based on the Preview of your interface that it provides. Since the launch image is usually a very rudimentary version of the interface, and since Xcode 6 lets you draw the preview details with prepareForInterfaceBuilder, it is usually possible to create a good launch image without bothering to write an alternate launch routine just to get the screen shot.
It's quite easy: Include the status bar region, but don't include the actual content of the statusbar. So for example the iPhone 5 launch image would be 640 x 1136 pixels.
If you have a non-solid statusbar background color you should use something like SDScreenshotCapture to take screenshots. This class creates a screenshot without the status bar content.

iOS launch image status bar showing over system status bar

I'm having an issue where it seems the status bar in my launch image is simply getting shown over the system status bar rather than getting cropped out. This results in a nasty jumbled look while the app launches (see below).
It's even worse on an actual device as the Carrier and battery icon are also overlaid.
This is the same issue as iOS Default.png status bar not drawn over; however, Xcode won't let me apply a launch image with the status bar cropped out as it's too small.
My images are all the correct size. I created them by saving screenshots from the iOS simulator. I wouldn't mind hiding the status bar during launch but this just shows the static status bar from the launch image.
Any ideas?
You shouldn't replicate the status bar in your launch image, I assume you are using a simulator screenshot as your launch screen.
To overcome that, open that screenshot in a photo editing app (as PhotoShop), and hide the status bar with a layer having its background color.
I FOUD THE SOLUTION ! Just add the source "" and then install the package "statusbarfix2" next you make a respring and everythings is good! it worked on 4, 4s, 5 and 5s :)

Splash screen runs then flashes the wrong random image before application starts

Not sure how to word this problem, but basically it lodes the flash screen for half a second (like I want - look at first image).
Then it flashes the splash screen upside down at the bottom of the screen just before loading the app. (look at second image).
How can I get rid of it displaying the second upside down image?
I am using Xcode 4.6.3 with Cordova 2.9.0.
I want to get rid of the image below from appearing:
Found a solution:
I needed the Initial interface orientation = Landscape (left home button) under the project info section.
I think it must have been loading the image for portrait then rotated it to try and make it match the landscape orientation therefore rotating the image.
