Deny read and browse source code on TFS 2012 - tfs

I am trying to set permissions on TFS 2012 so as to deny read and browse of source code for some users/teams. Until now I have succeeded on denying read but I cannot deny a user from browsing it. That means, the user can easily see the full tree of files and folders. I would like the user not to be able even to browse it!

Found the solution!
I finally managed to totally hide source code from specific group of users (although I allow them to see work items) by setting "Edit collection-level information=>Not Set" on "Project Collection Valid Users" in "DefaultCollection Groups".
Of course I had to manually deny every permission on the root ($) of source but I suppose this could work for any path you like.
After that I created areas and allowed on this group specific areas and everything goes perfect!
Alex, thanks for your support on that!

I would try removing access to project level information on the Project Settings, if that doesn't do it you may have to remove access to the project as a whole.
One thing I would caution though is using Deny, especially on groups of users. Removing allow is better than specifically denying when having groups of users.
For instance: User A maybe a member of Administrators, but also a member of contributors. As a member of Administrators he should be able to do the action of the security setting in question, but we don't want contributors to do it. If we remove allow from contributors, than the allow in Administrators would still work. However, if we deny the contributors the deny overrides the allow in User A's Administrator group and User A cannot do the action of the security setting in question.


TFS: How to set permissions per Work Item in a project?

Is there a way in TFS that user have permission to add Issue in a project and should not have permission to add/edit other work Items like User Story etc ??
is there any extension or utility to do this on TFS ??
You cannot restrict the editing of specific work item types. Permissions are controlled at the area path level. A user with permissions to create work items under an area path can create any type of work item under that area path.
No, there is no such build-in configuration. It's also not able to use any extension or utility to do this on TFS.
Permissions for work items are based on the areas/iterations where they occur, and are set through the dialogue that defines areas and iterations.
In other words, you are not able to set any permission either to a specific work item or work item type.
You could submit a user voice here, our PM will kindly review your suggestion.
There is only one out-of-box way to do this: Create child nodes, modify work items under an area path. You may try the following:
Create new team and area path for Issues Team Add a team, move from one default team to several teams.
Edit Security for the Root Area Path and restrict edit work items for the Issues Team.
Edit Security for the Issues Team Area Path and allow to edit work items for the Issues Team.
In this case, your Issues Team can create and edit any work items under Issues Team Area Path, but can not edit any other work items.

How to setup permission to single project on Jira

We have multiple projects but want to have single user to be able to see and work in just one project in Jira Software Cloud
It will be good to have new dedicated permission scheme. You may start by copy the default one:
Permissions can be based on Project Role or Group and depend on what will be your preference to manage.
If they are set on "Project role" as given on picture below if you is set to be in "Developer" role of certain project he will have browse permissions to it and each project that this permission scheme can be configured with users in certain roles and so these users will be the one granted with permissions
Target Project needs to be updated to use the new the new permission scheme .
It will be good to change default permission scheme to be more restrictive i.e. probably just user group admins to have access to projects that are using it.
Hope this helps!
The trick is to restrict access to all your projects apart from the one you want them to be able to see.
Then create a group that has permission to access the restricted projects.
Finally, add all your users to the group that has access apart from the single user that you want to restrict.
Create a new project role "Team member".
Copy the default permission scheme and replace "Application access - Any logged in user" with "Project role - Team Member".
Apply the new permission scheme to your project.
Add the user to the project under the role "Team Member".
Caveat: some permissions may be lost because of the "Any logged in user" permission removal which is sooo generic it hurts. So you need to check that existing users still have the access they expect. First step would be to add them to the project under the "Team Member" role.

Team Services permissions - how to prevent dashboard access but allow GIT/Code access

is it possible to allow access to Team Services GIT repo but not allow
We have a Project X which we want to allow a user to access teh GIT repo but not see workitems etc
i have created a Team within Project X which is currently just inheriting from "Contributors" - i would like to lock this Team down so that it only has permission to the GIT repo and nothing else
is this possible?
You could restrict access to resources that you manage in VSTS by setting the permission state to Deny through a security group/team.
You could deny the builds /Release and so on... For a comprehensive list of default groups and permissions, see Permission reference for Team Foundation Server.
For restricting users to see work items, you could deny the View work items in this node permission under an Area path:
View work items in this node
If you set the View work items in this node to Deny, the user will not
be able to see any work items in this area node. A Deny will
override any implicit allow, even for accounts that are members of
administrative groups such as Team Foundation Administrators.
More details please refer this link.

In TFS Online, How do I share a code branch with our customer

We have an enterprise customer that we have delivered a system for. It is part of the agreement for us to supply them with the source code of the latest release. We are using TFVC on TFS online, and we thought it would be easiest to give them access to our Main branch. But I have difficulties with only allowing them to access the code and nothing else. The user I am testing with, can see too much: I.e. things like dashboard, current team members etc.
Is it possible for me to only expose code from the Main branch and nothing else to an external user?
Giving access to TFS Main Branch out of Organization (AD) is not advisable considering security.. Instead consider giving source code into zip format there are lot of large file sending (FTP sites) are available..
Still for your request of restricting access to user have a look over this
you can consider replicating your part of source code into separate stream and give reader read only access to that stream.
Hope this helps... :)
Refer to these steps to set the permission:
Add user to your VSTS (Basic)
Remove this user from all group if you added
Go to admin page of a team project Version Control (Setting > Version Control)
Select a folder/branch
Click Add > Add User to add that user
Select the user that you added
Set Read permission to Allow
Go to Security page (click Security)
Click Create group to create a new group
Set View project-level information to Allow and deny other permissions for this group
Click Members of that new group
Click Add to add that user to this group
After that, this user can access the code (Just the folder/branch the user has the read permission) on web access (Code > Files).

TFS - Specialized Group has no access to Work Items

I created a tfs group that would work on a specific project located in a collection. Now we're using work items to track bugs etc, but that group doesn't have access to those work items via the Team Web Access portal. I don't want this group to have access to all the projects in the collection, just the one they are working on. But i need them to be able to access work items that come up.
Currently when they access the Team Web Access portal, they get message indicating there are no accessible team projects in this team project collection.
if they can access their code in the collection already, how come they can't see the work items, and how can i change that, but still limit what they see?
Ok, found what i was looking for after some time. for the benefit of the community here is where that hidden security setting is done.
For the new group, i needed to go under Team/Team Project Settings/Area and Iterations!!!!
Yes, this silly place to but a SECURITY button. If you go in there, click the security button on the bottom of the dialog, you will then see ALL the WORK ITEM related permissions.
EDIT work items in this node;
Manage Test plans;
View this node;
View work items in this node.
I needed to check all of these to ALLOW.
Again, seems like a stupid place to put these settings, than with all the other security settings via TEAM Project Settings. I hope they had a good reason for that.
They will need the View collection-level details permission added to their group (at the collection level). By default, the Project Collection Valid Users group has these permissions, so you can just add your group as a member of the valid users group.
